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Can you be hsts and st4t?

/st4t/ is a general for trans people attracted to trans people of the opposite gender (ftm x mtf)
st4t = straight trans for trans

> https://tagmap.io/tag/st4tg
> discord.gg/ZC6xrHxT5e
> https://strawpoll.com/xVg7j3EQQnr

don't shit up the thread with discord drama, don't give (you)s to hateposters
yes? of course
st4t don’t look like that THOUGH
>don’t look like that THOUGH
The afabs do
The dfabs and amabs look like this in st4t
>or this
More so autist 4 autist
Idk this short circuits my brain. I need a man with a dick desu. Preferably tall too which FTMs tend to not have.
downs 4 downs
isn’t “short circuits my brain” usually used for describing something good? kek
dick up your bussy
oh my god
I’m just not into guys with pussies
They can’t even wear a strap in the fan art?
St4t art is always so fetishy, the girls are hung and the guys have crazy jagged scars, yet their bodies otherwise pass perfectly
do you want more strap art anon?
I want to be pounded by a chad ftm btw
My only friend irl is mtf and i want her so bad. I'm pretty sure she doesn't feel the same so I'm never gonna tell her though. I'm almost always the one to initiate hanging out and it makes me feel like she doesn't even want to talk to me most of the time. She keeps saying things like "no guy will ever want me" and I just have to respond with something like "I'm sure you'll find someone eventually" because I don't want to blow my cover.

How do I cope with whenever she inevitably gets her next cis boyfriend? I'm stealth so pretty close to cis I guess but I'm still a dickless manlet.
>never gonna tell her though
not malebrained enough, ngmi. have you tried at least testing the waters and dropping hints dude?
Dat clitty is...
... it'll seed your uterus!
I have, but she asked me about one once and asked me what I meant and it scared me out of doing anything more. My current plan is to ignore the fact that I'm into her for as long as possible, even if every time I've tried that in the past it's ended with me eventually just telling them anyways. I don't want to ruin my friendship with her by letting her know when she doesn't like me.

I'm also an entire foot shorter than her ex.
well shit... that's rough, but i get the feeling. i have an ftm friend too but like, i'm 99% sure he's asexual so i try not to entertain my thoughts, especially since i'd hate to ruin the friendship since he's my only irl trans friend too lol.
My online friends and my therapist keep saying that me thinking she doesn't like me is completely unfounded and that she's dropping hints, one of my friends even said to me "are you sure or are you just being schizo" but i think they're all just delusional. She's more than my only trans friend, she's my only irl friend who actually wants to talk to me and who doesn't just interact out of pity or boredom. She's the only person irl who I'm not stealth to and by choice, and the only person irl who understands me. If I fucked up my friendship with her it'd be over.
>mtf wife
>tiny and cute
>about to marry you

wake up and it’s a dream, you don’t have this and your retarded
no if youre hot u find poontwinks
I used to think that the idea of a st4t relation ship was based, however after learning more about the pooners in this board I would never join a st4t relationship. They are transphobic and indistinguishable from terfs. They think that trans women are not female and that FGM can't happen on a trans female.
i'm a 5'7" mtf who wants to have a ftm partner taller than or ≈ the same height as me, how over is it?
probably over depending on which country you live in lol
USA baybeeee
st4t is such a cope and that discord is just kids who are gonna grow out of their st4t ao3 phase
Will the crabs in the bucket and cissoid chasers not spam this gen for like one edition?
goodluck dating terfs who only see you as men cosplaying women
Ftms are better partners than your traaaaaansbian ass
I can’t even blame you for this one
yesterday i sticked half my finger up my gfs ass, it was her first time, also my first with anal.
Not at all. I’m 5’7 myself and know a straight ftm a little taller than me.
You should stick your tongue up there while looking into her eyes next. It’s peak.
so true, every trans woman eventually graduates to dating real men and all ftms eventually do the same (just to be detransed by their bfs).
all mog me

ive starting looking into st4t for the best reason of all: tax benefits. im more serious about this than i want to be. it has to be a fake asexual marriage, and the issue is that cis men can't be asexual. im not a transbian and wouldn't even fake marry a trans woman, leaving only trans men.
someday ill find my "soul" "mate" and get those sick married life joint-filed tax refunds.
god i need a terf pooner to be transphobic to me
im not even transbians besides theres nothing bad about transbians if youre talking about the monogamists, i hate the poly ones too. if being called "male woman" is your thing by these terfs then go ahead
to many here complain about st4t
can’t say I disagree with most of the complaints most pooners are women minded, but being gamp makes it important I get trans fem ‘ussy colon by any means.
>Be me st4t
>get invited to a pride parade st4t cruse
>go with my pre hrt boymoder gf
>when we get there the whole ship smells bad
>really really fucken bad
>some type of sour milk and musk
>everyone there is sweating

>most of the mtfs look similar to stavros and the ftms are skinny 4’11 crakeheads with forgo voice or those sjw feminists memes come to life

>everyone is jiving to the beat and I see a few of the mtfs whipping their dicks out doing the helicopter to slut pop.

>my social anxiety made this entire experience extremely overwhelming and not at all fun

>I had to hide in my room crying for a couple of hours

>horrible experience will not go again
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imagine the smell
st4t fell off so hard and judging by these threads it seems like everyone's waking up to that too

should i hold out hope for a cuddly soft ftm bf who loves me? or settle for cis men..
never settle for a cissoid you gender traitor
Need a racist trans girl who will call me slurs
Be honest with yourself about what ftms really are. If you’re into that, sure, go for it.
>what ftms really are
and what would that be then?
Depends on where you are and how you look for them. But they can often be unpassing, short, feminine, bottoms, very dysphoric in a way that interferes with relationships, etc, not some ideal empathetic boy that trannies want to imagine. If think you are too picky, st4t might not be the best option.
i think im less picky than most
idc im not shallow or dysphoric about that kind of thing
shouldnt be too much of an issue as long as they're making a genuine effort to pass and be masculine, and intend to go on or already be on testosterone
in terms or mannerisms and interests? i dont really mind that as long as we get along that's what matters
not really an issue unless they're one of those mentally broken bottoms who's into pain and degradation etc
>very dysphoric in a way that interferes with relationships
yea i can see how this one might be an issue

overall though i think im quite realistic, just havent been able to find my match i suppose
i'd rather have the discord drama than this bullshit poisoning the thread
what kind of a stupid fucking question is this
i hoped that st4t enjoyers would be high iq enough not not unironically believe in blanchardianism but i guess not
please touch grass and let your brain heal
every time you use the words "afab" or "amab" an innocent boymoder gets struck and killed by a drunk driver
asl i'm here anytime
>st4t fell off
what a retarded fucking thing to say
how can an entire relationship dynamic fall off
that's like saying "homosexuality fell off" like do you realize how fucking stupid that is
by that i meant the community and general interest in the subject, we all know the state of the discord and these recent st4tgen threads have been not great either

20, mtf, uk (probably nowhere near you sob)
This shit sucks man I hate how there are no ftms near me. Dont even see the point of trooning if there’s no ftms to date and all chasers end up as jeeps
Netherlands btw
dont die thread :c
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uh yeah definitely I'm sure this will work out

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