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Stop putting cis women on the pedestal.

My friend has a new client. She is a cis woman. Her boyfriend left her because she had some polyps in her vagina and she needed to have an operation. And the guy was grossed out and turned off because he said he couldn’t see her sexually anymore. Men are very squeamish about surgical operations on the genitals.

Better off to never tell these things to a guy. She could have said she just needed some gynecological exam.

Every cis woman I have known had gynecological problems at one point in her life: yeast infection, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer caused by HPV, vaginal cancer, uterine cancer, polyps, endometriosis, fibroma.

Not to mention how nasty and permanently ravaged a pussy becomes when a woman shits out kids. They have to do an episiotomy.

Vaginas smell like Wuhan’s fish market.

Why am I telling you all this? Because bastards transphobes who need to die burned alive always try to glorify cis vagina as this perfectly heavenly thing that is pure perfection and has self-cleaning abilities and is capable of acrobatics and pyrotechnics, whereas the female reproductive system is the MOST flawed part of the human body. Talk about basic biology.
kek this is 100% because in that other thread someone called neovag walmart-brand snacks. stop seething
it was a shock after srs how many women around me had stories to tell me about when they had surgery on their vaginas (apparently I can be trusted at that point?)
I didn’t read that stupid ass thread and I don’t have anything to seethe over as vaginas are putrid and bleed. Yuck.
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hes never gonna stop, he literally hates women, and even more so the fact that he wants to fuck everything that walks and its the women he sees as inferior are the loudest saying no.
I see everyone on this board genuinely doing everything in their power to keep REAL trans people alive, (removing the idiots who keep fucking it up for everyone) yet this YoungDumbFuck Still cant get over himself.
ngl, this kid needs to join an MMA gym, observationally, i think that would be his only outlet to remove all that pent up aggression.
I also find that other men would give him what he needs, I sure as shit cant give it to him, im a girl, he cant hear me. It is apparent that he needs an authoritative figure to help him "get it"

tfw, one kid, spaghetti all over everywhere he goes.
Stop making shit up femoid.If you were trans they'd have raped and kicked you already.
Haha an periods are disgusting
is this why men don't wipe?
Stop coping retard men will literally go to war and die or work their whole lives just for a chance to look at a woman's cooch and trannies are at best bootleg silicone women
18-year-old boy: You're gross!
Girl who works at a magazine: I'm not gross! You're gross!
Because they have been brainwashed. But men are waking up and women are seething because they are losing their momentum. Andrew Tate said that pussy is nasty. He is right. Pussy is the filthiest thing
Stupid ass moron 90% of straight men think that srsussies are an abomination and would rather marry an obese single mother than a tranny
That’s why you don’t tell them. That’s why. It’s not basic biology. It’s all mental. Vaginas are nasty, they have yeast infection, vaginal discharges, periods are gross. Episiotomy
still better than me nothing is more disgusting than a "woman" with a penis
>ahhhh vaginas and women gross
>cut your whole body up to mimic a woman and maybe hopefully trap a man lonely enough
You can be a tranny without being a pathetic misogynist
yeah you could be like me and be a trans terf instead
>Vaginas smell like Wuhan’s fish market.
Actual woman (biofem) here, it's not supposed to smell like fish you nasty skank.

This whole post is just stupid, there are hpv vaccines now, yeast infections are just like oops I sat on my ass all day and it got swampy or just take a bath bitch. UTIs are a bigger deal like, you didn't even mention that
Nasty bitch. Go bathe.
Just because I am trying to resolve my gender dysphoria, it doesn’t mean I want to be a nasty cunt
sometimes I wonder if the prevalence of bv in trans women is just because they don't know to go to the doctor
then I remember how fucking difficult (like years) it was to get anyone to take me seriously enough to give me the antibiotic that cleared it up like instantly
They do smell like nasty putrid fish. You’re coping. But men are catching up
Bitch, I sit next to cissies for college, and yall STANK. Hard. It's definitely pussy something. Men just have salty BO, but there's something genuinely rotting and revolting about period smell.

We're better at being women than you.
stop samefagging.
100% true
nah they are perfect...
>vaginas are putrid and bleed. Yuck.
>Vaginas are nasty, they have yeast infection, vaginal discharges, periods are gross. Episiotomy
Why do some males try to emulate one then?
this is such cope it's really sad
i sit next to cis women in college too and have never smelled this wtf are you on about
sometimes I can smell my own pussy but I don't think I've ever smelled anyone else
No they aren't and no you aren't.
Sitting next to some sweaty, unwashed, hairy, fat Leftist woman with green hair and a nose ring in doesn't compare to sitting near your every day woman
the worst thing about this pathetic lie is that you were just in that other thread saying all black women smell like queens kek
combining women and mass media was a mistake, their cope-as-SOP was meant to be limited to their irl friend group, a short blip that happens as needed. Instead of this mass delusion that reaches self-sustaining criticality, leading to half the shit that's wrong with the first world
Im mad at how close to accuracy this is. I dont think its women so much as it is FAKE wanna be gay pick me's who were told the word queer is offensive.
it's often the attention whores, clout chasers, copers or indeed various trenders and people in their social justice phase
well i guess thats me sorry for not liking the word queer when all it carries for me are memories of being tabletopped and punched in the face and excluded from socializing
It’s not sour grapes at all. Maybe years ago, but now I am redpilled and I know how nasty vaginas are and how useless women are when they hit the wall. Nasty. My designer vagina is actually better. Doesn’t have vaginal discharges, doesn’t menstruate, it’s ready 365 per day, and if a man cums inside of me, there is no risk of catching aids.
im sorry about that, i meant in the sense that ive been telling people who where never gay bashed to stop using that word, i have also been beaten to that word, it is in fact offencive.

its bad though, It feels like the parents of these kids instead of correcting the kid, they just make some shit up to get validation from their kid?
Throw some money in the mix and now we have hollyweird scratching their nails down to blood and bone looking for new ways to keep the kids fantazy going.
TFW, aids is transmitted from butt set and blow jobs :[
blowjobs practically not, butt: prep
The dolls know the truth. The dolls are smart even when fish can clock their T. The dolls can read you for filth. Being a butch queen is a much worse fate.
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tfw neovagina and has vaginal discharge and sometimes doesn't want sex and worried about hiv
Very true, the vagina is the inherently worse organ to have even removed from the context of gender.
this is not true at all

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