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vir/gen/ is a general for queer virgins to talk about their struggles with being alone or their hopes to get together with someone for the first time

>qott: how sad are you about being a virgin?
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I'll go first

>qott: how sad are you about being a virgin?

very... like, it is one of the main things my anxiety has latched onto and made me very upset about it, it makes me feel alienated and lesser and horrible and the jealousy consumes me, I have stopped talking to people because they lost their virginity and told me about it or told me about them having s*x.
Sorry to shit up the thread with tranny shit but to answer the qott, I’m not entirely bent up about it because I’m in the closet mtf and I’m just too much of a coward to do anything about it. Honestly if a girl wanted to go out with me I’d probably turn her down because I really don’t want to be the man in a relationship. I still do want to be in a relationship but as a girl or girl like thing. I’d probably consider a relationship with a guy right now but only if he was a top, but on the flip side of that I wouldn’t feel good if I led someone on and then trooned out and ruined a perfectly good relationship.
Y'all are losers just go get a gf or bf or whatever it's really easy
fuck off lol, it's not easy, if it was I would've done it already.
shut up spice
depends on your standards
We ever make that tagmap yet?
I'm more scared than sad. I'm afraid I'll die alone without ever even having experienced the loving embrace of a woman/man.
Well what do you do that makes it so easy then
yeah and im a somewhat healthy person so i actually hae standards
>how sad are you about being a virgin?
you know i don’t usually admit this anymore, but very. it’s definitely because sex is seen as very important by society, i know that it probably won’t fix my problems and that if society wasn’t as hypersexualized as it is it wouldn’t bother me.
"facts nina" we all say in unison.

I really do hate how society views sex, I hate the insults and little jabs people throw at us, I hate the inherent hate for us, it's like engrained in society, I hate feeling lesser because I'm not having sex, because I haven't had sex, I'm not lesser ;-;
i feel like part of feeling bad about being a virgin for me tho might be that i have a high sex drive but no one to do it with so it results in frustration but also i just crave the touch of a person in general non sexual even more so than sexual
but i blame such strong sexual urges on the hypersexualization of society and early exposure to pornography so :p
Yeah I get what you mean!
18, tomboy top pooner, NE USA
Same. Just tender embrace like I mentioned is what's most important to me. Holding her/him, pampering them, having sweet bedroom talk. That's all I want.
I also hate how hookup culture oriented most fags are. Its intimidating when I want affection more than anything else.
>i just crave the touch of a person in general non sexual even more so than sexual
Guy here, and I get this part. One of my friends is super physical about her affection, she hugs all of her friends including me, when she hugs me from behind she tries to lift me up, when we're chilling she often leans against me like I'm a wall or something, sometimes she gives me gentle noogies, stuff like that.

Now she's a raging lesbian with a gf and absolutely not interested in me, but even that kind of nonsexual physical affection does a lot for me. When she studied abroad for a year it didn't take long for me to notice how distant the average person is and how bad you can start to feel without a small touch from someone you like every now and then.
sigh, i hate feeling inferior
Sounds like you are not sure about your sexuality, but have figured out your gender. Good luck! I didn't start dating till 30 and I now can date fairly easy. You always have time!
I’m not exactly unhappy about being a khhv. I feel like I’ve always gotten along with people who are older than me. I know that not everyone my age is immature, but as a 22 year old in college I really feel like a lot of guys my age are actually retarded.

At some point I’ll crack the egg and start dating, but right now it honestly seems like it would overcomplicate my life.
>We ever make that tagmap yet?
people start tagging yourself (with approximate locations if opsec ofc)
>the life of the average man vs the life of the average woman
we're monke and we need our physical touch, what society has become is low-grade abusive for us
Oh wow so many people tagging...
we've had 100% growth the second day, and infinity growth the first
>qott: how sad are you about being a virgin?
I'm 25 years old, it's not funny being a virgin anymore, I wish I could connect with ppl but transitioning did not help with my avoidant behavior, I always push ppl away for some reason or another
Where are you from anon
Do you like men
sorry forgot I posted in loserville
>what do you do that makes it so easy
it's really just
>take cute selfies
>go on tinder or bumble or hinge
>swipe until find girl/guy I like
>match with them
>go on date

simple as

if you're too ugly for this then work on yourself until you can do this
>ez: be attractive, don't be unattractive
trips of truth
it's really easy to be hot

if girl
>find hairstyle that works for you
>get good sense of style
>be skinny
>do skin care

if guy
>go to gym to be lean but with a bit of muscle (this is what most girls like)
>good hair style
>good fashion
>maybe makeup

everyone can be attractive with these simple tips.

if you're clocky troon then your dating prospect will be less but follow the girl guidelines and definitely makeup and bi people will love you
too late, gonna get swole and put some emo boy eyeliner on
no don't get like super muscular either

also sorry no advice for gay guys but I don't have guy POV really

picrel october is what you should aim for

skin care can also help guys but not as important
looks like bottom fizeek
>no advice for gay guys
irrelevant in my case, anyway
you can go a bit more muscular than that but not body builder tier that shits gross and only gays like it.
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nah I lack the BDD to find balloon animal scroteskin a worthy goal, something like the classic picrel on the other hand...
you're an incel I don't care what you like loser.
you sure you're the same anon?
yeah I just don't like losers who can't have sex
fuck off lol
it's lame and self pitying to post here. sex is easy as hell and I laid out how to do it. if you don't want to put that effort in then that's on you
you're not any better than us, fuck off.
I mean I'm
>in a relationship
yeah I think I am better than the people willingly posting in incelgeneral on 4chan instead of working to improve their lives

if you think I'm not then prove it, do something right now to work towards your goals to improve your life, do something right now to shake off the self pitying attitude and be able to feel good about yourself.
I'm not gonna reply to lying dickheads anymore byeee <3
>I refuse to improve my life and believe anyone who has or wants me to is lying

wow I wonder why you're a virgin
>all that and rape is still free
no thanks, chad
my condolences to your bf
why do people have to make fun of us and view us as lesser ;-;

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