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>tfw she's clicker trained instead of potty trained
Is there anything more precious then an obedient diapered transgirl?
One that doesn't piss on the floor?
That's why she's diapered! No puddles, only snuggles
Fuck you for reminding me that i have no mommy gf.
Have you considered sitting in a box on the street corner with big sad eyes? "Free pampered puppygirl to good home"
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the demand for catboys is not high enough to pull that off
I do NOT need to see a sexy pic like that I do NOT want a diaper kink please refrain from posting hot girls in diapers I can't deal with it I can literally be forced to have any kink please respect that power in your hands
transgirls needs to be in bunnyhops
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Oh there's your problem. Let's get you into a skirt to show off your cute cushie tushie and you'll have a mommy to change you in no time!
>clicker trained
Tell me more...
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but i'm all out of them and i'm broke!
It's how you train a good girl to piddle on command
wouldn't a good girl be trained to have no control whatsoever?
so if I posted hot girls with sweaty feet you'd get a fetish for it? :3
desu idk why total loss of control is the most popular fantasy in abdl. Like I get the appeal, but to me the idea of having total control but having no choice but to use your diaper anyway. Like you have to chose between the humiliation of willingly soiling yourself or the discomfort of holding it until you are forced to. That is so fucking hot to me
honestly i'd just be happy to have a partner willing to do anything control related
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Daily reminder that fetishes and diaper shit is moidbrained and you should avoid it if you want to be a real woman
>you should avoid it if you want to be a real woman
I don't, I want to be a trans woman. So yeah I'm going to keep wearing diapers and pooping in them and being based. sorry not sorry :3
we used to lock people like you in wards
don't worry, diapers are the way to complete your transition
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Trans diaps are trans rights :)
this fetish actually seems pretty popular among women
There are almost just as many MtFs into diapers than there are cis women into diapers lol
because men are more likely to have sexual fetishes
Yeah that's the point, just like being 6'5 is male as fuck even though there are also 6'5 women, being into diapers is extremely male.
the reason why there's more mtf abdls than female abdls is because transgirls need is as a necessity to complete their transition
>the reason why there's more mtf abdls than female abdls is because transgirls need is as a necessity to complete their transition
nah my trans gf was 100% passing before I ever diaperpilled her
I'm sure diapers are more popular among women than they are among men if you correct for the fact that men are more likely to be fetishists
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Warm and spongy
please kill the diaper shit
>I'm sure diapers are more popular among women than they are among men if you correct for the fact that men are more likely to be into diapers
so youre saying its more popular with women but impossible to quantify in any study?
They are. Autists posting survey results from nearly 2 decades ago of a porn community and are shocked it'd mostly men.
Women don't congregate in the communities with high levels of cishet men because they're unrelenting desperate perverts.
Diapers and regression are very fembrained.
paraphilia is not fembrained anon its proven to be male brained and most of the time linked to APD which is also male brained
cis girls are into fetishes that involve power dynamics and cgl is one of them
Wrong. Diapers and regression are fembrained. If you go to reddit or porn communities, no shit it's mostly men. Cishet men are so pathetic they've even come to our threads.
To the point where CGL isn't even nearly as popular a term as DDLG. Prison gay cis men are often the ones whining on porn focused communities there's no cissoids. Women actively create seperate more intimate communities on tumblr, instagram, tiktok, etc where the demographics are overwhelmingly women are use terms like agere, ddlg, etc
>To the point where CGL isn't even nearly as popular a term as DDLG
Wanted to use a neutral term, as most of them are cishet they will use of course will use ddlg
>tumblr, instagram, tiktok
it would be new to me that they also use instagram for that, thought they only congregated on the other two
filter it
>be me
>fap to diapertranny on here
>later go to fetlife
>found same daipertranny on there
>next day
>go back to her profile to messsge her
>it’s gone
Damn I wish I hadn’t of been so shy
(If you know who you are I have a photo of you that I still goon to a lot)
Slightly off topic but is anyone else glad that overalls are fashionable right now?
Shortalls and skirtalls are so comfy!
nta but i need you in my life
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that sounds horrible and i would hate that... haha lol ...
of course you freak has some disgusting fetish
Correct, so pooners better start padding up.
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>I'm sure diapers are more popular among women than they are among men if you correct for the fact that men are more likely to be into diapers
What a cute lil shorky friend you have there. Do they have a name?
that's lily, she's a clocky agp twinkhon
cute, but what's the shark's name?
I think the issue is a fundamental misunderstanding of the make up of ABDL. It's not one community, it's several under an umbrella term. Originally it was written as AB/DL to make the separation more apparent in pre-internet and early internet communities.

DL or diaper lover is the pure fetishist community. Their interest is in diapers as a fetish, period. This segment is very large and very male dominated as one would expect.
ABs or adult babies are into regression in some capacity. The population is more evenly split for gender; but if we factor in the related adjacent communities; littles, agere, ddlg, age players, etc. The population skews female.
If we sample ABDL from the porn centric communities, you will see DLs over represented and skews the data.
is this like a reddit survey or some shit?
i swear there are way more girls into this
that is the shark's name
It looks to be from understanding infantislism survey done nearly 20 years ago on a fetish focused community.
That survey, overwhelmingly responded to by DLs given the sample source.
what the diapers are malebraind crowd never understands is:
>most surveys on the fetish are dog shit, many are done on obscure forum sites where mostly only men post, finding that a reddit porn site is mostly filled with men isnt a shocker
>the closest thing we have to accurate data is that one tabooness study that was done on twitter that doesnt seem to be skewed by selection bias
>it actually finds that diapers and ageplay are slightly female preferred, even if its a lot of trans people
>there are different ways to engage with ABDL, men are more likely to be interested in being in the daddy role, or in wearing diapers alone without any ageplay. women are more likely to be the ones who WANT to wear the diapers and age regress
Isn't "lily, she's a clocky agp twinkhon" a bit of a long name?
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>who WANT to wear the diapers and age regress
the diapers are never the focus. cis girls are way more into the ddlg aspect. you can find a ton of that online
I mean, I find this is a problem with online surveys in general. Any random can fill them out and we have no way of telling how accurate they are. Whenever I see the results of online surveys about trans people I always think about the trans people I know and how many I wouldn't trust to be honest
Diapers are an accessory for the regression. And a very popular one at that. That's what girls are trying to communicate.
Pure diaper fetishists, DLs, are predominantly male. Tend to congregate in sex or fetish focused communities; which creates a massive sample bias.
so if I am more interested in the regression aspect but do wet my diapers, does that make me fembrained?
lol stop being pathetic and worrying about male/fembrained, you are you who gives a shit what you are
Yeah, only women piss themselves, men simply do not do that, diaper or not
If you don't trust your trans friends then maybe you should get better friends or start trusting more
i sniffed her armpits at kremwerk once
Yes. The only way to purge all toxic masculine socialization is to start over from the beginning. The very first time a transgirl is abused with male socialization is potty training. Boy stand, girls sit. So not only is it expected for you to have accidents, it's honestly required as part of trutransition.
An obedient diapered transfemboy.
youre not quantifying the cis-female population in anyway so gonna have to just call you 2 liars until ya do
probably the best attempt of rationalising "all trans girls need to be in diapers" meme

that being said, a lot of the cis women who report being into DDLG describe having a past history of trauma, I wonder if thats part of why its common amongst the transes
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in the past you could have just gone on tumblr and seen that for yourself. idk if the girls into that still hang out there or have moved to tiktok
Neither have you. You have a decades old survey of an obscure sex forum that was majority DLs.
Masculine socialization is of course very traumatizing for transgirls. Which is part of where the common appeal is as well. AMABs are often abused physically, verbally, and socially for any interest shown in feminine socialization.
Regression allows a sense of transgirls to resocialize while freeing themselves of the shame inflicted by toxic male socialization.
I feel a lot of shame when I wear my diapers desu
>Diapers are an accessory for the regression. And a very popular one at that. That's what girls are trying to communicate.
>Pure diaper fetishists, DLs, are predominantly male. Tend to congregate in sex or fetish focused communities; which creates a massive sample bias.
okay but what if you like regression but more as a humiliation thing than a comfy thing?
Still falls under regression.
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That's normal at first. Toxic masculine socialization is deep rooted and it's claws can hurt at first while working through the trauma. We'll just keep you diapered all the time until they feel natural and normal.
fucking ruined
otherwise 10/10 would but the diaper puts it in the negatives. no wonder you get hatecrimed
its very easy to imagine that they are just panties ez fix
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Trans diaps are trans rights
I feel like DDLG isn't really that closely related to ABDL. In my experience most DDLG people just want to have vanilla sex while pretending to be a child
peeing in a diaper is maaaayybe cute, but shitting in one is JUST GROSS!
>losing control over ability to pee/poop independently
why could loss of control fantasy be so popular in abdl?
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The one kink I can never and will never get behind.

No, it's not. cause people don't delight in pissing and shitting into panties. I see a bulging swollen diaper like >>36343271 and I just think of the ghastly miasma of urine and feces swirling around her nuts and threatening to trickle down her leg.
This is like blacks saying, "white people commit just as many crimes as black people, here, look at this statistic on the racial makeup of convicted criminals!"
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>people don't delight in pissing and shitting into panties. I see a bulging swollen diaper
So, this is a little counterintuitive...
intuitively, we'd expect female fantasies are more likely to be submissive ones, and abdl is a submissive fantasy (duh)
so, you might expect that if you "correct" for something else, then you would get a result that aligns with your intuition, i.e. that females "should" be more likely to be into ABDL

but abdl isn't just a submissive fantasy, it's a humiliating fantasy, and an EXTREME one at that
in many traits, males scores have a higher variance than female scores
so while female average for submission/humiliation fantasies is likely significantly higher than the male average, if you are filtering for ABDL lovers that's a very high level of submission/humiliation.

since males have higher variance, we should actually expect to find more males among ABDL lovers
similarly, we should also expect to find more males among extreme sexual dominatrices, though in this case, the male/female ratio should be even more towards male, since the average male fantasy is more dominant than the average female fantasy

it's like how if you condition on sub-70 IQ, you will find mostly males IN THAT GROUP, despite the general female average being like two points lower than general male average.
your proposed "correction" is like first filtering out the middle third of females, and the middle third of males, since you are selecting only for fetishists, i.e. people with extreme levels of dom or sub fantasies. Even if you correct in this way, first slicing out the middle thirds and then looking at (abdl females)/(filtered females) vs (abdl males)/(filtered males), the second ratio should still be higher!!
whoops, replied to wrong post, meant to reply to: this: >>36337433
thats what all little girls say right before they become stinky poopy lolis...
these seem contradictory, but if you think of it in terms of mean and SD as in my post >>36345065, females are more diaperbrained (as in, generally submissive) than males, but diaperbrained (as in, explicit ABDL) people are more male
>pretending to be a child
That'd be regression, and that's exactly what adult babies do. Most folks except the older ones don't even identify as adult babies anymore, preferring the term Little. Which crosses DDLG, agere, and other regressing communities.
Diapers as a tool for regression and/or submissions - fem majority
Diaper as a pure fetish without regression - male majority
ABDL is an umbrella term for many different expression of interests in diapers and/or regressing.
Pee absorbs into the diaper and transforms the fluff inside into a warm squishy cloud
That survey is 53% exclusively or mostly Diaper Lovers. They just have a fetish for diapers. That increases to 73% if we include respondents that identified as equally AB and DL.
The flaw is in the sample.
>hoping my diapertranny would be in this thread
>she’s not
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that does not make it better
this image would be so hot if you just blocked out the bottom middle part of it
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It'd be hotter if the skirt was two inches shorter.
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What? There are just as many men as there are women, and there are a lot more cis women than there are transwomen, so why are there just as many transwomen into diapers as there are cis women into diapers?
It would only be hot if she wasn't wearing a diaper under the skirt
Ikr, a *clean* diaper, how disgusting
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It's because a transgirls relationship with their diapers is special and unique. There's a lot of specific aspects with diapers and regression that uniquely benefit us.
On the physical side proper thick abdl diapers are good at concealing and erasing genitals without being uncomfortable like tucking. Diapers can really ease dysphoria for transgirls while being super cozy and comfy. Like a sift crinkly cloud hugging your princess parts.
Then on the emotional side most transgirls experienced a lot of trauma being socialized male. Regression is popular among women as a method of coping and processing trauma. But for transgirls there's a lot of specific trauma while growing up if you showed interest in feminine socialization. Abused physically, verbally, and socially. Being able to regress in a safe mindset, letting go of that weight, and getting to play a bit as a girl is incredibly healing.
As they old saying goes
>A transgirl without her diapers is like an angel without its wings
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Or would it be cuter if there was an even thicker diaper under her skirt?
no that's even worse
The reason people think woman are into this kink is that there are a lot of woman on only fans making money off of it. It's no coincidence that the popularity of abdl exploded when the porn industry shifted from studios making movies to ameatuers selling subscriptions.

Studios are costly so when it comes to what kind of content they chose to make they went with stuff that has broad appeal. Woman on only fans don't have as much overhead costs that a studio does so they are free to choose what kind of content they produce. However there is latent pressure to cater to fringe fetishs like abdl because there is a ton of competion on onlyfans platforms and catering to these small demographics makes them stand out and actually end up with more subscriptions then trying to make normal porn content.

Even in the abdl space you have more and more woman catering to the "messy" content that it actually caused banks to threaten only fans platforms to pull that content or they would withdraw support.

Onlyfans has started an arms race where these creators must continue to more and more depraved fetishes in order to make money.
you people are why we will never be accepted
>tfw neet princess to a cis mommy gf
>constantly in littlemode and we babytalk back and forth
>spend all my money on toys and plushies
>cuddle while watching cartoons
>breastfeeds me which always makes her horny and leads into rp where she rapes me

I really wanna wear diapers around her but Im scared she wont accept me ;-;
Just start wetting yourself so she has a reason to diaper you.
Ive literally thought about that. Sometimes she tickles me and being a spirohon has weakened my ability to hold in pee so much I get really close to emptying my bladder on myself. I also have a ton of dreams where I pee in the dream but Im unfortunately still dry when I wake up, though with a full bladder. Aaaaaaaa I just want one accident so I can diap up
Sounds like she came from the boymoder adoption agency
Fuck I want transgirl like this, where are they
Just try it, next time she tickles you pee yourself enough that it's visible at least and see how she reacts. Then report back to here.
God all I want is to have a harem of diapered transgirls and be their babysitter
How likely are they to diaper me, just wondering hypothetically
Studio abdl porn was waaaaaay better than the garbage on OF.
And are that many people even using OF anyway? I always assumed it was like a handful of rich basedboys and some self-hating chudcels. Like every OF video I've ever seen ripped to a free porn site is so bad that I'd be angry if I paid money for it
did you notice the comma
This. If she recognizes that you simply can't be trusted to keep your panties dry, it's inevitable she'll have a talk about your potty privilege
This is so disgusting, wtf is wrong with you
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That's a man and I will knock you out if I see you faggot.
I've been trying to find a domme/mommy through tinder for months but the only other girls I've gone on dates with have been major bottoms... I don't really dress like a bottom so I feel like I'm not attracting tops...

I tried FetLife for a while and exchanged numbers with a "mommy" but she was super flakey and we never ended up meeting :'(
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Trans diaps are trans rights!
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>her nuts
How do you get an ass and thighs that big?
Asking for a friend ofc
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Wear big thick girly diapers every day 24/7
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too bad im stuck living with my family
This is why we need state mandated re-preschool for all transgirls. This was all good girls can be properly cared for and resocialized.
yes please! :3
is possible to train self?
okay, what would we do in this state mandated re-preschool?
Important lessons like unpotty training, stuffie care, tea party etiquette, fairy princess ballet, and more!
>unpotty training
Umm I'm already kinda an expert at this ;3, but I guess it'd be fun to be the teacher's pet and watch all the other girls struggle
>stuffie care, tea party etiquette
>fairy princess ballet
Ugh it sounds fun but I'm like super fucking clumsy even without a diaper on. I guess the diaper can catch my fall at least
Be an actual woman lol
that's a guy in the pic i was replying to dumbass
..a normal person who doesn't engage in this fetishistic, autogynephilic lifestyle?
>Is there anything more precious then an obedient diapered transgirl
a disobedient diapered transgirl that you get to punish >:3
i wish i was either of those girls
I wish i was both
>Studio abdl porn was waaaaaay better than the garbage on OF
I haven't seen any of the OF stuff but the only good studio was (is?) abdreams, the rest was pretty terrible
i met this really cute transgirl and we had amazing sex but she's into diaper stuff and really wants me to do that to but im not into it
what do i do about this situation?
tell her you won't do it and if it's a deal breaker, then that's that. but you already knew that.
No its an actual woman she has a just for fans
Hons are NOT allowed to wear diapers!
What about twinkhons?
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i LOVE wearing my diapers!!
P-punish? But we're all innocent good girl princesses. What sort of punishment would there be?
I love that you love wearing your diapers
Yup, they totally can!
Are you into her? You don't gave to enjoy it yourself to enjoy making her happy.
The frank reality is every transgirl needs to be kept in diapers.
I NEED to spank a crinklebutt
Oh really?
She's flat as a 2x4 then
but I didn't misbehave at all :c
She is she had surgey you can literally see her pussy on just for fans lol
I NEED to gently pat and bounce a crinklebutt
>I NEED to gently pat and bounce a crinklebutt
umm my crinklebutt might be a bit gross to patt o_o
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are we posting diap pics?
i love my bf but i wish he would indulge in my abdl fetish more, i want him to put diaps on me and have me sit on his lap and feed me from a bottle :c
Cute sure post pics
>throwing tantrum
>bf comes in
>”oh my you are soaked, let’s get you all cleaned up”
>takes me to bedroom
>undressed me
>puts me to changing table
>tightens the safety straps to my hands and feet to keep me from wriggling off
>puts my favourite paci gag in my mouth
>blindfold on my eyes
>takes off soggy diapy
>lovingly strokes my pretty pink princess clitty
>softly hear him say ”now this will help you feel better, my precious one”
>puts headphones on me playing lullabies
>feel lotion and powder gently rubbed on to my special area
>feel something long and thing being slowly put in my bum
>feel water flowing inside of me
>im getting fuller and fuller
>just as i feel i can’t take anymore the tube is slid out
>relief at last
>feel a large round object enter my bum
>gets larger and larger and then my bum closes around it
>now im feeling really really full
>bf tapes the diaper around me
>mitts put on my hands and booties on my feet
>safety straps undone
>bf carries and places me in my crib
>thing in my bum starts vibrating
>grab big blahaj and start hugging him
>grunt and rub myself on blahaj
>vibrating ends
>hand in back of diaper taking thing out of bum
>bf takes things off my head
>kisses me on head telling me good night and spanks my bum
>turns off light and leaves
>massive explosion from bum
>seat is squishy and warm
>more bursts come
>wet without warning
>fall asleep from exhaustion
how do I become clicker trained (I am already potty trained)
Yes yes I would lol
>I am already potty trained
Hahaha no you're not
Since this post needs to be *changed* since it's been a few days may as well end the thread with some rolling.

Roll a 1, drink water+wet yourself
Roll a 5, watch a cartoon from your childhood.
Roll a 9, make a PBJ with one hand only, and then eat with no hands (or someone feeds it to you)
Roll 22, poop yourself (can use laxatives)
Roll 44, leave 4chan for 4 days
Roll 000, stay diapered 24/7 for a week.
He needs to keep you padded 24/7 by the sound of it!
you did this to me yesterday and I had to wet myself now what do I have to do
ooo roll game

Hope it’s not 22 or 000…
please please 22
where do I find trans diaper porn..
I'm sure I will only get big girl numbers
I dont even own diapers
any good reccomendations that ship discreetly
Look from within...
but im a ftm strictly into mtfs....how...
Yeah this is definitely yet another AGP fetish. They're astounding.
You didn't specify gender, and your trans so... Put on the diaper and make your own porn.
but thats not hot to me why would I do that
i think men are disgusting and anyone full of hair shouldnt be posting their repulsive bodies
Go to reddit and bust it to some hons then.
she's a detransitoned ftm who gave up due to balding. she had her tits removed, hence being completely flat. she's posted a lot of this in the past but has deleted her account a few times.
Abuniverse Bunnyhops are the official underwear of transgirls
not the person you're replying to, but i just bought some of these! i'm so excited for them to arrive! definitely the cutest diaper :D
>roll 22?
Actually the best. Stupid poofy and hold more than they have any right. I’m glad I have them if I have a day I just feel like crawling up and breaking down in bed for the day. Love how they clasp gently but firmly around me.
Just remove the diaper and i would do anything to get her
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This is true. I just wish they were a better product. Lots of comfier, more absorbent, and better fitting diapers out there.
I'm amazed lfb doesn't get more love. I know they were involved in some stupid shit, but their designs are on point. Image familiar.
not a big fan of LFB desu
the size M is too large for me and they dont have S
the designs are alright but they can be a bit over the top for me
crinklz have been pretty bad, not very soft and bad absorption
cushies have been great and i hope the bunnyhops can live up to that too
im also looking to get some rearz daydreamers, they seem super thick and the color gradient on them is the prettiest thing ive seen on a diaper
dp-vids and thisvid are some free community websites where you can stream diaper porn
dp-vids is better since it's just diaper porn, but it's newer so the catalogue isn't too big. If a video is marked as private you just need to put in random info to register an account and it'll let you watch it. They have most of the natalie mars diaper videos as well as a few other trans ones
thisvid has more videos but a large portion of them are actually private and there's no way to filter them out which is annoying (A lot of the private videos though the accounts will let you see if you make an account and request it, but that's too much of a hassle for porn imo). It's not exclusively for diaper porn but there's a lot of diaper porn on there
the worst part about looking up diaper porn/pics is being mogged by cis girls who are 10 times cuter than i will ever be
diapers are for hons only, goddammit
shes a detransitioner anon
>gave up cause bald
thats the reason? I read some of the older posts and thought she was just talked into it
Or is she a sissified FtM
i wanna know too
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Trans diaps are trans rights!
@Riley_OmoDL on Twitter

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