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i cant stand the groupthink and cult mentality some of you have
I hate how anti-science this board is. bunch of faggots who are college dropouts trying to rip apart published articles in good journals and only able to say "uhhh.... well.... SAMPLE SIZE" to literally any published research
I should be able to help you with that, cos everyone hates me.
What's up?
like for example, no trans women shouldnt be able to compete with cis women in sports. isnt it fucking obvious to you people?
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Are you OP? All right.
I believe it's fair that trans women have to compete "as women" for a while before they compete in something significant. Seems slightly unfair for them to be training/competing as male, and have that background, then go into women's competitions.
This process will no doubt be tweaked if/when more transwomen enter. If more don't, then it seems fair to keep it geared toward cis women through sheer numbers.
Also, transwomen should have a chemical test, the same as cis women, to see what their levels are. That happens regardless of gender already.
Some trans women report becoming weak. Some cis women are naturally strong. The reverse could also be true.
I believe my opinion is valid cos I'm what was once called a "couch potato," so I literally have no skin in the game.
have you ever lived with a trans person? how many trans people do you know irl
how can you live with someone that doesn't exist?
As I am a "repper," I believe that I live with a trans person every day. This is by the board's basic definition, as much as my own.
However, I do not see what this has to do with my answer. Can you explain why this is relevant?
>t. cis male larping as mtf
Take your pills, alice
they should get their own league. they have an unfair advantage. its really not complicated. and its because you probably dont know what im talking about when its come to my original post. so you dont know any trans people in real life?
youre the problem
It's a TBDERF. Doesn't even deny trans women humanity or womanhood; denies they exist at all.
You're unintelligent, I'm sorry to say. Published research is good, if you've been in academia you would know how to critically think, interpret information, and critique the methodology. I've done research before and you are a dumbass. This is an appeal to authority fallacy. There's a ton of bad published research out there, there's a ton of research that has an agenda. If you were educated, your professors would teach you to demonstrate professional skepticism when reading research. It's possible the trans women dismissed your sources unfairly, but the premise of your post is idiotic. If you want to persuade them, share several research papers. If you're trying to antagonize trannies with science though, you're just genuinely retarded, like vegetable tier brain.
To be honest, the trans people I have known in real life have all been kind of whiners--hardly the kind of people who wanted to compete in sports, and if they did, not the ones with a physical drive to win.
It seems odd to restrict a sport because of a few high achieving MTFs, but if there are enough, and I simply haven't had a large enough sample size, I'd be willing to change my opinion.
Would you?
I don't feel strongly about this topic but you are retarded by virtue of you wanting to make a decision for other people, that affects many people, on the basis of what you *feel intuitively* being the case. I believe academic literature currently supports the idea that trans women don't have an advantage in sports, I don't care enough to persuade you either way. But even if that wasn't the case, the way you think is stupid. Every stupid person has an opinion that they are adamant about sharing, but it's not necessarily a good opinion. You're uneducated and a buffoon, so THINK out your opinions, convey them effectively, support it with arguments and research. Please consider the stupidity in you purposely imposing your stupid opinions in places where you know it won't land, that makes you retarded.
Youve internalized transphobia to the point you want to oppress other trans people. Im the problem for the chuds who want to kill us, youre willing to betray your own kind for the mere chance at acceptance. Fucking pathetic, grow out of it babytrans
jesus christ NTA but nothing you said is relevant to what tttt ACTUALLY complains about research, it's genuinely spiritual and anti-science, sorry
People don't seem to think for themselves anymore, it's pretty sad.

It feels like conservatives want a chrsto-fascist theocracy while libs want a socialist/commie dictatorship. I don't know which sounds more shitty.
This response amuses me.
Academic people make a decision off of what they observe. So do stupid people. You've assumed I'm a buffoon--which is a comically old insult, so I'll grant you that--but I can only assume you are the same in turn.
I gave my reasoning in multiple posts and I allowed for trans people to compete in sports, so I'm flexible in my opinion. You have technically given no opinion, just spouted a belief about academic opinion. That's fine. We don't all have to have our own opinion.
In the meantime, I have hijacked this thread to answer questions, and this one has been answered. Do you have a new question?
>opinions of your own
>internalized transphobia

I dont ever say this but you might want to end things.
Have you genuinely considered it?
Liberals want liberalism you fucking nonce
>which is worse, a meritocracy where effort is rewarded and people who try to cheat others are punished, or a system of slavery designed to divide society into oppressing each other?
Its so over this is how most people think isnt it
Oh, oops, I may have meant to reply to the person above you and misclicked. But, for the sake of debating for fun: Academia is imperfect, and so are the thoughts of stupid people, but the probability of academic research being more accurate to reality than the ideas of stupid people is higher, no? There's a more robust methodology to the observations and that's the difference. Both are definitely not absolute. I don't think you're a buffoon, I replied to the wrong anon. All of our opinions are all armchair theory, including mine. I would say let the experts, committee hosting these events, and athletes give their input. You have the right to share, tho. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Enlighten me. I haven't experienced what you have, I couldn't possibly know. I'm not a regular posted by the way, but criticizing published research is a good thing if it's fair.
When im upset about something i look for solutions. Suicide is for people like you, who have given up on being happy. I dont consider it, no. I hope that bothers you :)
No worries. Thanks for the measured response.
And, yes, I was not meaning to imply that the opinions of fools was the same as that of academics. The latter are presumably both more experienced before making an opinion and have more layers of criticism after they've made it, so they have have more safeguards against bad ideas. They can still have them, as can institutions, but the defenses against are sturdier.
And I am literally sitting in an armchair right now, so, point taken and agreed upon.
I'd still like to get back to spouting my opinion about literally anything, so please do ask me whatever.
I don’t play sports but I also can’t really muster up any outrage over it. It’s probably unfair but it really has fuckall to do with me.
real rappers don't visit this board. they go to the gym and avoid any mention of transition
If youre trans then you should be ashamed
Some stonewall hon got police brutality’d just so you can be a miserable faggot who hates themselves, pathetic
>tttt when SAMPLE SIZE- :0
>tttt when SELECTION BIAS- >:(

My pet peeve is the sex shifted brain discourse. I wish people could be confident with their identities without arguing for determinism like they’re the Calvinists of the gender reformation
So prenatal hormones have no effect on gender identity/brain development? And brain structure has no effect on personality?
They absolutely do. The trouble is autistics like yourself who cannot understand or accept the nuances of the scientific literature and jump to the furthest most extremes to treat brain plasticity like it’s an on/off switch.

And yet then go on to dismiss Zucker’s limp wristed children thingy as some crackpot’s homophobia lol.
>admits to being a tourist
>calls people low IQ for referencing typical board responses
why the FUCK would I enlighten you? go to the archive and type in 'brain scan' and do it yourself
My perception is that you made a sweeping generalization in your initial post, though. Intentional or not. Yes, I'm a tourist. If you're on 4chan a lot, you're a loser.
yeah, thats male brained, and doesn't change the fact that what you did to society is trash and you should lose the money you made off of it.
I've told you twice now I was not the original anon, I think you genuinely don't know how this board works and need to lurk
Maybe people would be more inclined to take your position into consideration if you didnt automatically jump to calling them autistic lol
my man is a tourist and proud and has no idea what's going on kek
Kill yourself you schizo feminist POT
I get the gist of it, everyone is a tranny.
I get the gist of it, everyone is a tranny.
That includes you anon :)
you're arguing with people who called trannies anti-science and you lead by calling them trannies? I still think you're not reading these posts, you're just scanning for keywords and masturbating
Of course.
Being trans isn't an insult to me. This is /tttt/. Maybe you're the tourist after all.
Based nvm
Yeah everyone here hates themselves and tranny is still a slur even though its used all the time in every thread
Naw. Repper visit this board. Just self-hating ones. You're getting us confused with self-actualizing reppers.
And for proof, I'm a self-hating repper and I'm on this board.
Next question.
>i cant stand the groupthink and cult mentality some of you have

Based but maybe in another way
if i cared about being accepted i wouldnt have transitioned at all. this is pretty much the cult mentality im talking about. let other trans people have their own opinions
what a stupid thing to say. what reason does anyone have to accept us and what justification is there for our transitions if we're just fucking liars who aren't women in any way
Why? Why do I need to care? I don’t play sports! Why does it make me self hating?
What do you mean? That pooner that smells like a high school bus after women’s gym class is totes perf! Lol
You dont need to care about anything anon. Let your life be decided for you by people who want you dead.
Kys pooner being transphobic wont make you taller
explain how im transphobic
Oh no not the internalized transphobia groupthink every tranny says on reddit when they have to actually use their brain lol.
Is you retarded
I Love trans women

I should stay away From them and die alone

Its okay :(
Explain why transwomen shouldnt be able to play womens sports
I dont respect harmful opinions. You can be a doormat but i have values.
Calling something reddit on 4chan how original
>> I dont respect harmful opinions. You can be a doormat but i have values.
Calling something reddit on 4chan how original

This is pretty ironic lol. Nothing original about your post. Hell, I read this type of post thousands of times now. Is there like some generator that makes posts like this?
>it's le common sense
And you're accusing us of groupthink?
>n-no youre unoriginal!
Somehow youve heard this before and remain a doormat. Fascinating!
“A week in the hotbox before being sent back the femboymoder labor queue for field work” lmfao
There used to be a lot of smarter transes on here lol like you think the t10 cs programs aint LITTERED with ttttroons? Lol
>"libs want a socialist/commie dictatorship"
Holy shit you guys are politikally illiterate
Joe Biden's like "Maybe we should increase taxes on the super wealthy 5%" and you think that's kommunism??!!??!!
Please I beg you, read Marx, it will be so obvious how far away North American liberals are from kommunism
honestly its just one off hand example. still, trans people arent allowed to give any opinions that even slightly go against the cult mentality.
>Calvinists of the gender reformation
Not wanting to force kids to expose their genitals to play sports just so they can weed out the trannies is not “cult mentality”. You have shitty opinions because youre stupid. Its ok, just get used to being corrected a lot.
I mean methodology and replication are important, you shouldn't just take news headlines for granted.
I heard this response before too. It's not new kind of ironic, isn't it? Funny you sound just like a doormat. It seems like you are missing your tranny flag and your “oh don't be mean we have to think positive”. I am pretty lucky I don't have to see your face lol I can only imagine how ugly you are.

Delusional trannies seem to always type just like you. Funny how that works…

I don't even have to make a joke. You are the joke lol
Youre fighting ghosts lil bro im hot sorry
I just dont vibe with hating myself like that. Trans people have it hard and deserve normal lives. Im sorry you dont see it that way and that you feel the need to put down some imaginary uggo just to feel right. Goodnight faggot
Half the people on this board argue exactly like this
>idk if im too sure I agree with this
>>Ok Trender
Pure emotion no rationality
Ugly people say that they are hot. Ugly people use bro so um you are making yourself even more of a joke. Like did your iq fall after the first post? Why do you talk like this now lol? And using faggot lol I know people like you. You guys say faggot with the lowest voice so no one can hear you.

Yeah, you need PR because right now you sound like a total joke.

I didn't even have to respond that's how sad you are. Ugly in and out. Makes sense to the “Oh we have to be positive” but when push comes to shove the “Goodnight faggot, look at me I am a big strong man” comes out lol.

Once again you are a joke!
>tranny recieves legitimate criticism
every time
>Yo this tranny killed someone
>>omg is there a gofundme for their trial I can donate to???
Take your pills alice
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seriously though i'm visiting this place for the first time in years and i forgot how miserable it is
not sure which side youre on but either way itll be my last post on here. i can allready feel the brainrot even after a couple of days
godspeed & have fun with whatever you'll be up to right now. people can be funny on here sometimes and /sig/ is lovely but in my experience even when i wasn't receptive to any toxicity i still absorbed it subconsciously and wound up further wallowing in an idle sadness that wasn't helping me with anything
it's a pity that her songs are so cringeworthy
I find it easier in that example to be a loner. groups hate neutral opinions

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