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What percentage of trannies are tops or willing to top?
Like 0. The .00001% that are, all have jobs in porn bc what every guy on earth wants is a beautiful woman with a pretty pink hole & a nice meaty cock to return the favor. This is why t-girls and bi men don’t mix. Bi guys just want to fully love all of them, and the girls, like all girls, have all these hangups about parts of themselves that make it a minefield. This species just cant get it right.
I top, but only if they let me wear my puppyhood and pretend I'm a feral werewolf.

That's my baggage.
Otherwise very few, even fewer if it's with men though.
me except i larp as a vampire or a feral cat
i would top but only if i was made to do it
actually a decent bit, my gf and i are both switches and like i know multiple others, you just have to like go outside and stop hanging out with exclusively discord trannies
I only top if I’m in love
the percent is probably low, but the number of trannies being as high as it is these days means theres still probably a lot of us
>I top, but only if they let me wear my puppyhood and pretend I'm a feral werewolf
So you rape them?
More black and latina tranners are down to top, in my experience.
the tranny agenda seems to want you to think that they all top other trannies when they're T4T. then they say that people who transition for the purpose of having sex are huge creeps.
after 2 years of hrt dick is broken. you have to massage testostrone into ur dick continously to maintain function. your fetish comes from porn where they inject steroids straight into penis.
You say you want us tops, but then we start doing top stuff like judging you and telling you what to do and you can't stand it. You subs are the problem you don't get tops.
I'm not sure, I'm willing to top guys and I have but a prefer to bottom. I'll still do it though
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For me its
Physical feeling: bottoming > topping
Mental feeling: topping > bottoming
Also I don't date men :3
I hate sex work and I love giving penetrative sex to my husband.
Topping women is much more boring than topping men, and topping straight guys is the best (being a slut is bad though).
Based. When you love someone you love every part of them desu.
5 years hrt and my dick works fine, sure it lost a bit of length, but I can still use it all day.
Yeah bottoming is objectively more physically pleasurable, but someone who gets more pleasure from giving (in all aspects of life), topping\domming is the most fun.
it's about 50/50
giving dorian electra
Yeah but only because most of them are transbians topping women
what's the link being putting your dick in someone ass and acting like a cunt exactly?
nah, the vast majority of vers/top are bi
>topping straight guys is the best
care to explain why? i've had multiple tranners hit on me saying the same thing i still don't really get it
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"Wah wah t-girls don't like bi guys"
Sorry, i can't hear you, i'm too busy pegging my bi-bf.
probably the only time i think a boymoder is based lol
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Im a top and im like a passoid nd quite femme, reason is i used to be an emo boy bf. I would never top a boy tho, rather have them put their hands on my waist or hips and treat me like a princess whos also a piece of meat.
>Im a top
>I would never top a boy tho
ok so you're not a top
Ik my post doesn't help my case, but i swing more towards topping girls than bottoming for boys.
tranners should take up pegging, that way they can cuck chasers out of the gock they want while sliding in on a trendy fetish cis women pretend to like
im a switch, like a real switch not "im a switch teehee" and i prefer to top depending on who my partner is. my sexual pleasure comes from my partner feeling good, not me, and my last 3 partners have all been theyfabs so im just used to topping.
gross fag
>topping straight guys is the best
Because it is as possible as finding a Unicorn in New York
I've got very lucky, the first girl I hooked up with took control of everything. It's ruined me really, nothing compares to that time.
>This is why t-girls and bi men don’t mix
The AMABs that fuck trannies are bi, what crack are you on?
Unless you're saying, "oh no, the bishits aren't marrying trannies, they're just chewing and screwing!!" Which is realistic. Because he could get a woman, not a transwoman, to spend his life with.

And then bang trannies on the side.
i'm switch
Most of the ugly ones, I will make an exception for my husband but yeah I guess when it happens I will be the only passing beautiful one. Sad that uglies took over this one thing.

>>futa lovers
i'm almost exclusively a top.
i only bottom for people i really like, and even them i'm a powerbottom.
thankfully not many
all their dick is for is to leak and slap their tummies while i make fun of it
I wanna fuck a cute twink, otherwise bottom
>I wanna fuck a cute twink
what makes these cuties so special that you wanna fuck them?
ehhh maybe I'd top a guy but doubt it, just not into it
I don't know, I think the idea just turns off the part of my brain that worries about labels and I just indulge in how gay it is. And how cute they are.
there's more bottoms than tops, and tops always got shamed and called gay, which is funny because on the other side of the spectrum, some people think a dude fucking a dude isn't gay, but getting fucked is. there's less tops because society is retarded. however, there's more top trans girls now because the whole "dommy mommy" thing took off, so a lot of trans tops can come out of the woodwork. i'm a bi masc male, my girlfriend is a bi male to female trans woman, we're both 33 and have been together for 10 years, and she's done maybe 70% of the topping. we've also been good friends since we were 12, and were looking at porn, and doing each other since then too. we've always been outsiders looking in, because what we do in the bedroom has always been completely normal for us.

tl;dr; there's more bottoms than tops, but there's a lot more tops today.
being a trans top seems weird

it's hot as fuck but ejaculation and cumming like a man kinda sucks
You know that you can get a strap and peg cute boys right?
How does being topped feel for you as a man psychologically and physically?
ton of trannies want to top us for some reason, not complaining tho
>ejaculation and cumming like a man kinda sucks
i know who you are, fucking repper
So, I have to decide, should I act out on my sexual desires to bottom for trannies or should I forget it and just stick with women.

Apparently trannies are rare, beautiful semi passing trannies are rarer and beautiful semi trannies who like to top are the rarest.

Is it worth to risk losing my attraction to cis women and being mainly attracted to trannies?
I read multiple times that once you fuck with a tranny there is no going back
i love it. besides just the raw pleasure of sex with someone you love, in a taboo form, being a big muscular guy and fully surrendering to someone else always feels intense. it's the same for her as well. according to the norm, she should be a guy, and as a woman, she should be getting fucked, not fucking. that aspect alone, even after decades of sex together, amps the whole thing up. it's "wrong" and that's what makes it so amazing.
>Is it worth to risk losing my attraction to cis women and being mainly attracted to trannies?
>I read multiple times that once you fuck with a tranny there is no going back
my attraction to, and sexual engagement with trans women hasn't affected my attraction to cis women at all. if you get fucked by a trans girl, and it immediately makes you lose your attraction to cis women, that's entirely on you.
I am a OCD autist and to obsess over things for example sexual obsession. I think I would get obsessed with tranny tops
I am not able to top physically (there is no penis) but I wish I could
*tend to obsess
if they do it for you, by all means be obsessed with them. i'm obsessed with my trans girlfriend in every way, but we both still have the natural desire to eat and slam pussy. being able to do that with your lover is incredible, by the way.
based and wholesome relationship
>fucking repper
is that what you call me now?
god i feel sick imagining what kind of greasy sweaty scrote hands obviously typed this
do u think there will ever be more tops than bottoms? what do u think would happen if there was (assuming not enough vers tops to act as bottoms for a 50/50 ratio)
Pre-trans I was a gay top, but as a tranny I'm more of a vers top, I still prefer to top and maybe let the guy smash a few months into a relationship, if I feel like he's worth his shit. I'm into muscular guys, I used to be one of those fit4fit fags. I still like working out, but obv don't lift as much as I used to, not even close, I'm like >60lbs lighter now.
But these days I choose to abstain because I'm not interested in hookups due to my lower libido, a guy I'm with has to work to set the mood right, and you just don't get it with hookups. And dating isn't worth it for me atm.
a fit tranny top? based honestly
but why do you say dating isn't worth it for you?
>I still prefer to top and maybe let the guy smash a few months into a relationship
that's so based. pounding ass for months before you decide the guy is allowed to use his cock. one of my favorite power dynamics with my trans gf is when she smashes, it's bareback, and i wear a condom. when i smash, i wear a condom.
I as a poor bottom leaning vers in a purple state im never going to find a top leaning verse trans gf
My trans gf said once she wanted to top me, so we did it.
Dick is well above average, it was painful and i barely endured- the pose was difficult and my rectum wasn't trained enough for the occasion. She liked it though so it wasn't for nothing although i took some damage.
We haven't done it since but i'd do it again for her if she asked.
Not enough!!!
>a fit tranny top? based honestly
Kinda, but not really since I'm a hon, lol.
>but why do you say dating isn't worth it for you?
Because I have infinitely more serious shit to deal with atm, so there's no point in wasting time on relationships that will end in a breakup anyway. That's just how dating among immigrants from different countries works, or doesn't work should I say, lol.
>Because I have infinitely more serious shit to deal with atm
oh right, make sense, still kind of sad to hear tho
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It is what it is, sadly. But thanks for your kind words.
but considering what you said and that image, i'm guessing you're that girl living in thailand right? lol
i wouldn't say you're really a hon honestly
I only top fem, masc bottoms are disgusting (hope you all die)
what about acts fem but looks masc?
I switch with my girlfriend, so I guess I top? <.<
Y-yeah, that's me. I don't pass, so I'm a hon, I'm just not ugly, but an attractive hon is still a hon. It is what it is for some of us...
t4t, I top my gf sometimes. it's more about making her feel good than what i get directly. it's so fucking hot watching her go insane on my dick, even if i'm struggling to stay hard
Topping straight guys is the best because they're the ones that'll need the most "conquering" to put it simply.

Since our culture has brainwashed men to think getting fucked and being any close to "gay" is pretty much worse than death for a man, which makes turning a straight guy into your bitch the most exhilarating thing.

Women on the other hand want to be your complete bitch, as long as you're confident and dominant (biggest attraction factors next to height) they want you to CNC them. If a woman doesn't want that it's almost always because she's not attracted enough to you. So yeah this why women are boring to fuck, they're whores and there's always someone who they'd be more of one with, but with straight guys you have to make them into whores, and they'll only be one for you.
i see, good to know i guess
i know a trans girl that tops and escorts, and she told me nearly all of her clients are married men, and exactly 0 of them want to top.
I'd top like crazy but my dick is like 4in now. another cruel trick from the universe when you see mtf with 7in nuclear weapons that want nothing more than to get rid of them. I am also a capital S switch though I would not be able to only top in a relationship or in life, only that while doing it I would probably enjoy it.
I want to go feral top mode on cis women
No no, this is what I want from the woman who fucks me. Take over my life and exploit me, it's what we both want.
As a gay man I have to say, I love being converted to straight sex by trannies. By far the roughest sex I've had is from a sexy tranny passoid who called me a faggot and said she'd fix me with her cock.
i happily top because I enjoy the sounds people make when I'm pounding their guts
I always preferred to top but then the little dick ran out and pretty soon I had a pussy, so now I have to bottom
Riding from the top? Lol
Oh no I think I know her :( or at least someone who looks like her
im willing to top for the right price and while i wont show it i actually wont like it at all and will look down on you and loose all respect for wanting to get topped if you are a man
Skill issue
ground delphinidae
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i top exclusively but only women trannies or twinks or femboys.
i'm a cute bi guy and have gotten topped by hot trans women many times. skill issue as usual, faggot
rain cringe as usual
Hang on. I think I've figured it out. The "Trutrans" fags who get mad at girls who top and don't let bottom dysphoria get in the way of them using their cock are just piss baby losers who can't get it up. Or have like micro Ds. It's literally that you've got performance anxiety and you're making it a part of your identity as a cope. You're the truest betas of all. Pathetic.
can confirm, i've never topped my bi boyfriend in almost 2 years
> after 2 years of hrt dick is broken.
im 3 years in and just fucked my gf for like an hour...
stop spreading lies
I wish i was never born and im too chicken shit to kill myself so i guess both of us can go fuck ourselves huh
You're a woman
I think i may be a top for feminine people and a bottom for masculine
sadly i have never been with a girl more feminine than me so i have never had the chance to even get hard while having sex
Incorrect answer
you absolutely are
you cant be more cringe than a "man" wanting tranny dick
Switch4switch supremacy
How do people even remember me? I'm not trip and don't post all that often.
>i will never have a pussy for a futamaxxer gf to use as her sleeve
why even live?
t. tranny
because you're one of the nicest person on here
I'd top if a guy spoiled the everloving fuck out of me.
With a strapon I would but never, ever ever with my cock. gross.. I cannot wait to get SRS
Loads of irl trannies top, its just on here theyre averse
Absolute bs
Twelve years post orchi, I woke up with an erection.
i am the bearer of the curse
bearer of the curse... seek souls
there's a difference between letting it happen and seeking it out
seems pretty common from my experience
Ok. What are you some little pooner gay boy? This will be easy, I could easily wrap someone like you around my finger.
I always lol at dudes on fin who claim that their dicks died. That's like how the whole fin syndrome pseudoscience bs started. Meanwhile there's trannies literally without balls and with T levels on the low end of the female range who get erections and still can penetrate (I had a fren who was a post-orchi top) without any major issues.
>>36328883 i top but only if I'm with someone who has a pussy OR if it's someone who's really pathetic to the point where i don't have the courage to ask them to let me be the bottom
I'll "top" a woman or another tranny but a man on his back or knees is disgusting.
a man pretending to be a woman is disgusting in the same vein, faggot
may I ask you guys how you got comfortable with bottoming? The most I can bear in me are 1 or 2 fingers at best.
tranny bottoms are weak. sub/service tops are where it’s at imo. best of both worlds.
>I think i may be a top for feminine people and a bottom for masculine
>sadly i have never been with a girl more feminine than me so i have never had the chance to even get hard while having sex
The last part is insane.
Are you sure you like men?
>I'll "top" a woman or another tranny but a man on his back or knees is disgusting
It's like you're admiting you barely like men's bodies and that you prefer women a lot more.
push through the pain and ascend lol
seriously though it gets better
you could have waited a bit more before bumping the thread lol
but this thread is nice, always interesting to see what the top girl are into/think
Kinda have to stimulate your prostate along the way, it gets you in the mood. Like, since you're new and so tight, just use your thumb for the sake of convenience, it's easy to just press down while sliding in and out, and you'll hit the prostate.
I mean this is interesting data but I really can't shake off the feeling how unattractive and gross would it befor a grown man (like me) to bottom like that. It just seems fundamentally unright to the point where I'd be willing to perform any king of other ritual to sidestep it. Like at the very very very max I'd be willing to 69 but that's kinda pushing it. Am I unreasonable in thinking this?
What makes it worse is that I am a kind of a switch so I'd be willing to perform any other role but it does seem restricted.
just sounds like you're insecure bro
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low, veryyy low
im a dedicated top tho (like actual assfucking and being dominant)

ive decided to stop persuing men though, as my type in men is insanely rare and i deeply distrust them
>as my type in men is insanely rare
what type do you seek out? just curious
the type that is obviously bisexual (masc alternative men, moustache, maybe colored hair, weird nieche interests) but turns out they are all bipedos and predatory manipulators.
I cant even provide images because they are so rare in nature but i met a 6'3 foot guy while clubbing last weekend that i thought was kinda hot.
>turns out they are all bipedos and predatory manipulators
thought you would say they all have agp but good luck finding such one
the only guy i ever wanted to settle down with trooned out years later lol
coming from a dude build like a twink so my experience is maybe not how it is in general but i've know dozens of trannies and most of them were vers
A tranner switch gf is perfection

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