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how do i know if i'm meta attracted? why are cis men and women simply bisexual but agps can't be?
Idk, my fantasies are literally nothing I havent heard from a cis woman. It's not transformation and sissy shit or emasculation or anything like that. no hate to people who are into those, but i hate being lumped in
>It's not transformation and sissy shit or emasculation
based or unbased, im just reporting here. stop sizing me up and listen
>use meaningless nonsense word
>wonder why the sentence doesn't make sense
we as a group need to stop doing this
yeah exactly, it's like, i just want to be held by my cute and caring bf as i fall asleep. why does my attraction need some sinister subconscious tranny motivation? the only thing i'm kinda wormed about is that i became more masc attracted since starting hrt and i don't know what to make of that (always been bisexual though)
Because meta attraction doesn't exist. It's a way to reduce trannies to their relation to men, either through direct or meta attraction. The people who came up with that concept are just so much focused on men that they can't imagine that there may be something that does not revolve around them
Last rizzmass
I gave u my gyatt
and the very next day
u got fanum tax
this year
to save me from MEWing
i'll give it to someone rizzfull
If you masturbate thinking you are being bottom for a man but he has no face. Or you only watch straight porn, you're meta attracted
I never imagine faces when I mastrubate. Does this mean I have no true attraction at all?
i mean i mostly masturbate reading smut or listening to audios, i don't watch porn. i guess the men i'm thinking of don't have specific faces, but like, i'm not thinking of specific people so how could they? the women i think of don't either
Are women j/o'ing to mens faces
Also are gay men who go to gloryholes meta attracted?
Because it contradicts the Blanchard typology. So they invented "meta-attraction" to explain it away.
The penis is the ultimate visual symbol of desire. Not sure how thats related but just wanting to throw that out there
i think part of becoming more attracted to men when starting hrt is that it feels less taboo since you’re no longer, on a hormonal level, a man. then as changes continue to occur it becomes more and more acceptable to be with a man. don’t worry about meta-attraction, you like who you like, shrimple as
For a long time, I was very uncomfortable when I saw the face of the man I was masturbating to. Maybe that's still the case today.

I don't necessarily need to think about the woman's face, but if I see their faces I don't mind. I almost never masturbate with women in mind btw, it's once a year. And even when I'm thinking about a woman I return to my AGPS fantasies to get off.
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It doesn't contradict shit lol it's just an obvious conclusion from observing a lot of transwomen ""attraction"" to men.
Pic related obviously is not really attracted to men and only uses them as decoration for their fetish, therefore, they are pseudobisexual or meta-attracted, because while they have sex with men, they are not really attracted to men.
Thats just internalized homophobia lol. Had the same before I was getting comfortable with my bisexuality. I found men hot, but I couldn't imagine being romantically attracted or kissing a man, and thereofe I found the idea of looking at a mans face in porn disgusting.

When I got more comfortable with my bisexuality (and bi-romaticism), this went away.
what if i use men for attention and compliments
That's gay/fembrained and not even sexual
but that's exactly what i'm asking, why does it HAVE to be some weird fetish shit? i knew i was bisexual before i knew i was trans, i've never been averse to being in a gay relationship before transitioning, i am genuinely attracted to men and their faces and their bodies. how is that not just bisexuality?
>how is that not just bisexuality?
Who said it's not? You are bisexual, Blanchard wouldn't disagree.
it's blanchards cope for explaining bi trannies
Idk. why they need a different cope than people already have for bisexual cis women: They are just bi because they never had a good dick yet

Thats perfectly fine to cope with the existance of bisexual women, cis or trans
No, I really find sex between two men boring. But I don't have any homophobia.

I consider myself bisexual too, but just because straight with meta-attraction is harder to explain.
>it's blanchards cope for explaining bi trannies
Actually read Blanchard's studies, he never said trannies can't be bi, that's redd*t tier slander, the division is between homosexual transwomen and non-homosexual transwomen (straight, bi, asexual...)
so are you saying that normal bisexuality can exist in blanchard's typology or just that meta attraction is considered bisexuality?
wdym he calls it pseudobisexual, that's where meta attraction comes from
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>that normal bisexuality can exist in blanchard's typology
Yeah, although Blanchard seems to imply that most of the self identified bisexual transwomen are just meta-attracted.
But there is nothing about his typology that would make a true bisexual transwomen impossible, his typology is about a different etiology for homosexual vs non-homosexual transwomen.
cus he divides trannies into exclusively androphilic and agp, he also believes all non hsts sexuality just comes back to agp and fetishism
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There is nothing about Blanchard's typology that makes true bisexual transwomen not possible.
But it's hard to deny that a lot of transwomen attraction to men are fetishistic in nature, they aren't really into men and they typically don't aren't interested in having relationships with men.
Why are the men faceless in these transwomen's fantasies? Because they aren't attracted to men, the man's face is not important, it's about fulfilling a fetish where one's femininity is affirmed (and the most feminine thing is getting penetrated by a man as a woman).
The faceless thing is stupid. And if you're going to use a reddit thread for a data point, I have equal standing to also do so

I wonder why you retards suck Blanchards retarded cock so much. It's sad and retarded. The only real diagnosis you all need is that you're retarded, agp and hsts aren't real, trans girls are trans girls and the only "agp" people aren't trans, kind of like how most ftms aren't really trans. Either way, you're retarded and wormed
thanks for saying the truth, i will continue to ignore you though
you can say there's room for it but blanch himself doesn't believe it's genuine.
>fetishistic in nature, they aren't really into men and they typically don't aren't interested in having relationships with men.
yeah like chaser porn addicts who think they like dick but don't actually like men lol.
>Why are the men faceless in these transwomen's fantasies? Because they aren't attracted to men, the man's face is not important, it's about fulfilling a fetish where one's femininity is affirmed (and the most feminine thing is getting penetrated by a man as a woman).
idk feels like that's closer to some weird comphet repression than fetishism. probably cus I find the idea of agp in trannies kinda dubious already desu.
This type of move isn't going to fly when neptune goes into Aries next year
I have no idea what cis women fantasize about when they want to get off, I find it hard to believe that most of them fantasize about faceless men but I am ready to change my mind about this provided evidence.
It's still curious how a lot of the transwomen who are fantasizing about getting fucked by faceless men aren't interested one bit in being involved romantically with men, while a bi/straight women are actually interested in having a relationship with men, so the former attraction seems like it's fetishistic because it's purely sexual.
Has anybody checked with actual cis women that what you're assuming about their sexuality is even true? Have you asked? Have you read their easily accessible discussion of it? Let me guess , suddenly you're bored and want to do something else
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>trans girls are trans girls
Why are you so opposed to the idea that being trans isn't one thing and can have a different etiology?
I mean, I am attracted to some men's bodies...and I am very attracted to nice cocks...but I have never once had the slighest crush or feels for guy. Just genuinely no romantic attraction. I never think about guys when I am out on the street. Never see a guy and think oooh hes hot. If I compare that to my attraction to women both physically and emotionally its like night and day. I get smitten with women constantly lol
i don’t know enough about astrology to understand this INGMI
>it's purely sexual
sometimes the more fucked up and degen the fantasy the more anonymous the man can be, like obviously that's not gonna be romantic unless you're imagining your boyfriend. that's my theory.
>Has anybody checked with actual cis women that what you're assuming about their sexuality is even true?
Do cis women stop wanting to be women after they orgasm
>tfw the desire to troon out doesn't go away even after masturbation
i'm fucked i guess
The only thing I'm opposed to is letting retards like you and Blanchtard continue spewing their retardation unpunished
>feels like that's closer to some weird comphet repression
Because it actually is lol
>You wanna be a girl? Sure whatever, but you're not allowed to love women, you MUST be attracted to men because that's how things are
probably some mef shame thing combined with male sexuality pre trans. guys never shut up about how depressed they feel after cumming right? reading leddit does kinda make me believe in agp tho desu.
Using plebbit as a source knowing full well how many mouthbreathers frequent it. Have you or Blanchtard ever considered that there are just trans girls and then there are retards with fetishes that think the trans box is for them? Also 4chan psyop troll posting on plebbit has been a thing for a long time so lol
Yeah reddit and old men can make it seem like there are merits to agp being a thing however that wouldn't be a type of trans person so saying that it is is a bad idea
only happens to bi reppers cus they were "straight" pre trans ig
yeah that's how I feel about it
does anyone know how to stop caring about this stuff? i just don’t wanna think about the pseudoscience of my behaviour when i’m attracted to someone, it’s just exhausting
i do like straight porn but i hate that they very often hide the man's face and its instead focused on the woman.
>guys never shut up about how depressed they feel after cumming right?
It's not really depression but some sort of a post nut enlightenment thing that you get once the sexual tension in your brain goes to 0 and your mind is completely free from thoughts that are sexual in origin.
That's in my opinion the biggest evidence pointing to a sexual origin of GD in AGPs.
>Using plebbit as a source
I am not using it as a source, all these redd*t AGP posts just give you a rough intution of what's going on.
> Have you or Blanchtard ever considered that there are just trans girls and then there are retards with fetishes that think the trans box is for them?
When the vast majority of the posters on MtF redd*t spaces are so very clearly AGP then the division between woman-attracted trans girls and the retards with fetishes becomes hard to see.
Spend less time on 4chan, and more time focusing on things you enjoy, try a therapist if you can, and also accept that you're just you and pseudo science isn't necessary for you to be yourself, and that being yourself doesn't need justification
I don't necessarily disagree with you, but comphet is unironically a powerful thing and works both ways for trans and cis people.
Idk man I think it's a bit silly you look at the retard house clebshit and expect it to be proof of anything other than the fact that retards exist and some people are weirdos and creeps. But if you have trouble seeing the "division" then maybe you need your eyes or your brain checked; probably your brain since you talk as if you look at reddit frequently
Blanchards 2 types of tranner classification
>Those who want muh dick (good)
>Those who don't want muh dick(bad)
it's different for trannies tho and doesn't really happen with hsts or transbians
he's literally a bitter old gay man, like he hates hsts trannies and probably agps too.
But being hsts really is just calling yourself a literal sissy faggot who wants to be a woman but homosexual means you're gay so that's actually the same as agp
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Cis gay people get memed into het relationships all the time, I don't see why some trannies wouldn't lol
Humans are an extremely conformist species by nature, whether you like it or not we're governed by the stereotypes and arbitrarily designed cultural "norms".
He's a gay old guy who wants to fuck "hsts" because they're homosexual like him
everyone here knows hsts means straight tran lol don't embarrass urself
some trannies maybe, but it would only happen like that pre trans
>flirt with men online, act like a whore for attention
>male bodies gross you out and youd never touch one
although if youre really desperate for attention you might let a guy hit just to be told youre pretty. not that i would know, or anything.
my nigga that's woman sexuality
no he resents non boomerhon trannies cus they've escaped being gay lol
agp flags are all wormed asf
They magically overcome conditioning the day after coming out?
>the problem-solving principle that recommends searching for explanations constructed with the smallest possible set of elements.
occam's razor is useful here
>what if instead of all these mental gymnastics by a guy that got salty his CD ex left him or whatever
>it's just female sexuality with some heavy-ass trauma and late bloomer shit sprinkled in
I can't believe you retards found a way to shit up the boards and enforce brainworming more, but here were are, flags of retardation
Why can't he just be a bisexual twinkhon, why the fuck do you have to throw """""female sexuality"""""""" in there? You are just confusing the poor fag even more.
no but gigayoungshits aside, if they're gay pre trans there's obviously no comphet
No, it means homosexual transexual, you're just a homofaggot
because I assume every poster on tttt is trans until proven otherwise, and that looked like the boymoder flag
To make this more simple, girls being worried about if they're a bad thing or good thing is pretty fem brained. Pack it up everyone, figured it out
it's just outdated terminology, blanch isn't the only one to use it, like if you've read a lot of tranny biology shit like brain studies, all the stemfags use it too.
It is the boymoder flag
They are, or chasers, there's no such thing as a femboy, because they either become men or trans
so what's with the
i really do need to get off this website.
>being yourself doesn’t need justification
thank you, that helps a lot actually
that makes sense yeah, i guess if i’m desperately grasping at straws to invalidate myself it probably means there isn’t a good reason
i am not a he and i only like guys. right on about me being a twinkhon though
Source? Oh, your ass, probably, right? Can I use my tongue to find it or is it strictly off limits for non straight tranners?
>theres no such thing as something because it stops
No, you see, if one is concerned with identifying as a femboy, and cannot do so long into adulthood, it is a phase and not an identity, therefore being a femboy cannot truly exist as such
>that makes sense yeah, i guess if i’m desperately grasping at straws to invalidate myself it probably means there isn’t a good reason
pretty common anon, maybe your mind's just worried about some worst case scenario thing (like someone irl claiming that fag thing) and trying to proactively defend you
assume the simpler explanation, and consider that soft science academics (and harder science one too) often have incentives to stick to whichever theory can get them a higher impact factor
So if playing baseball is part of my identity and i stop then i was never really a hitter or however they call it
girl what? use google idk, they literally say homosexual and non homosexual transexuals/transgender, in the terminology used section there's always a bit about how when they say homo it's in relation to natal sex, they're autists lol.
Yeah, that's exactly right, you're probably a catcher
Post a link, I've never seen it and I don't know what to Google, because what I have seen doesn't say that
it's not like I have all this saved or something, but you've never seen a study on brain feminisation that looks at sexuality??
I'm not sure honestly, if I did I don't remember, but kinda weird to use those terms for that unless you specifically are referencing Blanchtards ideas as correct. Which has nothing to do with being a nerd, it has to do with your beliefs
blanchard wasn't the first use of hsts tho and no brain studies takes him seriously or reference him as far as I know.
Idk im probably not gonna jerk off to a guy's face, it's just kind of less of a visual thing with men i guess, but isn't thst normal? Everyone always talks about how male and female sexuality are different
i guess i shouldnt really care anyway
>harder science one too
I really need to clean that s key
using homosexual and heterosexual when it comes to people under the sexual condition umbrella is retarded, just use gynephilic and androphilic, same way they figured out to use MSM when it comes to STDs instead of homosexual
bad terminology only fucks shit up downstream, expect more from your scientists
This but also neither of those terms matter in relation to half the shit it's used for so lmao
I have a fetish for AGP women :/ Not a ton of them who are hung and want to be validated as beautiful women while they plow me, but the ones who do have been my best relationships.
Having to write/say strictly androphilic instead of homosexual sucks
The terms refer to sexual orientation before sexual transition so they are kind of accurate in that sense, or at least it seemed reasonable enough in the 80's.
>The terms refer to sexual orientation before sexual transition so they are kind of accurate in that sense,
only if we're talking pre-transition, which is just begging for misunderstanding anyway
>or at least it seemed reasonable enough in the 80's.
yeah I'd say so, and they were very wrong in hindsight but probably can't be blamed for being this retarded back then
I'd still blame them, since that grinds my gears ofc
Yeah attraction's way more about who he is and the situation than what he looks like to me. Like it's better if he's hot but a jawline doesn't make someone fuckable
Thats my point, it's all fucking retarded, and doing their "best" for the 80s doesn't amount to jack shit, because it was only the best if perceived through the lens of conformity/Christian social indoctrination and not proper scientific classification.
Shut up and suck mommy's cock
no why?
Because Blanchard didn’t believe it was possible for a biological male to be bisexual. He thought all men were sorted into the ontological categories of “heterosexual” and “homosexual” and trannies had to fall into that as well.

He was wrong
Blanchard's tweet from 2020 pretty much saying he thinks men can be bisexual
pre trans i experienced it 100% as depression no matter what the fantasy was. i don't believe it's really clarity i think its your brains male refractory period and men believe its clarity because theyre misogynistic

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