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>1) insane standards
>2) had/has a bf/gf
>3) doesn't want to try
mix between 1 and 3, dating apps suck and i don't really want to play the
>lets see how many left swipes does it take to run the well dry
1, 2, and 3
My "insane" standards is just normal cis ppl standards. Why should I have to date a bottom of the barrel 2/10 just because I am a faggot?
>4 unstable
Definitely 1. I want someone who is mentally ill, because my broken bird demands this, while also not wanting to be randomly ghosted
3 i guess, i’ve been told i’m attractive before but never wanted to seriously pursue anything or download a dating app out of fear of ending up with a normalfag or emulating normalfag behavior
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Nice spambot.
Of course reject everyone then cry about being "lonely" just like "femcels" do.
Why do you claim to be lonely if you're 3/3 for not actually being lonely?
If you're not a tranny you're much more desirable than most posters here. You're most certainly just not trying or you're the equivalent of a fat neckbeard who wants a model.
That's not nearly enough to not easily find a relationship.
That's a very easy standard to catch.
If you're LGBT you already are a normalfag by default unless you're exceptionally deformed/disfigured. You can't not easily find a relationship like your fellow normalfaggot LGBToids.
for me, its 3
it is if i block everyone i talk to ^^
i’m a bisexual AGP guy but don’t consider myself part of the LGBT community. i’ve met plenty trannies and fags who have been outsiders tho.
demiromantic + hopeless romantic so honestly, its mainly just 1. i wish i didnt fantasize so badly about an ideal but a part of me doesn't want to compromise for something not genuine
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So how are you suffering so bad from loneliness but you won't lift a finger to stop it?
That's a you-problem lol.
The community aspect is irrelevant. If you're attracted to trannies and/or men then you can easily at least one of date them if you're not deformed and it doesn't matter whether you see yourself as straight or whatever.
Being an "outsider" while still always being able to find a loving partner means you're still a normalfaggot, though you may be a tad quirky from le using 4chinz.
Ideal what? Like a gigachad? If so that's obviously a you-problem, but if you just want a wholesome loving chaser/tranny then that's piss easy to find.
not putting myself out there, immigrant-related hurdles, probably loser by most people's standards
4.) I'm old
What is old to people nowadays? I think 30 years olds are young, but I'm younger than that
25 and up is old.
i wanted my virginity to go to a cis woman, then i’ll suck as much dick as i want i just refuse to give something as hyped up by society as my virginity to a moid who will fuck anything
all three
1 and 3
i'll get extremely lucky or die alone. i'm far too lazy to go looking, and would definitely be terrible in a relationship anyways
how the FUCK are you so based
because at the end of the day i just want to love a woman and be loved in return. guys can turn me on but i wanna catch FEELINGS feelings. u feel me?
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I think 2)?

My last two boyfriends were FtM twinks that broke-up with me to go date someone else they met at school or work. Coincidentally, both relationships started in October and ended in April. I think there's a specific word for winter only relationships.

Anyways, I haven't had the heart to motivate myself to try dating again have such a miserable way to lose relationships.
>Ideal what? Like a gigachad?
pffft nah no worries nothing crazy like that, i've kinda stopped worrying about appearances when i'm not really a perfect looker myself. right now my "ideal" is just someone i didn't meet or get to know just through an emotionless, easy hookup and instead a friend i've grown closer with (cuz demiromantic). i know that sounds nitpicky (cuz it is). the problem now is that the "refuse to use hookups" part makes it hard to meet new people and the "friends first" part makes it awkward to move it up to something more lol.

i've already went and tried the whole hookups thing and it really just wasn't for me, at this point, i just want something genuine ;-;
>4) fun to be around when social, but deeply mistrusting people who want to get closer
No idea what to do about it because sometimes I want to change and sometimes I want to hide from everyone I had fun with. I also don't fall in love often and the idea of anyone I'm not into expecting me to love them back scares me. It almost feels not worth it to even spend time with the same group of people because of this. But then I get lonely, socialize with a group, be extra and loud and when they (or some of them) start liking me, the cycle repeats.

Doesn't help that I probably appear way less depressed than I actually am, I think. Probably makes it look less like I have issues and more like I'm a superficial social butterfly.
>a friend i've grown closer with (cuz demiromantic
damn, looks like I'm demiromantic as a guy (and boy is it a handicap)
1,3 passable trans woman

Ok go see what cis women mean when talking about dating apps. Most cis men just don’t take care of themselves. Bad skin, Teeth, hair, grooming, short. Half look like serial killers. I get why they are so picky
lol oh just wait till you realize “old” is a matter of skincare and fashion choice.
rofl at you putting this alongside easily controllable things
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God this, it’s not even insane standard. I just want a guy who takes care of himself, works out, and have similar goals that I do (have a family, move out, etc). But since I’m a tranny faggot inbetween, I automatically have to look at the dumpster fire of the dating scene. No one can see anything long term and just see me as some experiment.
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Had a wife for a while, but that fell apart and it took nearly 3 years before I started to feel the itch of loneliness again

Finally sneaking back out into the dating world, but it's slow going, and that's okay
You're the reason fast fashion and youth cosmetics in general make billions every year. It's all placebo and you still look old but with a bunch of shit on your face and 5 years outdated styles.
>mentally ill/disinterest

If i ever left my house and just didn't sperg out too hard i'm pretty sure i'd find somebody.
I look pretty okay and I can pretend to be not insane :3

I actually *really* want friends to play vidya and make music and stuff with online but in practice I actually don't because it feels like an obligation somehow??


Youth is a mindset and general vibe.
Some people are old af by 25 and others are still chillin in their 30s (note: youthful doesn't just mean immature)
I can barely make it through each day let alone turning myself into someone worth dating

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People make me nervous and I'd like to socialize a bit more before i do anything like that.
I've been asked out by attractive people (for my standards) but commitment and uncertain feelings are difficult things to deal with and I'd prefer to just get my life in order first so i can more responsibly do stuff like that, i could try dating apps but it seems way too surface level.
I have to be honest!
You get it
>>3) doesn't want to try
but im not really lonely anymore, i stopped trying and found happiness within.
I have lots of internet frens
But I’m too self loathing to ever talk to them which is a self fulfilling prophecy because I’m the only one who initiates conversations
Point is I don’t deserve to be happy and I’m unlovable anyways so why would I force people to be subjected to my innate shitness.
Exactlyyyy. You explained it better than I could.
i get that, it’s always nice to start as friends first desu and see if you like vibe with each other
imo dating apps should be reserved for hookups, just my opinion though as you may get more out of it but 9 times out of 10 you’re getting chosen for looks only
were too long distance to date :c
Ive got a checklist of things I need to do before I qualify for any relationship

>get out of debt
>lose ~50 lbs
>gain ~10 lbs of muscle
>purchase livable property
>reverse my phimosis
>get a nicer car
>stop drinking and smoking
>have at least 1 friend

when all of these things are done, then ill try
You forgot penis enlargement surgery, hair transplant, $10m+ net worth.
those are longer term goals which Ill start when the short term ones are completed
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Didn't realize I was trans until earlier this year.
Haven't transitioned socially yet.
I expect to get a boyfriend almost immediately after I do.
why do you think you can't try before any of that is done??
1, my standards are too high because asking for someone to deal with an individual as broken as me is an incredibly hard sell
It hurts my self esteem to be such a bum loser, I cant be confident with other people until I improve and have something to offer
there's probably a more concise saying for this but something like "if you wait until you're perfect to start you'll be waiting forever"

you deserve to not be alone now, and despite those all being nice goals, you're going to be the same person even once those are accomplished
Many of us like broken girls as we are broken ourselves
>Many of us like broken girls
how broken...
If you ask that question, you are probably the exact right level of broken
I will die of old age before I'm able to tell Chisato poster I got a relationship
When a lion attacks a herd of zebra or an orca attacks a pod of seals, which does it go for?
Be careful and protect yourself.
First Encounter Assault Recon
idk, mix of 1 and 3 at this point. I've kinda given up mostly becyase I don't realistically see myself being happy or making anyone else happy. I'm a unmitigated mess and it's unlikely that's gonna change anytime soon.
What a way of approaching the world, if you are broken always assume everyone is out to get you. Once broken you are forever doomed to be alone because everyone who potentially likes you is a predator
wanna bet
Yeah ive heard that before too. But theres a big difference between needing to be perfect and needing to be something more than a fat NEET living with his parents. What I deserve doesnt really matter because nobody decides who they want to be with on that basis, you have to be worth loving and a guy who has nothing valuable to provide aside from love is simply not doing enough in that regard
Trust me, I have my fair share of shambles myself. I know what being broken means. Recently I cancelled an appointment, because I saw that it was in a building I've never been in, and I panicked that I wouldnt be able to find the entrance or get lost in the building or whatever (yes its completely irrational) so I last minute canceld the whole meeting instead
None, being a pooner is enough
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>I'm scared
>I'm stupid
>I don't even know what I want I'm just lonely
>I went past the age where it's normal to be an angry fag incel and now I'm self conscious that I'm almost 30 and haven't held hands
Pick one.
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2? 3? I don't know. My gf went back to her ex after like a year of us living together and later wanted to make it a poly thing but I was angry and against it. Now I just dwell on them and feel pathetic.
>Most cis men just don’t take care of themselves.
ok this made me laugh out loud, you're a fun one
t. possibly short depending on you
3 bekause of abandonment issues
>non-uggo face
>big tiddy while not fat
that wojakette would be thinking of what her hot bf will do to her after the shower
None besides had a bf once
I can’t connect with anyone and it’s depressing
oh wow that's exactly the kind of thing I'd do. you do get it
hey bb
Pussy is amazing. I completely understand your reasoning and I think some of that went into my logic in my younger years. I wanted to sleep with as many women as possible before I transitioned so that if women are repulsed by me after transition, atleast I got it out
Yes, every chaser has their reasons to date trannies, mine is that I'm broken as fuck and found in them a kindred spirit
true, otoh
also true, guys can get away with "potential" only while young enough and with extra "potential", or they need to be abnormally sexy. rest of us need to cover the bare minimum for the unremarkable man
Cuddle season. Fools many
Cuddling season. Everybody wants to be a hoe when it starts getting hot outside again.
>it was in a building I've never been in, and I panicked that I wouldnt be able to find the entrance or get lost in the building or whatever (yes its completely irrational
nothing irrational about that anon, it's why I scout out the route in advance for those cases (when possible)
hah, it do be like that
>get provider in the winter
>get bred in the summer
It's a regular office building with people everywhere I could simply ask. There is absolutely nothing rational on that thoughtm if I went there 99% sure I would have just found the room without any hassle, and even if not I would have just asked one of the people there.

No functioning human should be afraid of that. But even then a reasonable person would even if they were afraid gone anyway. Only a fucking retard would cancel a meeting with others involved because they are afraid of an office building
too bad I don't pass so chasers don't want me anyway
3) I'm aromantic i think idk it's weird cuz i feel like it'll change when I actually transition but rn I don't want a relationship at all as a man. I do think it's mostly just agp meta-attraction though that makes me think i want a bf as a woman, I'll probably still be aro. Hopefully because i will not be able to get a bf otherwise
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>Of course reject everyone then cry about being "lonely" just like "femcels" do.

Wow, what a gross and tragic misrepresentation of what I am, please kill yourself bitter lonelyhon, i'm sorry you're the one getting skipped all the time
Vulnerable people are better off prioritizing healing rather than the empty promises of some guy who says he can fix them. That's not how this works, and your apparent and obvious interest in explicitly broken women is profoundly suspicious. At worst you're a predator, at best, you're a broken bird freak. In your case, as you claim you're also broken, it's just a recipe for codependent misery.
Go to therapy, mate, not whatever this is.
not broken in the quirky or "i can fix them" way, broken in the avpd, scared of people, incapable of emotionally opening up, khhv neet at an age where thats no longer okay sorta broken
everyone has struggles they have to deal with that doesn't mean they deserve to be alone
Everybody has their dysfunction, anon. I've been in enough situations where I forgot some detail and ended up rushing or being late, that I just prefer to smoke-test the thing when I've got the opportunity (or be early enough). You have it for your own reason (e.g. I can see social anxiety being excellent at fucking shit up in that scenario). Maybe you can transition from cancelling to something like my approach as a stepping stone, or whatever works for you, of course.
>broken in the avpd, scared of people, incapable of emotionally opening up, khhv neet at an age where thats no longer okay sorta broken
this was me
3 because 2
>Vulnerable people are better off prioritizing healing rather than the empty promises of some guy who says he can fix them.
>That's not how this works, and your apparent and obvious interest in explicitly broken women is profoundly suspicious. At worst you're a predator, at best, you're a broken bird freak. In your case, as you claim you're also broken, it's just a recipe for codependent misery.
>Go to therapy, mate, not whatever this is.
No need to beat around the bush, anon. I'm a predator rapist serial murderer looking for the most vulnerable out there, to lure them in with false promises like the sociopath that I am and then do things so horrible to them that they wish they were dead.
Animosity aside, what happened to you, by the way?
I never said I can fix them, because I know I can't. I just want someone who understands my issues and who can relate. Whenever I'm with normies they can't understand what it means to have these issues. whenever I get asked if I tried to just go out and have some fun or to relax a bit I could just scream at them.

Well there is one thing I will try tho, cause as much as I have my issues I've become functional, through support of my family and friends, giving me stability. As I managed to overcome most of my issues and can now provide a similar stability, I'd hope that I could provide something similar for someone else if they need it. Especially because I understand these problems

I firmly believe that people like me can't really be with normies, cause they don't get us. The best we can do is get on terms with our issues and learn to manage them and then find someone else whose able to deal with theirs
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Well then that's completely voluntary "suffering".
How old?
Least slutty tranny in these threads.
How are you supposedly lonely if you can stop it anytime but choose not to? Do you just choose to suffer?
You're already a used hole, so not too many quality people would want you, but it's definitely possible if you actually try.
You don't need a group. You can meet people for dates just with you two.
Any hideous hon can find someone, unless you're only attracted to cis women.
That's extremely easy to find. You're just not looking at all.
>just see me as some experiment
When you're looking to slut out, of course.
>not interested in someone loving them
Nice meme.
>im not really lonely
Love to see you attention whoring faggots.
That's only true if you don't actually love each other unless you're from North Korea. Also, you could've just actually met someone in your country or near it.
At least you're aware how easy it is for you.
This is incredibly minuscule levels of "mental illness" lol.
You're probably like 19 or lower (mentally if not physically) and think it's over when your life has barely even begun.
Why do you choose to """suffer"""?
So get a new one? Lol.
Only if you're only attracted to cis women and are absurdly hideous.
>fag incel
Impossible. You just don't want to try.
Not even remotely close to true lol.
How does le loneliness work as an """aromantic"""? What do you even want?
I'm a cism chaser with a trans gf lol. You are describing exactly what I said.
Current? Lol if so.
>i'm a cism chaser
>mass replying like this
gotta be baiting
>>im not really lonely
>Love to see you attention whoring faggots.
I'm not. You however massquote and are a complete attentionwhore.
If you wait for all your problems to be solved before seeking romance then you'll spend your whole life along. This erroneous idea people only heal when single is completely idiotic nor is it co-dependence for a relationship to be a pathway to healing. Humans are group animals - we need deep bonds with others to feel happy.
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Sorry I was gooning, so I couldn't give more smaller replies and had to shoot it all out at once.
Why reply to a thread where the topic doesn't apply to you?
This is very much true. It's just normalfaggot cope to mislead incels and to feel superior to them.
>Well then that's completely voluntary "suffering
you go out there having to approach and lead the conversation in either
1) language where you have the fluency of a 4 year old
2) language where only other immigrants stuck in their cliques would give you the time of day
and then have to reveal you're a decade and a half behind normal people on top of that, in addition to being borderline crippled, and tell me it's "voluntary"
>broken in the avpd, scared of people, incapable of emotionally opening up, khhv neet at an age where thats no longer okay
You don't know how much I can relate to that. I mean I already written about the office story from just a few weeks ago >>36345490

I recently installed tinder again, I started swiping, after the first few matches came in and I had to write something I stared at the chat box for 15 minutes before I panicked and uninstalled the app.

You arent alone with these things, and they aren't a deal breaker for finding someone. Don't be to doomerish, you are going to find someone :)
>Why reply to a thread where the topic doesn't apply to you?
OP wrote "lonely", and because I was lonely for a long time, but I wanted to let other anons know it can pass with age. I no longer feel lonely. I assume some anons would feel good hearing that.
Since when do trannies have to pass to have chasers be interested in them?

I mean I call myself a chaser because in effect I am currently dating trannies in particular, but at least for me I can tell you that the only thing that matters is if I get along with a person and that it "clicks" (I usually describe this as when we can talk for hours about meaningless stuff without it feeling boring or forced). As long as this is the case I don't care about looks
>Any hideous hon can find someone, unless you're only attracted to cis women.
>Not even remotely close to true lol.
every chaser I talk to only wants passoids or a crossdressing gay boy
>or a crossdressing gay boy
past tense? did you escape?

>This is incredibly minuscule levels of "mental illness" lol.
incredibly miniscule as in "doesn't really harm others", sure

miniscule in "not a problem if interacted with" not so much
i can never get close enough to someone to date or "not feel lonely", i've never had that in my life and don't know how, and am too afraid to

its a perfect type of mental illness to not quite inconvenience anyone, but to inevitably result in me dying alone

>You don't know how much I can relate to that
im sorry :(
this setup is hell, it hurts so much
1 due to being mentally ill and people not really wanting to deal with it but probably 3 too due to being a shut in
omg so true anon i choose to suffer. i definitely choose to live with the understanding that my existence does nothing but make others existence worse. It's fucking amazing.
>past tense? did you escape?
yeah, somewhat
>You're probably like 19 or lower (mentally if not physically) and think it's over when your life has barely even begun.
I'm trying and hope someday I can be together with someone, but every time I see your threads having made no progress since the last one I get a bit sad. Friends come easy but relationships I wish I could get into
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The benefit of being LGBT is you don't need to go outside to find someone who wants to date you. There's plenty of availability online even if you're an ugly old NEET.
I see. More importantly you realize that you are easily lovable and the people browsing realize that their "suffering" is just for the astatic.
You haven't talked to many then. Many ugly hons here still have guys pursuing them if they ever post face.
>i can never get close enough to someone to date
How so? Many will be endlessly patient with getting to know you.
Mentally ill how?
If you wanted to not suffer you'd just actually look for someone and would not have sky high standards.
>this setup is hell, it hurts so much
I can give you a silver lining. I met a wonderful women on this board, someone who shared most of these issues with me and together we overcame some of them. She was the first person that made me feel attractive, and made me open up to others, even though it didn't solve all my problems, I'm at least at a point where I can say about myself that I am back at being socially functional.
Sadly she's gone, but I'm better off because of her...
Don't lose hope. I can relate and I still suffer, but I know there's a way out.

And don't listen to people like >>36345766 The best way to get out of this is through companionship with someone who understands you, as well as an environment of stability and support

Also don't worry about being khhv. While I wasn't a virgin up until this happened, I wasn't in a relationship for over 12 years. And only had that one partner before. So having someone to start slow with can still give you an amazing time
>So get a new one? Lol.
? its "has/had"
i don't need a new one, i like the one i have
>How old?
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>How are you supposedly lonely if you can stop it anytime but choose not to? Do you just choose to suffer?
I use my basic critical thinking skills to realize rushing into something that isn't going to work out is going to make me feel a lot worse than if i work on myself and then find someone who's actually worth my time and effort.
I'd like to avoid the thing you talk about later
>You're already a used hole, so not too many quality people would want you.
if you aren't baiting you are a bit dumb and bitter, its a bit funny.
>The benefit of being LGBT
I'm barely lgbt
>don't listen to people like >>36345766
how do you mean?
>The best way to get out of this is through companionship with someone who understands you, as well as an environment of stability and support
agreed on the environment, but the companionship thing does carry the codependency risk, as predator anon correctly highlighted
i never claimed to not be a “volcel” or a “fakecel” or whatever , i’m just lonely and a virgin
How are you doing, Nina?
literally where do I find someone like you...

ok fair but then they expect me to not finish transitioning

>You haven't talked to many then.
maybe, but that's been my experience every time I do find someone willing to talk to me
Not necessarily suffering. Just lonely. I could have 3 men a day knocking me into the headboard if I want. None so far are what I want. A bitch tried!
i’m chillin, ya dig?
1 and 3
eevee_(cosplay) iwakura_lain
Sure, I dig.
Because you can't get over your social fears, especially regarding relationships with someone who does not understand them
For normal people all these questions and fears in your head don't make any sense, at best they will just tell you to just go through it it will go fine, at worst they think you're just crazy

You need to approach this slowly and for that you need someone who understands why you need to approach it slowly. For someone who never had these feelings and fears this will not make sense
>Because you can't get over your social fears, especially regarding relationships with someone who does not understand them
I don't believe I claimed that, hence my confusion
>literally where do I find someone like you...
Gaming, hobbies, literally just random online communities and discord servers

Everywhere where you meet people as friends first, where you get to know them without expectations or all the other dating stuff (e.g. where you don't have to exchange pictures before any conversation starts). This way you find people that like you personally and then you can start dating them.
It's just the curse of online dating that in order to meet someone personally you first need to get their attention through your bio/pics. Just do it the other way around, find someone you vibe with and then start dating
Well you said that dating people with similar issues should be avoided because it fosters codependency, yet the people with these issues are literally the only people that you can work with on your issues as they are the only that understand those issues
she lives across the country right now thats why, i want to see her again tho, i love her and would be willing to uproot myself to live among PNW hippies with her
It's not like I haven't tried before. It just doesn't work, because like I said, I'm a broken mess.
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>lonely with bf/gf
Nice meme, fren.
Gender/orientation? What's the issue with age?
How so?
What part is dumb? If you've had casual sex you're a used hole. Some people accept it still, so there's nothing to worry about. Nobody said "rushing" into anything or something that's not going to work.
If you're not an incel then your "loneliness" is purely a meme or is so tiny it barely could affect your life.
Just post a pic of your hon face and say you're lonely and chasers will offer themselves.
Loneliness is suffering. What you're talking about is not being a whore + being single. Obviously anything can fuck men dozens of times a day ad infinitum.
Why are choosing to suffer?
If you have someone who loves you then your "loneliness" isn't real.
At what point did it apparently not work?
>you said that dating people with similar issues should be avoided because it fosters codependency
where? I have a feeling you're misreading what I wrote for the second time now, or are confusing me with someone else
>If you're not an incel then your "loneliness" is purely a meme or is so tiny it barely could affect your life.
lmao good job outing yourself as an incel
i dont have a lot of friends. im not romantically lonely, just in general.
yeah I had a feeling it'd have to be a troll or someone that heartless
Ah sorry my bad I quoted the wrong (you)

I meant >>36345735
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I have a beautiful trans gf and am a cism chaser. I am hated on /r9k/.
>im not romantically lonely
So not lonely in any way that matters, good.
Incels are heartless? Lol. I'm not an incel regardless. I am sympathetic to incels' plight, though.
>Mentally ill how?
schizophrenia and autism is what they diagnosed also just generally tired a lot so spend a lot of time inside and sleeping
>It's just normalfaggot cope to mislead incels and to feel superior to them.
A lot of dating culture is demoralizing average men so they quit dating to allow only Chads to approach women
I'm sympathetic to their plight too, but some can be as cruel as radfems (not surprising, being two sides of the same coin)
For me, it isn't any of these.
that makes sense...I barely remember how to be social at this point but I guess I'll have to try

>Just post a pic of your hon face and say you're lonely and chasers will offer themselves.
there's no way it's that easy
>not lonely in any way that matters
this has to be a troll trying to rile people up
then again, it spells it out in one of its previous posts
>Gender/orientation? What's the issue with age?
bi man. i'm just too old to be gay without it looking immature, especially considering i don't have much experience with it. too old to go after women too.
>Only if you're only attracted to cis women
I am though
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What kind of relationship do you want as a person with schizophrenia?
How are they two sides of the same coin? Incels have a very, very wide range of beliefs. They're just strawmanned endlessly by NPC retards. Radical feminists who are women are always normalfags and can't relate in the slightest to incels.
Most probably is at least #3. Those are all reasons that discount your "loneliness" to be meaningless.
It definitely is as long as it's a new thread or in chasergen or something.
The "loneliness" of having a loving bf but not having friendos is nothing. You can meet dozens of people online if you really want le epic frienderinos that bad. It's a "problem" that is drastically easier to solve and is monumentally less impactful to your life.
>without it looking immature
What does that even mean? It sounds like you're just scared of trying because you're insecure, which is completely voluntary.
Are you looksmaxxing? Are you a KHHV?
Meme unless you weren’t taking care of yourself already
>Are you a KHHV?
>yeah, somewhat
is there a secret?

i want to believe, but as every year passes without change, its hard to keep that optimism
im 25, but with the social and life experience of a 16 year old.
and im so unbelievably scared of people i cant come out to anyone irl, but am too ashamed to show myself to anyone online that i'd be out to
>there's no way it's that easy
It is that easy if you are fine with e relationships or when all you care about is getting a load in your ass. If you want a meaningful connection it's gonna require more effort.

Note with e relationships I don't mean long distance relationships, but rather these discord only relationships. Ldrs are fine if you can deal with them
>What does that even mean? It sounds like you're just scared of trying because you're insecure, which is completely voluntary.
Look at this board, look at the average gay. They're not 35 years old. Acting like i'm a 25 year old homo again to be seems a bit silly and I will probably be made fun of or put on twitter for being a creep or something. I just can't get women either, but that's a universal thing at this point.
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How are you able to kiss but not have sex? I never understood that normalfag meme.
>Meme unless you weren’t taking care of yourself already
Not true in the remote slightest. What are you even trying?
LDRs can definitely start from 4chan. If you're both from the US it's only 100-200 to see each other, often less.
>is nothing
anon stop being such a shithead, will you?
>is there a secret?
for me it was being in an environment better than the one that caused it all, for pretty much each of those issues
>How are you able to kiss but not have sex? I never understood that normalfag meme.
Straight girls tend to do that to their friends drunk and I was friends with girls in high school.
I literally just don't try, want to change that though, I am 26 and have never been in a relationship
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I had a gf and she tore apart my soul now I'll never recover or be okay D': QQ
>im 25, but with the social and life experience of a 16 year old.
Which is not so different from my situation. I was 28 and my only relationship was with 16/17. I am like generally socially not that bad die to my job (even though when I started it I had to literally throw up every morning when I come to the office because of social anxiety), but like romantically I was not further than in my teens

I found that women as I said on this site, on soc of all places, in the LGBT thread (id probably go for frengen on this board instead today). It required a very bad day, some alcohol and a bit of "well it can't get worse" sentiment to post there but after I did I got to knew some very nice people, amongst said women.
It was an ldr and as I said in the long term it didn't work, but it helped me a lot. Especially the distance helped me massively as it was very non committal at first, so the anxiety didn't hit that hard, because they were all just anons from far away.

I wouldn't necessarily recommend soc, I've made better experiences getting to know people from.this board directly, or discord servers or through gaming, but for me it was exactly what I needed

Alas it's 5am over here, I need to get to sleep, I wish you all the best. As you are a trip Ill hope to read some improvements some time. I'm sure you can make it :)
>lets see how many left swipes does it take to run the well dry
You have it totally backwards, you should swipe right as much as possible. Most of those will not go anywhere. But you will definitely be able to get a couple dates a month out of it at least. The apps do suck, but honestly I just treat them more like a game until I actually am able to meet someone irl

>If you're LGBT you already are a normalfag by default
You can't be for real right now lol. So straight people are the real freaks? Come on
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What part of that is wrong?
The KHH in KHHV is about romantic cases.
So you choose to suffer?
>straight people are the real freaks
What? no. Non-normalfags are incels, not freaks. Celebrities are massively disgusting degenerate freaks most of the time but are also turbo normalfags.
How so?
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she fuckin blocked me
yeah she fuckin blocked me
on MSN and AIM, she tore my feelings like I had none, and ripped them away
>What kind of relationship do you want as a person with schizophrenia?
how do you mean, like platonic or romantic?
>So you choose to suffer?
I want to change that but rn I need to work on myself, I am working on getting a job and becoming independent and not being a neet loser anymore. I feel like that stuff requires more focus than dating rn.
I'd take an e relationship desu, it sounds better than being alone
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>refuses to use a dating app
>works full time 40-80hrs/wk
>dirty job so always dirty
>have a queue of shit to do when i'm not at work
>kind of have an avoidant personality atm because of the retards i have to deal with on a daily basis.
i'm really tired. it's over.
>How does le loneliness work as an """aromantic"""? What do you even want?
Right now, I don't want anyone as a repressor, and there has never been anybody I've ever wanted to date or ever had any interest in dating. But the idea of having a boyfriend as a woman sounds nice and makes a bit more sense than dating as a man, so I'm worried that i may stop being aro or whatever, which will be a problem cuz I won't be able to get a bf as a tranny. But I'm actually pretty sure my idea of having a boyfriend is just a part of my AGP and getting off to being treated like a woman, which is why I've never had a single person I've been interested in dating. And also just being weirdly upset that I'll never be wanted as a gigahon even though I don't want to date anybody anyway. Sorry i probably just sound retarded
>Why are choosing to suffer?
I am tied to the wheel of samsara, I cannot escape
whenever people started to realize how much of a mess I am I get ghosted and I honestly cannot blame them. better to not even start to get my hopes up.
i had a fair few bad experiences with trying to e-date people from here in the past, like impressively bad 3 times in a row, idk how to even get past the trust issues i have

people can either be "people who know what i look like" or "people who know i'm trans" and its a firm line that never bends
but it kinda has to if i want to date, its just an impossible paradox
idk, just so many years of no change, idk if it can

>I need to get to sleep, I wish you all the bes
i hope things go well for u too : )
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Romantic, the only kind that matters.
You could get it with ease if you ever bothered to try more than a tiny, tiny bit.
>I won't be able to get a bf as a tranny
You definitely easily would unless you're super deformed/disfigured.
How are you a mess?
you don't know what you're talking about
>Romantic, the only kind that matters.
but what did you mean with kinds of relationship?
>Romantic, the only kind that matters.
dude, i keep popping in and you keep acting like more and more of an /r9k/ guy. you probably do belong there.
4) I am a bull and I fuck everyone's whives.
clingy. failure of a tranny(eternal boymoder). i act p anxious and or quiet like.. 90% of the time. i am barely able to take care of myself most days really.
also im just straight up kinda ugly desu. probably will never malefail
>"Why do you choose to """suffer"""?"
I haven't found anyone in my city that is close by
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Like what would you do? Do schizos have the same desires?
/r9k/ is normalfaggot blogging central, much like this place.
Doesn't matter.
That's perfectly acceptable to many chasers/trannies.
Why do you not get a relationship if you're "lonely"?
Get an LDR then.
and yet ive looked and nothing lol
If ‘not interested in STD ridden gay guys who just want to have sex’ and ‘the few trannies around me have beards and put no effort in’ counts as an insane standard, 1.
Doesn’t help that I live in what’s essentially an lgbt dead zone.
Also 3 because I find it really hard to care about other human beings and am insecure since I’m not a particularly interesting person.
LDR never works out, i want one that's physical
also this ldr sucks
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Yeah that's 100% on you lol. If you both live in the US you can easily see each other for 100-200 dollars and can move in with each other within a year.
Gender/orientation? There are tons of gay men who aren't whores.
>Like what would you do? Do schizos have the same desires?
for me i would think the desires are similar yea but depends on the person with schizophrenia probably, would be nice to have someone who understands though
>Gender/orientation? There are tons of gay men who aren't whores
Bi tranny and no there aren’t lol the average man is a disgusting sexual demon, finding one who isn’t is like finding a needle in a haystack
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4) mental illness
>The KHH in KHHV is about romantic cases
KHHV then
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it's always fub this and fub that until they see the pimples on my inner thighs from my leg meat rubbing together when I walk
literally jus terrible at talking to people. have had relationships recently but they go nowhere bc i am boring to talk to irl and ppl think im disinterseted in them bc im socially anxious as fuck. but just a detrans girl trying to find a trans girl to wife . sorry im drunk. the fuck is wrong with meeee fuck my life
>you could’ve just met someone in your country
i did but he’s still a few hours away and he has a very busy life
3. is me. I know I'd fail anyway so why bother.
well idk if i'm lgbt since i love a trans girl but she doesn't really love me back so...
3 because i believe im too ugly to try
>4. mental health
fear of rejection and no idea how to start
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What part of schizophrenia makes it hard to get a bf/gf?
>the average man is a disgusting sexual demon
So gay men are much more whorish than the bi men who want trannies. There are many virgin chasers on /lgbt/, even.
How so?
>a few hours away
Holy shit that's so sad.
Why do you think you'd fail? Chasers have it far easier than straight men.
Then ghost her. Ghost all women who aren't potential dating options unless they're god-tier friends and you have zero interest in dating them no matter what. It'll just cause you endless stress otherwise.
>im too ugly to try
Not possible without severe deformations.
>mental health
Gender/orientation? LGBT people have the fortune of being rare IRL so people are much more likely to meet online, meaning your social ability needs to be far less. Also the physical requirements needed are far, far lower than what straight men require for meeting girls online.
>So gay men are much more whorish than the bi men who want trannies. There are many virgin chasers on /lgbt/, even.
How many of them are willing to fly to a third world country that’s several thousand miles away to meet a tranny that looks like a guy and is not particularly interesting do you think
>Not possible without severe deformations.
im clearly an ugly thirdie

too depressed and i have so many problems to have a normal relationship with someone, i'll probably make their lives worse
3 i want a cute photography bf and we can talk about it and go take pictures outside together
>Why do you think you'd fail?
Because I'm not good enough and I'm only 170cm tall. No trans girl want a guy this short. I do sometimes date cis girls but they just don't do it for me the way trans girls do.
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>some dumb ass kind of response

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