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trannies are just religious homosexuals who think they can trick god by pretending to be women. don't they know that go to hell for sodomy anyway?
go to church gincel
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If you had to move to Iran, would you want to live in a big city, a small city, the forest, the mountains, the beach, or the desert?
i know i'm going to hell its just how it is.
>wahhhhh how come god like you!!!!
I believe in the lord Jesus Christ you can also be forgiven. Just accept Christ as your lord op. I love you and hope you realize god loves you too.
>trannies are just religious
Ah, perfect then, they have a ritual and pattern, so they can be saved through enlightenment, uplift and grace.
>God can't be tricked
americans seem to think otherwise
Think you misspelled "jews"
americans have implemented one in manhattan.
Any of them. I'd even live in a dumpster. Anything is worth it for the privilege of living in the most based country on earth.
what makes it so based?
So true you really can't trick God, only people that try are Jews swinging chickens around like shake n bake, basically everything except one thing can be forgiven if you actually regret it and feel bad about it , debatable if being trans would even be sin desu
>think they can trick god by pretending to be women
this is true thoughbeit
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I'm deeply devoted to the Lord, and I feel her love in return. I'm sorry if you haven't found that kind of connection.
Forbidding faggotry and forcing gays to have sex changes is based and correct in the eyes of the lord, homosexuality is an abomination.
it was such a mistake when Renaissance artists were allowed to depict God the Father pictorally. i'm okay with portrayals of Jesus Christ, but allowing the Father to be depicted as a bearded man in the sky was blasphemy from the start and only opened the door for more blasphemy
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I don't think i'm fooling God, she wanted me to be trans, because being feminine is being closer to the divine female!
i thought that God the Father was just a depiction of Christ of the Ancient Days that kinda spun out of hand?
atheist actually
it has gotten dramatically, ridiculously out of hand
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Jesus told me I was really a girl, I’m gonna believe him
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indeed, much like how 666 was just gematria for the mark of the roman empire, becoming a boogeyman number, or how Saturn was just the king god of the opposing mesopotamian astrology to the early israelite sun worship, all of these things that once held some sort of meaning have become perverted, flanderized versions of themselves, overplayed to this grand christendom dogma that purveys culture even to this day.

can you imagine the world where the Roman Empire chose Mithraism over early christianity? we would have a lot more feasts and quaffing, that's for sure.
i mean, given that just this last Monday my church was feasting and drinking in memory of St. John the Baptist, i feel like i'm already living that life :)
Imagine that, but every sunday, that was what mithraism was like iirc
well i can confidently say we feast every Sunday but we don't daydrink every Sunday... though i'm sure half my parish would be down to :p
unless the eucharist counts
Yup. It was the romans trying to zeus-affiy everything
Your god is fake, look up the Problem of Evil
>The problem of evil

even as a non-christian this shit is retarded and a midwit cope from reddit athiests who just want an easy "own" on religion
>even as a non-christian
sure you are buddy. I'm sure you could deboonk this "reddit argument" and I'm sure your answer won't be "God is too complex for you ".
What? Theodicy has been a constant and repeated debate within Christianity for millennia. You're profoundly ignorant of the tradition to say this. Calling Augustine of Hippo a reddit atheist, you're a fucking pseud.
>"who just want an easy "own" on religion"
This isn't an own on religion, unless you're truly ignorant and think that all religions have only one, omnibenevolent entity
Most religions don't have this issue, aktually, inkluding Judaism whic Christianity is based on
there's a special breed of reddit pseuds that LARP as enlightened centrists and can't admit that even well-known objections are justified.
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beware the devils that masquerade as angels
nice, also the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
It's baffling, especially from a non-Christian. Pretending we have all the answers or that the answers we do have are simple is such hubris. It's a long tradition of scholarship and debate, centuries in the making.
ok retarded pseud that's not even worth a (you).
woah spooky devil number!! aaa!!
the evil of the world isn't something to be explained away. it's not an intellectual problem. the evil of the world is a deep wound which requires redress, which can only be healed in practice and not in theory. Christianity says that, ultimately, it is one which can only be healed by Christ—and inasmuch as we attempt to do the work of Christ in some finite way, by us. keeping evil as a problem (rather than a non-issue), but refusing to answer it, is imo the only humane answer to how horrible this world can be. i have faith that an answer is coming; that's what the resurrection of the dead entails. but i won't pretend it's been answered already. until then i am glad to be in a religion in which evil is a problem
Nice non-argument. You already admitted you aren't a Christian, stop embarassing us.
i really dont care about your god and christcuck shit desu
do you have proof god exists?
there's more evidence that sans undertale exists
I love you
i think everything is in a cosmic balance. its almost magical. the only thing that breaks out of it is consciousness and when its evil it only makes more good, and vice versa. i think the goal is to globally get everything headed in a direction towards the kingdom of heaven. to where the animals no longer even fight with each other. im expecting miracles from ai and nanobots.
you're supposed to capitalize "Him" and also spell it G-d because of piety you larper
you always say things i agree with and i love myself so seems like i'd love you too, you're welcome
Logical fallacy.
>nothing comes before God, therefore he is the beginning and the end
>god creates everything in existence meaning god created sodomy

god doesn’t want you to participate in something he created? You can’t say god didn’t create it because that then means he can’t be god who created everything in existence. Who then created sin? If the devil created sin, then does that mean the devil is able to create stuff without god knowledge? How can he be god if stuff can be crested without his knowing? Or was his aware the devil was creating it and manipulating his creation (humans) with it? None of religious explanations make sense. It’s one big circular logic.
thanks anon, i havent been around much but good to know im not forgotten
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>I’m gonna put this woman in a male body
God can’t have a son. Having a son is literally the behavior of lower animals. It’s animal kingdom behavior, which god is supposed to be above and outside of. Having a son, denotes he had genetics to pass down. How can god have genetics if he created genetics to begin with? How can god have features if he is the creator of features? Genetic recombination is the behavior of animals in the animal kingdom.
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Idk who these white people are
based, I used to do that too. i don't think of g-d as male anymore though
the holy spirit, which is g-d's breath of life given to us, is feminine. jesus was a nazarene, and they worshipped the feminine, which is why mary was often depicted as being with him at significant moments. sophia represents the feminine aspect of the monad's emanation in gnostic belief
mate you ARE the problem since a lot of that evil is created by you. Absolute retard.
Someone's never heard of free will, James the brother of Jesus, Baruch Spinoza, Fydor Dostoyevsky, David Bentley Hart...
>trannies are just religious homosexuals who think they can trick god by pretending to be women. don't they know that go to hell for sodomy anyway?
this but instead of god it's the Big Other of heteronormative society
>genocide, slavery and horrible disease exist because dead people and slaves have lots of free will
you convinced me, I will now venerate the holy foreskin of Jesus!
i agree. i know i'm a sinner, but i know what to do about that. i repent, i pray to be cleansed of my sin, and i pray to live how God wants me to, and God willing i try to do that. it's the evil i can't do anything about which is the type which is at the heart of theodicy
Your argument is bizarre, sir.
Dead people had free will when they were alive.
Slave owners had free will to enslave people, which was the wrong choice (see Philemon).
Disease, as a biological entity, has its own process and will (see biophysicist Denis Noble).
And your interest in the penis of Jesus is...well, Freud would probably have something to say about that.
by the holy foreskin I hope you are forgiven. Be sure to burn a lot of evil sinners though so God loves you more.
by the divine foreskin you must've misunderstood me completely! I've already said you convinced me. Of course babies need to die by horrible disease so they can have free will, there is no problem here at all!
I'm sure the Sun was exersising its free will when it's radiation gave that kid kanser
Harmful konditions, kaused by non sentient entities are inkluded in the problem of evil
i think we've talked on this board before, and i'm honestly kinda glad to recognize you again, though idk if you recognize me. idk anything about you but i hope you're doing well. it's been a sad and lonely day and i appreciate the (You)s, even if it's just to argue with me
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So you finally figured it out. I'd say congratulations but honestly, it's all a bit obvious isn't it?
A besides, by the time you understand what the real plan is it will be too late.
Only Jews are forbidden to speak His name.
yeah, this kinda stuff is the strongest case for the problem of evil, and it's the stuff which imo we can only respond to with either hope or despair in God's goodness. it must be said though that Spinoza, Dostotevsky, and Hart aren't just relying on the free will argument. in fact Spinoza doesn't believe in "free will" as we understand it at all
Thanks, sorry to hear you're sad. For what it's worth I hope it'll get better.
Right. Again with the divine penis envy.
Sometimes, on a Chinese anime forum, people do argue in good faith and I learn something. This is not that case. You seem quite satisfied to misunderstand, or willfully ignore, argumentation (like, babies die to get free will? Who said that other than you?).
Either way, I wish you the best on your journey of realization, wherever it may take you.
The so-called problem of evil is predicated on us assuming that because something hurts us now it is "evil," including natural elements. See Spinoza and Book of Job. See Darwin. All time is deep time, and we exist in more than the present moment. Good religion gives us room to complain while still reminding us there is more to life than this.
I express my most severe veneration for the most holy of relics, the very divine foreskin, and in return you accuse me of a mortal sin. I'm now convinced you're nothing less than a demon.
thanks :)
next time i see someone talk about Jesus's foreskin again i'll say hi lol
Please don't pretend that kids getting kanser isn't just plain old bad, unless that kid was gonna do very bad stuff (but then, God should have other options)

I don't think it is the strongest argument, in fakt
From my POV, the strongest argument is that pain, harm and suffering are part of the fabrik of reality
Like a wolf in the wild that either has to visiously rip apart other innosent animals, or has to experiense the suffering of starvation
Of kourse this exakt example isn't universal, humans and many other kreatures needn't kill sentient beings to survive, but still suffer in other ways
This was part of how God, supposedly, kreated the universe, and something whic, at any time, kan be canged or undone
evil, chaos, and darkness are intertwined..
chaos precedes creation, and evil disrupts order, both leading to darkness. god is light, conquering these forces.
I literally called it the "answer" to the problem was
>God is too complex for you
you just can't understand how horrible disease is actually love and good but trust me bro it is.
it's funny... the Job/Spinoza argument was exactly what i believed before i became a Christian, to the extent that i memorized God's monologues at the end of Job and recited them to myself when i felt bad. but ever since accepting the divinity of Christ i've felt much more trepidation with that argument, because the unfathomable love shown to humankind in Christ's incarnation, passion, and resurrection doesn't seem compatible with stuff like children dying of leukemia. Spinoza has the recourse of saying, well, what's good for human beings is subhective, unlike the objective perfection of God, but if God has lived a passible human life then they can't actually be in ultimate contradiction. idk it's like... do you believe in the full humanity and divinity of Christ? if so, how do you reckon it with the Soinoza/Job argument which i once believed so soundly?
God likes trannies, he created a broken machine that makes some people suffer but on the bright side at least there are real girls being born. I see this as a good thing.
>kids getting kanser is plain old bad
Of course it is. It's one of the worst human experiences. Unfortunately, I'm aware of that.
I would no more go up to a person whose kid had died of cancer and say "It's all part of the plan" than I would say something like "Well, this prove there's no God!"
Both are unfathomably thoughtless.
I do think you're on to something with your "fabric of reality" argument. I would just call it "fabric of physical reality."
And, to address >>36346378, Spinoza's free will is somewhat novel. Free will is not the license to do whatever one wants, but rather the ability to understand why one does what one does.
Hart, as I understand it, sees free will as our ability to temporarily move away from the inevitability of God's plan, which is enacted in deep time.
I group Dostoevsky with Job, but that's me.
>"I literally called"
Yeah ofk lol
There's a reason the problem is still a good argument and is still learnt in Phil klasses

>"Well, this prove there's no God!"
The carge isn't that there is no God, but that God as deskribed by Christians doesn't exist
This is a Christian spesifik callenge
>God as described by Christians
I think Hart actually addresses this pretty neatly.
Saying "the Christian god" is kind of reductionist, since Christianity's understanding of God has evolved over time. Are you talking about the early church? the scholastics? theists? evangelicals? New Agers? and why did you pick that particular theology?
God is who God is, and God is who God is to each of us. One cannot help but have their own understanding of God, just as one can't help but have their own understanding of reality given their individual perspective. We are the interpretative animal.
God is reality, methinks, but that might make me not a Christian by someone's definition. Maybe yours. If that's the case, and you were looking to scrap with a "real" Christian, sorry to disappoint.
(captcha AGT...so close)
the inevitability of causing harm in this world is something that bugs me too. i don't pretend to have settled answers for it. but i would say that it's part of a finite life that we can be dimished, suffer, and perish. but a finite life also means that we can interact with beings which are not like us: there are other creatures which share the same attributes and modes of existence as we do in different ways, so we can get to know others and not merely ourselves. my ability to communicate with other people, for example, allows me to be hurt verbally; it's vulnerability, one i frequently suffer from. but it's also the possibility of an encounter with another
as a Christian, i think this is why Christ crucified matters so much to me. the idea of the crucifixion is that all people, all our sins, have a hand in it: he suffers for all of us. but that also means he can claim to know all of us as finite, limited creatures, not just as perfect beings unique unto themselves and infinite after their own kinds. the resurrection holds the hope that, having known us as we are, he has redeemed us as we are, and has "turned the grave into a bed of hope for [his] people." the suffering of Christ redeems suffering, because it turns finitude from an imperfection defined by suffering into an exaltation of perfect love. we are called to take up our crosses so that, when we are harmed, even when we are killed, we can find an opportunity to forgive and to love more deeply, through Christ's example of compassion
there's an early Edna St. Vincent Millay poem about that, "The Suicide." she wasn't even really a believer, but it stuck with me as someone who has been suicidal: this idea that a finite life isn't a test of either Heaven or Hell (the suicide is given eternal joy), but an opportunity to do something for God by trying to be loving and forgiving in conditions of suffering and finitude. that's how i try to take it
>a finite life also means that we can interact with beings which are not like us
>my ability to communicate with other people allows me to be hurt verbally...but it's also the possibility of an encounter with another
I never thought of it this way before, but I like it anon. Thanks.
I'm not wholly atheistic, but I don't think there's any real compelling evidence for the abrahamic God.
>book of job
I don't know if a religious text, which responds to the question of why good people suffer while bad people live pleasurable with basically a shrug and saying you don't understand God can be taken as a serious answer. There's also that whole bit about how it's sometimes to teach others lesson through examples, but I find neither of these particularly compelling explanations.
Other than that, there have been many God's that have existed prior to the abrahamic ones which also carry many suspiciously similar elements. There's very little reason to view the abrahamic faiths as any more special in this case, other than that they were longer lasting and more influential on the current world.
There's also my whole issue with how religious texts tend to be written, at least in the abrahamic faiths overall. It asks for a lot of faith with very little evidence. You would say that's the point, but I'd respond it's also approximately part of the problem: you're being demanded to believe without sufficient reason other than more unsubstantiated claims(eg, sin, free will, separation from God).
It also seems quite odd to me that with the wider universe, God convenient places his entire focus on us, not only us, but a select few of us to spread his word. Seems very anthrocentric in the case of all religions.
god isnt real
The Book of Job is an examination of why bad things happen to good people. At its most basic, it shows that religions (and human beings) have been struggling with that for thousands of years.
The gods before the Abrahamic understanding were that, understandings. The innovation of Judeo-Christianity is that it recognized God as holistic and transcendent.
The evidence...that's sort of up to you. You want to recognize God is reality? You can. You want to see nothing? You can do that too. Like any evidence, it doesn't mean the thing isn't there to be seen.
I do agree that religion is anthrocentric. I think that's unavoidable. We're humans, and we're going to put ourselves at the center of our religion, morality, cosmology...
And that doesn't make you at all question the reality of your faith? Or really, of any faith?
I just found myself raising my eyebrow a lot going through Job, since it gives what I see as nonanswers. You can say that's kind of the point (in that gods nature is hard to understand for us), but it also feels like the exact answer you'd expect from someone trying to explain away their sufferings and why it happens. I find it asks for too much faith for too little evidence, thats my opinion. God, or gods, depending on the faith, is essentially a manner of understanding the world before the advent of modern science, it makes sense of our existence as human beings and is often formed around many cultural factors or former ideas from other cultures and religions. So i think we both agree on the 'understandings' bit. The Bible, the Koran, the Torah, I see, personally more as a glimpse into the human condition and how we make sense of that and deal with it. And I really see it as just that, a semi-fiictional, semi historical, highly spiritual exploration of the human condition, while also providing guidelines on how to live in such a chaotic world. I have a hard time viewing it as anything more than that, not to say religion is good or bad, but rather that it's a way of the past.
Modern science also likely has limitations on what it can tell us about our existence, it's simply something we will ever be able to make sense of wholly(at least in our lifetime), and that's okay.
There could still be a god in this world, but other than being a creator of our universe, it's hard to assume much else. That he has our best interest at heart, that he is anything more than indifferent, or that there's an afterlife. It's just plausible there could be a creator to our reality, I don't believe it though.
i think that a loving, eternal, absolutely infinite God must be fully concerned with everything that exists, not just humans. but such a God, as the source of all being, would naturally respond to everything in accordance with what it is. "ask and you shall receive" and all—rocks, wolves, water, trees, none of these ask what we ask of God, and it makes sense that the way in which they receive God is not the way that we do. dogs do not desire the salvific work of Christ, for instance, and do not request it. if they did, though, i'm sure they wouldn't be denied it. that humans, who address themselves to God explicitly and thinkingly, receive God explicitly and thinkingly is not anthropocentrism imo. it's not like by giving us what we need, God takes something away from everyone else. there's no scarcity in God
tthough i do believe religion can be and often is anthropocentric, e.g. in being used as an excuse to terrorize and brutalize animals instead of caring for them as creatures of God. those cases i do think are real problems
yw <3
Honestly, no. Job is much more affirming to me since it admits we don't have all the answers. The figures in it who claim to have all the answers are torn down.
Science provides a lot of answers, but they also tend to be uneven at best. The new replaces the old. The new is misunderstood. The old comes back into fashion.
I think we do agree on the understanding bit; I think you might also agree that science is likewise about trying to find order in a complex world.
Any system that's striving toward a goal of deeper understanding likely has something to offer. I think part of our goal as humans, since we have biological-social-individual-and-abstract components, is to seek holistic ways of understanding.

>debatable if being trans would even be sin desu

"No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the Lord." - Deuteronomy 23:1

It's one of the lesser known heavenly Auto-bans.
trannyism is blessed by the gods through mysticism and initiation. look throughout history and find the truth lost soul
Like I’d give a fuck what Yaldaboath a selfish, demanding, lying, false god has to say or do. He’s an egregore created to trick us into constant incarnation with the pretend allure of a life past this one, making us attached to physical forms of constant pain and misery. Fuck you yaldaboath, fuck you and your archons, you don’t create reality I do, I’ll mangle this form as much as I want in order to spit in your face and achieve solar consciousness so I’m no longer incarnated upon this hell realm of physical birth
Heaven is a lie, don’t trust the light at the end of the tunnel it’s actually the light of being born again, yaldaboath is selfish with forever and forces us to be born back here. The light is the opening of the womb, forcing your spirit to forget as it’s blinded by the misery of life
i don't really agree that religion is essentially a way of understanding the world, at least not the major religions of today. i think religion comes from the situation of trying to figure out how to react to the given-ness of one's own existence. you come into the world, you receive a life it's by no means obvious you should have received from a source of existence which isn't obvious, and now you have to figure out how to respond, what to do. empirical facts do get mixed up in all of that, they're by no means irrelevant, but the fundamental reaction is to existence itself, not to any particular fact about existence. science, meanwhile, mostly operates by bracketing those questions in order to deal with matters of fact, which is why it's so efficient, but it doesn't really tell me much about how i should respond to the pre-factual coming-into my own existence
the "no castration" rule comes from sacrificial logic: you're only supposed to sacrifice uncastrated animals to God because you should give to God what is best and purest, and the eldest sons who were sent to serve in the temple are a kind of substitute for a sacrifice, so they've got to be best and purest too. but Christians don't have this issue because Christ is the perfect sacrifice and the source of all our purity. hence the Christian baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch
but even if we were Jewish this wouldn't really be an issue. it doesn't refer to salvation, it refers to serving in the temple, which hasn't existed for almost two millennia
>"and why did you pick that particular theology?"
Its what this thread is about
And your understanding of God may have shifted, but this God being omnibenevolent is one of its longest standing traits
Someone undermining one of the fundamental traits of your religion, and then refuting that by klaiming it didn't address spesifik minutia, is a very bad argument
>"And that doesn't make you at all question the reality of your faith?"
A lot of the people here who seem unaffekted by the Problem of Evil don't really seem to kare that it poses a grave callenge to Christianity, and appear to be largely interested in the religion bekause of the vibes
I'm not sure what that response means. Which "God" are you debating?
Bit of a rewind, but I believe that God is reality perceiving reality through himself. We are all human with the potential for divine identity, something which we fall short on realizing.
Christ was someone who fully realized his divine identity in a way that we strive to approach, which is the goal of a Christian life.
God, with infinite perspective, has to balance human life against the rest of creation, but we have the added benefit of seeing things a little closer to the divine perspective.
Not my god, not my problem.
you realize that if Christians were unaffected by the problem of evil, we wouldn't have been doing theodicy for thousands of years? Christianity is by design a religion which is deeply uncomfortable with the apparent fallenness of the world and insists that there must come a moment of judgement where everything evil is set right. we're so deeply uncomfortable with our role in causing evil that confessing and begging forgiveness for it is a pivotal aspect of the religion. and we view the world as having been so degraded by evil that our only hope is the torture and martyrdom of the fully-divine Son of God. our primary symbol is a tool of execution on which we killed our own Saviour. this is not a religion of "everything's ok :)" it's a religion where people say things like, "if the resurrection happened, nothing else matters. if the resurrection didn't happen, nothing else matters," because the horror of the world is so great that if we did not have the resurrection to grant us hope we would have nothing but grief and despair. obviously there are billions of Christians with different opinions, but the fact that this religion problematizes evil isn't an accident, it's because evil harrows us deeply, but we have received a sufficient hope to keep going
girls who told him
trans people are most socially accepted than gay people are
>"you realize that if Christians were unaffected by the problem of evil"
If you reread what I said, I didn't say Christians generally, but spesifikally those here
Yeah your religion is deeply fokused on martyrdom, and being a viktim to a lesser extent, its why you have suc goofy shit like the Christian persekution komplex in the US, whic seems to have dissipated somewhat resently
i don't think any Christian in this thread thinks that the evil of this world isn't something which is seriously problematic and requires salvation. i certainly don't think that
as for the christian persecution complex, i do have serious concerns about that cultural phenomenon in the USA. but it's not what i'm referring to. Christianity centres the fact that Christians are murderers first. only a few Christians are martyred, but by Christian teaching, every human had a hand in the martyrdom of Christ. properly understood, the Christian identity is one of a repentent victimizer who commits to being taught by our victim to live out an ethic of love and to put away the sin which led us to the evil we've done to him and to others. a victim complex is the opposite of what we should have
which relates to the problem of evil actually. as someone told me upthread, i am the problem of evil, given the evil i do. Christians aren't meant to accuse or test God, we're meant to accuse and test ourselves, and use God as a way of putting ourselves right. the practical solution to the problem of evil is to have God working in us produce good fruit. though our many sins as well as people who use the name or God in vain have given us a bad reputation, that's still what we're called to do
>almost entirely in israel and some diaspora
Not evil in konsept, the philosofikal Problem of Evil
the philosophical problem of evil responds to the fact of the evil of this world. when Christians grapple with how to respond to evil in this world, that *is* us wrestling with the problem of evil, because it's us grappling with the question of, given the omnibenevolence of God, what should we hope for and what should we do?
actually I spoke to a catholic priest in france and he said I can go to heaven :)
he's probably gay like you are
he's propably a pedo like you are.
I must ask you as follows: why do you make these comments? You go to a board for a community of which you are (likely) not a part, insulting others, making them lose confidence in themselves, and for what? Are you some rightoid who takes joy in hurting the "bad guys"? Or is this your own frustration and internalized hatred manifest? Are you here to try to prove to yourself that you're not like us? To hate us to separate yourself from us? Have you ever thought that perhaps you should not project your frustration onto strangers, but to look within, as we all have?
trans women are evil, yes
sounds like some straight up bullshit to me. but go ahead and believe in gnostic wiccan tranny jesus if you want to. smoke some DMT and do some Egyptian folk dance while you're at it
the only unforgivable sin is blasphemy.

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