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>”well at least I’m actually a woman”
How do you respond without sounding like you’re seething and malebrained?
raping them into submission with my hard grickle
Give a fake smile and act graceful
grab my chest and act like i've been shot and then fall down all dylan mulvayny style
nothing, it's true, and the cis girl in question used restraint for not jumping straight there first. if she pulls that card out it means the conversation is done and she's done entertaining your bullshit
cry on spot
it's the equivalent of a dog baring its teeth and doing tiny bites before a big chomp. This is the big chomp, you are just too autistic to catch the warning signs
do the actually fembrained thing and make a twitlonger callout for transmisogyny
So are half of the population
take out your phone, start recording a selfie and say something like "so I am spending today with this psycho behind me that doesn't understand trans women..."
You dont need to respond to that, chances are shes already embarrassing herself. Just live somewhere that people arent transphobic.
this sounded better in your head
“Prove it”
this makes it even more pathetic you can't pass as one just so you know... you're trying to blend in with 50% of the planet and can't even manage it
“Are you sure?”
I don't spend time around pieces of shit like that?
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>what does that even mean
I wouldn't respond and wouldn't be having the conversation in the first place. If I somehow got stuck in this conversation I would just quietly agree or say whatever is necessary to lower the temperature and awkwardly say as little as possible until the first opportunity that I could leave.
I am seething and malebrained
I'm in this picture & I don't like it.
"i wish you started with that" and just walk away because they have nothing of value to offer you
it's like closing a thread irl lmao. that person and whatever happens to them is no longer relevant to your life

>big chomp
lol no it's more like going from concern trolling to saying ywnbaw or it's the equivalent of a rich person calling their waiter poor or using a racial slur. the mask slips
at that point all pretense that the person is worth talking to is gone and you just ignore them
you should not be in a position of having pissed off a real woman so much she says that in the first place
My mom hits me with similar stuff. She thinks it's funny to troll irl.
>"you wouldn't get it, it's a woman thing"
..and she just smirks.
Detrans NOW faggot
You're intentionally debating someone stupid, which makes you stupid. That's unproductive, anon.
make me daddy
Its actually funnier if i dont
you can't. you've lost. go home and cry. cuddle a cat or bf if you have one
... but this is obviously different, in this case fuck that wretched cunt.
they're worth talking to. im the one who isn't for being a freak skinwalker moid
you shouldn't be around people who deliberately feed your self hating
she basically told you to get out of her life, you get nothing from being in her life, you part ways
>yeah, a very real bitch
>getting yourself into that position in the first place
Look, sound and act ladylike. Be stealth and non-confrontational.
oh im not OP sorry. yeah id choose not to be around ppl like that bc im not strong enough
it's not about strength
someone's being shitty to you then you avoid them
fighting people is a last resort
thanks. my sentiments too. but shes my mom and only human but grrrr. i guess shes made me tough
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"Must be nice"
its not about fighting ppl i dont wanna do that i just mean being around someone who sees it that way makes me sad the whole time they're there
if you say so
youre a better person than me. i cant bring myself to forgive my mother for the horrible things shes said
Big gock energy
Just do it very femininely as you squirt your girlsperm into the woman
i would be upset, but i just wouldn't respond if someone said something like that to me.
they're just repeating familiar patterns... just words, and words are never real. the reality is she carried you within her for a long time, and she fed and raised you as best she could. you are eternally bonded. show the cisoids a better way. strive for a state of being where anger cannot reach you. know that i am on this journey too.
"uhh ok" and move away

I dont argue with subhumans
idk, she's just not healthy for me to be around desu. i cant be civil (because she cant) so im just gonna stay away
thats ok. theres people you have to do that to. just do it on good terms so over time you guys heal back together <3
This is a reasonable response to toxicity.
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This is gay (in the lame way), why would you implicitly signal disgust in response to someone else's hatred of you? that's just egotism as a defense mechanism to insecurity. WEAK SPIRIT! Disgust towards other people is an arrogant emotion, and arrogance makes you into a faggot, not the sexy kind but the stuck-up kind.

much better alternative!
people who default to personal insults when they don't like you are more animalistic. So why should you respond to animalism with animalism? Why respond to an emotional personal attack with another indirect emotional "I'm above you" signal? Better to be polite and direct, holding frame. People think "not letting things get to them" means acting like haughty and blankface. My sisters do this when my mother personally insults them, they raise up their phones, or change their tone of voice to signal "I'm above this/you". What happens after is my mom personally insults them worse, and because blankface signalling is only a band-aid for lack of TRUE inner frame control, they let it get to them, and soon enough it devolves into woman-on-woman personal attack volley and emotional language. in Digital-World, haughty blankface-signallers are able to crutch on the fact that Digital Platforms let them block people and insulate themselves in bubbles, so they keep walking on with their limp-compensation, unchecked by the vigors of REAL exertion that would fix their compensations.
if you think of it agentically, emotions are just choices (note just because something is a choice does not mean it is easy to make a difference choice, it's often really hard)
this is barring severe cases of trauma ofc

this is fine, pragmatic, since you may have more pressing/gratifying stuff than digging up old parental stuff and trying to change a really longrooted habit of hating back in response to other people's personal insults of you. A good litmus test here is if you think of her / negative emotions towards her in the night right before going to sleep. If not, then you are good, you have a healthy life and the negative emotions towards your mother aren't bleeding over into your life apart from her. If yes, then means the emotions are bleeding over, so in this case it actually is worth it to prioritize changing the habit.
Depends to whom I'm talking.
If it's someone who owes me something and is misbehaving because she doesn't want to give it to me, I file a report with the appropriate authorities.
If it's someone else I disengage because if that's the best they've got then they're clearly not worth my time.
>Be a doormat, that way people won't walk all over you
That's not femmebrained, that's just stupid.
nah, when im not around her i dont think about her much at all.
haha, doing this politely, in stilted language (you must forgive me, but I'm not that into you. Have a good day!) would be cool.
I would cry desu
Just be snarky lol Frfr elder troons say they just get tired and do not justify their existence with a PhD level defense every time someone sees their first set of shiny keys lol This type of attack is easily dismissed after delving into it, but it takes a long time lol and for what? For someone to go home and post on facebook about the disgusting tranny they spoke to? Lol
you dont respond, if thats how they treat others they already have enough issues in their life. you dont owe them a response.
Women with hysterectomies are men now huh
(inb4 "but she had a uterus" we all had a uterus before we were born dumbass)
Just don't respond, it's not worth it. In fact. Don't get into arguments with women. Idk what you guys are doing but I straight up never end up in these internet arguments with people.

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