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We are led to believe that trannies have female/male brains in wrong body. These would be considered TRUE trannies, and what most people claim trans people to be. By this logic, we can expect that among these individuals the sexual attractions would match the gender they claim to be.

Sexual orientation in transgender adults in the United States - Sari L. Reisner

Pic related is from the above study, we can see that among trannies, roughly 1/3rd are straight.

According to Gallup, overall LGBT percents are at 7.6% in 2024 for America. Among gen Z it's close to 20%. Assuming incredibly generously that ALL LGBT individuals in this response are simply talking about sexual prefenece and not what they are (such as being a tranny) and for good measure let's even DOUBLE IT.

This gives us 40% for Gen Z, 15% overall. According to this if we compare the discrepancies between sexual preferences of trannies and normal people we can find out the percent of AGP. The amount of AGP hons that claim to be trannies is from 26% all the way to a staggering 55%. So let's assume generously in the middle.

3.5/10 of ALL TRANNIES ARE AGP CONFIRMED WITH THE MOST GENEROUS ESTIMATES. If that doesn't show mental illness, idk what does.
Small correction, 1/3rd of trannies being straight was incorrect it's actually even worse then thay as can be seen by the screenshot but that just means the real AGP hon amount is even greater then what I claimed it to be which is insane. I estimate the true Hon amount to be closer to 70% if you take all data at face value.
we've known that only 1/10 people who identify as trans actually are trans for years now play catchup faster next time
Haven't seen anyone give statistical proof yet such as this though this is more so the copers that is /tttt/ can stop acting like victims when they are mostly fetishists
Yeah that seems to check out based on my real life experience.

1/3 agp
1/3 hsts
1/3 true trans
idk man we just shouldn't let anyone but childhood onset dysphorics transition
trans spaces being overtaken by agps is the real issue here desu, like I'm just not convinced by this study, I unironically think the real numbers are flipped, especially if u include trannies globally.
Flipped as in more AGPs then trannies? I agree but I purposely was generous for true trannies to show that the myth of a few bad apples is completely and utterly false even giving as much benefit of the doubt as possible.
>trannies have female/male brains in wrong body.
*certain areas of the brain are feminized on average
why would they transition if they wanna date women don't they understand that their chances are incredibly slim?
Being sexually attracted has nothing to do with love, these porn addicts are so infatuated with the female form that they want to BECOME female purely to be a sexual object as well as wanting females as sex objects
flipped as in the real numbers would show most trannies globally are exclusively androphilic. If we could actually sample every single tranny.
ok but logically the goal for them still is to get women my question is don't they understand how hard it will be for them once they transition since a tiny minority of women have same sex attraction and a tiny these women would even consider date a tranny
Yeah OP is conflating and confusing ALOT with this post.

1. It’s a good idea to actually link your source so we can read the study in full. It’s very basic scientific etiquette. We have no idea what location, what age groups, race, nationality, etc was being tested. The variables are very important.

2. In 2024, “trans” is an all encompassing umbrella. When you’re easing through “transmacs” and “femboys” or nonbinary genderfluid, how can you even come to a conclusion? “Transgender” is too vague a word nowadays. There are men who, for instance have sex with trans women who call themselves straight, and others who call themselves gay. Good luck trying to pull any sort of conclusive data from that!
none of it matters though when it comes to conservative and people generally you think they really give a shit who's a "truetrans" and who's AGP
I had childhood onset (~5) but still present slightly agp, and slightly hsts at times. The problem is it all gets confusing once puberty kicks in. Diagnosis would have to be before puberty
idk but i wish there were studies correlating iq and trannyism because I have a sneaking suspicion most trannies are below average iq with developmental problems. that or complete autism and not understanding social things like chris chan, they might genuinely believe the reason theyre unlucky is because theyre in the "wrong gender"
why are so many people on this board too stupid to realize that it does matter? bigotry does not spring fully formed from the head of the transphobe, its informed by their perception. by what they see and hear. of fucking course the majority of trans people not being transsexuals will have an impact.
exactly the umbrella is too broad. it should just be transsexuals and everyone else should be under a gnc umbrella
AGPs aren’t the issue desu. AGP and hsts always got along fine, until around 2013 when Jenner came out and we had the media spotlight. The larger issue is the tucutes and trenders (usually ftm) who eventually de transition after destroying gender identity disorder at the medical level.
i dont believe in blanchard shit i just believe in true dysphorics vs nondysphorics
I put the full name of the study and author right in the post you can copy paste and see for yourself. And again, I was incredibly generous with all data, even doubling the amount of people who identify as lgbt to account for people who are not comfortable/ lying to themselves. This data is literally best case scenario for trannies.
Can we stop using "being agp" and replace it with "having agp"?

Most mtfs are HSTS, but most mtfs have some degree of agp
Women, biologically speaking, function as sex objects for men. I know that’s a controversial take, but they literally physically aren’t really built as anything but for attracting the highest value man around, and then providing for the offspring. Nature is sexist.
trans rights in the "western world" has been set back for at least 100 years go read the cases of trans kids in 30's and 40's and even before that doctors that diagnosed lucky children with GD easily transitioned with no wait time list
Why are you so fucking stupid? The goal isn’t to “get women”. It’s to tame gender dysphoria you fucking ape. Do even the smallest form of research before you embarrass yourself, even anonymously.
IT MATTERS IN A SCIENTIFIC SENSE. If you’re drawing from data to make a conclusion, it absolutely makes sense. Have you ever taken a statistics course or sociology beyond 100 level? Holy fuck. Your generalizing is so reductive. It absolutely matters.
AGPs are generally transbian so they want to get women. mother fucker don't speak to me about dysphoria I'm the fucking chief executive of dysphoria
I don’t remember where, but I believe the opposite is true actually. LGBT people tend to have higher IQ than the general population. Trans women (agp in particular) tend to be in higher paying fields. Most trans people aren’t “Chris Chan-like”. Genuinely you probably aren’t including trans people from the other side of the globe. Americans tend to think of themselves as the center of the universe.
1000% they should be under gnc
most trannies aren't like chris chan but i am im so autistic i never ever even stood a chance and would have done the world a massive favor killing myself instead of trooning out
well yeah because it was done on white, high paying trannies... most trannies are actually UNDERemployed and undereducated, that's why they have such high rates of sex work
Same. When gender dysphoria was the diagnostic criteria, it was a lot easier to understand all of this.
The largest amount of lgbt and trannies are in north America though so who gives a fuck if chang in china has a high iq you wont ever come across him online or irl
the largest amount of trannies are in asia and africa they just havent been liberated
That’s not what I mean. I’m stating it’s a lot harder to take you serious when you “hear you. Crop graph without a legend and see for yourself”. There’s no concluding thoughts from the researchers, no confounding variables, no exclusion/inclusion criteria, who did the funding, was it checked for bias. All this matters during data collection.
No disagreement here. I don’t think we can really get it back on track except realizing image is everything, and showing the best of us. Only way that really happens is the young shits becoming the norm for generations to come. At some point hons will be a thing of the past and will be an example of how inhumane the general population was towards trans women, to let them get that far without treatment. It will be like looking at polio cases inside iron lungs and realizing it would’ve all been dealt with a simple vaccine.
Anyone who thinks that shit is important can go to the study and read it themselves, if I wanted to misrepresent the facts I wouldn't have fucking mentioned the source? And again, +100% margin of error is what I gave them, that is more than enough to account for weirdness and bias, there's a limit to how much you can stretch statistics in a published journal.
Idk. You seem far more aware and cognizant of yourself than Chris Chan is. Give yourself some credit.

Most hsts tend to be undereducated and employed. This is why I specified agp. Hsts are more likely to go into sex work, because arguable they do tend to pass better and sought out after by cis men. This isn’t that different than cis society. >>36343590
The largest amount of trans women (visibly as well) are definitely in Asia. This is what I meant in my last post. North America is not the center of the universe. Americans tend to have a hard time understanding that our population is VERY small compared to the rest of the world. Most can’t fathom how large a population Asia and Africa is. Maybe you don’t see them as “people” given a lot of the 3rd world conditions, but they absolutely are.
You don’t have to misinterpret intentionally. lol this is why research is left to researchers, not the average person misconstruing some graph because they think it says what they want it to say. Post a link next time, it’s easier.

All this to say, again, “transgender” is too broad a category to really take anything from. The study probably doesn’t hold any statistical or clinical significance, which is odd you didn’t mention or include.
im not self aware or cognizant im still about to go outside looking like i do and probably scaring people
Well you know you’re scaring them. Does Chris? See
Your source doesn't split MTF and FTM. Also, because trans people are impacted by both hormone sets, a likely contributor to sexual orientation, some increased relative homosexuality compared to general population is to be expected.
>The largest amount of trans women (visibly as well) are definitely in Asia
Asians in general are conformists. I know this sounds like a broad generelizations, but they just... are that way lol. Transitioning in many cases is unironically seen as a way to conform to social standards as in "sure, you can be a girl/boy if you want, but god help you if you're gay or gender non-conforming while still identifying as woman/man". Weird shit really.
which asian are you
>trannies are smart if you discount the dumb ones
Vietnamese, currently studying in Japan. Not trans btw.
i wish i was chris. i wanna be happy. i dont wanna hate myself
Holy fuck, why are so many trannies undersexed? At least for all the hetero and bi trannies, I will offer myself to right that wrong
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Non-dysphoric reporting in.

Well, maaaaaaybe slightly disphoric throughout my whole life and most definitely gender-nonconforming. Actually happier than ever now that I've transitioned.
Yeah with them it’s a lot more “just don’t disrupt the peace”.
Sure, if you’re lacking in reading comprehension.
im happy you're happy but can you understand my apprehension considering transition is now seen as a choice and nobody takes my illness seriously?
Hsts are more feminine because they have the double condition they're both gay and transgender. Straight men who are transgender are probably not as feminine in childhood as gay men
>can you understand my apprehension considering transition is now seen as a choice and nobody takes my illness seriously?
I can sorta can, although I don't like you calling your condition "illness" but whatever suits you I guess.
In any case, I still had to go through several psychologists before I started HRT, it's not like I woke up one day and decided to just buy hormones from some shady e-shop and transition the DIY way.
why shouldn't i call it an illness? it makes life horrible especially untreated
I didn’t read through most of the thread but this
> Among gen Z it's close to 20%. Assuming incredibly generously that ALL LGBT individuals in this response are simply talking about sexual prefenece and not what they are (such as being a tranny) and for good measure let's even DOUBLE IT.
is the most retarded thing about this post, you can’t pull shit out of your ass and say it’s indicative of the truth

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