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QOTT: Would you drink a bowl of lukewarm milk that has been sitting in your kitchen for at least 30 minutes?
i'd put it in the fridge for a little then drink it. i think warm milk is disgusting
If it has cereal residue in it yeah
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Its that time if night where we sober up.
Joke's on you I drink almond milk
At least we know you're alive. Let the sobering commence
My milk is delicious
I love the drunk afterglow tbqh. Problematic.
cool it then drink it
drink more sweetie
Are you all cozy in your bed with a blanket?
For now but I'm close to 82 fishing so I might try and push for that tonight. I'm never tired after sobering up for some reason.
Tummy's upset
its still hot out
i mostly drink powdered milk cuz its cheaper so i dont know if thats why i dont mind it but yeh, sometimes i make a mug of milk that i just slowly sip from over the course of an hour while doing work or something so i dont see why i wouldnt
I've never heard of someone that enjoys powdered milk, did you grow up on it?
yes, family was once too broke to afford the good kind so i grew up on powdered milk lol
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Hell yeah motherfucker
Chris is a made man now
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I am once again asking where all the trannies in NYC are at.
have you tried typing that into google
Busy ignoring all my texts
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Wish me luck chasergen, huge moves may be happening.
>Would you drink (...) milk
good luck gummy
i'm drunk af but need to wait 1.5 hours to buy more vodka in socialist sweden
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Strongly considering getting one of these
Overt bonert fert baggerts cheetdurets
he looks cute
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good afternoon ladies and gentleman
good afternyoon
this what dog id be if i was a dog
This isn't exactly helping with the puppyboy allegations
the first tranny I dated fell deeply in love with me, she's gorgeous but a little lazy and manipulative. we're cute together but not perfect, I don't plan on seriously dating her, but she knows this. she's trying to get back together with me right now though.

she would be completely down to get "anon's property" tattooed on her in a pretty large font with the full awareness it would ruin her relationships, but framed as a good thing since based on her relationship history (abusive, etc) she's clearly not ready for one. could cover it up later
it was literally her idea. she wants to do it fr, but I could push her into doing it fr fr

what do?
what is everybody doing this weekend? i am going to get sushi and watch a movie and maybe do some crying
fat tranny asses on my face
I downloaded grindr and 90% of "trannies" were fat middle-aged sissies what gives
happy sad turd day /chasergen/
mostly just studying
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1 toad, 1 skunk, 3 cats, 3 snails, 9 deer, 20 hermit crabs, 100 buns, this many slugs.
happy saturday!!!
No I'm not
ewww what's that
Post more mysterious things, woods-anon
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Apparently theyre's a trend in some parts of the gay community called 'pumping' which involves injecting silicion into the testicles to make them appear larger
um what
Women do it to their tits so not a huge difference
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Ew? I think it's beautiful. Maybe it was a mermaid, idk.
This is the only other picture I took on my walkies last night, or I guess today because they're so long now they extend into daytime. No mysteries.
I see the male version of girls who get fake boobs and butts as body builders. often you see body builders date girls like that, they are both into body modification to an exaggerated point
It can kill you it seems
Cis people do this too
>talk to trans girl all night
>get along just fine
>"can't wait to tell my gf about you"
>she's poly
>2nd one I've spoken to this week

It's Joever, isn't it?
The worse part about this is that she's in my age range too. A lot of the girls on dating apps are either older or younger zoomers. Where does an almost 30 year old chaser find late 20s, early 30s tranners?
Ya dun goofed (We've all dun goofed).
never interact with polyshits
Well at the very least I made a friend. She seems nice.

Yeah nah, I don't do poly shit. I'm a one tranny man.
Most gay men are cis you know

Kill her
that's how I felt when I hit 30. seems like all girls are either younger or older. in public I wonder where the hell people my age are
She could have, at the very least, made it known she was poly in her about me.
Yep. Now she's got to die.
I don't mind older girls nor do I mind younger girls as long as there's a reasonable age gap. Anything past a 5+ age gap is socially weird.

Sadly, almost all the dating apps are zoomers 18-25 with no plans for the future.
I dated a girl who was 20 when I was 30. I was like the only one who didn't think about that. she was weird about it and some others around
That's quite the gap. What was the dynamic like between you two? The biggest age gap I had was when I was 28 and she was 21. It wasn't weird for her but kinda weird for me. The generational gap didn't help either.
20 year olds are boring af
Largest gap I've had she was 29, I was 24.
normal I guess. I liked her being in charge because I don't like control freaks and don't wanna be one
yeah. I work with all zoomer chicks and they all seem kind of generic to me. nice bodies though. oddly I find myself thinking more about the few older women around.
They also tend to not have plans for the future, which, at that age, is understandable. However, being a fucking NEET isn't helping you get anywhere in life. And idk why but a lot of you trannies are NEETs and its sad.
i dated a guy who was 32 when i was 19

Checks out lmao
based hussy
Did all your conversations consist of you spouting off about how cool Fallout New Vegas was while she was on her phone pretending to listen?
hsts don't be hypersexual challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!)
so did my ex
Hooked up with another transgirl. The sex was amazing.
>idk why
usually they've got more problems and trauma than your average neetcel, so it's not exactly shocking, even if they're lucky to get stealthoid privilege
should i voice train?
Yes. Right now.
it was gross actually
Just saying, no amount of trauma ever stopped me from working nor did it for millions of other people suffering from it. NEETdom is a choice.
what if the guy was hot though?
but i dont want to!
What you want doesn't matter when you ask about should.
No one else is going to voice train for you. Enjoy your fagvoice.
>Just saying, no amount of trauma ever stopped me from working nor did it for millions of other people suffering from it.
and it did millions of other people suffering from it
>NEETdom is a choice
being a myopic retard is too
its too hard tho :(
That's always the catch innit
Womp womp
that's what she said
still gross
I wish I were gay
zoomers don't know what trauma is
most of you retards just make shit up because you're a lazy generation raised by ipads
I was wondering, there are more than enough trannies here posting pictures either in this thread, or there is passgen, but there are no threads about chasers posting their pictures. Why should we assume you are desirable when you hide yourself?
based boomer
its like people need to feel that way. if they live a sheltered safe life, they will invent something to be traumatized about
I don't care what you think, I know I look good. Girls post pictures for validation.
in my experience chasers are hit or miss. some are butt ugly while others are cute.
gonna tell my boss that my cptsd from catching my parents arguing once is flaring up rn, I just can't take it
I just assume all chasers are desperate 5'6 balding incels who haven't seen a shower in over a week
getting vietnam flashbacks about that one time my dad refused to buy me a happy meal, I think I'm about to enter a catatonic state, will need to lay in bed all day today vgh
Any 30+ boomers here? I was told to come here and ask.
I showered last night thank you very much
a bully in school called me a homo once, I can't get a job thanks to him
>showering before bed
>showering before 8 hours of just sweating
Why are chasers so disgusting?
I cant sleep dirty, it feels uncomfortable
Thanks. My job here is done.
my parents took my phone away for a whole week once, it was basically solitary confinement in gitmo. My parents violated my basic human rights
Excuse me I'm a 5'9 balding incel who showers twice a day
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gonna torture all of you by forcing you to listen to trent reznor
ur being rude.
listen to this instead
One of them feisty days.
if I smell blood, that means it's time to eat
I've never let a period stop me
well ur saying ppl younger than u can't have trauma.....
>showering twice a day
Great, your skin must be dry as sandingpaper
Harmful stereotype
oh yep sorry I'm sure that one time you fell and scraped your knee is much more traumatic than getting your arms blown off in korea or something
you shouldn't overexert yourself with work, you still need to internalize what you went through! How silly of me, sorry about that sis. Hail Marx, down with the capitalist pigs, making us work and sheeeeeit, frfr
You are the biggest faggot in this thread
whatever you say, pinko
you have internalized homophobia, I'm not listening to you
the experiences of younger ppl are valid too...
not really, get a fucking job you pinko
what does pinko mean.
can someone be mean to me pls
you stink
fake and gay (i just got out the shower)
P.S, hi stu :)
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good morning haser gen
you're bad at math
it means you dream about being given free helicopter rides
you have no nipples
hiii :3
i always just assume you smell bad bc you seem like you would
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You're a fucking ugly bitch. I want to stab you to death then play around with your blood.
I could make you cry but I don't want to
im not a communist
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me and my gf :)
are you an eggplant?
its a drawn picture actually
Trannies need to learn to adapt the weeb style uke/seme femininely getting sucked dynamic for real
yes but i'm saying that it is reminiscent of our relationship BAKA
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our? i dont remember signing up for that. Are you feeling alright anon? Did you drink any water today? Did you eat?
you're a red little tomato, you will be crushed to make delicious inauthentic capitalist pizza
no you stupid esl i mean my relationship with my gf
do you have idea how suprising it is to see a chaser with a girlfriend
they have a pooner flag, so it's pretty much transbianism
not at all surprising
ur a rotten bell pepper
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i had a dream the red sox were 2nd in AL East and when I woke up i cried
there's nothing lesbain about our relationship. and if you're accusing me of being feminine, i'll have you know i'm 37% muscle by weight and 160 lbs and i could probably snap you in half.
I'm a very spicy sun dried serrano pepper
bell peppers are white people peppers
very cute borzoi, I'm mind if I save it?
I know many chasers with (trans) gfs
Oh, no wonder she's cool getting her dick sucked lmao trannies can't stand the male gluckies makes em feel like fags
But not a liddol pooner :)
since I'm cism, my muscle is about 70% stronger than your cisf muscle
cute fantasy, but I'm a lean mean killing machine
hahahah real, but that brings me amusement desu so i dont care :-3
post T levels fag i was 737 ng/dl last i was tested, probably 3x more than you faggot
you're a limp wristed faggot and frankly you need to be corrected by a real man
I'm on estrogen injections, but it all converts to T, making me stronger. I sunbathe my balls, eat raw garlic and onions, and I take ice baths very frequently. My T levels are out of this world. I'll fuck you up so hard I'll turn you back into a woman
What's on y'all niggas minds?
>tfw doctor tested my t levels because I don't grow much facial hair
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>i'm on estrogen injections
kek little girltwink making fun of me for being weak. someone needs to fuck those delusions of masculinity out of you. give me 5 minutes and i'd make you admit how much of a weak fag you are with my strap.
this is what a real man's muscles looks like, for reference. imagine how these biceps would feel aroumd your neck suffocating you.
this is why i have a trans gf and you don't btw. women can unconsciously gauge T levels based on olfactory signals and filter out low T fags like you.
I don't grow much facial hair and mine were around 730 ng/dL last I tested
I never understand why guys don't shave or at least trim their armpits. I get body hair, I'm a bear myself, but in the armpits where it gets all sweaty, it's just disgusting
lol, I may have tested low t, but my arms are easily twice your size
>the poonchad meme is real
i need your cock so badly
it looks based and my girlfriend loves it.
Facial hair is just like baldness, it's about sensitivity to DHT in the hair follicles. It has nothing to do with T which is why you'll see guys with weak physiques and small frames with lots of facial hair and baldness and huge ripped guys with sparse facial hair and full heads of hair.
those are about on par with my girl twink muscles actually, except yours don't seem to have a lot of muscle
No it doesn't, and congrats I guess, you have a disgusting girlfriend
Me when I am inspecting my girlfriend's mole-rat while eating a mouthful of marshmallow fluff.
i have a BASED girlfriend.
prove it you litte faggot
I'm cism and I nair'ed my entire body. It was an extremely uncomfortable process but my arms were sooooo smooth
you're not a bear you're just a fat huggable guy
Back in my twink days I tried to shave my whole body, but I have a skin condition that makes this not possible (I get eczema everywhere), which means the only way for me to do this is by waxing... And oh boy, I only did that full body waxing once and never again. The end result was amazing, but it's not worth it.

Today I just trim my beard, pubes and armpits, so I don't have to get down to the skin, and am quite happy with that

I wouldn't call myself fat, more like chubby strong (I have a very broad statue, which means I still look well defined), but yeah I'm very soft and huggable
>I tried to shave my whole body
typical bear bottom
why are fat redditor type guys always so gay and femme deep inside
I'm very hairy and tried waxing exactly once. It was extremely painful for me and aside from the pain the wax is annoying to clean from surfaces and clothing. If you're a girl I can see waxing being OK, but nair is more convenient imo.
what the fuck, are you too poor to afford deodorant? trimming or shaving ANY of your hair is fag shit, you're not a girl so don't act like one. and btw, if it's becauee you're fucking someone who wants you too, dump them because someone who can't appreciate your natural masculinity isn't worth your time anyway. i have never taken scissors or razors to any of my hair below the neck in over 4 years.
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Nothing wrong with that, big smooth fatboy bottoms are hot
Please check your homophobia
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*beats you up*
that only looks better because the better lighting gives them better definition. i'm still stronger and futhermore you're estrogenized and weaker by default.
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i can beat up everyone itt
i don't think soooo
It was my experimentation phase and I hated my body hair back then, it didn't grow fully and evenly, and I'd rather have none than shitty one
Also I'm not a bottom and not femme lol

>Pooner schooling me how to be masc
Thats a new one kek
Let me tell you the secret about masculinity that many poons can't understand. There is no one way to be masculine and just because your body grows a certain way does not mean that thats the only way to be masc. Being comfortable with your masculinity means to make your body so you are comfortable with what it provides.
We've invented razors for a reason

Also I don't use deodorand, cause I don't have a strong natural body odor. With some things I have just gotten luck in the genetic lottery
Hopefully not all ftms are this standoffish
never ask a pooner how tall he is
>i don't use deodorant
>if i don't trim my armpits they get gross
hhhhnmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder why
Imagine climbing his ass like a hill and then when fucking hin you flap around like a fish out of water cause your tiny body pales in comparison to this meat mountain
Even if I'd use deodorant, I'd not use anti aspirant, cause sweating has an important biological function. Retards would rather die of a heatstroke than having sweaty armpits
cope and sneed
I'm a meat sack of pure manly estrogen
135 lbs of pure hate and muscle, I would destroy you lil poona bro
they look flabby
5'7 barefoot 5'10 in my shoes. still more of a man than everyone else here combined.
brooo you should just have avoided that question
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>5'7 barefoot 5'10 in my shoes
wow you're a big guy!
People talk about blind male confidence but blind female confidence is much crazier
I'm 6 feet in my 8 inch elevator shoes
I'm fairly confident about being a twink with tits
little poon is a real big boy

Like bro chill a bit, masculinity is not a contest. Everyone must find their own way to be comfortable as a guy. You sound like a 15 yo teenager whose currently figuring out how to deal with all that testosterone in his body. You'll get there :)
i have no shame on my height because i get bitches and nobody else here does. hot, young, passoids, btw, unlike the skanky prostitutes this gen's regulars have sex with
masculinity is a contest and i'm winning :)
You know what, I'd really like to meet you up for a beer, you really remind me of my school days xD
I like you. You can come over to my house and fuck my sister
We should post more muscles.
sure thing lil dood
Chaserbros, post your pussy
imagine getting a pooner pregnant
No offense intended, but what do you do with the girls you're with? Strap-ons?
There was that one ftm who used to make threads about taking a shit in his mtf gf's mouth
It still nags me that I haven't fucked a pooner yet. I fucked pretty much all kinds of cis men and women, as well as some trannies, yet the poons are still an unclaimed achivement for me
if you're the chubby bear bi guy from earlier you can probably find a gayden bf
I heard their gigantic clits feel really good. Crazy aggressive sex too, and you can steal their T/tren shots and feel like a God for a while
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you don't have to believe me. but it won't change the fact thst my girlfriend is coming over tomorrow and she's gonna sit on my face and tongue me and i'm gonna cum really hard. it also won't change that fact that you're not a real man and you'll never have this.0d40
anything and everything. strap ons, but i'm also a god at oral (annalingus and fellatio) and can sometimes make my gf cum from just touching her boobs. sometimes we also do piv or anal (with me receiving). then when it's my turn i make her sugma tdick and eat me out
dont make me come and put you un a headlock
cuz ill do it
The problem is more of spotting them, cause they pass very well very quickly. And I only met one poon irl back in Uni
Yeah I'd love to suck on one of those things real bad
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This post reminded me of Elliot Page and his bf
cute couple actually c:
None of y'all done dirt
it's just like in one of my japanese animes
their relationship triggered Elliot's GD

you should make me cry it would be epic
there's a lot there. can you point me to the paragraph
u look like a stupid turd and ur retarded frick u
Reminder that autumn has only sucked one dick ever and never even gotten fucked
why do knee scars never heal unlike every where else
why is this information relevant rn
Better watch yo ass
>unlike every where else
lucky you
ladies what is on your feet right now. are you barefoot and if not what type of socks or shoes
why? I lay alone a top a pile of my enemies discarded and forgotten souls. I have nothing to fear
big nerd vibes from this statement
bussy scars
be careful before someone fills your dark soul with light
if a chaser doesn't tell me i'm cute when i post my face for him does that mean he thinks i'm uggo?
go back to sleep autumn
He could just be autistic, shy or socially inept or all three
the lost civilization, that crafted the only weapon capable of destroying me, became forgotten many ages ago
fuuck hate it when that happens
Today we will be rotting.
which one of you do i trust?
I have a very big nose, so you know I'm trustworthy
You could try asking him if he thinks you're cute
unfortunately it might
they could just lie
I’m not a nerd, I’m cool
Have other guys told you you're cute or hot? Or did they not say anything either?
some other ones have called me cute but i dont want them i want this one
too many ppl know what color my asshole is :/
I don't, you should show me
nope. I have no idea what color it is. I think some reference material could help
OK FINE but ppl keep bringing it up for some reason
Damn thats tasty, what would I give to try it... Suddenly tha plane ticket of 400€ doesn't seem that expensive anymore
nikocado again
>Damn thats tasty
trip on nils
btw the hex color for your asshole is #794B55
There are other Bisexuals than Nils that eat ass (even tho I describe myself more as a demisexual pansexual, but thats nerd speak)
eating ass is good
come over then
its lighter than that
Honestly, not really... It's like mostly sweaty, doesn't taste great. I like how when you touch it with your toung they will usually contract int, and tension their cheeks, until they get used to it. It's kinda hot but also kinda disgusting.

It's something I only do when really horny
eating turds is very good for you
>come over then
Chances are I'm having a business trip to the east coast of the states in the coming month or so, if that is the case, I'll hop over to NY and visit you, deal?
where are you flying from where it costs that much?
Europe lol
ya but where
Scar story time por favor
chasers be like

>business meeting 12 o clock
>lunch at 1
>tranny fuck appointment at 5
Germany, FRA to JFK to be precise, was 450 the last time I checked (already wanted to visit NYC in the past but never got to make it)
of course the german likes eating poopies
Not the first time I did this, granted I travel mostly within europe, and I probably just go with them out for dinner or something (sex is optional, I'm not a fucking horndog), but yeah, whats better to do when you are anyway in some foreign city alone, than to meet up with some wonderful girl and have a good time?
Would you be okay with fucking a tranny 12 years younger than you?
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I'm asking because I remembered the german guy is 30 years old
isn't stu 20 tho
First how do you know how old I am? Second, I mean depends on her desu. I don't do this for sex, so we need to vibe on some level. Aside from that, shes an adult and can make her decisions. If she's clearly not mentally equiped to deal with that I will refuse. Depends heavily on the person desu
That said, I'm most comfortable in the 7 year rule of thumb range, and because I like even numbers more, basically 22 upwards is where I am quite comfortable, everything below depends heavily on the person
Because you posted a few days ago and said how old you are and that you're from germany
based lorekeeper
People recognize me in chasergen... Damn ig I need to go out and touch grass a bit more
But why did you ask?
You're in my files, 30 year old german chaser
JK I just remembered by coincidence
I'm in your files? Whats that supposed to mean? That pic of my hair I posted or what?
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which one in particular?
Because stu is 18 years old
Saying the one with the best story feels like cheating. Maybe just go with the biggest! Or one on you face.
Interesting, I though I remembered that she was 20. And again, I didn't say I would necessarily fuck her
the biggest ones on my face
I've got a big one on my chin that I got in a motorcycle accident, and another big one on my nose that I got in a fight
one of these is pretty boring, or well short. Which one do you wanna hear about?
im 19 so ur both wrong
Half of me wants to go out tonight but the other half wants to stay inside and eat soup.
I really like this image
Yeah I mean they are right, you are a bit young
pookie bear incel bf mentally ill boygirl gf
no im very mature for my age :3
what does this shit mean
learn to flipping read
I was thinking about posting my small tits but my old phone broke and I have to use cheap chinese one that can't take pics of anything, anyone want to fix that for me and buy me phone with 8k camera (at least) it's 100% legit no scam fr fr ofert
I don't get it
Sorry got distracted! Gimme the fighting one! Motorcycles for another time. My uncle had a pretty gnarly motorcycle accident that's always fun to talk about. He died. Got better though. He did actually die though.
could someone recommend me a movie to watch tonight
Max Keeble's Big Move
Christ I forgot this move existed.
Luck of the Irish.
Thanks for reminding me to do something better with my time.
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That's good min venn

Snatch (2000)
How did the term doll come to be used by some trannies and why is it so cringe? Who invents these dumb terms? And why do trannies want to be called dolls? Hmm?
it's just agp memespeak
It's hsts appropriated from street hos
This tells me nothing
Trannies are supposed to only do lower body workouts and a some core exercises.
it has nothing to do with hsts
Save it, its all yours my friend :)
u need to learn our history desu
hiiii chasers i’m back <3
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i dont do any exercise lol idk why my arm looks like that
please leave
Trannies who would you rather date, Walter White or Jesse Pinkman?
jesse of course
I mean you just posted a pic of your asshole in this thread, idk if thats mature lol
both would be terrible.
Jesse's gf > Jesse > ??? > Too old or mentally ill or underage
Thank you for coming to my TedEx talk
Good answer

But you have to choose.

Which one of Jesse's gfs? Jane? Or the second gf, the Latinx with the kid?
walt because skyler is a cishon and walt would probably be more accepting of tranners than pinkman
Unlikely, if Breaking Bad took place in 2024 Jesse would have a junkie shut-in tranny gf. Good night
Fuck off
Yeah Jane, I stopped watching it after the Fly or close to it and years after learnt that people hate the episode with a fly in lab for some reason like was the fly really that annoying?
Skyler is past 40 not a cishon... Also look at Jane and say it's not a t4t coded relationship
will spontaneously bend you over a table
anger issues
will die soon leaving you set for life because he loves you

treats you like you're somehow going to save him
lets you die
enjoys the rest of his life in Alaska
ya but the point of the show was that he didn’t do it for love, he did it for himself
Back on meth I hope
how is that not mature?
also did it look good?
You can argue whatever point, but people around Walt got money, people around Jessie died.
>how is that not mature?
Idk if you do it because you are horny, touch starved or you just want the attention, but there are better ways to get that
I don't visit this gen that regularly, and only been here the past 3 or 4 days, so I don't know exactly what your thing is but I hope you find your way :)
>also did it look good?
Yes it is a very beautiful butt, and the pink color is cute. But maybe you should reconsider posting it to dozens of anons
ig anyone should make the next one, bump limit was reached already some time ago
nta and none of my business but... I don't recommend tripphaggin here posting face and butthole, doom posting and asking for bf. You're young, you got time and potential.
I guess Jesse is the least worst. I could not deal with Walt's narcissism.
Thanks for volunteering, champ. You got this.
New thread:
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Darn kids ain't even seen the westfall....back in the day I watched the east fall.....good times
Because we post on other boards to and why would a bunch of bros post pics at eachother when everyone that actually wants to talk is just on discord
I was like 8-10 when we won the world series those times after 80+yrs , you care about baseball though huh ... Hispanic ?
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Wtf gimme my arm back >: (

Ya I haven't worked out in a long while though, this is natural arm no nightly curls or pushups.
Either that, or he thinks it's a just friends thing so he's just not making flirty talk and lastly because he's with someone he loves very much so he could call you hot then you txt a bunch and his gf finds out then gf bigmad.
Im going to need a snorkel next time I eat ass

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