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/lesgen/ is the lesbian general for all lesbian and bisexual women, cis or trans, to discuss lesbian relationships and topics.

>QOTT 1: What lesbian couples in media or irl are your goals? Which are most like you and your gf?
>QOTT 2: Favorite day trip places and activities?

tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/%2Flesgen%2F
discord: https://discord.gg/4SSuWbr9Dd
old thread: >>36319266
tfw khhv
back to lagogen I guess :(
lago lago lago
I want srs so bad but my girlfriend likes my penis a lot even though it's small and useless. What do I do?
i need to kiss her under the moonlight in the park
jordan has the morals of an alley cat
Im a big jordan fan and love how messy she is. Would totally be friends with her but never give her any personal info
meet me by the park bench at midnight
no cops
im a jordan respecter
im a lucy lover
im a stacker attacker
genuine question, are you ladies sexually attracted to feminity, female bodies, any female regardless of body/feminity, or vag? Or is it something else??
attracted to femininity and mostly vaginas. passing trannies with penis I'll still be with but I don't think a penis is attractive at all but it's not something that is repulsive to me. it's just kinda unattractive and ugly to me but I can work around it for sex. I don't top though and don't like anal so sex for me is mostly oral

t. transbian
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Feminity is what I crave.
In any and all forms, so long as it is.
I think I prefer dick though.
femininity in a mostly full-spectrum way
girldick is based however i am now firmly in my "i chase cis women" mtf top arc
im attracted to women's feet
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My gf wants me to girlmode at a public event next week and I am terrified. She says Im cute but Im scared shes just GAMP
she probably is, and you probably should anyway
Once more I cry out into the void for a cis Asian girlfriend.
would you settle for a trans asian girlfriend
my wife has a body that greek sculptures would say was inspired by the artistry of the muses
she is divine feminine incarnate and i love every bit of her
comedian gamedev gf...
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another friday in which i stare at a wall all day and dissociate because no one wants to talk to me
i'm having so much fun :)
I'd break up with a girl before I girlmoded for her, unless I passed then I'd do it.
>YWN date charlotte for a few years make her financially and emotionally dependent on you then force her to girlmode and leave her no other options

why even live bros
I work full time I wouldn't be financially dependent on anyone... Emotionally probably possible in the past but nowadays I just want a normal not mentally ill relationship with someone who loves me (aka a fantasy)

I used to think cishet relationships were magically more stable but jfc they're all open relationship freaks too
I’m a lesbian because I’m attracted to women/the female sex, feminine or not. Just as long as they look like women. I love pussy and my thoughts on penis ranges from aversion to “aww” at poking and looking at.
lago confirmed for locking her bunnys up in a cage
I'd like to talk to you :)
Do you have reddit? I'm Saytothegod2004 if you want to add me there
Noooo. It just looks cute when soft in underwear. Like a puffy pussy.
omg lago stop you're making me blush
Vag is yucky... Neovag seems interesting but srry girls are supposed to have penis
I think you are just into feminine men at that poin
i need to fingerbang her while i suck on her neck and bite her ear
Misgendering trans women is yucky...
But I'm generally attracted to any feminine soul :) sex and stuff isn't so important for me I just want someone who makes me feel safe.
i wish i had a nice body so i could use it to obtain goods
I'm not misgendering trans women lol

it just seems like your sexuality is androphilic but you like feminine presentation
to phrase this better I believe trans women are women, but this post lead me to believe your sexuality is misattributed to women and is in actuality just androphilic but you enjoy feminine presentation
Idk :3 it doesn't really matter right?
I like who I like I dont think too hard about it
I agree Im just autistic and like to yap
fair enough anon sorry for assuming you might be transphobic there's just a lot of that here sometimes...
>there's just a lot of that here sometimes
the call is coming from inside the house
wdym :)
broke up with my girlfriend a week ago and blocked her on everything. she keeps coming to my house even though I don't want to talk to her. What do I do?
Threaten to call the police ig.
how did you break up with her?
maybe you need to be more direct/clear about your intentions
Okay so you are a lesbian, not a kolprophile.
I said "I don't want to date anymore and think we should both see other people instead. don't contact me again" and blocked her. she tried to open the relationship and I wasn't comfortable with that so I said that. I don't know how much more clear I could be.
>But I'm generally attracted to any feminine soul :)
Tops that don’t voice train are not exactly the most feminine souls…
Hmmm okay sweaty-
i never said i was a feminine soul!
Tops with fem voice but use their lower, masc voice to when domming....
Nobody wants a manmoder hon with untrained voice who tops...
would you date a bi cisf?
nta but yes
I just moved to a new city but I’ve been getting no matches on any dating apps, is it over??
I’m sorry anon
thank you for reminding me this board is unusable outside of generals
>dodging the question
im more violent rahhhhh
how violent :3
like when my dog gets a pair of my socks and starts whipping his head side to side really fast because his little wolf brain thinks he's killing his prey
im drier than the sahara
Jordan needs to get a fucking grip and make things right.
ftm lesbians are welcomed here, right?
wait you're telling me this is something i don't have to worry about?
get the operation women don't have penises
How do I get a gf as an autistic cis woman
find another autistic cis woman and stop being racist
Yes any kind of lesbian is valid
are you into autistic trans women
i NEED to kiss her under the moonight oh my GOD
You meet half my qualifications. Have you tried being Asian as well?
>What lesbian couples in media or irl are your goals? Which are most like you and your gf?
Uhhh idk I have a hard time thinking of lesbian couples in media or IRL.

>Favorite day trip places and activities?
Beach, anything in the city, museums, aquarium, gentle hiking, amusement park.

>are you ladies sexually attracted to feminity, female bodies, any female regardless of body/feminity, or vag?
All of the above yes, I also like dick

>tfw no cis girl who will go aww and poke and look at my dick

No because men can't be lesbians

Women with dicks are the cutest
>What lesbian couples in media or irl are your goals? Which are most like you and your gf?
I mostly jerk off to Pomni these days
incredible post, no notes
get it and don't listen to your shitty gf
>i want to get a tumor removed so bad but my girlfriend likes it a lot
dump her???
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No. It’s literally in the OP.
good morning lesbians, yesterday i saw a 60ish years old cis man complaining about hipsters and i think maybe society has kind of lost track of what's important maybe...
didn't hipsters stop existing in 2017?
Fuck why am I such a coward why didn't I just spill how I felt the second day I saw her why am I drawing this out why can't I take a real risk with her
goodness gracious women are so pretty
just will never get over it arrghh
ykno, the annoying semantic arguments bore me so much i might just stop identifying as a lesbian
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matcha belongs with chocolate
god I love matcha ice cream
miss my gf so much
For me, no you don't
For other people, depends, usually you have to train it
i dont even fucking know babe but im convinced the reason he complained about hipsters is because he was a hipster before people called them hipsters and everyone still thought it was cool to be a hipster, that's always how it goes
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need… domestic bliss…
matcha with dark chocolate is sublime >.<
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YES, I love dark chocolate. I had the ice cream with Nutella earlier and that was way too sweet. I wonder if the cheap matcha powder I got will be any good with the chocolate protein powder I have… probably not, but I’m gonna give it a try. Currently obsessed with matcha everything.
goodnight lesbians
i hope tomorrow is better for everyone that needs a good day
Thanks anon, I could really use one
I hope you have a good day too
I need to make her cum and moan into my mouth while we're making out
is it okay to make a rule that my bi gf can't read straight romance novels any more? makes me uncomfortable desu, heterosexuality is gross.
If I had a girlfriend, even a bishit, I'd let her fuck everyone she wants. Not like I was gonna be of any use to her sorry ass anyways…
dont you have femininity to protect? like, somewhere else..?
So real....
why do we even have an energy and causally linked climate crisis, you only need a dirty sock and an old cpu cooler to generate 0.4 micro volts, surely there's enough dirty socks around to make this works somehow
Girls with umessy roms are built for relentless topping and loving
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i cant lurk in this thread anymore you guys give me butterflies talking about all this stuff
I try my hardest :), glad you like it
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>umessy roms
i do not follow
Messy rooms*
i see; thanks for the clarification, doesnt seem to be what most people are doing with me but that's eh
hey if my girlfriend comes from a very rich family and I'm poor and have been since I was a young kid and I feel like her parents wouldn't like me because I can't fit in in more formal settings like that would I be an asshole if I said I didn't want to meet her family? she really wants me to but they won't like me at all. I'm immature and low class and stupid.
Awwh, are you okay?
This is such a timeless story anon lol so many novels and movies and blah blah throughout time are based on this exact dynamic. The key is actually being your low class self and to not try too hard to emulate how you think a rich person would act. You'll come across disingenuous. Be polite, be self assured, don't hide your clueless and provincial self. They'll find you very charming trust me contrary to popular belief rich people are usually nice.
it's not really as simple as fiction. I'm a burn out loser and was destined that way from the start. I don't believe rich people are nice when I see how they've treated my family members and the fact, even middle class people bullied the shit out of me all my life. I'm also not looking to be looked down on like that by anyone. I don't want to meet them at all. they won't be proud of their daughters girlfriend and at best could tolerate me. I'm not being in that position.
sorry I fell asleep now I'll never find love
im dying squirtle xdd
Wow your attitude stinks anon what a disappointment. You're far more likely to blow it by being a weird sourpuss around her family then just being lower class. Don't you trust your gf to have your back when she's introducing them to you? I doubt she would let you walk into some kind of jackpot situation like if her family was nuts or hated poor people or whatever.
again best case scenario is they'll tolerate me and still look down on me. I know about them from her and they're big on wanting her to make them proud and be successful and be with someone successful. this isn't just unfounded. I just don't like that kind of person and don't want to meet them. I'm not worried about what I should do in this situation because I know I'm saying no to it. just asking if people think it's a dick move.

I don't care if she sticks up for me or whatever I'm not being a zoo animal
uhm sorry sweatie but the non-deterministic behavior of tubulin due to quantum effects means that hard determinism probably isn't true
fine then I stayed a failure by my own volition and was born a failure. who cares
obviously you care, otherwise why reply
What do you mean best case scenario? Like you'd know. You're making weird sour assumptions to idk affirm your negativity I guess. And you're asking us a fake question, you already know it's shitty to refuse to meet your gfs family. If you see yourself in a long term relationship with your gf how can you avoid them? Don't be a weirdo nigga
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Wydag who gets extremely stressed out when she has an appointment and angrily grunts at her phone in the train saying "fuck you!! Fuck YOU" WHEN THE PHONE IS BEING A WHORE OF A WHORE AND NOT WORKING BECAHSE ITS SO HOT AND INTERNET PROVIDERS ARE LITERALLY GOBLINS

Yea i make people around my uncomfortable sometimes... but at least they dont make eye contact because theyre scared im a crazy that might hurt them.. im not.. im just a galboss who is being pushed to her limit ahaa gimme a break ehh...
>how can you avoid them
how would I not be able to? we already agreed we're not getting married and I can just not go to her family events. I don't think it's shitty to not do something you don't want to desu.
hello lesbians happy saturday link me chords of a song and ill play and sing it without listening to it first you got like uh maybe 2-3 hours or so idk i probably wont say either but like if youre early enough i guess ill probably do it any
Just letting you know this is like textbook shitty poor person mentality. Seriously anon you are acting like a dumbass petty ignorant poor person why the fuck would anyone want to be around you. Annoying idiot.
wow you're right you are immature
>hmph well I don't want to wipe my ass and I don't think im being shitty for not doing something I don't wanna do. I don't care if it stinks I don't care if I live in a society with people all around me who smell me. I don't care if it's unhealthy. If I don't wanna do it I shouldn't have to do it.
okay let's just say you "have to" go into a situation where you know everyone there will at the very least be mildly homophobic/transphobic and obviously judging you and treating you weird, but you have to be polite. Is this something you'd want to go through or would you opt out?
can't relate to having a family or the girl i love having a family in that kind of way. to be real, i can't imagine dating someone upper class in a way where family events actually even matter. but if you've never met her parents before i think sucking it up and being polite is what you should do. if it goes bad then whatever who cares your relationship with her is yours lol unless she's some kind of literal heir or something but in that case your relationship probably wouldnt work anyway
>Would you do literally anything irl around other people or would you opt out
I'm not a pussy so yeah. I talk to different types of people all of the time. I don't have some weird chip on my shoulder that is keeping me from social situations.
i want to ban her from showering
she is an heir to a lot of money and a fairly big business and a few properties. Why would this mean it can't work out though?
my shower doesnt even work
it's heiress you lowclass idiot if you had two braincells to rub together you would be schmoozing with the family at dinner party and talking shop $$$
crazy stuff. there's no real reason it *can't* work out, it's just that you'd be giving up a lot of your own priorities for her & sort of already are juggling it. you're not interested in doing stuff with her family because you have preconceptions about what it'll be like (and i don't blame you lol), but clearly family is important to her and will continue to be if she has a lot riding on it so i dono how that'll work out in the future. it's not impossible to be disconnected from it . i'd probably just talk to her about it thoroughly & about your concerns especially if i were you
lol'd at this post humans never change even 1000 years ago we were doing this shit
she likes me cuz I do drugs and am stupid and look very rough. I don't think her parents are gonna like that.
okay dumbass now maybe figure out how to stumble your way into money and not fuck it up because of your gay emotional bullshit
>i'd probably just talk to her about it thoroughly & about your concerns especially if i were you
I kind of tried to but she started crying and said it upset her that I think I'm not good enough and I ended up caving and saying I'll meet them eventually when I really don't want to.

she's not very stable emotionally compared to me so it's kind of hard to have these talks where I say something serious.
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buying colorful makeup again because she wants me to bimbomax
Just do it. What would you be doing otherwise? Smoking weed and jacking off? Dude..
but I got enough money for drugs and booze and video games already and I'm happy with that. I don't need more, I like living like a roach girl.
you are one stupid fucker my friend
>what would you be doing otherwise? smoking weed and jacking off?
probably not but that would still be more enjoyable than sitting there and being judged for hours and wearing some outfit and shoes she bought me before this
It should be illegal to be so boring
my goal in life is to be happy and comfortable. I am both of those and I have many friends. I don't see a reason to do something like that when I'm already happy how I am.
r u the major?
does not seem like this sort of thing will last but i get wanting to keep trying. if you're uncomfortable with it its your call. if it were me and i had too much love for someone that really made me not care about my own shit then i'd still think its worth it, even if it might feel bad, just to make her feel good. not the end of the world if things don't go well anyway. it's just people at the end of the day
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Is this accurate?
ohh perfect anon you have all your little things you like you don't have to do anything else now cuz you already have your favorite things. damn if it wasn't for this dumb bitch gf trying to include you in her family your life would be lukewarm perfection
>r u the major
I'm not really sure what that means

I just don't want this to ruin my happy simple life really. I don't tend to do stuff that sucks ass and last ex's parents I met we broke up a day later because they told her I was a loser (true) and they weren't even close to as rich as her.
she's not a dumb bitch, I do love her, it's just a very different thing and I don't want the "oh what do you do for work" talk (it's not impressive) or the "oh you only have an associates degree" and belittling me when I had to work a lot to get where I am and I'm just happy and content with it undisturbed.
yeah you're a dumb bitch
yeah she likes me cuz I'm stupid and a loser I already said this
>we broke up a day later
sucks. i don't think it'll ruin anything if you have satisfaction elsewhere. its cool to be happy with what you have but you shouldn't be afraid to take a leap for someone you care about either.
though, to be real with you, i'd be jaded too if someone who i expressed love to valued me so little that they'd break up over what their parents said. i wouldn't bother with them or anyone like them ever again lol. that is like high school stuff really
tbf me and my ex were only 20 then (I'm 21 now) my gf is like 5 years older than me so maybe it'll be different
yeah absolutely just go for it. you'll get some nice food out of it :D
we're in the wastes out here but it'd be cool to share the hot & dry with somebody else over a shitty burger or something
yeah maybe you're right and her moms home cooking is really good and she already sent me some of it. I think I will go. I'll just be back here in a week to whine about it if it goes poorly.
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awesome great stuff anon i believe in you i think it'll go great you got this
looking forward to it!!
as a piss poor bitch who went to a not-really-old-and-not-that-much-but-still kinda "old money" school in central europe with a stipend, the people that actually realize they are well off are usually pretty chill about class divides - they're still bougie but they'll entertain you if you can cope with that
the ones that get pissy about someone being poor? those are the ones that invite a big group somewhere lavish and then send everyone a bill in private afterwards because of course they didnt mean "i pay for it"-invite
tfw it took having straight sex for me to realise i'm a lesbian
at least you didnt have to get married and pop out three kids to realize
if i could have kids i would just bend over and let a man fuck 9 out of me at least, no matter the pain of vaginal tears or contractions.
that is both outsandingly stunning and marvelously brave of out
D-d-d-does a-anyone...w-want a friend.....h-haha..

also unrelated/

Wydag who plays warthunder and wants to info dump on warthunder even though she is a noob in the game.. WOULD YOU?!
Pregnancy literally seems like a cosmic horror to me. Can u fucking imagine ur body deforming for this hecking parasite and it gets worse, your biology makes u LOVE IT, wtf. The natural reaction should he to stab ones womb again and again to avoid such a horrible thing.

Cis women are LITERALLY. Mentally ill by default. Proof in za pudding.
>LITERALLY. Mentally ill by default
me irl
why are transbians so violent
In case of an investigation by any federal entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here, probably added by a third party, I do not support any actions by the members of this group.
how morally justified is it to try and groom you're bf into transitioning if they'd probably pass and you're gay
your mother failed you
I deserve a gf who isn't mentally ill...
Or poly...
morally correct thing to do. escape straightness and save her soul immediately
I will kiss her under the moonlight I can feel it
I deserve a gf who is mentally ill and unfaithful
you're racist and distant, you deserve nothing
Still no idea where the racist thing came from.
that's just a psyop leftover from acorn i think idk why she felt to put it out there
Tfw no cute girl who wants a distant married to her job permaboymoder gf who gets drunk or eats instead of talking when she's not doing well
I miss acorn and her rape impregnation fetish
post srs boymoder gf...
okay this is really hot
how long should i just vibe with the fire alarm in the neighborhood?
No no, she's right and she should keep saying it. I'm so glad I've always found adoption / foster care preferable to having biological children, even before becoming tokophobic in my late teens. Pregnancy and childbirth are real life body horror and no amount of cope about the "beauty" of "creating life" or "the bond between a mother and her child" will convince me to think otherwise.
>I've always found adoption / foster care preferable to having biological children
Amazing. everybody should adopt lmao
yeah, biological children should be illegal
if it's been more than thirty minutes I'd start more fires
Adopt an LLM
I will NOT mentally apply the L word to my feelings for her before I physically say that word to her no matter how hard my heart and mind wants me to
avoid using that word if you're not afab please
never use the word ever and punch everyone who does
Adoption is sorta cuck adjacent
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i'm glad i managed to drag another poor soul to the hellscape that is war thunder :)
but how much can you info dump if it's only been a week since you started playing? how many vehicle manuals (unclassified) have you read so far?
my initial reaction was to say vag and female bodies, but desu whenever someone in the real world asks why i wouldn’t date a man my go to response is smth about the average man’s personality, so. i have a general aversion to dick but like, im a stone top so i’d date/have sex w a tgirl it’s not like her dick is going anywhere near me
luz did you troon out yet you fucking queer?
you literally detransed why are you here
my gf is pregnant. i wanted to share the news that i will be a father.
tfw no luz gf (girlmode)
i hope you’re doing alright, you’re a good kid
you’ll be in my prayers
and remember, Jesus Christ gives you a new way to live
smell ya later
>do 30 situps
>do 10 minutes of hip thrusts because i thought about having sex with her
>do 30 more situps
working out is fun
Just surface level stuff. I havent read any manuels, all i care about is SPEED and Secondly damage, and then style, due to the last one the tank destroyer class is not for me.
NATURALLY i only pick german tanks, everyone knows they have the best tanks.
Im level 5, the only thi.g that sucks about my tanks is they all lack serious firepower except for pz lll j.
My baby is the pz ||| F. But i often perform better with the Pz lll E for some reason even tho the F should be a direct upgrade of the E.

My fav tactic is going max speed behind enemy lines, that's likr my whole stick and 70% of what i do. But as the enemies get harder i have to do more teamwork which is nice.
But ANYWAY. Fuck my tanks do so little damage, and i suck at aiming, i get critial hits but very rarely one hit kills. Yet i get one hit killed all the time since really the pz lll series is basically just a light tank larping as a medium tabk IMo.

My fourth vehicle is a sspa something, its the second one after the base one in the german tree. Only use it to scout really, basically a suicide vehicle bUT i do do surprisingly good with it sometimes due to its abilty to move fast around a tank a tank can rotate. Thats why why i love the pz lll e and f for that circling ability. The E is faster but the f has more damage and armor.
the early stuff is really unbalanced because there's ~20 years worth of tech (ww1 stuff vs 1930s tanks) sitting at the same br, it'll get better once you get to mid/late ww2 stuff
you shouldn't place too much faith in the classification system (light/medium/heavy tanks, TDs, SPAAs) because it doesn't tell you anything about how a vehicle actually performs

>my tanks do so little damage, and i suck at aiming, i get critical hits but very rarely one hit kills
most tanks can one shot most other tanks if you know where to aim, i'd suggest you learn the weak spots of the tanks that you encounter most often

i'd offer to teach you the basics but my playstyle is the opposite of yours, i play japan which has mostly glass cannon vehicles so i tend to stay back, find a good spot and snipe everyone
the lesgen axis of evil being formed in real fime
Same boat here, but to be honest, I'm okay with it. Not sure I would even have the money to afford it either.

Maybe when playing with her, use toys, fingers etc and be more sensual? Pay attention to her and see how she reacts, try to do this more often so that she begins to see that having a penis isn't required.

I do this with my girlfriend much more frequently, because I just love giving her pleasure, it really sates me.

Try this, and then eventually shift to 'wouldn't you love to fuck me just like this too?'

Just a suggestion. :3
Only if it’s against whites
anti white gf...
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>i play japan which has mostly glass cannon vehicles so i tend to stay back, find a good spot and snipe everyone

Ahh you're one of THOSE huh. Snipers are what my fragile tanks fear the tanks, they are too dangerous to call prey, a good sniper fucks me up before i can get to them. Im learning to change my movement patterns to negate this a bit. In some ways we are equals then. Because when i go behind enemy lines you're often who i end up finding, but tank destroyer classes are not as fragile as they look. Maybe im just really bad at aiming but i rarely kill them in one shot, its quite frustrating.

I only snipe like 5% of the time, and even then i only do it with armor penetrating rounds, because i dont trust my ability to one hit kill from such a distance. I get one hit, hope its critical then i move on and let the snipers take care of the mess.
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i love sitting back and providing area of denial for a cap point, especially if it allows me to kill rats trying to sneak around :)

if you haven't already i suggest you try playing the puma (Sd.Kfz.234/2), it's made for people like you (rats) but it doesn't have much armor
tfw the incest posting on this board made me attracted to my sister
No it didn't, you're just a pervert
comedian gamedev gf...
tfw my attraction to my sister made me start incest posting on this board

You mean FELINES

rats dont come up from behind, felines do.
Rats DO however hide in crevices and occasionally come out to see if the coast is clear! Your kind!
I already know which tanks im gonna get. All german of course.
Im actually anti rat since when i go behind enemy lines i often have like 2-4 different tanks shooting at me as i flank them at max speed. Its pretty kino.
It takes ballz to do what i do kid... it aint easy.... its very high pressure because i don't have long to aim. In an out BAM smooth operation. Hard to pull of, but when i literally drift around a corner and then one shot kill an enemy it feels like sex. Its very kino..

I like forcing other tanks to duel me, in a sort of jostring way i flank them and do drive bys on them as i make my way through the map.
perverted gf x chaste gf is the best dynamic
Whag about a gf who is perverted online but chaste irl
we'll see who is a rat once you climb the ranks a little and learn to fear the sky and distant hills
hiding in every hole you see because the outside is dangerous sounds a lot like rat behavior to me, or you can just go full speed ahead and die in the first minute but that's no fun
>just go full speed ahead and die in the first minute but that's no fun

I do that a lot already. Its pretty fun

Now TERF kolpraphiles will raid us! They already think we're rapist men.
sometimes I really wish I was MtF
date a tranny and live through her
perverted cis bottom virgin gf x chaste trans top experienced gf
My girlfriend wishes this too; she's actually jealous that I am MTF.
>You're so lucky you can be MTF and be what you want, I can't be FTM and grow a penis.
If I could donate my own, I would...
afabs can be trans women
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i got my nose stud switched out with a ring
my piercer said it healed beautifully and that i did a good job :3
trip on lago
it's what I'm doing, sort of
sharper features, dick, smaller chest, tall
I know not all trans women have these traits but it's what I'd want for myself
and no I don't want to be FtM or even a cis man, I just want to be a hot trans woman who exclusively tops
I guess it's more common than I thought
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i'll say it
the nature of dysphoria is identifiable but the spectrum is so wide that i dont find afabs feeling some sort of way about wanting to be more akin to trans women problematic and if anything i find it relatable since i dont really care to be cis either and therefore we both seek to attain the same goal of just being a hot tranny
bless my afab tranny yearning sisters
one struggle
solidarity W
i dont want to be a hot tranny i want to be dead
wanting to be taller or have smaller tits is understandable but it's truly baffling to me that anyone would want to have a dick over a pussy
I want to be able to pee while standing up, cum inside my gf, get boners and rub it against my gf's butt when I'm horny. Simple as.
I think I get it, I had a gf a long time ago who liked to play with my dick like it was hers and would always asked in detail about how it felt
to add to this, pussies just seem so much more practical and less.. intrusive then dicks? like the presence of prominent external genitalia that hangs out just feels intrusive and completely unecessary.
and a pussy is straight up more versatile. the only thing you can do with a dick is have it stimulated from the outside while a pussy can be fingered/penetrated AND have the clit stimulated.
Stop making us look bad moid
that sounds like me the first time I had sex with a trans woman
>the presence of prominent external genitalia that hangs out just feels intrusive
tucking underwear
>a pussy is straight up more versatile
I don't care for versatility, having a pussy is ideal if you're a bottom/sub but if you're an exclusive top like I am having a dick is the best option
not a moid, retard. who gives a shit about a random cisf who wants a dick, you will never meet me irl. you care too much about what the imaginary chuds in your mind think
ahh i'm catastrophising again :')
Boymoding cis f trans woman...
post phalloplasty ftmtf gf..
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16 hits
4 critical
2 tanks destroyed
need to kiss and cuddle with one
unironically me
Im gonna come clean..

I had two berliners today....

They were good...
i need her so bad i'm dying on the inside
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Everytime i think about her it stings so bad. I wince irl. Its very similar to the pain when i remember my cat dying. At least my ex is still alive. But knowing those times of blissful love are over..its hard.... its a weight to bear....
she hasn't messaged me in two days so i'm gonna go do sad groceries
*three days
oh man
been thinking about death a lot lately...
get it
ugh tfw no gf who likes my penis a lot
i really want to pair my nostril ring with a septum now ughghghghg
wydag who loved humid muggy hot days because it helps keep her skin hydrated and also she loves girl sweat
Cuddling in bed on muggy sweaty hot days
i waste 3-4 hours everyday pouting and cutting myself
lucy lucy babyy babyyyyyy
show scars
>be lesbian
>married to a man because of culture expectations
>he knows I'm gay but we get along so it's not so bad
>bedroom obviously dead
>neither of us are getting laid
>he goes out of town for a work trip, will be gone for a week

Do I find a hookup while he's out of the house?
GIWTWM (the woman in the picture) (hooking up with you)
dump the idiot OR get it and see if she leaves. either way you're set!
i'm more about that wandering around town in the heat and periodically slipping into alleyways to entwine our slick sweaty bodies and make out
You wouldn't happen to be near [LOCATION] would you? My English is good and I can cook.
is there anything more desirable in a woman than her first language being spanish, her having an insatiable lust for revenge, and her protecting you no matter what? also, her calling you mi amor
a woman that knows how to drive and has a job
are you kidding? i love [LOCATION]
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lets all wish a big BIG ganbatte to our resident bunmy who is studying so diligently!!!!! shes gonna go on to do great things, studious things...
She doesn’t go on 4chan.
I couldn't give less of a fuck about that animal
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Fuck you, rabbits are the best animal. They smell nice and they are sassy.
Talked to a cute girl at the dispensary that seemed interested… why do all the chasers work at dispos?
sorry I meant your tranny. wasn't clear ig
today SUCKS i haven't basked in her light in DAYS
how many trannies that dont smoke weed do you know?
trans pussy...
Having a dick just feels nice can't explain it it just does

i'm so fucking drunmk
Been hanging out with my crush a lot this week...it's made me so happy I just love existing around her.
wine id so tasty
how do I find a futanari gf as a femme theyfab
i drank too much honestly
i definigely drank too much
i vomited so much it was insnane
why did i drink that much
Drink some water now :)
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Bwub bwub bwub bwub bwub bwub bwub
Peace around the world yall
so is the thread inhabited by the people who got banned from the discord? Would explain a lot
Mtfg sucks idk just a thread refugee
ive never been to the discord and never will and im the most quality poster ok
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This game is SUCH a fucking meme.

>outmaneuver a tank
>end up at its reae
>fire 3-4 fucking shells into its back. Easy shell just fucking get absorbed by the engine

Nice, 3 crits in a row but i guess never quite enough. Absolute meme game. Like its just not fair. They say the back part of tanks is the weakest, yea so that was a fucking lie.
A fucking dumb ass lie. Meanwhile when an enemy tanks comws up to me, shoots me once in the face (the alleged strongest part of the tank) and i

A: either insta die
B: my guns get disabled so i die in the next strike without being able to do shit

What is this shit?
Its not realistic if u can LITERALLY fire explosive rounds into a fucking engine and that tanks still countet as destroyed.

Its like ok FUCK YOU FOR NOT being meta and picking super high armor tanks.
>it's not realistic if the most modern armor is most effective
sounds like a gamer moment fampai
It IS penetrating tho. I just cant ever seem to destroy vehicils. Only crits
yeah yeah you're a top but a bad gamer it's ok
Im not bad. My macro is good. But my micro is well, actually also good its just my aiming is jinxed. Its SO rare for me to destroy a vehicle. I get a lot of hits. But very rare for me to kill.. iT PISSES ME OFF
Im looking at protection maps rn and holy shit is the t-28 well armored.
thanks lago
i wish i was asexual
i hate having a libido and sexual desires
Same.. makes me feel like a freak somedays when I fantasize about anything sexual.
I just never joined the discord. don't like discord servers because it's usually 3-10 people with an already established clique that is just annoying to try to join
I could never join a lgbt specific server as a hon tbhon
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i assume you still haven't learned to aim yet

>3-4 shells absorbed by the engine
why do you keep shooting the engine then? do you even know what kills a tank? you have to kill the crew otherwise it's only counted as disabled and can repair everything you destroy

>thinks super high armor tanks are meta
this is exactly what a rat player would think because they can't kill them, heavy tanks are probably some of the worst in the game because of how slow they are, planes are attracted to them like i am to women (can't leave spawn without being bombed)

if you can't kill anything but everything kills you then that's a skill issue and you should git good rat
new bread baked fresh

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