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>tfw no trans gf
I suffer
w-what about me anon...
i-im a trans girl..
imagine being so undesirable that even the most desperate population doesnt want you

my condolences
How desperate we talkin?
most transgirls wouldnt leave when abused so... very?
Not op, but getting a trans gf isn't that easy. You need someone who lives reasonably close (which for me means up to 4 hours by train), who shares some interests with you and whose willing to date in the first place.
I'm not even talking about visuals here, cause I don't really care that much about passing, but even that is hard enough. And then when you find someone you are dealing with a mentally ill person that can on a whim decide to ghost you for all sorts of reasons.

I'm now dating trannies for like a year and I've met up with a few but only found 2 which were really compatible, like real wife material, women with whom I could imagine spending a long time with without it getting stale, and both have ghosted me die to mental health reasons (one was a BPDemon that splitted on me, the other had cptsd and anxiety issues and just decided that not dying alone wasn't an option anymore)

And I'm actively searching, like at my high time I was traveling every other weekend to meet up with some tranny
Where did you get the info most woudn't leave an abuser?

Makes more sense
myself i didnt for 4 years
Sorry , I wish you are fine now
okay yeah living somewhere isolated is its own seperate problem tho
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Alright, you incel loser. I will go on one date with you. I require you to have at minimum a six figure salary though, below that is destitute poverty, irresponsible, and unintelligent. Agreed? If you don't, I'll just bully you the whole date then begrudgingly pay for the whole meal because I know you're a worthless, incompetent man. I think it's a fair ask, $100k doesn't go far in this economy, you probably can't even afford a Hermes bag for me. It's pretty easy to achieve if you put in a modicum of effort. Of course, if you can't achieve a reasonable salary, it just shows that you don't care about me enough. I prefer a $400k+ salary if you have the ambition to show that you care about me.
ew gross
>$100k doesn't go far in this economy
I make $120 in the bay and this in unironically true
t. ranny engineer (AGP)
my current partner is practically an angel in comparison so id say im better yes but thank you :3
Not even living isolated, I mean I live in the benilux area, 4 hours by train reaches roughly 100 million people. It's just that trannies are really rare and not that concentrated (well there is Paris, but aside from that not much)
Too poor for trans women, sorry. I can confirm that no trans woman would date a poorfag unless they're taller than 6'2" and have an 8 inch cock minimum. Even then, they would just be using him as a practice bf for sex. Why are brokies seething? If you just put in more effort in life, you'd make more money.
Nice to read, wish you both a happy life together
i live in a medium city in germany and I could literally get a date with a transgirl in like a day or two (I have done that so i am being very literal)

if theres universities wherever you are just check for any lgbt events they do? normally you find some there
Yeah forgot to mention, I'm fucking 30, my lower end for dating is 24, with the median age for trannies in Germany being 25, this means half of the trannies are already off the table
well okay yeah, if you arent wealthy then itll be a bit more difficult sorry
More evidence coinciding with the idea that trans women won't accept poorfag bum losers. Get a real job, brokies.
i shoved a wine bottle up my ass and sent a picture of it to a guy just to hear him call pretty
thats the bar
Im struggling with you my sibling in struggle

Heres a depiction of josh the ghost comforting blood 2pac

Both are chasers
Miss.Sarah you constructed that sentence like a johnny cash song

Jane cash moment?
I live in the US and im struggling to stay afloat

So show me how its done and then you can gloat

Look at what material wealth loses you, a monetary material world is hellish
my album is dropping soon, look for it on Apple music
every track is about a different object ive had inside me
none of them are penis
I actually do have a six figure salary but people like this absolutely disgust me since I used to be poor.
How did you even get in this situation in the first place? Lol
Not having money makes your life hard, so it's incredibly irresponsible. There's a difference between lavish luxury and being comfortable. The dissent towards material wealth isn't valid, we all need things. Products and services either fulfill our needs or bring us happiness.

Does money make you happy? It sure makes it easier. Between not having to worry about bills, having the opportunity to enjoy and experience better things, and the absence of stress about not having money, you have more emotional capacity to be happy and work on your mental health when you have money.

Your lack of money, struggling to stay afloat, also brings you unhappiness. Can you be happy while poor? Sure. The probability is much lower. Can you be miserable while rich? Of course. That same person could be miserable while poor, though. It's just a probability thing. People who have been both tend to not want to go back to being poor. It's kind of copium, making excuses for yourself, in my opinion.

I *could* fix you, but you need to be ambitious, do everything I say, and take radical accountability for your current place in life. No complaints, excuses, or saying it's hard. I'm just entertaining a hypothetical, there's probably no chance I'll ever interact with you again outside of this thread. Sometimes being poor is a lack of knowledge and ignorance. It's likely that your parents didn't teach you anything about navigating life and you have zero generational knowledge, that's why you're poor.

My initial post was a joke by the way, if it hurt anyone's feelings I'd probably feel bad. I'm just bratty sometimes and like to shitpost and troll.
You never had an irl bf?
*Gasp* Why not a 7 figure salary, anon? You don't love me that much, internet stranger, you're doing the bare minimum to barely survive. I can't see you as a competent man, sadly. Just become an equity partner, should be easy enough. Even most trannies make between $150k-300k nowadays, how do I see you as masculine when you don't make a 7 figure salary?
>Even most trannies make between $150k-300k nowadays
If that were true, they wouldn't be sell me nudes for estrogen
Firstly, that's very gross of you.

Secondly, I'm mostly joking (this isn't a real statistic) but if we were to humor this conversation, I would say there's a bimodal salary distribution for trans women. The ones who are poor are really poor. The ones who have their shit together really have their shit together. Not much in between, I don't think. It's sort of based on anecdotal experiences with trans women. The most common career choice is software engineer, but yes, many if not most are probably NEETs. Hard to quantify.
>that's very gross of you.
And that's very wrong of you to shame sex workers
I'm shaming YOU!!! ;_;
uh he wanted to see me put something in my ass, so i sent him a picture of the room to show him what i had on hand, and he picked the wine i was drinking. i chugged it first lol, not wasting wine
or you mean how did i meet him? i showed up in a discord server and advertised that i would do basically anything for attention, and he dm'd me.
no. i sucked one guys dick back in high school, but he never fucked me. small town, so nobody would admit to being gay. not that anyone really wants a 6'3" hon anyway. internet degradation is the only male attention ive ever gotten. since that one time in high school.
now GIRLfriends
ive had a few girlfriends
none of them ever pegged me either tho. my hole is virginal still, although i have definitely toyed with it on my own lol
what kind of bizarre discord server is that?
You seems to negative, if a guy online felt interested in you so probably you can have a man irl. Also, is your luck better with woman?
bro you dont wanna know. it was specifically for that. and porn.
>if a guy online felt interested in you so probably you can have a man irl
idk about that. hard to tell how tall i am from just pictures and videos. chasers will fuck hons or girls taller than them. not both.
>Also, is your luck better with woman?
it was, before i trooned. id be shocked if i could ever get a date from another woman again atp lol
>idk about that. hard to tell how tall i am from just pictures and videos. chasers will fuck hons or girls taller than them. not both.
Instead of a chaser, would you be able get a normal guy?

>it was, before i trooned. id be shocked if i could ever get a date from another woman again atp lol
Strange. You were always bissexual? Do you have more preference in what gender?
>Instead of a chaser, would you be able get a normal guy?
LMAO no fucking way are you kidding? if im too much of a hon for chasers regular dudes dont want me
>You were always bissexual? Do you have more preference in what gender?
you're not going to believe me - and given all the bitching about men im doing i dont blame you at all - but i actually consider myself a transbian. i like mens attitudes and how they talk about like pinning me down and choking me while they cum inside me but... i just dont find male bodies attractive. i will obviously suck their dicks, but thats just because its validating. meta attraction; men treat me like a woman, even if they're just pretending.
Oh, so this is the transbian flag?

I assumed you were hsts or bi, sorry lol.

Its more simple now. There is plenty of women you can date
no its just the transfem flag
i actually have a gf, im just a doomer, dont mind me lol
convinced she'll wake up some day soon and be like "why tf am i dating this fag?" and just dip out of my life lmao
You both can still have a happy future together

Also, do your gf know you expose yourself to random men?
>You both can still have a happy future together
we'll see
>Also, do your gf know you expose yourself to random men?
i dont really do that stuff any more. but yeah, she knows about it. she let me sext with this very nice boy who pretended to like me for a while on reddit. i truly dont deserve her
Interesting, quick question, German here, I've only ever dated trannies from this board or from dating apps (Grindr and taimi) and the trannies on the apps were pretty much all self deluded hons or early/no HRT often not even voicetrained guys in dresses. While the ones from here tend to be much cuter and much much more passing (also more mentally ill).

How's the quality of trannies you met like this? Because by now I accepted that aside from this board trannies are just freaks
How desperate you are to look for a trans gf.. and you can't even get married to them.
The gock and malebrained allure is always a good sell but...
crazy town
just pure fucking crazy town, not in a cute forgivable woman way, just a straight up autistic mental patient transwoman way
To me it's not the gock, but the crazy itself. My standards for a tranny are
>At least 22yo, preferably 25+
>If not passing then at least twinkhon or cute brick hon (my taste in cis women are those that look like lumberjacks, so no need to be hyperfem)
>Autistic hobbies she can talk about for hours
>Has little to no social life (lost friends die to transition)
>Had falling out with at least part of her family over transition
>Haven't had a real relationship in years

Is that so hard to ask for?
Also, bonus points if poor and a neet
That's so easy to find actually but all of this comes with a huge price: every mental issues written in the book
I am your lady.

Unfortunately fem leaning biace.
Yeah ik, but if it helps, I'm also very mentally ill, so we can be miserable together :)
I'm sorry but I have the extreme urge to make that joke:
>That's nothing a good dicking can't resolve
Your preferences seem predatory. Why do you want her to have no friends and family?That's kinda messed up
12 years medium to high probability of a change your world view
I want to kill the system my ancestors created

I dispised it my own ambition is to out live capitalism and suck gock

I probably won't get either of these things

But i think you simply fail to understand how cooked my goose is it's burnt charcoal

And in regards you

Work on yourself actually spend some time thinking about how your words affect people

This hierarchical world is an artificial abomination
I don't want her to have no friends and family but little.
And there are two reasons for this. First this is just how my broken bird syndrome works. My brain thinks that people who have little are more deserving of love and companionship, which is why I'll fall in love with them, it's just how I am
The second one is that I have my fair share of mental issues. It pales in comparison to many trannies, but I want someone who can relate to this. I don't have a big social life either, so I'd feel bad dating someone who has, as I'd feel like an intruder into their circles or even worse, would stay alone while they go out and have fun.
Needing a man with high enough per yr earnings so you can get flow to Dubai and Arab princess go to the bathroom on you does not count as a personality trait....even if he does have that money hes gonna spend it on a down to earth bimbo not a golddigger bimbo.
I think you're just a predator looking for vulnerable people
I mean rage-bait aside, if you are dating a tranny you should at least be somewhat financially stable. Trannies have usually high costs associated with them (surgeries, hrt costs, therapy, etc.) and are often not able to get high income jobs (transphobia in hiring, but also mental issues can make getting a job hard). So as a chaser you should at least have enough money to pay for the usual cost of living stuff (rent, food, etc.) for the two of you all by yourself.
I agree, unless the relationship is going to be a "we live close and are both working toward something" kinda deal, lot of you girls have pretty good jobs to though especially among stealth girls, It really all depends on who you land and what you want/need.
In the US in certain states yeah, in Europe employers are much more transphobic
I can and I plan on marrying a trans girl
I make $140-160k (depending on how bonuses work out that year), but I wouldn't date a trannoid because they've already had about 10 miles of cock through them. If you're hot enough I might tell you I'm interested and then pump and dump though
thx for wakeup call i needed that!!!
The fuck, what kind of trannies are you dating? Like half of them are either khhv, or only had sex with cis women pre-transition, or have been raped. Maybe they had one autistic bf, but thats about it
Don't know how to answer that. The attractive kind?
You're a brokie to me tho, unless you live in the boonies. Then you're subsisting. You must have poor reading comprehension, because I said I consider less than $100k to be destitute poverty.

That's not even enough to afford a starter home nowadays, anon. Get your shit together.
$100k is basic subsistence FOR A SINGLE PERSON, not lavish luxury. $100k is the new $60k. If you've experienced making six figures before, you'd know it's not a big deal. There's not going to be any trips to Dubai. It's bare minimum. It's not fuck you money, you can't even afford buying a luxury car and justifying it. I don't expect you to take care of ME at $100k, I would see you as an impoverished, incompetent fool that I need to take care of. $100k to me means that you're at least slightly above the bum on the streets, that you can survive and not die without me.

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