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what is the gossip around you, anon? any local or regional drama you gotta spill? internet drama is welcome but make sure you keep it JUICY

this is an inclusive thread to talk about and appreciate all the gossip that goes on in our lives :)

>thread rules: good vibes only, judge the subjects of the gossip all you want but your fellow anons are OFF LIMITS!
starting off with this absolute trainwreck:
>new girl invited to gc
>immediately figures out the pfp of one of the girls is from an onlyfans model or something
>tells the onlyfans model about the pfp somehow and sends the (negative & annoyed) reply to the member in question
This has us reeling o.O
weird shit from new workplace
>intern fucked one of the bosses at company retreat
>sales guy turned on his camera in the teams meet while he was shitting
>found out HR lady outed me as trans before I started working to a few people there bc my aunt (her friend) told her to, for "my safety". nobody aside from the people I'd been outed to had clocked me.

weird shit from social circles
>c4t4nb triad I know explosively broke up
>a guy I went to school with is getting kinda famous on tiktok

weird week.
>found out HR lady outed me as trans before I started working to a few people there bc my aunt (her friend) told her to, for "my safety". nobody aside from the people I'd been outed to had clocked me
What the fuck that is awful, im so sorry to hear that happened to you :c

>c4t4nb triad I know explosively broke up
…I am intrigued :)
Here's something that happened yesterday

>be me
>head captain of the soul society
>Yhwach to take control of the Seireitei
>Lay my eyes on him and lunge forward sparking the battle
>fight for a few minutes but nothing really happens
>my flames from my Ryujin Jakka are everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE
>release my bankai Zanka no Tachi East
>all my flames are sucked into the blade and only released at the tip
>the entire soul society is hot HOT, moisture being sapped from the air and all water in living things slowly evaporating
>lunge forth once again but this time my blade hits the ground
>instantaneously create a super massive crater under Yhwach's feet
>Release Zanka no Tachi West
>Literally envelops me in an armor made out of flames
>Release Zanka No Tachi South
>Release Zanka No tachi North and slice him CLEAN in half
>While he's on the ground he is thanking someone
>question who he is thanking because I just killed him, the leader of the quincies
>turns out it was just a clone and the real Yhwach comes out of hiding
>mfw i just exerted all my strength for nothing
>mfw I get killed by the real Yhwach in the same exact way I killed his clone

I died to plot. Shitty fucking week.
Aw sorry that happened to you :(
Hopefully you get that plot armor bread someday anon!
i think a girl in my treatment program died
All trannies I developed an interest in have killed themselves or severely shut themselves off from reality. I'd hope I'd be called the tranny reaper but sadly no ones around to tell the story
>for "my safety"
god I hate that what possible sense does that make
I don't know what's going on around me I just live as an observer and pseudo-anonymous commentator shitposting through my screens and the window in my little jail cell
well, my aunt outed me to the HR lady, and because the company is sorta conservative, the HR lady decided yhat the best thing to do would be to tell some people a kind of "don't treat her different just because she's different :))" type of speech before I started work. I think she was expecting some kind of gorillahon.

The way I found out is I was drinking with one of my coworkers and she went "oh by the way, <HR lady> said you were trans, what's that mean, you wanna be a man?". did not enjoy explaining it.

as for the triad exploding, all I know is they broke up violently but two of them work at the same place still, so it's gonna be hell for them.
>my cis lesbian friends turns down a guy
>he troons out
>asks her out again
>she turns the troon down again
>SAME NIGHT troon writes a fb manifesto claiming he was beat up by a bunch of evil cis lesbians outside our small-town buffet
>we all know it's a lie because where is there a pack of roaming lesbians outside a buffet in south georgia
>permanently meme the phrase "vicious sneering" as it was part of the manifest
should've been like "huh why would she think that" and then blamed her for transvestigating your big nose or height or whatever you're insecure about. It will secure your position as a cis woman and make her look insane.
>>36341237 (me)
forgot some fun details
>he was a philosophy major
>changed his name to "desifira"
>manifesto included he "calmly and patiently" explained to this pack of rabid lesbians that his womanhood was based in philosophical truth
Oh thats one of those autistic transmaxxer types huh?
>changed his name to "desifira"
can't tell whether this is more agp or based. i love esoteric names
how retarded would i be to pick an obscure philosopher's last name? i'm not keeping in touch with my family
Please dont
>obscure philosophers name
Some local rapehon got called out cuz she kept going after trans girls half her age- got banned from all the local queer discordservers for creepy behavior and now she's coping in the one dead server she didn't get banned from
Some additional info; she's ~35-40 years old- broke up with her ex because she was horrible to her ex- then went and made a polycule with 5 very eager and easy to manipulate trans femmes from 18-24 years old- tried to get me in bed as well and when I said no got pissed abt it- was very pushy in a lot of other trans girlies their DMS trying to meet up and being manipulative to them and then some very based elder trans lady made a huge callout post with a ton of screenshots and evidence of groomer behavior in it which caused the creep to get banned and kicked everywhere kek- she then showed up to some queer event and barely anyone spoke with her rofl
please go outside
okay unironically how the fuck do you pick a last name then? are you not supposed to just skinwalk some sort of public/historical figure you look up to? please don't lmao at me, no one would know where the fuck i got the name anyway, why is that bad?
I do- the only reason why I know about all this shit is from a irl queer event kek, someone showed me on their phone. I'm outside every single day :x my job is quite literally gardening! Also, the irony of telling ppl this on 4chan speaks for itself kek

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