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"Trans is beautiful" No, It just brings you pain you retard

"Its never too late to transition" Except in a lot of cases it is lmao

"Its better to be on estrogen atleast" Except if you look like a man

"You can still have a good life if youre non-passing" No

Seriously this pisses me off, You need to be honest and not be narcissistic pieces of shit
Your juvenile misanthropy is more uncritical than any hugboxer i've ever seen, you have an obverse bias to a much more severe degree.
you have no idea what toxic positivity is. toxic positivity is telling someone venting to shut up, because you're a positive thinking only space. toxic positivity is replying to someone venting with zero concern or empathy, and instead telling them to "look on the bright side". toxic positivity is the systematic purging of any and all instances of anyone being vulnerable, while pretending that being a fair weather friend who's only there for the good times is the only rational way to deal with the grief of others. your examples range from superficial platitudes, to outright lying (except in the case of "Its better to be on estrogen atleast", which i would say is literally just true when it comes to choosing between trooning out or suicide). "toxic positivity" disregards all context, and entertains none of your grief
between that and the rampant and open pervert behavior I'm pretty much done with the "trans community". That toxic positivity goes away if you express wrongthink, fastest way to end that is to declare your disdain for radical leftist politics-it brings out the gatekeeping real quick, telling how pedos and abdls are ok but you can't dare be apolitical/non marxist!
Keep believing your fairytales lmao
How am I lying lol?
wtf are you talking about?

are these the things you tell yourself in your head to repress?

it's kind of cringe.

it can bring pain from others but it doesn't matter if you're internally happier... if that's narcissism then okay cool i guess
What I am saying is that these things that people say will get a lot of people killed, bullied, or disowned, youre okay with that?
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>"Its better to be on estrogen atleast" Except if you look like a man
You don't take estrogen only for the physical effects retard.
Love your shit btw
You do though? the entire point of transitioning is to look like the opposite gender
>"Trans is beautiful"
Unless you full on honmode it is. Even if you don't really pass you can still find an andro style that doesn't look like shit
>"Its better to be on estrogen atleast"
But even if you never girlmode, you'll look better on estrogen. If you don't do it for you, at least do if for the rest of us who wants to fuck you.

Seriously, there is this manmoder on this board, I guess everyone calls him just frenchie, who let's be honest ngmi. But shes still hot in an andro way. I'd take her immediately
>"You can still have a good life if youre non-passing"
But you can't have one repping. So do everyone a favor and start your HRT already
You don't know what the real point of transitioning is then. Being trans is much more than that.
No wonder you are a dumb repper.
Andro means male
Honestly repping saves me from being hate crimed and being made fun of, so its still better
Wikipedia Androgyny
>Androgyny is the possession of both masculine and feminine characteristics.[1] Androgyny may be expressed with regard to biological sex, gender identity, or gender expression.
What is the point of transitioning then? It doesnt make sense to say theres more to being trans because there really is not
You said andro, which means male.
What do you think the "gyny" part means?
If you are really trans then your brain doesn't properly work on testosterone. Estrogen fixed 90% of my mental issues, and made me social. It awakened me from my slumber and gave me a soul. I would take estorgen even if it did nothing on my body.
Andro is not a word on it's own, it's a prefix coming from the word andros. I didn't say "andros", I said andro, which is commonly used as a short term for androgynous on this board.
>Andro is not a word on it's own
Yes, it's a prefix which means male.
How about, instead of thinking only about how this impacts you negatively, how happy you are going to be with your future husband as his boywife, instead of as a disgusting masc repper with no outlook on life
wait i gotta ask

is there anything specifically that you like about it
Yes, but prefixes alone are not words. In is the prefix for negation, as in incongruent, but if I say just "in" it doesn't mean not, it has it's own meaning. And andro is generally used, at least on this board, as a shorthand for androgynous, So it doesn't matter that etymologically it comes from the word andros, because the common agreement within this community, which is what gives words meaning, is different.

Words are not defined by their etymology, they are defined by consensus
i actually hate their borderline transphobia, like dude it's okay if you are a transphobe i dont mind..
Clearly when you say andro you mean male looking.
>how happy you are going to be with your future husband as his boywife

Impossible at this point
Honestly not sure, I guess the faces are quite cute
how is trans beautiful? It's objectively harder for any tranny to look as good as their cis counterparts. Humans tend to like beautiful things and most people don't like trans anything, what specifically makes it beautiful? I believe everyone should live/dress as they should but let's be honest transition thrusts you straight into the uncanny valley and gender deviance is far from becoming culturally accepted as a whole, save certain niches/cultures
No when I say andro I mean neither male nor female looking. If you want examples for this go to passgen and search for andro and you'll find that they will call out trannies that look male as such, but the term andro is usually used for people whose features are not stereotypically male, but also not female passing.

Granted many people believe male the default and if you don't pass for a women you look like a man, but there is a certain middleground. The kind of people where you will look twice when you see them on the streats and are not sure what they are.
And honestly those are by far the hottest people. Fuck passoids, I want an androgynous twinkhon
Never know until you've tried it... Now take your HRT and make your boyfriend happy
not op but dorky nerdy girls that are passionate about their hobbies are cute
I to me it is. My taste in cis women are the kind of women that have broad shoulders, relatively tall (but not necessarily taller than me), strong but not muscular, maybe a bit chubby, you know the kind of women you'd see helping out at the farm (I come from a rural area).

And trannies are simply closer to my ideal women than most cis women are...
being tranng is based you just dont get it
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The more you look into transitioning the more repression makes sense.
you should never consider a repper seriously because that is a mentally ill person who refused their meds
You now know what andro means
Can't you people just... repress? I have to hide my autism and manchildism all day so normies don't immediately shun me everywhere, I play pretend every day and dumb myself down so people don't think I'm weird or off-putting, and it works. It's better to pretend and conform because the misery you have from repressing gets blocked out by, you know, people not giving you weird looks and avoiding you.
Everyone hides behind masks, be it a little or a lot. Only way to be yourself and not give a shit is to have fuck you money, so we pretend because, trust me, it's better than the alternative
Is this the latest cope?
No it doesn't, don't buy that shit. I need my cute neverpasser permamanmoder lateshit boywife
>and it works
until it doesn't. repping isn't healthy, whether you're an autist or tranny or faggot or whatever other label society decided is abnormal. If you're not hurting anybody it's easier to stop giving a fuck and do what you want, worrying about other people specifically those you don't care about is a fool's errand and a path to misery. Authentic people have better results, at some point you have to let people close enough to see behind the masks and who you actually are. These days I focus on innoculating myself from the typical retorts and barbs, owning what people think are insults is a great way to deflate any situation and shut the offending party down real fast. You can't insult a self proclaimed autist by calling them an autist, it's redundant
It's the truth. If you only take it for physical effects you just have body dysmorphia.
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>long psychoanalysis of someone you've never met
post twitter
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Thanks, I get that quite a bit, im glad my expressions are good and such
woaw, im a dorky nerdy girl with a lot of passions and hobbies and such

it's @mysticeso

there's really not much good art on there lol, i dont know.
I wanted to kill myself pre-hrt. I could not stand my own reflection, was scared about thinking about the future and just life in general. I'd get anxiety if I wasn't playing something it was compulsory. I had cut contact with all my friends because I could not stand myself anymore and did not want to inflict myself on them.
When I started HRT I very much still planned on killing myself, I just wanted to get it out my system before I did. I never thought I could pass or even be feminine.
Now 9 months later I'm boymoding and I have hopes for the future. Life is beautiful, people are beautiful, everything gives me so much joy. I'd be dead without HRT. Even if I don't pass I'm not ever going back to like what I was. I'm not sad because I'm trans I'm happy I've figured out what was wrong with me and fixed it. I'm happy nowadays in ways I never thought possible.
first post worst post.
toxic positivity can take less obvious forms troonfarmer
Will you potentially die foreveralone if you transition late and don't pass? I mean, yes, but plenty of cis people die foreveralone too. I think it's important to recognize that there's more to life than sex, and if you're miserable enough as your assigned gender, you should really consider if it's worth risking being ostracized. Even losing out on sex for the rest of your life, you may still come out ahead if you're miserable enough. That's a difficult internal conversation that you should have with yourself, but the answer is not inherently "don't transition."
I dont even really want to have sex rlly, I can just jerk off + I am so anti social I dont even mind not talking to people because I hate them
It's not a psychoanalysis. You're a repper, so that you're a lateshit and a neverpasser is already given, and then that you are gonna be a permamanmoder is just the consequence of that.
It's not healthy but, again, better than the alternative. Until we get to a cyberpunk world where you can get perfect body mods (which, by the way, will only be available to the gigarich) or we get brain corrector surgery to "fix" autism/body dysmorphia/etc. (again will be super expensive), just hit the path of least resistance, it has more pros than cons
Reppers are so fucking annoying. Like literally you couldn’t get past your mental blocks against transition and now you make it your whole personality. Just go kill yourself you mentally weak pathetic loser.
It's not the path of least resistence
estrogen is better than nothing bc any fem characteristics are better than none
this. binding tits while living in boymode is better than living in boymode with no tits.
>You need to be honest
i mean, they are usually being "honest" - that is it's not like people like, a started-at-44-hon telling someone who is saying that it is over for them because they started at 19 or something that it's not over - isn't "lying" when saying that, they probably do believe it, but that person rather is just delusional
I replied to the wrong post sorry
it's alot easier to say fuck it and just do/wear whatever you want, meekly conforming to what society says takes a ton of energy
they're cowards who are too afraid of potential consequences to step out and live life. There's people who literally go homeless because they come out of the closet, meanwhile reppers are too scared of being judged/laughed at by someone they'll never meet or run into again in their lives
girl bulge erotic ToT

>Estrogen fixed 90% of my mental issues, and made me social. It awakened me from my slumber and gave me a soul.
Google "placebo effect"
>Google "placebo effect"
Biology is real, bigot.
Trans women run better on E
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every cell in your body and brain is male, you're delusional if you believe in that "woman's brain trapped in a mans body" nonsense
Maybe you'd feel more comfortable in your reddit/ discord echo chamber?
Hormones are real, biology is real
I think you people are just cynics who hate anyone who isnt miserable like yourselves. This place really is a crab bucket.
Yeah i know
males have small amounts of E normally, increasing that level, does not in fact, make you biologically female

You're here too?
Yeah but i dont hate other trannies or myself
Keep rejecting biology anon
somstimes im inclined to go further, to say that it's impossible to have a good life if you're trans. i do feel that way often. but. sometimes life is still beautiful. sometimes we can still be happy. life can be worth living if you're trans. its just hard to see that at times
Cells arent gendered you retard
can you teach me? i dont hate other trannies but i still have a lot of self hate
Just practice forgiving yourself when you make mistakes. You have and will make more, dont be afraid to recognize them and dont feel lesser for having made them. We all deal with the lot we are given, and its easy to think youre inadequate when you directly compare yourself with others who have had advantages you havent. Every transphobe would be a repper or a john 50 hon if they had gender dysphoria. And many of them do, the incel/poltard to tranny pipeline is very real
I agree anon , but toxic positivity can't be defeated by complaning like a bitch.

you have to be gronded and not a doomer.
don't bully frenchie you nigger she is my nigga and will be very pretty.
it's hard to forgive myself. i had plenty of opportunity to be better but its hard to feel good about it when it was largely over the second i was born
You cant control the past anon, you can only learn from it. You know who you are now better than you did back then, continue finding yourself. Dont fall for this pick me “im not a woman” bs. Men dont want an insecure partner either, the culture here is created by and for incels who have no self esteem or wants you to have no self esteem so they can fuck you.
Where did I bully her? I said she's jamd and I'd take her right now
thank you. ill try not to hate myself. i have a bf and he hates how much i hate myself. you're totally right
Yeah he doesnt want his gf to be willing to fuck incels. If you cant see the value in valuing yourself just do it for him and youll learn :)
i think he probably just wants me to stop saying how disgusting i am whenever he touches me
I love bringing people down to my level so much bros
No, retard. Tranny brains need e to work correctly, you fuckwit. That’s why lowdose hrt manmode reppers exist you absolute buffoon. Have you even read the GD Bible yet? Specifically the Biochemical Dysphoria section.
Stupid lol
you got her so hard lmfao. just accept your estrogen medicine girliepop you'll be so much smarter soon!!
Actually people’s default is to ser themselves because our egos are naturally narcissistic.

I look androgynous.

Men treat me as: Man 50%, Woman 20%, Tranny 30% of the time

Women treat me as: Woman 50%, Male 20%, Tranny 30% of the time

The more narcissistic someone is, the more likely they are to see me as the same gender as them.
Lol this autist thinks they fit in lmao.

Your masks aint fooling no one.
Omg i love not having it jerk it anymore. Thank god for estrogen because now im free to care about life im no longer pornbrainrotting and the appendage no longer causes me dissociative states whenever i have to scratch that fucking T itch.
If you can’t tell the difference between a psychoactive substance and a placebo, you need to do more drugs.
>to work correctly
define "correctly", all this "oh i took hrt and now i'm fucking enlightened" is a myth, a lot just feel, well, basic effects of what you'd expect from hormones, that's it
>That’s why lowdose hrt manmode reppers exist
are they really happy though, go ask manmoders in /mmg/, they'll tell you
Delusion is belief that cannot be changed by evidence. The science clearly shows tranny women have fembrains, work better on e and the part of the tran brain that is different from cis brains changes to normal after hrt starts.

Not to mention every true tranny ive talked to has the same story about their minds working correctly.

Giving e to cis men causes mental distress before physical changes
I cant tell if this is sarcastic or not lol
is that supposed to be a tranny
why are the hips so female
people without gender issues aren't going to understand because biological essentialism works fine for them, they don't need to realize the nuances of gender. Most of us realized we had some kind of fembrain prior to the internet/from a very young age, normal people don't wish they could magically transform into the opposite sex. Most of us want to get by in spite of whatever biology gave us, not deny it and throw tantrums until it's "normalized" to force people to hold opinions. Most people in the real world don't seem to care and I'd prefer it died as a culture war front, I still don't know what rights we lack
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this is like saying emotions aren’t real because it’s all chemical reactions. The human experience cannot be reduced to independent biological functions or properties.

Barr bodies don’t mattah, sex isn’t gender cause gender is the social/ psychological reaction in individuals and societies. The whole reason we have sex and gender as separate definitions is because your chromosomes don’t explain how societal standards influence your perceptions and attitudes of sex characteristics. The nuts and bolts of biological sex is only really fit for the discussion of development and reproduction, it starts becoming much less useful when we approach topics like gender recognition and attraction. The term gender recognition in of itself proves the worth of the term as to interpret sex one needs to grab a microscope and a sample. While interpreting gender you simply look for signs. And this is where it gets genuinely interesting as things such as long hair are not biologically female, yet men will be mistaken as women simply because of their long hair. An assumption is done compulsively in under seconds. Which points to the existence of a “sex interpreter” which is greatly influenced by social standards, aka gender recognition.

So to say someone isn’t a woman because biology is wrong. Biologists have come to a conclusion that classification based only on sex is simply inefficient and inconclusive in intelligent and social species like ourselves. Biological sex alone is not able to explain correlated psychology. However! You can just disagree lmfao. If gender is a hardcoded social construct then if someone is not a woman to you then that’s that. If you need a certain level of biological essentialism in your whomenhood, go for it. However this definition is only real in social settings that accept it. At the end of the day you will compulsively recognize a passing trans women as a women.
if someone goes out of their way to ask for your twitter you might as well embrace the shilling and take the opportunity to write https://twitter.com/username instead of just writing @username, to increase the number of people who will actually look at it since clicking takes much less effort than copying and pasting something
Who is the dude in picrel? He got that cocksucking face I like.
yeah okay lemme just abandon all the people who are good to me and live my life as a pathetic 4chan doomer circlejerking redpilled/blackpilled rhetoric as thats somehow better
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Fooling enough people to get invited to places and not be the centerpiece laughingstock, not get looked over for work opportunities, not get sneered at and even have a relationship. Can you say the same?
It's tiresome but, again, like I've said several times, miles better than the alternative.
the point is to relieve dysphoria. However far we need to go to do so is how far we go
based good ol' boy
thats alotta copuim senpai i mean you could have just pulled the "gender is le social construct" card
Do you have the musculoskeletal structure of a bio female or the reproductive organs?
I mean even if you "pass" flawlessly its still fake isn't it

I didnt say that, my point in the whole "fembrain" thing is nonsense,
Brains don't "run" better on Estrogen if you take it as a male and feel better its just placebo
Idk where this honscience is coming from
.. how is trying to avoid hurting other people’s feelings and not spewing doom and gloom all the time to people who don’t need to hear it being narcissistic?
Why can’t it be both beautiful and painful??Haven’t you ever heard beauty is pain??
Depends on what you want, if you’re willing to live openly as a trans person it is never too late to transition
I felt better long before I looked better, what is wrong with saying that??
Positivity is constructive and creates things so people like it. Negativity, even if you call it realism, repulses everyone irl. Living is hard for everyone and no one wants to be around some realist who constantly points out why something won't work even if it's true. People have their own shit to deal and hate being near negative energy in any form, they avoid it like it's a communicable disease and for good reason. You might impress the bots and Indian marketers on 4ch but in real life you will fail epicly at everything if you have a negative view of yourself or anyone else. Normal people are ridiculously biased towards positivity in everything because it's the only constructive non-retarded option.
well i'd actually have to pull 180 here and say, go actually look up studies on brains of gay/trans people, "fembrain" is real
but that estrogen does make your brain run better? yeah, ok
also OP is right this "toxic positivity" is real, and it's disgusting when it feels so inadequate to your reality, and yeah they are narcissistic and don't give a fuck about your actual life really
Maybe stop repping and get a more positive outlook on life yourself
>"Its never too late to transition" Except in a lot of cases it is lmao
nah, its never too late to troon. that doesn't even make sense.
too late to pass? oh yeah. usually, even.
last time i did that, someone reported my post for advertising and i copped a 3 day
>what literally 0 self awareness does to a mf

>too late to pass? oh yeah. usually, even.
thats what OP meant by too late to troon, theres literally no point if you have no hope of passing
You're just making your life worse for nothing

maybe i can't
will you offer me to off myself then?
You're just taking yourself too seriously.
May I suck your cock, miss?
Why can't you?
not sarcastic. if your brain wants e clearly your body needs it. become girl
well i just woke up but sure, i dont see why not
well, here it is, classic bait
my life is much better desu. obviously id prefer to pass, but it is what it is.
What's your discord?
Why do you ask? I'll add yours if you post it, I just don't want my username getting posted around
I collect funny/smart/talented friends.
>I just don't want my username getting posted around
Me too. My throwaway is ohm021680.
well i sent you an add, i don't really intend to just be someone who's a part of a collection
I mean 'collection' like a 'video game collection', not like a 'faberge egg collection'.
Are you the one whose name starts with 'r'?
a lot of people shorten it in way that makes no sense (perhaps you know this and are pushing back of zoomer nonsense in which case you are BASED)
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"Trans is beautiful"
Pre-colonial cultures (like Phillipines, Hawaii, native American) treasured what we would now call "transgender identities", we were looked up upon and yes, considered beautiful.

"Its never too late to transition" it's not, but it's definitely harder to pass later in life IF that's your goal

"Its better to be on estrogen atleast" yes it is. Would you let your lawn continue to burn just because it's already halfway burnt? Not pick up your drink after it spilled because most of it is gone?

"You can still have a good life if youre non-passing" with love and support you can, society is harsh towards us but finding community can help even if you have no family/friends
Live your life the way you want to, why wait til your deathbed to realize you should've just lived authentically?
Don't be a coward
I gotta be real anon. Pain gets pretty boring to wallow in after a while. Eventually delusion and surrounding yourself with people who'll validate those delusions becomes a more successful strategy to not fucking killing yourself
It is supposed to be the one space you dont hear the generalized other’s hate (society says all of that). Within that community, there are subgroups where “skate at your own risk” is the motto, like this board, you disgusting Y chromosomesrapehon meat puppet masquerading as a disgrace.
>"Trans is beautiful" No, It just brings you pain you retard
This one is true
>"Its never too late to transition" Except in a lot of cases it is lmao
This one definitely is not. It hurts more as you get older, sooner or later you'll crack.
>"Its better to be on estrogen atleast" Except if you look like a man
If you really can't handly honmoding (understandable) clawing femininity out where you can is always going to be healthy.
>"You can still have a good life if youre non-passing" No
The disease sucks even if you pass. The question isn't is your life good, the question is is your life better than the alternative.
>Eventually delusion and surrounding yourself with people who'll validate those delusions becomes a more successful strategy to not fucking killing yourself
I dunno, legit 80% of the reasons I started HRT was a last ditch effort to get the stupid lump of fat in my head to feel fucking something - ANYTHING - that wasn't vindication or indignation or nothing at all.

HRT woke me up. I feel like I'm in control, driven by passions and interest rather than just being a machine powered by an ember. It woke up my depression along with everything else, which sucks - but at least I've been able to unpack that. (Lots of tears, more than the past 3 decades of my life combined)

Frankly in spite of sitting at good levels for a year nothing physically has changed. I have some breast tissue, my skin is soft, and I'm weak as fuck - but I'm still a huge mf dudebro as far as anyone can tell. But in my mind, I'm so much better.

Would I love to HRT to magically make me cis-passable? Hell fucking yea. But it's not why I signed up and frankly I got exactly what I wanted.

So... yea no. You need to quit thinking so superficially, anon. Everyone has their own reasons and goals for wanting to do these things. If your goals are purely external, by all means, but don't protect that on to others.
Sounds like something JK Rowling would reccomend to Al-Qaeda
The GD Bible section is retarded honscience. Gay men have high androgen exposure in the womb, do their minds need E to function properly? It’s not a physiological thing.
You did a good job
The metamorphosis akin of caterpillar to butterfly/moth
True this person like all the others fit in the same toxic positivity.

Once you are a tranny your life is and will always be lower than a real girl. You will never have kids, this means nothing now, but once you are in your 40s and have to adopt some real girls broken kids this will kick in. Once you realize that every guy who loves you is gay and any girl who loves you is just straight this will once again kick in.

Once you realize that if you stop taking hrt without removing your balls this will kick in.

Once you realized that you have to work ten times headed than a real girl this will kick in.

It’s kind of funny and ironic that trannies now love their dicks. This is a joke within itself.

See the difference from me and op is that op is a fake positivity baiter while I am a real mean person who only tells the truth.

I have never seen one; yes one passing trans girl who does not look broken.

Trans is a disability but that doesn't sell. So this is what you get. And will always get. It will get worse but you made your bed.
thanks chaser-flag kun
butterflies and moths turn into natural beauties, not weird looking freaks too testosterone poisoned to truly achieve beauty
:) yippie
You are a daughter of humanity you will never be a son, your beauty will only grow
You are a woman i responded incorrectly but st
You will only grow more pretty, you are a lady, please knead some bread for me jk but still your a woman
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>"Trans is beautiful"
>No, It just brings you pain you retard
Twinkhon aesthetics are hot, even if it is painfull.
>"Its never too late to transition"
>Except in a lot of cases it is lmao
In some cases it might be too late to pass, but it can still help them.
>"Its better to be on estrogen atleast"
>Except if you look like a man
Man on estrogen > man on testosterone
>"You can still have a good life if youre non-passing"
Depends on what kind of society you live in, sure being a passoid beats being a hon, but being a twinkhon in an accepting enviroment definitly beats being a man.
>Seriously this pisses me off, You need to be honest and not be narcissistic pieces of shit
I am honest.
-t. intershit stealthoid
What did she mean by this
>least fetishistic hon
It's simple. Trannies cannot be women. No matter how much retard surgery they go through they will have the same chromosomes and thus be the same sex forever.
Every one of those things are incredibly male-brained you disgusting tranny ahaha
You will NEVER pass, even if you manage to do so physically. You will always be a male nerd who failed so bad sexually he had to become a "woman", SAD!
I am not even transitioning LOL

Also I am pretty sure I am asexual, I even indirectly mentioned it here on this thread somewhere lol
I thought we could get a thread about hot art style and girl featured in OP honestly, that would be the best outcome

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