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They made an all women discord server but wouldn't let trans women join. Is this acceptable behavior?
>TERFs made a discord

And? they have been doing that since before twitter renamed itself to X and got deplatformed in the great corporate purge. I swear these motherfuckers make their own damn platform then get mad because no one wants to go to their hugbox on Telegram besides people looking to make money from poor desperate men.
Just don't say you're a tranny it's that easy but why would you join a shitty discord anyway
who gives a shit
Why would a trans identified man need access to a women's discord? What possible common ground does a trans man have with a woman?
This concept totally flies over the head of most of you. If you identify as a woman why are you constantly advertising that you’re trans in situations where nobody will know?
Wtf are you talking about retard
That’s a wack question even without the transphobia. Like do you think women and men are separate species that have nothing in common?
yes? are you stupid? must be a woman.
>Like do you think women and men are separate species that have nothing in common?
if they weren't you wouldn't feel the need to transition
>identify as a woman
>trans woman
don't say shit like that just join
their server, their rules, your server rules would suck too inevitably, so don't come complaining now
While in theory I find this harmful, in practice it is necessary, as transbians are extremely intrusive and know no boundaries. Give a transbian access to a community with women and they'll try to groom everyone into sex
This is the sort of thing that the pooners in /ftmg/ support by insisting that trans women are males.
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You know that if they didn't do this AGPedo transbians would flock en masse and hijack the server, just like they do with every other space they get inside. It's unfortunate to exclude real, normal transwomen, but I get them.
>identify as a woman
>see an online anonymous group for women
>don’t just join because it’s a group for you
>let them know you were born a man instead

Has to be autism.
someone prove this isn't a double standard by letting me, a sperg cis f, into your discords (im lonely)
99% of them would in a heartbeat
do you use any altchans
do you go on >>>/s4s/
>woman pretends to be lonely for attention
cool I'm looking for writing (non erotica just fantasy/sci fi) communities and nothing too young I don't want to be near teens but discord scares me so I've never done it. let me and I will quietly pass as one of you
>incel claims to be a woman edition
(fyi i'm not the person you're replying to)
just get it reported and nuked for transphobia, thats an easy discord tos breach lmao
theyre just gonna be bitches to each other and transvestigate each other until the server implodes. who cares
seriously though, stop trying to stick your dick in everything, your singular ego should not be forcing people who DONT want to play with you to play with you.
>wanting to hang out with TERFs
I could never
>mom the neighbors kids dont want to play with me please go tell them they have to
who the fuck cares
you just proved her point faggot
sadly stuff like this is necessary or else your server will be half autogynephilic misogynistic incel by population. ive seen it happen
true. its good gatekeeping
no she proved mine retard
>there is one tiny corner of the internet I cannot enter
bet you think you are one of the "good ones" and they'd accept you, huh?
Actually, it's more like 82%, but you don't mention that do you?

definitely. i have seen it happen so many times
no of course they won't let me in. almost like agp misogynistic incels make people blanketly transphobic in a way that makes them reject actual transsexuals too
well, what can i say, just because of some shit people some other people turn into bigots, doesn't mean you have to accept it
also good that you think you are an "actual transsexual" but who gives a fuck these days really, people only care if you pass or not i guess, and those people probably don't even care about that
82% of less than 1% :[
i do accept it. a server for women shouldn't have to have anime profile pic un-voice-trained hons hitting on the cis girls or talking about girldicks or well, being misogynist. agps love to do that.
>who gives a fuck these days
nobody and that is the problem. thats like. EXACTLY what im talking about
yes, it’s their server so their rules
what are you talking about?? she said she wanted a writing forum how does that prove your point? bitter af I swear

the actual discord search is very good for this
eh, on one hand i kinda agree with you, but on another, it just shows that there is just more closeted terfs and femcels out there and they'll hate you no matter what
makes even more reasons to repress i guess
they wont hate us no matter what, bigotry is a response to stimulus as is anything. we will likely be hated until we get enough martyrs from the forced detransitions in a few years. i dont think its worth repressing over. i fully expect to die as a result of increasing transphobia within a couple decades. but id still rather live as myself and get a shot at happiness
>#18+ exclusive
Because the shit they'd hear in those places would drive them to sooey-looey themselves via a rope-a-dope; seeing women hate transwomen THAT much
Who cares about it stop having this hero complex on outing bad people. All you do is give them more fodder to hate us with.
Let the retards have their safe space it has no holding on your life
I don’t particularly care
After all why would I want to join a group of women like that! They seem quite unpleasant.
It’s like white supremacists making a server for aryans only. If I’m joining that server it’s to troll zealots and bigots. not to make a statement of equality.
>I'll go to troll!
>huh that's weird, they're even angrier at transwomen now and are borderline murderous
well, wish you the best but guess we all just pick the lesser evil after all
>martyrs from the forced detransitions
guess most will just turn (back) into the reppers (unless they already went through srs, then yes, gg)
I'm talking about places where you are explicitly gatekept out not places where you might potentially face transphobia. You are free to go wherever on 99% of any major social media platform including discord.
i wont go back to repping. dysphoria is too bad for that i was about to kill myself when i trooned out and my puberty wasnt even over. ill probably have srs by the time of forced detransitions so ig id survive
>i trooned out and my puberty wasnt even over
well, that explains it, must be fucking nice
just proves my position that you are only allowed to exist if you are a youngshit passoid, anything else and you are freak and should be forbidden from ever being a woman, i guess, no matter who you are and what kind of person you are
what makes you so sure im a passoid? and youngshits dont consider me one of them. they've told me. they look down on me too. i dont believe any of that stuff you said
well you said you trooned out before puberty ended, so that's what i assumed
i'm too tired to argue desu, what's the point
the thing is those people ( terf-ish women from OP post) will never accept you then, especially if you don't pass, fuck them, no reason to lick their boots
the fun thing about this is that it doesnt even filter out youngshit passoids because the ones that pass are literally just cis girls until they offer that information (which they never would)
its genius
If you don't pass you're not really a woman
bro you just said you are not a passoid, you are saying you are not a woman then?
join us reppers then, idk what to say
you are right, engaging with bigots on the internet tends to be a lose lose no matter what because in their perpetual state of being angry at minorities they tend to take out their anger if a retard like myself frustrated them too much.
I’m sorry for pretending to be le edgy troll who just wants to trigger people, it’s just frustrating to constantly have a do not engage rule with reactionaries when they are frankly a joke who are very easy to make fun of from a distance.
However even without trolling and ridicule, people like the wombyn only discord server will naturally radicalize as a consequence of their strict echo chamber. What im saying is that they would be murderous eventually even if they weren’t constantly being clowned on.
>>36344689 was meant for
based repper homie
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I think cis women should hold the right to create a cis woman only server without being scrutinized. There's literally no reason for them not to other than you as a tranny wanting to have your fingers in every pie. There's literally a million other female servers for you to join, let the cissies have their own spaces.
t. MtF
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>Is this acceptable behavior?
Obviously it is. Why shouldn't people be allowed to choose with who they associate or not, or segregate if you will? If someone wants to force others to coexist with them, they're probably mad and horrendous. Everyone partakes in segregation to some extent.
incels getting oppressed yet again...
Sometimes you get purists who say “Y” isn’t a “real” vowel lol

Just get the trans gang gang to exclude them lol “sorry sweetie, we dont need any cis women in this play” lol
ig it makes them feel like men
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You're the kind of delusional lunatic who thinks this caterpillar belongs with snakes.
i don't care bcause i'm a trans woman.
It's cringe, but I don't give a fk It's a dc server xd
>What possible common ground does a trans man have with a woman?
women have been palling around with gay guys since the beginning of time so why not trans (as long as they're hsts)

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