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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Now that Boris detransed, Terje is dead, and Joe is too busy grilling steak to post often, I would like to announce the coronation of KING G~

He is ftm, roughly 5 foot 3.354 inches, 87 lbs, and 6 ounces (estimated), 20 years old, Jewish, assumed body count of 3-4, assumed virtual body count of >50 but <200 (mutual), confirmed virtual body count of greater than >1000 (orbiters), on T for 3 months

Now the next question- WHO IS QUEEN? Answer below!
I'm a desister not a detranser. I stopped appropriating the trans identity. It is a big difference.
What the fuck is this
My Queen is Griffithposter
You detransed stop manipulating words to feel better about your own failures, kek
don't care, didn't ask, when are you going to die already

captcha: kawk
Kayla should be queen, long may she reign
Based post
Arranged marriage? So trad xoxo
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But uh, who is she?
Extremely trad, and there will be no fornication till we’re betrothed
Is that a real beard or faceapp?
I look so Jewish
Like that’s not G~, that’s Moshe
best to remain mysterious, im really punching above my weight with this union in terms of tttt clout you know
It's real. I like this new change desu
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It's a real REAL beard. What's a KING without a beard? Hardly a prince.,,

With your suggestion I just downloaded faceapp to edit off the beard and add a body, right here

I bow...
Last thing you see before your foreskin gets stolen
New fetish unlocked
Watch out, I need a snack
Terjes not dead
He’s in my pooner dungeon
This thread should be banned for transphobia. Trans women are female and FGM on trans women should be condemned.
That's an alt girl
Go on...
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She's getting uglier and uglier. Women truly age like milk
she looks so jewish
i suggest you to take anavar to get rid of the frail body
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Lick my taint
Trans men don't owe you masculinity bigot
They owe use being breedable tomboys tho
What is G's onlyfans again? I wanna jerk off
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i lived bitch.
get the fuck out of our thread hon. you'll never be female by nature of being mtf. calling you a male woman isn't transphobic. that said, circumcision is wrong
Esl fag
FGM on trans women is FGM. Trans women are females and you are a transphobe. This terf thread should be banned.
why does he have tits? I want to eat his pussy though. tits make it not coom material though
Did you shave the beard. Disappointing
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He faceapped it off
I was pre T when I did OF, my tits have basically disappeared since then. Planning on getting keyhole when I have the money.
https://unsee cc/album#eU7ayeuwvdve
All he needs is a kippah 2 braids and he's complete
You still have tits like an anorexic woman
No hate, but why you don't have any self-respect? You seem to be a nice girl, and yet you waste your time on this site and onlyfans posting your nudes for autogynephilic incels.

t. tranny hater
I wouldn’t count my chest as nudes since they’re basically titless.
Also aren’t you supposed to be IP banned or something?
body would be perfect if not for the boobs. i'll hit you up when they're gon
wow you have a very nice face actually
Homewrecker -_-
What is your intersex condition?
You are just a pedophile
I just like malnourished twinks and he has the body of one but with a pussy. it's literally top tier because I love giving head to AFABs
would be based if G grew a giant beard
>beard not split-dyed
Cringe. Do better orbiter-chan
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Thaaaanks <3
Glad my wife thinks I’m pretty
Why are you so mean? Who hurt you?
I was beginning to feel bad for you with the other pics but you're starting to look like an actual boy here, gg
Has anyone ever told you that you look like Spencer Sunboy? Must be the Jew schnoz.
If you think that's mean how do you survive in real life
He's a sensitive incel and unleashes his 30 year old virgin rage on here
T's doing it's magic king
Not even an incel he has a gf. I think he just has low functioning autism
>doesn't know who is th
holy newfag, get back to plebbit
He's admitted to people over Discord the girlfriend was a larp and she's just a cis dyke he's "friends with" (stalks)
I'm describing tranny hater, dumbass
>dykes in poland
he has a gf, but he's a repressing faggot who copes by chasing post top surgery early t ftms. Many such cases.
What's your BMI?
Are you implying dykes don't exist in Poland, gullible moron?
They don't exist at all. It's a cope for old ugly foids.
BMI. Now.
So ugly yet she still rejects you, huh
Do you think TH did it because he thinks he can force her to like dick?
Thanks lads, I’ve noticed my upper body is starting to become more brick-esque. I’m here for it.
He’s been my poonspiration since I was 17. Thank you.
What? I have a bf
Could you stop posting off trip? I blocked you for a reason fatty, you're more annoying (and uglier) than th and all ftm chasers combined
Everyone knows how you talk, th, desperate virgin
Whatever, not giving you any more replies
are you blind? my trip is on, you're just stupid.
and i was banned for the past week for criticizing TH and i don't ban evade
Welcome lad, just a tip though men don't say "-esque" that's kinda womanbrained
your upper body is becoming more soap like and your lower body looks more lampshade like, you beady eyed kike
>pure unbridled jealousy
>twink flag
Yeah that checks out
hi gincel
What? I’ve seen tons of cis men use the word “esque”
I smell a bitter expired twink seething
Gincel is Jewish
Being an incel means low IQ. TH will be able to learn how to lose his virginity as easily as forrest gump can learn calculus.
unbridled jealousy of the speaking bar of soap with no dick.. right
hi landwhale
how about you stop trender-dosing yourself, i wanna see you go bald (for delousing purposes ofc)
Thanks for the good kek, I’ll think about you the next time I do my T shot and still have a nice thick, full, luscious head of hair. Xoxo
You're not helping your case. You sound extremely jealous
>I'm a real man, I just want to be a femboy!
>blatantly revels in actually looking female instead of a male
I've been monitoring these threads out of curiosity and honestly the stereotypes are true. This entire thread is just women trying to larp as yaoi protagonists, there's no actual effort to look like a man from anyone. And the amount of talking about pregnancy is so fucking confusing in these threads, like motherhood is an entirely female thing. So why try and become a sea horse.
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“Oh my god she’s bald!!! And she’s torturing people that have hair!!!”
>talking about pregnancy
fell for the psyop
every single trans girl on this board wants to be a yaoi twink too, ftms are hardly bringing shame on the community
I hope you know yaoi protagonists are still read as male
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2/10 bait, go back to the drawing board and try again
Having no tits and ass as a woman must weigh heavily on you, is that the reason you are (((transitioning)))?
kek it's already pathetic to admit 'monitoring' these threads so on top of that you being wrong is somehow extra funny
are we using the same board?
>Having no tits and ass as a woman must weigh heavily on you
It's actually the exact opposite like my tits are heavy
I get bitches as both genders ngl
Jewish women, make the best Jewish men.
wtf cis g?
looks nothing like him wtf are you talking about
yea well i guess your reason for transitioning is getting molested in the past
Weird answer, do you "get bitches" or do you get taken advantage of by people?
Well you're guessing wrong I wasn't attractive enough for anyone to want to molest me
Now THATS weird lmao
Crazy concept, afabs can pull without being rape victims.
No he just got put on mood stabilizers that make him not want to embarrass himself on the internet as often. Still on discord
Oh okay good
god, please go jump in a wood chipper
ftumblr is that way ---->
i wouldnt get near your crotch
so much nigger cum and yeast in there you could start a bakery
you need a date with a trash compactor
Terje died as in his era of tripfagging died (probably)
How many months till G has 2 mixed kids
oris* oris name is oris :3
it looks so similar to him you're insane
Implying there aren't already more than that, even if they were long, long aborted
Does this make you feel better about your linebacker shoulders hon? Getting the rage out real quick?
ms oris what are u prouns...i silly so silly for nevae ask (yes im in bed Nd goin to Sleep..!)
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delusional femoid
go jump another trend train, whore
Hey man, sorry to hear that, but if you think you missed out, head to the closest synagogue to get your fix
yea those people totally see you as an "afab" and not as a woman lmao
put on your glasses and look again anon
Changing your name when you feel like it and expecting everyone to follow suit is some high maintenance Tumblrina shit. Boris introduced himself as Boris and so he will always be Boris.
Transgender isn't real. You're a delusional autogynephile and G is a delusional fujoshi. Learn to love each other because you're all you'll ever have.
>haha i bet you were molested
>aha no i wasn't molested
>what?? if you weren't molested then you have to go get your molestation now!!!!
Hey man, I think you might be a little retarded it's okay though I respect it
he's just projecting. all gay little twink boys were touched as children. they dont know any other way of life, molestation is their culture
Twinks of the amab variety tend to be a little dumb
I'm not genetically inferior so I don't need glasses
shut the fulck up you fat ugly bitch whore i dont care what yiu say about oris youve introducec yourself as fat ugly bitch whore so thats what im going tocall you fat ugly bitch whore
Hi G
im bery drunk
i woud like to say i think you are coool too
and you are verg cool
yay!!!you are supa cute!!yay
does this make you feel better about your straight future?
get out of queers spaces, ypu dont belong here, youre just another stupid femoid... follow your straight destiny as a knocked up delusional slut and fuck off
ima man but i wanna be a knocked up delusional slut thags kind of hot stop giving me new kinks fuckface
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the trender theyfab can stay. mtfs need to be escorted out of the community in handcuffs for dragging queer rights back to the middle ages

lgbt more like lgbftm

whateva you say King
hey Miss Penis Envy :3
Aw thanks anon, I hope you have a good night/day wherever you’re at <3
thx your e one of my favorites and i love o see u post!!i femboy too we are brothers :3 <3
look at a side by side bro
if G is king can i be his knight
But enough about 95% of theyfabs and poons
You can be the peasant on the chopping block
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i'm posting my man tits to be annoying this thread is chaos
better than looking at G
I’m on my way to nyc for pride woot woot

Ofc, sir anon
Arf arf BARK BARK!
i'm a gayden but only for you. i would let you do insane things to me. i would break up with my gf to sleep with yiu
Post your man vagina
This meme was made by an ftm with a misgendering kink which is the funniest thing
): but what if i look like this >>36341745
nah G is based everyone's got a different body type
i'm at your service my liege
i'm red from head to toe reading this
maybe after work
Nta but he'll have to line up after my execution. G already put me there, at least I think because he ignores 9/10 of my attempts to flirt on the board
>maybe after work
you promise?
>): but what if i look like this >>36341745
Your head is already gone so I guess you're safe
>I’m on my way to nyc for pride woot woot
Of course you are you whore
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Is G~ actually in there?
Do you ever get tired of calling him a whore. We know damn
He owns it.
I own it stinky
It’s an /ftmg/ discord server
They hate trans women
>It’s an /ftmg/ discord server
I wanna sex up trans women
You refuse to accept trans women as female, you are basically as bad as a chaser at this point.
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Retard strawberry from work
the side by side convinced me the other anon is right. the hair, nose, eyes, and general face shape look similar enough
please wash or cut your hair
You stopped being hot when I found out you're a wagecuck. Get an actual job
DGAF as long as it's not greasy. It's in a ponytail under my hat all day so it doesn't matter how it looks. Planning on cutting it once it's longer than before I cut it a few years ago, though
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all employees must wash their hands before returning to work, ma'am
That's vanilla bean
It's poop from your butt
What were you making?
I call being the court jester
Chocolate mousse (in the toilet)
>as long as it's not greasy
but joe is it
>Planning on cutting it once it's longer
based, are you using the hair for something?
Vanilla creme brulee
>is it
No. You've probably seen pictures where it's wet cause I shower immediately before leaving the house
>using the hair for something
What? No. Unless somebody wants a wig of it
i would buy the joe wig
>creme brulée
Sick. Do you get to torch it?
How does it feel working a job a 16 year old could get at 20?
>embarassing online
>line cook
Just one drug addiction away from being Terje
Not even close but okay
This is just a girl
Update: I went to a bodega and got a chop cheese on a hero roll. Living my best life atm.

I’m just a silly girly guy
>Do you get to torch it?
Yep, to order. Then it gets blueberry compote and blueberries on top and some powdered sugar. Although the powdered sugar dizzolves some in the compote so it doesn't look as nice as some of the other creme brulees I've had on previous menus.
>a 16 year old could get
Yeah right, this is a nice place. I'm the youngest one that's ever cooked here
>I'm the youngest one that's ever cooked here
Do the two pedophiles that got you pregnant still work with you?
nah joe doesn't take in young early trans people and abuse them
>does he know?
what the fuck is going on in /ftmg/
are you doods ok
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>G's the KING of Pride NYC
>lives his best life on bodega cheese
>JUST a silly GIRLY little GUY on HIS way to show priiiiide
clearly not. Look at the shit people post >>36342639
Shut up G
everyone ignored my ftmg thread and is using this one :(
To be fair your question kinda sucked. Should've made it more broad
THIS IS /FTMG/ >>36340763
>more broad
touhou has over 150 characters
What is a touhou
And 5 players
Touhou is a video game series
I'm G's bf you can't do that
pedophile space invaders
ooooooohhh hips that don't QUIT
joe hands.... mfhjfhmgfhg
He looks like Matt Walsh in a way, but cuter.
Is Matt Walsh a Jew
This is a genuine question I KNOW there’s self hating Ashkenazis on the right
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The cheese is chopping
Also rare bf sighting
He doesn't look Jewish, I could be wrong but I think it's just the thick beard that made that pic of you look similar
You serious? My god, Boris seemed a serious ftm. Terje died? What about Biden?
Boris was always a Tumblrbrained transtrender. Terje had yet another schizo episode and shied away from the board because he's mortified. "Biden" (Joe) posted in this thread already.
i got mega scoliosis
If you get it surgically fixed you could gain a few inches
But then you sacrifice being able to bend over and have full range of motion cause you’re stuck upright by two metal bars. Rlly isn’t recommended unless necessary.
Shut up you whack bitch
>Scoliosis surgery can increase height by 1–4 inches or more (Source: Google AI)
Bitch I'm 5'9 and I'd give up my left foot for a prosthetic if it meant I could be 6'1 or up
This is your dysphoria talking. I don't think you understand just how painful it is to have metal rods inserted into your spine and accidentally bend them. I would like to be taller too, but if I had scoliosis I'd sit out the surgery after watching my cousin suffer.
i'll fix my scoliosis and then get leg lengthening surgery. i'll be 6'5 and gender euphoric in my wheelchair
May I knock you up, sir?
Married woman is begging me to fuck her... says no one has ever made her cum... making girls cum is my entire motive... what do?
it should be obvious. it's not immoral to help women cheat on cis men
G~ is a certified qt

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