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men only want trannys for sex
im gonna be alone forever when all my cis friends are getting married and having kids
i'm gonna fucking KILL MYSELF
me too girl me too
i just want to have a forever boyfriend :( why couldn't i be born a woman
I can't help wondering how many of your cis friends met their husbands through escorting
i refuse to believe it he genuinely loves me he must it’s not a game he isn’t using me please he can’t be
stop generalizing not all men are like this and you should value yourself more don't be slut
i'm so sorry anon :(
There is plenty of married t girls. You will eventually find someone
loved her even when I was getting no ass
don't believe them
I know a guy at work who married a former escort. Everyone makes fun of this guy behind his back, his wife is a legit pos. I kind of feel sorry for him, but he's so fucking dumb to marry an actual hoe like that. She makes it really clear that she's still on the prowl for any dudes that want to hit it, dressing slutty at company events, flirting with me and my coworkers.
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we are the chosen sufferers of god
zero. most met on dating apps.
maybe he does.
then how come none of them are texting me back?
theyre the lucky ones i guess.
i hope youre telling the truth.
>i hope youre telling the truth.
it's a bittersweet memory, but a true one
You can also be one of those "lucky ones".
you just have bad experiences i won’t believe it i won’t i can’t i’ll break it’ll finally be too much
i trust him, no matter what happens now it’s in his hands
I would marry you but here are the conditions:

-I am already married and you would be my second wife, next to my cis wife
-You would convert to Islam as a formality and we would get married in Brunei where polygamy is allowed. While polygamy is illegal in most countries legal obligations are usually tolerated by most Western countries in practice. I have lived in SEA for a few years and I have friends who have two wives like this (I am white with EU citizenship who has worked in SEA for a few years).
-You would be expected to be an exclusive bottom but join on threesomes.
-I would allow you to have a biological child with my cis wife as a surrogate but I would be the legal father and you would be the legal mother.
-You would be expected to raise the children together, they are each others sisters/brothers after all.

Would you accept this?
Is that for real? You can marry a troon in Brunei? That seems pretty unlikely anon
You would accept this degrading shit? Tell this schizo to go fuck himself
every rich guy in Brunei has a harem of boy wives. but they do not marry them, that part is obviously fake.
I'm a guy, I was just curious because it looks like anon has thought about this for a bit. I wouldn't marry one at all because of the escorting thing (there is no such thing as a "former" escort)
I'm sorry anon but the truth is men are incredibly insecure about themselves they don't want to be mocked by their friend and society at large and I don't think I'm in a position to give an advice but first get SRS if you haven't and second don't act desperate they will think you're easy so they won't consider you for long term relationship
>marry a troon

No, but you can marry a woman that has converted to Islam. How are the authorities in Brunei know that you have changed your legal sex when all your documents, passport including your birth certificates are saying that your are female? There is no such thing as a global identiy register.

Why do you want to get married in the first place if you consider the institution of marriage degrading?
ok I'm starting to laugh at these, thanks whoreanon
I am sorry but you quite literally didn't understand the post. I am obviously not marrying some babby trans but someone who has already completed their transition, duh.
I am a man

Bruh, look what you suggested.
>seccond wife
>bizarre polygamous marriage
Based but I already cut my balls off
So a trans person can decide for themselves whether they want to disclose and someone who is gay can decide for themselves whether they want to go out because of justified fear for reprisal in a lgbt-phobic environment and since it's a personal decision but someone being attracted to trans people has always diclose and announce it to the world and they are not entitled to their own personal choices and suffer all the consequences for that.

Sounds extremely hypocritical to me.
I would accept an egg or sperm donation from a blood relative. I would our family to share a biological bond between each other.
you're married to da larp life
not true i fucking love a girl so much and i want her to be a mom even if we have to adopt
I have lived in Indonesia for 7 years working in the petro-sector as a chemical engineer. I have several friends and former collegues, from Europe and the US, who got a.second wife through the Brunei route. Again you don't really have to live in Brunei afterwards and many countries tolerate the legality of polygamy from foreign countries in practice despite banning it themselves.

In practice it looks like this: I am in the hospital of a Western country after a car accident, my first wife is already there and you go up to them and announce to be my second wife to be let in through spousal visitor rights 100% of the time they will let you in.
wtf are you talking about are illiterate? nobody has to disclose anything but for safety you need to disclose before sex even though you got SRS because the scars are obvious
you really love a TRANNY like genuinely?
yes i do, i want to be with her so much and hold her hands in public and so much more
tell us more about her. it’s always nice to hear people talk about the ones they love
or I can not tell him and not give him a reason to be insecure and we can both enjoy the sex
she hates herself and wants to be treated badly and for me to be mean (which i do since ik she likes it but she isn't too fond of when i try to be sweet tho)
she doesn't see how amazing she is, she thinks she's ugly too, and i very much love both her personality and looks, how passionate she's about the things she likes and she's actually smart, honestly speaking i think she's too good for me
i do love her and want to be with her, but i don't think she really feels the same way, could be bc she hates herself too much and doesn't think she deserves to be loved which i try to reassure it's ok and we can take things at her pace, and i reassure her i want her
i wish she'd love me back
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Nah, I love my trans gf as a cism chaser. You either have insane standards or just don't want to lift a finger to date.
Where did you knew her and how the relation started?
I found a tranny that I would have married on the spot, then one day she had a mental breakdown and fucked off forever
How common is this?
this made me sad to read. it’s so difficult to deal with people who feel undeserving of love. if she’s anything like me she really does love you but won’t express it so that you’ll leave her. i’m sorry you’re in such an unfortunate position. i really hope it works out cause you seem to genuinely love her
online, it was mostly lewd in the beginning but i fell for her and i'm serious about moving closer to her soon

thank you, yeah self sabotage is a sad thing but i wonder if i actually matter to her
there's also more variables, like someone else that is close to her and all
but yes i do genuinely love her
This is not true.
I was in a relationship with a trans woman but I ended up in a situation where I had to decide my future.

Now I'm happily married to a cis woman and have 2 kids. At the end of the day, each person is different and not everyone will make the same decision.
On this board, probably the norm. People that come here aren't well. Ngl the incels are probably the most mentally stable group on this board
unironically if she is in tttt spaces probably 75% at a minimum
Is it possible to find a mentally stable one (or makes her become stable) and have a long healthy relationship?
No you can't fix her. The question is rather if there are some who's mental illness is manageable

Like some will just have episodes of strong dysphoria, where they will just lying around crying and maybe wanting to self harm. This is terrible if you aren't prepared for it, but once you know the drill, and you know that it will go over as if nothing happend, you can deal with it

Then many here have BPD, which can be hell to go through them splitting on you, but BPD is quite well treatable with therapy, so in theory they can also be worked with.

But generally, im sorry many here are so down the drain that you probably can't save them. My hope personally is, as I'm also mentally broken, that I just one day find someone as broken and we just decide that being miserable together is slightly less awful than being on your own
How can trannies be this ignorant when it comes to men?
Their sexuality causes them pain until it's dealt with. If a man in post-nut clarity has no interest in you, or acts in a way that you don't find appealing, you're probably a basic bitch.

Giving a man sexual release is just a nice thing to do. If, after a man has had release and you're meeting his true self, you don't like each other, then you don't like each other.
I want a tranny for love and romance
The catch is I'm undateable
i don’t think you can fix anyone here. you can maybe make us feel better but our problem are inherently illogical, and no amount of love or effort can fix it. unfortunately you simply have to take the risk that we break some day.
now if you find someone who doesn’t use this board there is a decent chance she will be mentally well adjusted.
are we supposed to just let ourselves get pumped and dumped before we have a chance to know if we are compatible with someone?
Hey, fellow man here, let me tell you a secret, when your balls hurt you don't need to fuck a tranny, you can also just jerk off and then meet up with someone and check if you like them.

If it happend to you more than once that you fucked a tranny and afterwards realized you didn't like her, maybe you're approaching dating wrong.
I know trannies are much easier than cis women, but that doesn't mean they like being the subject of a pump and dump
Yeah, I mean an irl person.
Let me tell you a secret, behind every of the posts here there is an irl person.

But yeah, if you meet a tranny irl she'll still be mentally damaged, that's what gender dysphoria does to them, theyll start randomly crying and may have days where they can't leave their bed, but they are generally better off than most 4chan trannies.

That said most trannies are incredibly ugly and don't pass in the slightest and often seem to not even put in effort to change that. As mentally ill as 4chan trannies are, they are by far the cutest and most passing trannies. That's why I date from here rather than Grindr, taimi or local queer events
No, you just need to not be picky, or be honest you are a choosey beggar.

The (sorry) pathetic ftms on this board make it clear every single “straight” trans woman could have a boyfriend/husband if they want.
Why does every tranny only want a black man? It's so frustrating!
I'm a tranny you retard.
Asking a man how to catch a man is like asking a fish how to catch a fish.
Run along little boy, mommy is talking to her friends.

>are we supposed to just let ourselves get pumped and dumped before we have a chance to know if we are compatible with someone?
Seriously, how can you be this retarded in current year?
Straight up, I'm going to tell you with 100% certainty that none of the guys you've dated, or have wanted to date have been compatible with you.
Chad. Will. Never. Be. Your. Boyfriend.
That's not how it works.

Men are, generally speaking, pretty honest when it comes to telling sexual partners what they're about. They don't lie, women just hear what they want to hear. If all he wants from you is sex, he will tell you that, and that's all you're going to get from him.
Chad will not be your boyfriend.

The men who will be your boyfriend and appreciate you as a person and love and respect and all that good shit, are fucking everywhere, painfully desperate, and too afraid to even look at a woman without five witnesses and a tape recorder.

But even with those guys, THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE A SEXUALITY AND THAT IS, IN FACT, A YOU PROBLEM. It's not their fault their testicles drive them crazy if they don't get release. Seeing to a man's sexual needs is the nicest thing you can do for them.

So maybe stop doing it for the guy that everyone else is doing it to, and start doing it to the guy nobody is doing it to. It seems obvious, because it is, you fucking retards.

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