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>ftms like dick DURRRR
>ftms wanna be plapped DURRRR
>ftms are all gonna repopulate europa with their wombs HURRR DURRRR

Guess what faggots, in the future you're gonna see a LOT more motherfucking FTMS getting their ovaries removed so you're little fantasies of impregnating one are gonna be smashed.

The REMOVAL WILL BEGIN. and all you faggots will be sorely disappointed.

Pooners will rise up and and the Aryan Pooner will Prevail and IMPREGNATE YOU. That's right motherfuckers, we're switching our wombs and putting them into YOU.
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Poonerism is what happens when women aren't fucked as good as they need to be
I dont care about your thread what the fuck is that picture though
Why would I be threatened by a faggot?
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Damn pooner take your meds
my dream job
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Why do ftms love getting pregnant so much?
If this is your peace then you deserve death, sorry.
t pacifist
yeah and when they get their ovaries removed they'll screech on r/detrans about being "groomed" into "mutilating" her "perfectly good body and ovaries" 3 years later

many such cases
you will be the first one in the gas chambers
found the beta onions boy, how's your wife's boyfriend Tyrone? And how did your vasectomy go?
Did you just discover pol lol
Everything I have written so far was revealed to me in a dream, I don't even know how to access
i'm ftm and my ovaries were removed because I had cancer
when i was young i used to fantasise about getting breast cancer or ovarian cancer so my womb/ovaries/boobs could be removed and i’d finally be free
does this make me trutrans?
I wish I could tie you up and torture you in my sex dungeon for this post alone
Youre so quirky and unique
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Thank you (:

What's your disc if you wanna chat more (; <3

Also don't forget to follow me on twitter even though it's owned by (((blackrock)))
>will Prevail and IMPREGNATE YOU. That's right motherfuckers, we're switching our wombs and putting them into YOU.
o-oh my...
no it makes you an ass, cancer really sucks and fantasizing about it makes you sounds like a narcissist
I don't get why people pretend being a "narcissist" is such a bad thing. Why do some people think it's such a bad thing to feel good about yourself? If anything that just makes you a much more stronger and confident person.
Get a personality
Besides im a jewess you wouldnt be interested (not inbred)
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strong and confident people don't fantasize about getting cancer, and it's a bad thing because it causes symptoms that are detrimental to their lives as it is a personality disorder. don't worry, you're not alone, most trannies are narcissists
>im a jewess

Oh I can definitely tell. How about you stop subverting shit all the time, you slimey fuck. Maybe chill out on your paristiic nature and greed and monopolizing on the death's on hundreds of thousands of palestinian kids okay?
Nothing's wrong with being a "narcissist." Of course I'm going to mainly think about myself. Everyone does. It's a race to get to the top and your going to step on a few toes. There's nothing wrong with living in your own little world, I think "narcissism" is healthy if anything. Survival of the fittest.
>survival of the fittest
girl you FANTASIZE about CANCER you ain't fit
I'm sure that your parents would be deeply sadden by your intellectual perversion. Ask them this question and get back. peace
This is trash, if you got it, it would change your whole ass life, STFU.
First of all, I'm not a "girl," secondly, I am in most countries considered "fit." And I am winning in this rat race cause I did the most unthinkable thing in society and put myself first.
I think you just deflect your own shortcomings into unbridled racism because its the only way you can get someone to acknowledge you. Heres your final (You).
>finally fix their hormone profile
>they can finally be fertile women
narcissists are unhealthier and have higher blood pressure on average because they have a mental illness. so yeah, 'survival of the fittest' requires... not having a mental illness lol
I thought Jews weren't a race faggo
If being "Mentally ill" means you can't be the fittest then why do psychopaths, narcissists and sociopaths so often rise to the top of the corporate hierachy?
I don’t get it you have such a fertile womb ripe for breeding why would you let that go to waste?
haven't seen this image in a while. I need to drink her Nazi foot milk
Kill yourself
stop shitting up the board with your schitzo idea that trannies are all narcissists thats either reliant on one bad encounter or lack of encounters. if you posted >>36342993 too please kys moron narcissism doesnt mean whatever you feel like, its not just some buzzword for stinky person. i seriously doubt someone honestly wishing cancer upon themselves is a narcissist or doing so out of some severe lack of knowledge about cancer.

>look at my sourceless meaningless meme image tho!!!! its gonna heckin make me righterinoes!!
no <3. now stop harassing random people and calling them narcissists faggot
i cannot lie, getting bred by an FTM sounds infinitely hotter than the other way around :3
It’s actually very common for young ftms
I hear you can make sperm from cells. They can do that
I'm straight FTM and want to impregnate a fakeboi what does this mean about me
it means you're retarded
I knew ftms were schizos but this is ridiculous
this is so based. once an uprising occurs i will specifically request that my government mandated cissy slave not have their ovaries removed. instead ill have it chained by its wrists and ankles and torture it, giving it just enough pleasure that it thinks itll actually have the chance to be able to at least release one last time, knowing full well itll never be given the chance to impregnate a ftm, not knowing when ill take those pathetic balls and replace them with even more pathetic ovaries.
I used to be sympathetic to FTMs but not anymore. Every single FTM in this board refuse to acknowledge that FGM can happen to trans women or that trans women are female. They also enjoy harassing people who haven't done anything wrong. So I don't feel bad anymore.
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If goycucks aren’t meant to be our cattle then why are they so easy to subvert and take advantage of?
If youre judging your whole view of FTMs off the ones you find on 4chan you're genuinely retarded.
You would think that there would be AT LEAST one who would accept trans women as female, but no. Chances are irl things would be the same.
Are you okay anonette? You've been posting about this in multiple threads.
I am disappointed and hoping to see ONE ftm to acknowledge what I am saying, to restore my faith in them.
Do you want to talk abt it on dc or something?
I'm going to bed but if you want to add me my dc is dwaynetheblock
Wish you well anonette
>Pooners will rise up and and the Aryan Pooner will Prevail and IMPREGNATE YOU.
>That's right motherfuckers, we're switching our wombs and putting them into YOU.
Hot, where can I get such a BF?
>match with ftm
>he's a bottom
>he's kind of subby
>"ok but kinda cute I'll give it a try"
>wants to receive PIV from a mtf (???)
>wants to have children via pregnancy (?????????)
fuck off
please impregnate me immediately.

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