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>start E at 13
>liberal parents
>never went through male puberty
>hetero boy kisser
Do I have any right to speak on behalf of trannies?
honestly only people like you should speak on behalf of trannies
i’d rather have u speak than some rapehon who thinks he’s entitled to dating a lesbian woman
fpbp. we need our best people to make sure the us bombs ruzzia in case they flinch to hard
i wonder how many passing youngshits are 100% solely attracted to women
i mean sure, maybe. trans people (or really any group for that matter) are not a monolith. but as a trans person i think you have just as much the right to speak for us as i do.
you don’t share our suffering to the same extent, but you should be a mouthpiece. the more cissoids see us as gigapassoids the less they will feel honest about calling us perverted cross dressers.
You are cis at this point sorry
Disagree, if they think that all trans women are hons then it will be harder for them to cloak us.
Only the giggaest of hons should be in the public eye.
you have the right to become my fgf
i guess there's still a chance for me then.
r u happy
glowie nafo demon
fair point. op should be standing on stage but leave the important jobs to the twinkhons. that’s the cutoff point
no, twinkhons should larp as detrooner ftms
You guys are almost as monolithic politically as black people
lmao lurk more if you unironically think that. i have met trannies with every possible political belief
This is pretty much me. Ive been off this board for a few days literally just going on dates with men.
but how did you get E at 13? I got blockers at 12 and wouldve killed to just go straight to E. Had wait until 15. WPATH doesn't let 13 year olds start E
I wish I was born like 5 years later :( Maybe I could be a youngshit then.
Then again no doctor here gives blockers to under 18s.
The kids happy,
kids are no threat as long as they grasp that as they grow, no matter who turns you down, they have a right to do so.
The issue is the shit we have coming out today.
You know they could have taken over and everything would have been just fine, but the way Your PR went after women was psychotic.
could you imagine a whole ass man doing to the trans KID what they have done to ALL kids AND women everywhere? I think EVERYONE and their mom just needs to have an enate understanding of boundaries drilled into them
how would a trans kid feel if an adult agp came on to them? or if anyone who doesnt live in your house started to tell you they were allowed to live there now?
Whatever happens to the kids ten years from now will tell us everything we need to know. but for now, the way these sick in the head dudes forcefully integrated them selves into what was supposed to be learning wholesome movement is now dangerous and fucked the hell up.
1/3, pretty good. NAFO till i die, id rather live in an imperfect system than get beheaded by a bunch of vatniks
> I got blockers at 12 and wouldve killed to just go straight to E. Had wait until 15.
Do you pass?
yes shes a gigapassoid
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Fml bruh
I'm a bitterhon who started at 19.
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Idk judge for yourself

I was on a date with a boy thursday and he told me that i passed flawlessly and the vast majority of trans women he knows do not pass.

judging by how much attention ive accrued on tinder and (regrettably) grindr, i think most men think i pass. And ive not been misgendered by a stranger in a very very long time
i started at 16 but dont pass but also look feminine enough to where everyone knows im a tranny so they humor me. its awful i feel like a party clown
>even youngshits look like this
it's over for trannyhood...
You look like a Greg from my local gameshop with a wig on and those chinese silicon placeable breast things.
If true then I'm straight for greg
Your hands are kinda big but that could be Jewishness. Jewish women have big hands.
hey im a bitterhon too but let's not lie to her, she passes
I am not saying that she does not pass, she does.
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If youre trying to get me to prove that my boobs are real its not working, jannies dont like it

Theyre less than 7 inches..
Why does this board not know how perspective works, the hands are closer to the camera
Yes, you benefitted from being able to access hormone drugs and from being able to legally change your name and legal gender.

ANY right? sure. although i doubt you understand most of our complaints. but lemme summarize wht
at this thread is going to look like for you, without reading anything.
broken down by flags:
>omg yess only hetero passoids are trutrans, even tho i call myself homosexual meaning im a man. what cognitive dissonance?
>no, total youngshit death when? only hons are trutrans, youngshits are functionally cis. also do you wear diapers >:3 why does nobody love me?
>yes, everyone prettier than me is my superior and surely HST will accept me if i simp hard enough. also im actually pretty because half of the people wearing this flag are bdd and the other half are sadistic passoids (except for Sarah, the only truhon)
>show me ur GOCK because im so straight please """"peg"""" me with ur heccin GOCK lol im not even a bottom i just like to suck on GOCKS and have GOCKS cumming inside me. wait, there was a question?
>sure, whatever
all others
>dont care/not in this thread/maybe some pooncel hefab whining about something idk
youre trans
They look kinda big anon, and your forearms are a bit thick too. Don't get me wrong you pass you don't have vascularity in your hands but they are an instant clock for me. I almost told a trans girl I really liked her big strong arms and hands glad I shut my mouth no she passed but it's definitely clocky.
anon im just fat, i have a bmi of 25 rn.

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