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the mayor of bigen greets you with a charming smile under their mustache.
the mayor asks, insisting on how critical your input is on the following matters :
>QOTT 1 : katana or spear ?
>QOTT 2 : horse or bike ?
>QOTT 3 : foreskin or flaps ?
>QOTT 4 : What's your favorite coping method (and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?

>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love wuming, OP?
Wu is : funny, positive, cute, smart, endearing, good sounding, fashionable, pretty, wholesome, good tasting, has good taste, skilled, patient, makes me smile and so much more. Yes I love wuming thank you for asking mhm
>What's the difference between bisexual and pansexual?
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>Am I bi if i have periods where I feel only attracted to women and others where I feel only attracted to men?
This is known as the bi-cycle and many bisexuals experience it.
>Am I bi or am I 'prison gay' or porn addicted?
'Prison gay' is not a real thing and porn addiction does not alter your sexual orientation. You are bi.
>Am I bi or pan if I like trans people?
Both are able to be attracted to trans people.
>I think I might be bi but I can't tell. How can I be certain?
Just make a point to check out members of the sex you think you might be attracted to and see if anyone grabs your attention.

Resource for Bisexuals:
Previous thread >>36254972
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Good evening
Its finally time to start another Movie Night! Tonight selection is:

>Batman Forever
>Portrait of a Lady on Fire

Here is the link of the stream, don't be shy and come join us! As always the film will start at 23:10 GMT


>what the hell is "movie night"
its a special night where bigen comes together to watch on Discord two movies chosen by the community

>i don't usually post on bigen/never took part in movie night, can i join?
of course, movie night is open to anyone, just remember to be civil and have fun!

fyi: this is the list of every movie we watched so far:
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Bisexuals are the master race
What tends to cause changes in your bi-cycle /bigen/?
I can go from wanting to fuck a dude to a woman multiple times in a day. I don't know if my hormones are fucked up or what.
Are we? Our mental health is worse than that of heterosexuals.
Sounds like you don't really have a "bi cycle" as much as just wanting a lot lol.

I don't really know if I have a bi-cycle myself. I tend to fantasize more about what I don't have, like I have a gf right now so a lot of times my fantasies start with men. But I never lose my desire for my gf or to check out women I see on the street.
I feel like what you described is a lot closer to what I'm feeling right now. I'm in pretty much the same situation where I have a lot of fantasies about what I don't have at the moment.
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does a halberd count as a spear?
horse. fuck bikes.
foreskin. fuck non-medical circumcision.
>QOTT 4 : What's your favorite coping method (and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?
My favourite coping method is answering the mayor's questionaire because I think it either drastically decreases or increases the odds of him eating me whole. Thank you, mayor, god bless your moustache.
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who else here losing at mahjong
>QOTT 1 : katana or spear ?
spear, imagine getting cucked by short reach LMAO
>QOTT 2 : horse or bike?
horse, I've ridden horses before, I trust those nice bastards
>QOTT 3 : foreskin or flaps?
the what
>QOTT 4 : What's your favorite coping method (and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?
answering the mayor's questionnaire of course (that and hitting the gym, having a beer and daydreaming)
Yeah it happens. Presumably even for straight and gay people in monogamous relationships fantasizing about variety in their partners.
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>or flaps ?
Who likes those? Protruding labia minora ruins a vagina.
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>QOTT 1 : katana or spear ?
theres an elegant art to a katana so that
>QOTT 2 : horse or bike ?
i never learned how to ride a bike and i like how peaceful horses can be so horse
>QOTT 3 : foreskin or flaps ?
foreskin bc vaginas dont rly do anything for me
>QOTT 4 : What's your favorite coping method (and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?
lately ive been rly into eating junk and holing myself up in my room playing vidya but in the past i used to either choose retail therapy casual sex or drinking

The second film of the night Portrait of a Lady on Fire will start in 10 minutes, feel free to join us!

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gn bumpo
Tfw no suicidal bf
Seek help.
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gn bump
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>>QOTT 1 : katana or spear ?
if im with a group of people the spears would be better, but otherwise the katana is nice.
>>QOTT 2 : horse or bike ?
bike. horses are cool and all and i have an aunt that loves them but you just can't get around all the care they need and being saddlesore.
>>QOTT 3 : foreskin or flaps ?
>>QOTT 4 : What's your favorite coping method (and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?
i like to go outside and smoke some weed and get lost in my thoughts / mentally reset / depressurize ect. it helps to have all the little bits of nature around me and immerse myself in the hidden insect and plant life that continues on despite humanity's rigid and artificial shaping of things.
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>be me
>have gay bf for 5+ years
>sex is fine and we get along fine etc
>yet, I miss boobies and other fem features (either physical or even psychological characteristics)

...s-should I cheat? or quench this longing, this greedy thirst, with just hetero porn???
good pick! I was bored in the first half (I assume it was deliberately done by the director), but then got enthralled by the drama and photography; I cried at the end...
>gaygen pruned
>who else here losing at mahjong
Wait there's a version of mahjong where you win?!
I've heard rumors of such a version existing, never played it though
You should NEVER cheat, I'm sorry but that's how it is when you are in a committed relationship....don't how open your bf is about opening up the relationship or try including a woman in a threeway but that's the best you can do.
I bet it's a fanmod, theres no way that's real

shout-out to anons who have tried for the ridiculous mahjong achievement in ffxiv between. absolute pain on western servers.
No parties no drinking until precancer is gone all my friends I know I only drink and party with. No one is online. What the fuck do I do wtf the fuck do I do? Weekend is too short to do nothing.
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when i say im bisexual this is what i mean bc i gotta be griffith in this equation so fucking bad
I hit the femboy jackpot recently. His tummy is a thing of beauty.
as a gay person, is helping a bi guy cuck his gf immoral? what if you do it more than once?
Is it fully consensual among all parties?
i consent, he consents, he hides it from his gf
Problem for him and his gf, not you, IMO
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unless you pressured him into it somehow him choosing to cheat is his fault, not yours. he's a grown ass man.
I would deem that arrangement to be immoral.
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how do i find girls like this
is that jreg
don't tell your gay bf this. either suppress your hetero desires or break up with him
go to a club i dunno
>how do i find girls like this
that would be me more or less but i dont think im that bad but to answer ur q they only seem to exist online
>is that jreg
yes, with cj the x
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r u radical
No, I'm extremely sad, I want to leave my country (I really like my country but I feel very trapped in my life atm)
I am gonna get pizza though
Thats a rad fucking monke
pretty much this. I have no problem bottoming for married men. if they dont fuck me they will fuck somebody else. besides its hot when they make me wear their wife's panties
I'm decidedly Milquetoast.
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>get home to my parents for my birthday celebration tomorrow
>Mom apologizes to me saying they can't afford a gift this weekend but since they paid for my hotel room for my brother's wedding that that would be my gift (the original plan was me watching the dog the weekend of the 15th would pay for it)
>Still have to watch the dog
>Go out to get a tire replaced
>Mom calls me and asks me to pick a few things up from Walmart on my way home
>She probably won't pay me back
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Threadly remider to not use sex as a coping mechanism
what about as a cumming mechanism, or a bonding mechanism
those are fine
I just want to be held and fondled, but bisexually
Feeling distanced from close intimate relations , not craving the cock and vagina carousel either.
Occasionally can be very horny but that's about it, not something I think to much about anyway.
Don't really pay attention to sexuality, keep it to myself , not because I feel a recluse of it, but simply I don't find the need to expose myself to others opinions . So I'm bi-invisible , get the fuck out of my property and my lawn .
Also getting older , low patient for people and their opinions , sometimes I feel better alone rather than in negative company.
I seek balance and a fulfilling existence .
Wtf am I supposed to do at the club without alcohol.
I hung out with some random dude I met he was kinda cute.
I only do that because i t give me a feeling of self worth when I make other people feel good is that still okay?
It seems that you're not her first child.
cool. My grandpa that I have looked up to my entire life might have lost his ability to walk from a random stroke. there have been no other healthy male role models in my close family. I feel lost as fuck.
That will probably still have a negative effect on you
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no, u
Sex with Ankha... Copulation with Ankha... Mating with Ankha... Intercourse with Ankha... Coitus with Ankha...
Is it true that girl lips are softer than boy lips?
Remember, mating times.....are just times....for mating

not at all, some boys have the softest most pillowy lips youll ever taste
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thats a cat u nasty
not as much as i want to be
i havent done it in a long while nor do i want to if its any consolation
It’s so over for me I’m never getting a gf
At least you guys are having sex..
Sorry to hear that anon, hope you’re doing ok
Yes this is true
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>It’s so over for me I’m never getting a gf
u and me both i kinda accepted that unless i accept the path of becoming a discord kitten im gna die alone
break the cycle by living as healthy a lifestyle as u can
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Dude love is so dead fml I hate dating apps I can’t talk to people idk where to meet people it never even began
>At least you guys are having sex..
I didnt say that :(

You know perfectly well that you have seduction skills

>I hate dating apps
Everyone does but thats the name of the game

based captcha matt and trey enjoyer
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>You know perfectly well that you have seduction skills
unfortunately this only applies online irl im an stuttery anxious autistic loser that doesnt rly act Like That unless she gets a couple of drinks in her
>Dude love is so dead fml I hate dating apps I can’t talk to people
yeah meeting new ppl is exhausting and meeting new ppl u actually have stuff in common with is even more daunting i just give up so i cant be bothered
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>That image.
What a horrendous mixture of masculine and feminine features.
>What a horrendous mixture of masculine and feminine features
just like me frfr
>unfortunately this only applies online
thats where it matters most, draw them in and snatch em

absolutely cringe take
lowkey has me spiralling not gonna lie. He has always been this ultra healthy well-dressed well-mannered guy who enjoyed fixing broken items and helping others. it's just so fucking unfair.
I'm trying. There's no way I'm going to let myself become my dad willingly, wasting away on a couch.
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>just like me frfr
This is simultaneously funny and bleak.

You know I'm right, generally speaking.

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Are you still dating? I forget
You’ll be fine once you move to Toronto
Rachel sennott is so hot wtf
I’m so sorry anon, pls take care of yourself
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Gonna miss these flags
Shame they only happen during pride month

And yet another year in the closet, one day I'll come out...and hopefully nobody will give a shit
>You’ll be fine once you move to Toronto
yeah im still looking over going there for uni bc im too broke to actually move there lawl but in the meantime im goin there to see charli xcx (again :p)
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anons I’m 6 months post top surgery now B) hoping to build enough confidence to go to the beach shirtless this summer
Honestly they should keep the flags year round
Wait when lol also which schools are you looking at again?
>and hopefully nobody will give a shit
Your sexuality is a meme, sane people will think you're crazy or dumb.
Im taking a break from dating while I try to get other parts of my life in order

Based twink figure, fucking hawt
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>Wait when lol
september 18th!
>which schools are you looking at again?
im not sure which yet fs but id like to go to ocad or sheridan but i also wanna keep my options open bc those r two v competitive schools
also forgot to mention that ur lack of scarring is genuinely impressive wtf
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You're not very nice, sir or ma'am.
>Honestly they should keep the flags year round
I agree
I just like the flag better cause of the color scheme I identify as bi lol
They aren't independent. They will think that because it's a meme so they're linked.
>You're not very nice
I am. It doesn't seem nice but him realizing what I said is true will be nice for him. It doesn't seem nice to tell someone "your breath stinks" but it is.

>I identify as bi lol
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>Im taking a break from dating while I try to get other parts of my life in order
Real, good luck with everything
>Based twink figure
Thanks, I’m trying to bulk up. I need to get ripped fr
Oh nice I’ll be home then hmu
I got lucky lol
>They aren't independent. They will think that because it's a meme so they're linked.
They are independent, because you neglected to render them dependent via implementation of an adverb. "Sane people will think you're crazy or dumb." is an independent clause, whereas "Ergo, sane people will think you're crazy or dumb." is a dependent clause.
You are swimming with a shark, mind.
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>Thanks, I’m trying to bulk up. I need to get ripped fr
otter cks would be peak but if u wanna go for the bear/hunk route who am i to complain
>Oh nice I’ll be home then hmu
oki :3
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Your post shouldn't be putting a smile on my face. You are right; they're clearly independent.
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I couldn’t even if I wanted to, my genetics prevent me from growing body hair. I’m just trying to bulk/build muscle for now, trying to go for a lean/athletic physique
anyone else feel like their life would be wasted if they don't kill at least one person? i've felt this way since i was a kid.
I'm pretty sure you're not the only psychopath in this board.
> couldn’t even if I wanted to, my genetics prevent me from growing body hair. I’m just trying to bulk/build muscle for now, trying to go for a lean/athletic physique
thankfully the otter archetype fits just that :p gl
no, it'll be wasted if I never get to experience having a boyfriend though
They look like a really, butch, tomboy with a dong
When did you guys find out you were bi and fully accept it?
I didn't know it was "bi" at the time, i was never one for all these labels and the whole lgbt identity, still am not, but i was jerking off to sarina valentina at 16.
Started fucking a guy at 16/17 but it was not good, i was underage, they were in their 30s and up.
Started seeing trans prostitutes at 17/18. Have hooked up with maybe 20 to 30 men?
Mostly crossdressers, accepted it at around 20 to 22 but am not out and about, i keep it to myself and prefer to be somewhat closeted.
I am not into that whole lgbt stuff.
I kinda knew but I always used mental gymnastics to justify certain attractions, for example:"oh this girl looks pretty oh wait is a guy hahaha, i like it thinking it was a girl so that doesnt count hahah (while in mind i still like them". I was around 16 when I started to see this attraction to more fem presenting guys, not necessarily transwomen but men with more "delicate" features and some masc guys (some of them I believe I liked them more like a rolemodel or something idk), but I fully accepted around last year. I told mostly close friends and my ex which at first didn't knew how to process it to tell me that she loves me, we had some troubles during our relationship and I believe that wouldn't last that long but some reason I think that being bi kinda contributed to her wanted to end the relationship (when i meet her she identified as bi but not so much anymore so kinda hypocritical of her part if that's a reason). And don't worry, I'm not into the lgbtq stuff either, most of my queer friends aren't either.
I thought that being hairy was part of the otter thing
I just want a guy to cuddle me but I have an extreme aversion to any social interaction.
I hate my job bigen

I hate working at a shitty gas station butt no IT job wants to give me a job
How much you make, hours per week, certs for it?
You got to do what you got to do. Take a breather and tough it out. It'll make it all the more worth it when you do finally get an it job.
I accepted it internally when I was 15 or so. Realized I was attracted to men as well as women. Honestly didn't accept my attraction to trans women until I was 18 or 19 though.

Publicly, I switched between identifying as straight or bi. Romantically I only really like women, so as far as my family knows, I'm straight.
But after around age 30 I started being openly bi amongst my friends, none of whom were surprised.

I am now in a relationship with a bi woman, she's actually my first girlfriend who I just told from the start that I was bi.
I get $11 an hour with 3-4 days a week

For certs I have A+ Net+ and then some Google ones

Worst pain is the last job I applied for and the person who interview said I didn't get it because "they weren't what skills I had"
>get opening hand with a triplet in red dragons
>green dragon is the dora indicator
>some retard forces a redraw with nine initial terminals
>the same retard then proceeds to get a mangan in 3 turns
this is a piece of shit game, I hate this
In high school, I had somehow convinced myself that being attracted to women was something straight women did too sometimes. My thought process was that having just one girl crush didn't necessarily mean I was gay or anything. After like a year, I started having a huge crush on another girl, and I finally started realizing I was into girls just as much if not more than boys. All the lesbian porn I was watching should have been a hint as well, but for whatever reason I never took that as a sign I wasn't actually straight. I was 17 when I finally started identifying as bisexual
>green dragon is the dora indicator
Green dragon, good

That little cunt has foiled my swiping for the last time
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Whats your most degenerate sexual experience?
Bi dude, take your pick
prostitutes, both trans and regular woman
never do any weird stuff with the hookers, just fuck em, although did suck some toes but for the true degeneracy
pissed in some older tranny's mouth
pissed in another dude's mouth for 50 bucks
the older tranny wanted me to shit on their chest but i passed on that.
my most degenerate sexual experiences have been 2 homeless trannies when i was homeless myself.
one just gave me head and swallowed my raw nut
the other we just dry humped in a park bathroom
not fun, do not recommend, i just stick with hookers.
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i sucked off an (airsoft) gun one time it did not feel good idk what i was expecting
What is it with you guys and piss? Met a dude though he was kinda cool until he asked me if I would drink his piss. Apparently his piss tastes sweet according to himself didn't ask why he knows that. Femboy ffs
I didn't really ask for it, i didn't bring it up or ask them if they'd want that, that isn't my kink, it was some grindr hookups and i agreed, especially with the 50 bucks cause why not?
If all i had to do to get someone off was piss in their mouth while they drink it and get 50 bucks out of it, why not?
They also gave me a beer, which was nice cause i wasn't old enough to get some at the time but pissing in someone's mouth isn't my kink, that is just the most degenerate thing that i could think of.
Some people are into that?
I'm more of a tit guy. I want tits in my face. Especially if a woman has huge knockers, i don't really go wild for thin women or women who have no tits but a thin woman can have a nice and small but that is nice to just grab, squeeze, and kiss, but that is a different story.
I hope he knows that because other people have told him that, but i wouldn't put it past some freaks to be into that freaky shit, because you never know what gets people off.
Evidently these people had a thing for piss.
>most degenerate
How do I know what makes one sexcapade more degen than the next? I've sucked off old men in the woods, been spitroasted multiple times, fucked a lot of women in the ass and even ass to mouth (i've never done that lol) . pissed on girls been pissed on by men and women, lots of car sex, fucked in the woods, stole panties....tied up women and used them for hrs (with their consent). Not sure which is the most degen
I'd say maybe the spit roasting, being pissed on, and the panty stealing are the top options. Now to narrow it down.
It is a tough call for me to make.
Car sex is meh, teens do that all the time.
People fuck in woods. Some guys have no money for a hotel or need a place quick to hookup and get away from the wife or gf.
You never go ass to mouth but they wanted it.
they also wanted to be used cause some women may have been abused or just want to be fucked like whores.
I think piss and spit roasting are the most degen.
If neither of them are able to top the other, they're both the winners.
Stealing panties is unethical but can easily be written off as "lost one in a load of laundry"
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I was jacking off to "whatever gets my dick up" through high school (translated: a non-inconsequential amount of trans porn / cd porn / sometimes twinks). Didn't even start questioning it for a couple years until i was debating others on 4chan about what that implies. At 18/19 i was considering myself "Bi-curious" until i had an opportunity to hook up with a guy, and at which point when i liked that experience and would do it again, i fully accepted that i was bisexual, to myself. It would take me another 6 years to come out to someone else irl, and that was my mom, 2 years ago now. My immediate family all know.
now listen here you cute cheeky lil shit
had sex on a balcony many times, hidden from the world but still kinda exciting
>I think piss and spit roasting are the most degen.
you are probably right. One of the spitroast occurred in a dentist office lol. I liked being peed on for more than I probably should lol. Most of the panty stealing was low key relatively harmless opportunities...except the one time I snuck into my neighbors apt when they were away and stole some. that was bad.
u definitely not getting into the gates of heaven and thats coming from a tranny who partakes in sodomy
May I see one breast, madam?
I don't have many but my most bizarre is I was a cameraman for a dudes home sex videos.
I wouldn't be jerking off or naked or anything I was like in a nice shirt and jeans lol.
Basically being a cuck but like I wasn't with these girls, still seeing him being a total chad could be brutal.
He said I was good at it and should go pro but I think you need connections for that.
I though I was fucked up and deranged for sleeping with a 35 year old women while being 16 but dame the shit I read today.
idk i had a bunch of pre puberty experiences that convinced me I was bi though I've never done anything with a dude if one doesn't count those + online shit. Never got comfortable enough with one to have sex with.

So I'm theoretically bi. Schrodinger's bi.
>When did you guys find out you were bi
its wierd because even tho I liked to get off wearing panties and played with my ass as a kid- I never thought about guys. Me and my best bud used do all sorts of stupid boy stuff like compare dicks, swords fights, fapping in front of each other but it never occured to me to be sexual with him. It wasnt until I was 15 and fapping with some other kid after swimming one hot summer day that we just decided to try some stuff. I distinctly remember being a little shocked that sucking cock didnt gross me out...and I grew to love it over the next few days/years lol
I am not reading half a paragraph about piss sorry
ur not fucked up and deranged ur a victim
use the archives if u wanna see my titties so bad baka
I can tell you mine much shorter
Does anyone here smoke?
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i like a drunk cigarette here and there as a treat
Heh yeah true but no one takes this shit serious so its better to just laugh about it
That's fucked. I'm sorry anon. I'm not even 35 but I can't imagine going for a 16 year old as an adult...
Cj the x and jreg? Wtf
Hosi!!! <3

I was just deliberately being retarded and autistic, idk if u've seen that snapchat meme where the guy went full "m'lady" and sent a huge paragraph and asked if he could see "one breast" but i was just dicking around.
Didnt know u've shown tits.
If it's any consolation...
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I went to the link like a dumbass, i hope i didn't get cheese pizza on my laptop.
It is just a pic of that chicken.
I'm not dying to see her tits, but i mean i'll take a look, just to see what they are like. If they're good, cool, not like there is ever a chance of anything happening, but if they're nice then there wouldn't be anything wrong with having borne witness to a nice pair of tits. know what i'm saying?
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I should be above such a gormless lack of fastidiousness! BLAST ME, BLAST ME, BLAST ME!!!
nta but it's almost funnier this way lol
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>i was never one for all these labels
Labels are useful even if they don't fit you neatly. Everyone uses them to some extent even if they say they despise them, haha.
>When did you guys find out you were bi and fully accept it?
When I realized being attracted to men or more appropriately, semieunuchs, is not heterosexual even though the only focus is the female facade.

Have you asked yourself if it's worth it?; is this what you want?
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>autistic, idk if u've seen that snapchat meme where the guy went full "m'lady" and sent a huge paragraph and asked if he could see "one breast" but i was just dicking around.
lol yeah ive seen it!
>Didnt know u've shown tits.
i have among other things but that lifestyle is a thing of the past rn
im talking to someone rn and they may or may not visit this board so im trying not to eff it up!
Patrick (shocked and taken aback)
Why here???
You don't know how long i've been waiting for this.
Ever since I saw you in that christmas party, with the red paisley shirt. You, and your hot body.
I know you want me, the way you've been looking at me, I want you too.
Don't be shy.
Where are you goooing?
I have to return some video tapes.
Well, if the past is the past, then godspeed.
I mean come on, i wasn't actually expecting you to show tits.
I would probably look them up out of curiosity more than anything but i don't know, good for you.
If you do get into a relationship, i hope things work out for the two of you, and if they don't, then i hope it ends amicably and rather peacefully.
I'm the degen bi dude and just fucked another prostitute, so i think i'm good on the tits and nudity for now.
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>fucked up and deranged for sleeping with a 35 year old women
Nothing inherently wrong with age gaps. This is ridiculous contemporary thinking.
anon was 16 i think u need to be pushed off a bridge
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I need to eat more xanax and sleep away more precious youth
You are actively defending the act of statutory rape at this moment.
It ain't rape if they were into it.
Like, if a man gets a boner, that means he's into it, right?
If a woman gets wet and her nipples get hard, that means she's into it, right?
What's the deal with age gaps?
It isn't like he's 4. He's a 16 year old young man becoming a man by getting some milf poon.
It would please me if you were to be incarcerated.
I am not being serious, i'm obviously saying some fucked up shit.
I don't actually believe in that shit, i just wanted a reaction. You gave one, i'm satisfied
So you're saying the beloved grandfathers of several people alive today should be pushed off a bridge just because they were in a relationship you disapprove of? Maniac mentality. I had sex when I wasn't even a teen and you nor anybody else is gonna tell me I was raped.

Speak for yourself, not others.

>statutory rape
How can you be this ignorant? It's legal in many places. The fact you even bring it up shows your moral foundations are anything but solid. You're the kind of person who would be outraged not long ago at someone saying people who engage in adultery or sodomy shouldn't be punished by death.
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>So you're saying the beloved grandfathers of several people alive today should be pushed off a bridge just because they were in a relationship you disapprove of?
You're probably serious and I respect "your" opinion even if you think I'm le evil. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for you my way of thinking is not as demonized as it used to.
>So you're saying the beloved grandfathers of several people alive today should be pushed off a bridge just because they were in a relationship you disapprove of?
Sentences should not be terminated with prepositions.
>I had sex when I wasn't even a teen and you nor anybody else is gonna tell me I was raped.
You were raped.
>How can you be this ignorant? It's legal in many places. The fact you even bring it up shows your moral foundations are anything but solid. You're the kind of person who would be outraged not long ago at someone saying people who engage in adultery or sodomy shouldn't be punished by death.
It's amusing that you accuse me of appealing to legality whilst doing that very thing yourself...
>It's legal in many places.
I live in such a place. Here's the thing though: The reasoning behind why it's technically legal in some places isn't that it's normal and healthy for 16 year olds to get in relationships with 35 year olds, the reasoning behind is that 16 year olds often want to have sex with other 16 year olds or 17-19 year olds, give or take. For a lot of countries like mine we have additional laws on top of the age of consent to prevent adults grooming teens and other nasty shit, so it's rarely treated the same as adults abusing other adults.
>I had sex when I wasn't even a teen and you nor anybody else is gonna tell me I was raped.
wow you were SUPER raped bro

>It's legal in many places
so is raping women (victim blaming, she wasnt wearing a burka so she was clearly asking for it, etc). That doesnt make it ok

The '4chan poster rages against the age of consent' post, a classic. This website cant go down soon enough

lol, lmao even. go give yandere dev some more money
If she can cross the street, she can get this meet.
Nah mean?
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I got my dick sucked by a married silver haired older guy 3x my age that looked somewhat like your stereotypical plumber.. it was in his car, in broad daylight in a back lot around the side of the local home depot. Between being completely not attracted to him and looking around constantly because i was so nervous, i wasn't getting hard, and we called it pretty quickly; his wife had him on a really damn short leash and he had to get back, too.
how do u even find urself in such a situation
>Sentences should not be terminated with prepositions.
Okay, now we're talking.
>This is the type of arrant pedantry up with which I will not put.
>This is the type of arrant pedantry which I will not put up with.
You seriously think the former is the correct one?; what's your reasoning? Apparently what you suggest is not regarded as a rule today.
>You were raped.
Very bold of you to assert that somebody else went through the opposite of what they say they experienced. It seems we have different definitions of what rape is.
>whilst doing that very thing yourself...
No, I didn't mention that it isn't classified as rape in some jurisdictions and that the legal status of certain behaviors can radically change to support my stance, I did so to weaken your argument and remind you how flimsy the law can be.

Follow all the discussion if you're gonna chime in. I'm clearly talking about jurisdictions in which you could be a 1,000 years old and be in an unrestricted sexual relationship with people aged below 18, which is more common than people might think. Of course it becomes rarer and rarer the lower the age of the minor is.
>The '4chan poster rages against the age of consent' post, a classic.
>wow you were SUPER raped bro
>lol, lmao even.
Ironic. When people use "bro", "lol" and "lmao" when they clearly don't mean it it's a telltale sign they're seething.
>so is raping women (victim blaming, she wasnt wearing a burka so she was clearly asking for it, etc). That doesnt make it ok
You're either stupid or I triggered you to the point your emotions are impairing your reading comprehension. That point wasn't made to justify anything.
>You seriously think the former is the correct one?
I elect not to structure my sentences in such a way that I am faced with that sort of dilemma. I would express that sentiment as follows:
>This is the sort of arrant pedantry which I deem intolerable.
It's very simple.
I believe that you are overthinking things... and I'm Theta...
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Y'all stop arguing!!!

I want a bf or gf :( Pic related
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Well, I think that was enough of that derailing and pointless discussion. It's kind of perplexing that I could think of much better arguments against my stance than people who vilify me.

I will.
yeah dog you're real cool
I bet the "pedophilia is good actually" argument makes ya real popular with the ladies
how exactly is pic related? did you drive your last partner away by madness brought on by a cursed artifact
yes :(

being absolutely new to grindr at the time, wondering if the app is any good at all and trying to see how much of it was bullshit, and taking up a no pfp profile on their offer, and trying to continue through with it. since then ive taken more effort to make sure it's probably an enjoyable (and safe) experience lol.
>It's very simple.
That's kind of a cop out but fine. You still haven't explained why it should be a rule. A sentence that ends that way doesn't lose its coherence. Also, what about sentences with phrasal verbs such as this one?:
>Never give up.
Would you go out of your way to come up with a substitution?
>and I'm Theta...
Is this your way of saying you're an expert?
>You still haven't explained why it should be a rule.
I've no subscription to prescription, not-so-good sir or madam — only an obligation to behave vexatiously toward those I deem to be unscrupulous and odious.
>Would you go out of your way to come up with a substitution?
Yes; I prefer multisyllabic words, ergo "surrender" is preferable to "give up".
>Is this your way of saying you're an expert?
It is a mildly self-deprecating jab intended to demonstrate the severity of your trespass, by outlining that the judgment in question is being delivered by an individual infamous for similarly vicious behaviour.
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>mfw imagining the disgusting hambeast writing a fucking novel against the age of consent

Lmao, rolflmao even

Didnt read, and also no one will ever see your posts as anything other than the gibberings of a pedophile. Say hi to subway jared for us once the fbi tracks your ip
Why are lesbians like this? I just saw this tweet, and then this fanart and it showed me how true the tweet was.
Maximum kek if you think your way of thinking is seen as anything other than grooming. I guess thats how brain damaged you have to be to be a 4chan pedo. You got diddled as a child and it damaged you so bad that you ended up doing it to others. Chemically castrate yourself.
Most women are some form of bi by design
"Lesbians" are really just mentally ill, usually either reppers or just simple misandrists, they hate men and so bi women are evil to them
Can I hang out here even if I am completely unlovable and hideous and will never have a gf or bf, never be touched, held, kissed or fucked, and nothing I do will be able to change any of that no matter what happens?
yeah but you have to put a bag over your head whenever you post.
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I'm bi/pan and don't have much preference, except for like, transguys

i think the ideal FtM boyfriend is someone who's not really taking the transition seriously, he's like, kind of aloof with it and maybe he's like, alt or something, and after we start dating for a bit he's like
>oh, im happy being nb
but he's still done enough test so he has that like, sex drive from it and he's hairy, but otherwise still very unpassing as a guy and not on enough T to turn them into a bald manlet

also he can like, drive, and is basically the man in the relationship so like, pays for things for me, but he's like, not really traditionally masculine other than that
Like this?
Horse(these powers combined I will conquer Asia)
Foreskin(natural shelter for my tongue)
Sugar and jonkin it (not much spikes my dopamine on account of the depression)
Same, I see it as my partner fulfilling their aspect of my spectrum of attraction, rather than me longing for what I don't have. I wanted a bunch of things, after having them I still do, but I only supplement it with fantasy for the things they aren't, since they can't reasonably be all my kinks.
i will sell the katana and the the horse to buy a sickass bike and a gun. foreskin. idk.
yeah maybe
Humans are funny little creatures

>Quiz of the thread:
Aromatherapy, hugging plushies, burning/breaking shit, and eating sweets. Was able to keep the pounds off until very recently
>(and why is it answering the mayor's questionnaire) ?
That moustache is simply comforting, may I cop a feel?

Spears are cool, they're fun to use in Terraria

Got me

Don't cheat you fucking laggard
yes, refer to above

Whatever I see on the internet, knowing I may never have the experience with the same-sex, dysphoria <spoiler>and whether I've had flashbacks that day or not</spoiler>
>I don't know if my hormones are fucked up or what.
It sounds like your T is a bit high and/or you have a high libido, which is fine

>I tend to fantasize more about what I don't have
Same for me but that includes catboy orgies

>or to check out women I see on the street.

>Not checking out other women with your gf

Halberds are fantastic, great look, can stab AND slash

Hot, I wish I could be muscular like the woman on the left

Go to a barcade or bowling alley to socialize, they're p great, you don't even have to drink. Bars with live music are a good option too, you could play pool
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Adventure Time is comfy, I have yet to watch the newest sideseries, but bless Simon

Why would you be the fucked up one in this situation when she took advantage of you?
>Nothing inherently wrong with age gaps
When it's between a 16/35 year old it is
>and her nipples get hard
idk if you knew this but women's nips don't get hard like clockwork when we're aroused
>I had sex when I wasn't even a teen and you nor anybody else is gonna tell me I was raped.
jesus christ seek help
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Been to bathhouses several times. Once stuck my dick in some faggot raw and got him boypregnant. I somehow felt dirtier going to pride this year in my slut outfit
Girls generally aren't into fetish stuff but mine's coming into my chastity fetish and starting to ask/order me to be locked of her own volition, hope to purchase a real cage instead of another chinesium model soon.
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Your logophilia and fastidiousness inspire me to concoct more grandiose sentence structure; not when I'm talking to others, however. I have a hankering to write again
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my greatest accomplishment
goodbye, flags.
wait I can still choose flags what
aw. okay. so they wont show up it just has the dropdown menu left in. thats sad.
>Follow all the discussion if you're gonna chime in.
Anon. The 'discussion' was you coming into this thread saying there was nothing wrong with the age gap between a 16 year old and a 35 year old on the grounds of it being an imaginary problem invented by modern people, then saying you didnt mean it, then going back to baiting by saying it being legal in the past and legal in other places than the US somehow makes your takes less bad.

How old are you anyway, this feels like stuff 18 year old edgy school boys would type just for the sake of being contrarian.
It only gets worse when you move out and work most of the time.
That seems pretty standard for here
i said goodbye and they left. it's called etiquitte, look it up.
could you please send them a formal letter of invitation to a grand banquet at your country estate so we can have them back
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>implying i wsn't already drafting it
b-but anon I'm european, when we say goodbye here that usually means you stand talking in the entryway for 40 more minutes with shoes on!
Bigen I'm already bored of leaving the house on weekends. I'm going back to practicing drawing weebshit stuff. Half considering drawing men since I don't do that enough. I never know what to draw with that though. Anyone have Ideas I can immediately forget about?
I understand nothing.
help messmer is hot and dkicking my ass
I'm tempted to sart using the misquoted slang from demolition man so bad rn.
>The impaler
they did NOT need to make him this zesty
You've mentioned liking Touken Ranbu before, right? Maybe you could draw some of them.
RIP flags
And I didn't come out this year

well there's always bi day of visibility
messmer more like miss me with that gay shit i got him
If it makes you feel better I didn't come out this year either and I've been in the closet for a while. I just need another year before I'm stable enough and then I can afford to cut ties.
Glad to hear he's not dicking you ass anymore.
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This stupid fucking cunt bastard sold a lot of PS1 games out from under me without letting me know about it and my day is fucking ruined, I don’t know if I’ll have the motivation now to make my fucking day a good one, I can’t even cope with vices.

I hope this bitch dies.
:( Bummer. Now your couch of playstations from the pride month sticky have to go hungry.
I already sold them all, two of them were broken and I’m keeping baby, so now I have to sell the two broken / parts units and buy a working one to donate.

I’m in agony.
>Girls generally aren't into fetish stuff
ud be incorrect lol they just arent as outspoken abt it as guys nd they just talk abt it w other women
damn that was fast! Do you buy them in bulk or off japanese ebay or something?
in anycase: it always sucks to miss out on stuff you waitlisted/alertlisted for. or just auctions. goddamn auctions.
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Recently, I have found myself incredibly horny whenever I see these kinds of footwear in media.
Oh no, I just came across these.
I’m a game hunter, so I look everywhere.

Yeah I have to get over it already, but it hurts so badly. This was (without exaggeration) an impeccable selection.
That's a pleasing statement to behold. I've found that exerting oneself to type in a manner sesquipedalian acts as a serviceable mental exercise.
>I’m a game hunter,
Poor choice of words for a vegetarian...
Ahh I see - nice find then! And hopefully there'll be another cool find like that soon to make up for the on you missed today.

I feel like I only have a few older games that I really really want but fuck: some of them are prrricey ;_;

Nah fuck “game” hunters, I’m a vidya hunter!

Thank you! You’re such a sweetie! No kidding that games are pricey, I have thousands of games on my need list that are pretty expensive so I feel you.
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cant lie telling guys online thatre trying to hit on u that ur trans is a good way to get them to leave u alone
until it isn't
It's only natural.
What self respecting person just lets their dogs hang out for all to see? In lingerie, no less.
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That's what you think, toots.
going to have a swordfight with my older guy friend see you lads on the flipside
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yeah lol thats why i said online :p i wouldnt do it in person obviously besides no man has ever approached me irl before bc im almost 6ft and have fagvoice so they usually clock me from a mile away
surprisingly i havent gotten any “wow thats even better!” comments yet outside of rejection i usually get “i dont mind/i dont judge/im bi/pan so i dont care/at least its not bigger than mine” lawl
I want hot bf or gf to dom and toruure me everyday why is life so hard /lgbt/frens... WHYYYYY GIVE ME A HOT TRANSMAN TO FILL MY BUSYS WITH HIS HUGE MUSCLY ARMS GRRRR
anon, if you go full ana the weight loss will look ugly and your skin won't sit right. You will have a gastly grey malnourished glow to you, and your body will make whatever food you do eat into fat at an annoyingly high rate. I'm just saying. do it slower.
>t. unwillingly went through starvation for several months now looking like a corpse
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No, otters are twinks with hair
When you date girls do you usually date bisexual or lesbian girls? I’m always curious about the type of girls bisexual women date, almost every single bisexual girl I know is dating a man
I hated reading every response to this post guys you need to fix your self esteem
Trans guys like that belong to other trans guys I hope you never date a ftm
Anon get on tetr.io
How do you even cope
Draw some elf twinks idk
This, a good amount of girls are into cnc and related fetishes
>Trans guys like that belong to other trans guys I hope you never date a ftm
sorry i've actually dated an ftm like that haha
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So happy for you anon…
>had my first gay experience with hot twink a while ago
>loved it loads, both just been too busy to meet again
>loved the feeling of strength and the confidence that I had going into it
>want more hot twinks with tight bodies
>struggle to find many with a face that would turn me on enough to want to meet them and have gay sex with them
I’ve not had hot man on man action for too long and its because I just want someone with a stunning face
its easier being a bottom. As long as they have a nice cock- i dont really have to look at the face lol. I sucked a lot of nice cocks on ugly dudes
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>being a bi bottom
I have recently just had a MMF threesome with my girlfriend, and now she keeps asking when the next time we're going to do it again because she "Loved watching my ass get filled"
So so far it seems like elf twinks, yamanbagiri, yzak joule, klim nick, and seta soujirou are my options. Trying to finish a bodypillow i started a long while ago to replace the old body pillow cover. I printed it and mostly didn't understand what I was doing when I made it.
>How do I cope
See above. I'm distracting myself in passion on drawing things I find pretty/cute, relatable/self insertable, datable, or characters I just enjoyed.
I know it isn't a real question but this is a real answer.
I wish I had your courage.
>tfw no dirty femcel gf
>tfw no redneck metalheads bf
>tfw just keep losing
Does anyone else only date boys because dating girls is too hard?
Ah yes, the Steam sale. The sale of Steam. Steam, on sale!
Would anyone else care to share their haul?
>being a frog poster
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Musashi is fun. No one bought it though.
>When you date girls do you usually date bisexual or lesbian girls? I’m always curious about the type of girls bisexual women date, almost every single bisexual girl I know is dating a man
I've actually never had a girlfriend before. If I was going to date a girl, I don't think it would matter if she was bisexual or lesbian. The girl I had a year long crush on in high school was straight unfortunately lol. Anyways, I've only ever had a relationship with one person, and I married him. Sometimes, I wish I could feel what it's been like to kiss a girl, or have lesbian sex, but I feel a bit bad for wanting something other than my husband
>I feel a bit bad for wanting something other than my husband
Tbf it is normal for people to wonder/want something else. Also contrary to chiang most the bisexual women I've known(sample size of 2 of 2) had been only in relationships with women though one ended up with a guy. Ironically bith loved horror movies.
>then saying you didnt mean it
Humph... Again, showing you're not among the brightest. That person obviously wasn't me, the vocabulary, formatting, etc. is different. Regardless, his posts were revealing. That person was either joking or being serious and he quickly backtracked due to fear. If people are so hostile towards a different point of view to the point someone fears making a joke, there probably is something seriously wrong with the opposite side.

Anyway, I said it's been enough of this highly controversial and off-topic back and forth. I replied to this because your poor recognition skills amazed me.
I have the biggest urge to brat tame Electra…
whos up strokin
I'm sure you're right about it being normal. I brought it up with my husband before, and he didn't seem bothered by it. I can see why he wouldn't worry about it; it's not like I'm being tempted to actually cheat on him or anything. I probably shouldn't be feeling guilty over something so minor either, but do anyways
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Shouldn’t be hard if you’re hot
Bi bottoms are actually the best sub category of bisexuals
Based Fujo gf
Nice, glad you’re doing well and keeping yourself occupied. What body pillow are you making?
>but this is a real answer
I know, and this is all you can really do. I’m just frustrated and lonely, mostly frustrated with myself
Many such cases
That’s normal, I don’t think you’re wrong for being curious. Congrats on your marriage though, how long have you guys been together?
you have the biggest urge to WHAT
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A whole month...over already. I can feel myself getting weaker
Haha, you're probably bisexual mostly due to environmental reasons.
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i was gna spend my brat summer on a vacation meeting up with a potential bachelor but i lost my job so im gna be spending it broke celibate unemployed looking a mess and stuck inside my house fml
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desu ik it sounds reddit as hell but if it werent for societal expectations majority of ppl would be bisexual i think
not me im doin a secret third thing
i havent bought any games during the sale bc ive only been stuck playing one specific game in particular
why does pansexuality exist? is it just bisexuality for special snowflakes?
to virtue signal that theyd be willing to fuck trannies as well majority of the “pansexual” guys i met were just polyamorous reddit bisexuals
It exists for people who deny sex is binary.
Time to relax a little and prepare for brat fall
Naruto girls are part of the reason I'm turned on by these.
ill actually be seeing her + troye and shygirl this september so im praying!!! i just had so many cute outfits planned and envisioned what i was gna do -n-
It's for people that don't know bi is hetero (unalike) and homo (alike) together, which already covers everything.
We've been married for a year and a half now. We dated for a few years before that. We would have gotten married earlier, but we were living in different cities going to different universities, so we decided to finish school first before getting married
They've added achievements to Quake... My perfectionist tendencies shall recrudesce!!
Stroke me, stroke me! (Stroke! Stroke!)
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wth this is the hottest thing ever,,,
god bless im a stupid faggot who can t reverse image search (picrel) or i would have spent the whole day busting

so i would rep rly hard and i think that made my fetishes worse. i ate my cum regretted it but then did it again, i drank piss and regretted it but then ddidnt do it again so thats nice.. piss is a weird kink so im trying not to feed into it. worst two things i did was when i had a mental breakdown and shit on the floor then pissed on it then jerked off on it made a little pile of filth. i think i was in a bad place so disgusting things turned me on. also doing immoral things. in hs our club won this award and we got a plaque and i took it home, the plan was to put it on the wall of our classroom the next day. but before that when i was home i held it and started jerking off, i came all over it. cleaned it up and handed it to the teacher the next day.

me!!! im gonna use this to rant abt my issues
my current gf (boymoder) is even more bottom than i am so im kinda being a switch? idk what to do tho, i get more hard than when i was pretending to be straight with my ex but like sometimes i still cant get hard and i wonder if i jerked off to too much porn (i mostly stopped) and ive broken my penis or if im just too much of a bottom... i love her though....
bigen learnt me a word today
Tfw no thespian bf to receit plays with
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They’re all prison gay chasers
Cute, congrats anon
Why can’t two bottoms make it work by getting a double ended dildo
well i guess i should say submissive instead of bottom. double ended dildo isnt that hot bc we're both just kinda pleasuring ourselves right? she wants to be fucked hard
i like teasing her about how pathetic she is tho and that gets her flustered so thats just what ivve been doing
as i understand it its just bisexual people have a preference and pan people don't
Only difference is that our flag is prettier.
>What's the bodypillow
Girls Frontline character
>mostly frustrated with myself
Same, even when I go out and socialize nothing really goes anywhere.
Ut2004 with bigen when.
The writing style being different doesn't always mean the writer is a different person. But whatever. I'm just tired of people using the law in countries like mine as some sort of "comeback" or justification when there's more to them than people are aware of. That was all.
If you really feel like you want to get back with girls, you should cheat and keep it hidden. Don't limit yourself on the good stuff, it's not a bi partner's job to comfort themselves into a certain sexuality.
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lowkey forgot this was a thing. I've been too deep into itch.io and small artists and physical copies lately. and yet... it tempts me.
>I've been too deep into itch.io and small artists and physical copies lately
tremendously and absolutely based kot, do not fall for this seasonal poisonous temptation
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>spend the last year and a half relatively happy
>the spell is undone all of a sudden earlier today
>instantly miserable
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mmm you're right anon, you're right... I'd rather toss my money at small creators so they get to eat. Then I can write thorough reviews and maybe recommend them to others if I find something cool

:( it really isnt, no
Bass anon, if you are still here between us, check out this catchy song Vulf released couple of weeks ago:

Reminded me of you instantly!

I ate half a loaf of bread, cup ramen, and some jam spread.
I need protein in me right now and I don't care if it is the sexual kind.
Feral dragoness multiboob...
That's not interesting.
>That's not interesting.
just like your list
You have any certs? A lot of the entry level jobs are asking for A+ these days. Identify what IT department you want to work under and focus all your efforts there. You've got this, I barely passed SEC+ by the skin of my teeth and a lot of my coworkers had to retake their certs but they persevered in the end.
Whats with all the people in IT these days.
I can offer a job that 100% makes people suicidal but not need a home and only weekend hotel stays for just $1500 every two weeks.
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Shit, should have read further down, sorry, man. It might be your area, IT is ever present, but some areas, they only want to hire from within the corporation. You ever consider doing IT for the gov't? I remember all the contractors on the helpdesk had A+ as a bare minimum requirement.
You have my insincere apologies. Perhaps my next spree shall dip into the more stimulating fare populating my wishlist.
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>Motorcycle class
That's badass, man. I always tell myself that I'll buy myself a vespa for Christmas (not the same, I know, I just think they're neat looking)

As we grew more interconnected on a global scale, industry followed suit and we all became reliant on technology to do business. One of the backbones behind that is the IT industry so a lot of places poured money into their IT sections due to the need of securing their assets in cyberspace. Personally, I do it for the gov't, it doesn't pay as well, but it's stable, offers a 401K, a pension and medical benefits.

Oooohh, what kind of job is that?
>I need protein in me right now
Seems like you need much more than just that.
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i wish i couldve been a stemtranny but unfortunately i just have to break stereotypes against trans women and be absolutely retarded when it comes to computers and will prob end up doing sw or getting a useless degree
Really hoping things work out and my parents don't just randomly show up to my apartment again.
>a pension
Only thing I don't have.
>Oooohh, what kind of job is that?
Power grid data collection and inspection. I'm in engineering half though and I hope I get a raise soonish though i kinda want to leave.
i need it more than him btw
Go into a trade then maybe
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honestly i thought abt doing something pink collar like hairstyling or makeup artistry but im gna be doing college online next yr so i can get an cert in administration
electra is peak opera
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Yeah, I hate uninvited guests as well. I love my parents, but my mother sometimes has a nasty habit of doing exactly that. She also used to open my mail when I lived with her, that used to drive me batty and I had to rent a PO box for more...salacious purchases.

The way I see it, peace of mind is priceless, I'm trading making a tremendous amount of money now, for security when I'm a 40 year old man. If for some reason the Feds can't pay me a pension at that point, then all of us living here will have bigger problems I think.

That's really impressive! I'm a network engineer, so I get what you're going through. The managers talk, we engineers make things happen and they get to take the credit. What's nice is that my customers are typically other engineers or network appliances, so it's low stress considering I don't enjoy talking face to face. Hope you get that raise!
whatre u listenin to rn?
I possess a sincere appreciation and strong sense of empathy for those who make art which is ambitious enough to break convention, take risks, and be unashamedly self-servicing, to the point of coming off as distasteful to the public.
RAW french horror classic... i like her vocals
i think i posted this picture me broken song before so i'll add a new one too, i wish they lasted longer :( the parts of the video with them performing is so aesthetic
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>RAW french horror classic
i still need to watch that but anything relating to body horror/mutilation/modification fucks me up baddddd! ill prob look into it after i watch maxxxine this weekend i got tix for an early showing :D
>i like her vocals
desu id go as far to say shes one of the best songwriters of this generation despite her name being passed around and her songs being shared over various platforms i still believe that shes painfully underrated
rock songs w female vocals are gigabased
>body horror/mutilation/modification fucks me up
That's why I love that genre. I want to walk away feeling uneasy
I'm so looking forward to watching this. Enjoyed X quite a bit and I LOVED Pearl. Also, Mia Goth is my waifu (I wish).

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