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Who was in the wrong here?
The moment the old guy put his hands on him it should have been legal for the gays to kill the old homophobe. Fuck him.
based hohols
Good on the twink for defending himself, although he's lucky he had friends on his side.
Based twink.

Kill everyone over 60.
Why are gays so violent? The guy probably asked him not to do that in public and he lashed out. It's common courtesy to not put your head literally in someone's dick in a public space around children
Straight people do that all the time, nobody cares.
>oh she's stroking his hair, cute
Two guys do the same thing, it's suddenly the end of the world.
No they don't, anything more than holding hands is degenerate and will get called out in most places regardless if gay or straight
where do you live that this is a thing that happens
Also you're comparing stroking someone's hair to a guy putting his head on his bfs crotch in a public bus
Nigger I see straight couples do that stuff in the park next to my house every day. Sometimes they even kiss, the horror.
anyone who does PDA deserves to be mocked and beaten regardless of gender. Also fuck zoomers and fuck boomers, gen x is the only generation alive that isn't insufferable
Middle East probably lmao
>Straight people do that all the time, nobody cares.
it's disgusting when anybody does that shit, keep your relationshit behind close doors where it belongs. Imagine flaunting what some people will never have through no fault of their own
It's cute how you pretend the guy would treat a straight couple the same way.
Theyre teenagers retards, of course theyre less modest about public affection. Nobody cares in real life
Incel detected
Nta but in east Asia youd get looks of disapproval even if straight doing this on the bus or train. But still probably worse if gay
I don't care about the boomer or his views, I approve of shaming PDAs however
well hopefully someone will beat some modesty into them, it's the only way to teach uppity youth a lesson before they get too cocky. A snarky boomer is pretty mild considering how the culturally enriched would react to this. Doubt they'd be so haughty if this were a pack of feral minorities calling them faggots
I agree with you heavily, so many trannies & gays always instantly start straw manning or call you names when you say this.
Just learn to control yourself retard?
Based faggot
They won't pick you
>youd get looks of disapproval
You could say the same for faggot in the OP but he decided to lash out over words

so many layers of stupid here
>treating public places (especially transport) as if you are in your own living room
Learn how to act like a normal person in society and don't force others into your private life.
This isn't even about sexual / romantic touching, just don't treat public spaces as if they are your private space to do whatever in.
Its just as degenerate if not worse then putting your feet on a bus seat or playing loud music etc it just radiates that you didn't your parents teach you how to act.
>you don't like people flaunting their bs in the open, you must be an incel!
come up with a new insult, I just don't like coupleoid behavior/think it belongs in private. I will say I feel more sympathy for the incels than the coupleoids every time, they didn't choose their situation. PDAs reek of "give me attention"
in asia it's just passive-aggressive disapproval until someone raises a fist and then it's aggressive-aggressive ass kicking, public behavior in asia is only "non confrontational" up to a point

If gays fought back violently oppression against us would end.
Homophobia is caused by a perception of physical weakness.
>but he decided to lash out over words
that boomer put his hand ON his face, and pushed him
a very disrespectful move to do
he should have beaten him harder
you should also be beaten for your retarded opinion
>Maybe the problem is the packs of feral minorities?
how racist! You need more cultural enrichment clearly
>don't force others into your private life.
shut the fuck up puritan, other people exist, deal with it
>Its just as degenerate
Explain to be how it is degenerate to put someone's head in their lap
go ahead, I'll wait
>You are a puritan because you have boundries like the average human does!!
Does your asshole still shut or is it hanging loose?
Clearly you don't have a healthy concept of what should be private and what shoudn't be.
And that wouldn't have happened if the zoomer took your advice and didn't care about his words now would it? Instead he instantly got up and provoked the boomer

I will never understand PDA retards, they are basically asking for it and then act suprised when they get it. Learn to control yourself
least psychotic incel
Is it that hard to not get violent?
He looks like texanon lol
You are mentally ill, seek therapy
the old man started fighting, so he’s in the wrong. violence is never the answer.
Laying your head in someones lap is one step above resting it on someones shoulder or holding hands, it barely even fucking is "pda"
I don't like PDA either but it's on the same level as not washing your hands in the public toilet, if you're kicking someone's ass because someone did that, you have issues and need to be locked up
>they are basically asking for it
>gay people exist, bothering nobody
You should chug acid
I think it's cope, they desperately hope one day to have a qt3.14 partner they can use to flaunt to the world and have pathologized it. The only defenses for PDAs are shit like "It'S tHeIr RiGhTs!!1!!" which isn't even the issue, it's that there's no reason to be doing them in public except you clearly want some form of attention. I'll bet anything these zoomers were being loud and obnoxious as well, edited clips are better at portraying a narrative than giving the actual story
Both people.

>old man
He started the situation and it.

>young fag
He went too far.
Go as far as you need to defend yourself from an *active* attacker and no further. Once the attacker has either been stopped or has chosen to stop, that's the time to stop.

That old man could be DEAD. Then the young fag would go to prison.
It was silly to carry on.

I know it's difficult in the moment though.
You've never been in a romantic relationship.
Everyone falling for this bait
Its ok to kill homophobes.
the old man was fighting back and holding on to the kid's shirt for most of the beating, his aggression only lowered for the last 2-3 seconds when someone came at him from behind
Lol your first sentence shows what this is really about, seeing couples makes you feel bitter and lonely. Classic incel pathology
you're clearly in your first and need to rub it in everyone's faces, it's ok everyone was gigacringe in their first relationship but you will look back and cringe
This happens with straight people too, stop playing the victim card. The problem is most gays have no self control as is evident in this thread or the endless anonymous hookups gays think is normal behavior
Fuck straight people.
>sanest take ITT
>dogpiled by degen weirdos who probably want to flaunt their fetish in front of kids
I wish voyeurs and weirdos would just admit what they are, I'd respect it more than this "normalize it or you're a bigot!" narrative we currently have. If more people minded their business and valued privacy the world would be a better place, alas there's always someone who insists it's their right to have their loose asshole flapping in the wind in public
Yeah this.

The whole thing is funny when you think about it
>be old guy running errands
>see a faggot
>looks like easy prey
>feel superior, try to kick his ass
>faggot beats you up
>breaks your nose
>now have to explain what happened to your wife and the rest of the family
Is it that hard to not sperg like a maniac after someone asks you to stop doing something that makes them uncomfortable?
You retards only want respect for yourself but can't have respect for anyone else its so crazy how fed up with individualism you are.
You're a weirdo
You talk like they were making out
I've literally slept with my head on someone else's thigh like that with platonic friends and my brother
Honestly based
Having sex in front of children is harmless.
I wish, unfortunately they only fuck other straights :(
>Go as far as you need to defend yourself from an *active* attacker and no further. Once the attacker has either been stopped or has chosen to stop, that's the time to stop.
no guns means its all good to smash the fuck out of some cunt fucking with you. Don't put your hands on others and you don't risk getting a beating, no need to be autistic about it because no one is catching a bullet
It seriously is. Do you think any of the people trying to troll gays hatefully in this thread would care if gays got bullied or beaten? No.

Death to homophobes. Death to puritan morality and the npc golems who seek to enforce it.
>I've literally slept with my head on someone else's thigh like that with platonic friends and my brother
yeah probably in a PRIVATE SPACE even if its not sexual its still weird to do and can make people uncomfortable
There are like 97% more people out there then faggots that are way less likely to have aids or any other severely disabling sex disease & arent on female hormones
>just kill him
But their love will be stopped if one is in prison.
Don't go to prison. If that man died - and I know somebody who killed a man with ONE punch - then that would be manslaughter or murder.......

Be careful.
Explain what's worse about it than putting your head on someone's shoulder. Proximity to the genitals? Get real.
>and I know somebody who killed a man with ONE punch
:O did he punch his heart out
Its ok be be a flaming faggot with aids and have gay public sex where kids are.
Fuck off and die puritan scum.
Unfathomably based. We cannot and should not tolerate intolerance.
I am literally gay and just want to be left alone but degens like you who insist PDA is a right are common and it only makes everyone hate us more. Why is it so hard to control yourself in public
resting your head on someones shoulder is fine to me, but in the lap? on a bus? Just wait until your home? Please explain why you have such a great urge to not respect peoples boundries
He would've punched him in the head and he was probably dead before he even hit the floor.
You sound like you belong in Iran or a Mormon commune
Just kill all the homophobes. Punch them, kick them, beat them until they stop hating gays by ceasing to breathe. Show no mercy. Do it for all the gays harmed before your time.
If you drop someone on concrete its not that uncommon to kill them or give them a TBI and fuck them for life.
Send homophobes to Iran and force them to transition.
That's a last resort, but I recognise that many people will inevitably require it. Justice is found in giving people the chance to grow or to prove they cannot.
Because it's not a "boundary" that I would have ever even considered someone would have? I would not even think twice about it if I saw some kid resting his head on some other kids thigh in public transport. It's completely inoffensive, like it straight up would not register to me as noteworthy, much less as sexual.
I will admit I feel bad for the incels out there having to endure with something they can't obtain being flaunted right in front of them. Personally I find PDAs obnoxious and a way for attention whores to passively get attention from the general public and their prime validator, I think we should normalize shaming all couples who do it
Will you do the prison time to bring that about?

>how easy to kill or mangle people
People don't get this. People are really delicate if things go just wrong. People can be killed by even the smallest of violence. Even a push could kill somebody. They could trip over then die. People don't get this about violence and trying to hurt people.
It isnt a crime to fight back against people who want you to suffer needlessly just for being gay.
Ok but if someone walks up to you and asks
>can you please stop doing that it makes me uncomfortable
and you start sperging out like a retard how is that appropriate?
I haven't seen the video in OP with audio so idk if thats what happened but if it is I cant blame the boomer
you're running out of (You)s so now you're just replying to every post with random shit nobody said, here is a (You), (You) poor thing
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I know that guy!
Lol you could say that about anything, anything could theoretically make someone uncomfortable. In this case the confrontation obviously had more to do with the fact that they're both boys and you're being obtuse if you're denying that.
I've seen boomer women do the same thing in public trains here about straight couples (where the girl is sitting in the guys lap or something) but they don't sperg and the boomer women don't attack them.
Its very easy to say >you can say that about anything!!!!
but that also makes it clear you aren't here to actually discuss anything but to just prove your point to yourself
You really need to cope faggot you don't get to dictate platonic resting on a fucking public train
Why are homosexuals so violent? Jesus Christ, chill guys.
I am discussing. You could say about anything "Oh this thing that you would not consider inappropriate or offensive at all, would you stop doing it if it made someone uncomfortable?" And I would say well yes maybe, if the request was reasonable. Someone being homophobic toward you resting on someones thigh is not the same as someone asking you not to chew your chips so loudly.
I bet you support banning public breastfeeding
>laying your head on someones leg will hurt children
Unironically yes. Exposing children to homosexual behaviors is harmful.
Nice bait. You got so many replies too lol. Trannies are so weak minded.
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Boomers are always in the wrong. Their entire generation deserves a beat down.
When the wise man points at the moon etc
based, children emulate what they see and should be kept from all sexual behavior, specifically homosexual
fpbp, old cunt made the first move so he deserves everything he got. Classic self-defense scenario.
The boomer lmfao.

It wasn't even really a pda, they could've been just messing around for all he knew. Dumbass boomer
they shoulda raped his ass lmao
I mean that boomer literally did the first physical contact. If you attack someone whos physically stronger than you, you kinda get what's coming
No, you'd all be gassed
Why is it so hard to look the other way?
Start shit, get hit. Simple as.
Hope the old man feels ashamed that he got beat up by a faggot.
That kid looks like he's 16. Must be embarrassing grabbing a kid's face then getting beat by him and his friends lol
Also source?
I don't think this was 'pda' or even anything, it's just straight men messing around. The boomer piglet forgot that gen z have no access to pussy, don't care about their archaic conduct rules and will stomp them dead
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why are they like this?
gay couple is cute so they’re in the right
he’s probably senile
cement BURNS hes so fucked
Where is this?
The old asshole is clearly in the wrong.
kek the mexicans just enjoying themselves
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Fuck that head smashing old fart, he deserves everything that came to him. They legit let him off easy.
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zoomers in general are rude, violent and aggressive. It seems doubly so for those born male, since apparently they don't want to reproduce I suggest either sterilization or mass zoomer death
the dude is just putting his head in his bfs lap, whats wrong with that?
even if it was just that and laying on someone's lap was some perverse sex act, which it's not, old man started the fight, him losing doesn't make him the one who was attacked. hopefully he learns not to think he's tough and put hands on people
>isnt a crime
The law is the law and the law don't always work our the way it should.
It's a massive risk.
> bus seat
I do this because it's comfy. No one tries to beat me up for it because I just look like a straight woman lol.

I don't think being annoying is the problem it's being visibly gay
that boomer saw how cute those boys were together and attacked, he should be fined.
it's actually really simple. men are supposed to be big and strong. guys like this and the OP usually were fought strong guys before. they feel emasculated now that they're older and their bones hurt and they're weak. When they see an opportunity to reassert themselves as a strong man they try to take it to feel less bad about their physical condition.
Good for them. Boomers are the shittiest generation to ever walk the earth.
The guy who started it was in the wrong. Based faggots stay winning. This video is awesome and it's saved to my phone.
>defeated by what is clearly the bottom
bratty bottom + 100 points
Thanks for posting this amazing gay win.
Thank you fren, I'm quite proud of my (You)s today. I need to work on making my bait less obvious tho
Russia. Those boys will be sent to the meet grinder in a few years as they should be. Fuck zoomers
It's literally watermarked
>Doubt they'd be so haughty if this were a pack of feral minorities calling them faggots
/pol/estinians being brown as usual. Perhaps you should try to be a civilised person

Can i get it with sound please?
yea and your finger smells like shit
found the old guy
hows your nose doing
straightoid genocide NOW
I say this as an older millennial, there is nothing you can do to boomers that they haven't earned. They are the shit of the earth.
Ok but where can I upload that isn't shit
No they were being little shits and yelling on the bus. He told to them are you crazy
Why are they doing homosexual stuff in public. Disgusting
Why are you trying to reason with abominations
Nvm here I upload
yeah that would be annoying for him to yell but boomer still initiated and deserved it.

boomers are too entitled and should all get beat by zoomers
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based, one less mass-immigration-supporting boomer.

never would have guessed faggots were actually my allies all along
We're all alike in that we want boomers to just fucking die already
but boomers wanted this, and we ALL have to suffer for it. boomer made their bed, they can lie in it.
old man attacked first. self defense
ive seen straight people kiss with tongue in restaurants, not private dining either. like, waiting for takeout in an afternoon crowd restaurants. I personally dislike PDA in general but the general public obviously feels different if it's two straight people
sometimes I imagine a world where the coof killed them all off
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it was too good to be true
homophobes btfo in this thread. see a man that reminds them of their abusive father (who they fear) getting btfo by by a twink (who they feel superior to physically) shatters the masculinity. Context doesn't matter they just hate seeing a skinny fairy hit the father looking man with the quickness because they know they'd get beat in the exact same manner.
this would have gone way differently if that happened in america

if both of them had guns who would be in the right for shooting first
They lived through a time when LEAD was pumped through the air at all times, it's associated with lowered intellectual ability and increased impulsiveness/violence
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>Imagine getting defeated in 1v1 (yeah look again, it's not like his friends joined him, it's pretty much a legit 1v1) by a fucking faggot. a BOTTOM faggot that is.
Boomer got what he deserved
this is like a super well known fact but are there any other effects of long term lead poisoning that support this?
should there be some other correlated health issues with constantly breathing in lead? or is there just not enough data since we don't have any other samples that lived that long by definition
We're not violent enough, and that's the problem.
>I don't care about the boomer or his views, I approve of shaming PDAs however
Or you could mind your business, you self-hating pick-me faggot.
It's funnier because the boomer has a girl purse
His friend literally grabbed the boomers arm and pulled him backwards which made him fall. Wasn't a fair fight
based. total boomer death
fpbp. they should have hurt him more desu
>NoOOOOoOooOo you can't expect people to have basic modesty in public you must let gays do inappropriate things in public cause we are le oppressed, homophobe!!!!1!!

Why do zoomers have such Asian brains. It’s like an Isekai mango where I some mobs deal 0 damage against the god mode MC but somehow that justifies turning them into into mince meat and sex slaves. you’d kick a toddler to death for punching your leg.
I want to kiss you forcefully in public
Zoomer culture is brown but also you're a retard if you think boomers shouldn't die, and in the back of your head, you have at many times thought "I wish x thing/person didn't exist" but never did anything about it, zoomers just do things about it instead of their boomer slave over2lords
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Unironically yes.
>Fuck zoomers
don't mind if I do
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as a russian, the moment a gopnik touches you is the moment you need to strike first. I remember one trying to call me out for having long hair, but it was night so I just sprayed him and beat his body to the pulp
if you put hands on someone they're legally in the right to defend themselves. majority of people who attack you aren't just going to stop because you did and they stopped hitting you now they're going to stand up and hit you again. obviously don't kill anyone but it's fair to kick the shit out of someone so they won't assault you again.
Russanon, can you translate what they were saying for us

Yeah I'm living here in that shithole
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you zoomers need to work on your rage, seriously maybe take a break from doomscrolling and cock gobbling. I don't think you twiggy losers are even 5% as bold as behind a screen, I guess being terminally online cultivates that, I hope you aren't malding
lol the way the boomer stops fighting back and latches on to the twinks pants, it looked like he was enjoying the abuse. boomer guy is probably DL anyway
says you, who is crying in a thread about possibly the most based thing ever
incel fag lol
>Tfw no bratty bottom twink bf
Why even live
They should’ve killed him desu. Phobes are legitimately the stupidest people around. They can’t just worry about themselves. Also the fucking clown recording them. White cishetero men are usually absolute scum. It’s no wonder the whole world hates them. They’re the only ones who can’t seem to understand why.
They are like 15, off yourself
lol YOURE A GROWN ASS MAN USING CHILDREN AS A DEFENSE MECHANISM. Omg get a hold of yourself. The same bitch who says nothing about sheriffs and catholic priest/pastors actually fucking on children.
Gen X is literally the least important generation EVER. Everyone forgets you exist because they’re spineless. Never stood up for anything in their lives. Even gen z is seen as more virtuous. lol a while forgotten generation trying to live vicariously through the accomplishments of millennials and zoomers. A disgrace really.
Why is the other gay guy doing nothing but watch?
Incel for sure. Never felt the touch of a woman so nobody else gets to. Never had friends show affection for each other, so nobody else gets to.
why is that grown man carrying a purse yet being homophobic lmao
So funny. Same group that bitched and moaned about skinny jeans and man purses until diesel and gucci came out with them and their favorite celebrity or athlete does it, then it’s ok.
He violated the NAP, sentence is death
>The top isnt helping
Is this how tops usually are?
its funny how boomers and gen x loved so much to create these stifling prisons for themselves and us
and then they complain and get so jealous when gen z decided to break out
>Is this how tops usually are?
BASED zoom zoom
Do women clutch their purse when you walk on by? These bitches round these corners started doing that shit to me. Or maybe they always did that and I never noticed that. I don't steal. I don't pick pockets. The fuck? I do have short hair and work out and all. But I am Asian. I thought we were exempt from that? Our stereotype was we all had a small dick which was fine by me. However, some people acting like I am going to snatch their purse or pick their pockets is fucking insulting to me.
A woman locked her doors when I was going to my vehicle the other day. Bitch thought I was after her pussy or something.
This, covid should’ve been deadlier
it's not based in any way, being homosexual is not based and the boomer's utter failure isn't either. Incel is such a milquetoast insult, it doesn't even fit at all and it's massively overused for the dumbest things. Not liking PDAs doesn't equate with the inability to have sex
you're utterly deranged and I hope your parents are forcing you into counseling, how'd you feel if your oldest loved one was murdered for being a retard in public?
neither you nor anyone will do shit. most people are cowards and only attack easy targets to feel stronger than they are
This. Guarantee you if that was a fit man and not an old boomer the kid wouldn't have done shit. You prey on the weak to feel better about yourselves and insist on forcing your degeneracy on everyone. Noone even cares if you are gay we just don't want to see that stuff in public
Guarantee you if this was a fit man and not a kid the old boomer wouldn't have done shit. You prey on the weak to feel better about yourselves and insist on forcing your "purity" on everyone. Noone even cares if you're a homophobe we just don't want you putting your hands on us in public.
No it’s because you’re a man. Women HATE men, especially ones they don’t find attractive. Attractive guys don’t get this kinda behavior. I work with a Tyrone who gets attention from 18-40 yo. Women. It’s crazy to watch. Crowd around this desk and table, talk to him throughout the day.
>The concept of self control and public modesty does not exist to faggots
Many such cases
>The concept of reading and creating an argument does not exist to chud retards
Many such cases. Does your mom know you're an online clown for the entertainment of faggots?
>old fart digs his face into my crotch
>"ew get off me you fucking fag! stop touching me, queer!"
> majority of people who attack you aren't just going to stop
Actually that’s how 99.99999999% of attacks play out. Otherwise murder rate would be like a gazillion.

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