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how many of you play league of legends
stopped playing a long time ago because i purged all sweaty competitive ranked games from my played games

have been a lot happier since lol
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i like playing and i just hit p2 the other day :3
youre close to emerald nice. do you post on lolg btw?
Since they pushed out that new cool Chinese spyware disguised as anticheat, I started playing DotA 2 again
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I stopped playing around the time they MURDERD my boy urgot
I started playing because of arcane.
For me? It's yuumi.
I have been playing for several years, but past few years I only play duos with my friend.
Her design and voicelines are adorable, her kit is powerful yet simple, and she's the only enchanter I like playing. I play mages and Naafiri, too though.
no... is it a cool general is it worth browsing
same, haven't played since 2018. don't miss it.
Played since caitlyn and pantheon released and stopped immediately after the rootkit update... i think about that game so often
quit playing a while ago, thankfully
its decent for when im bored and have nothing to do but its the ultimate apathetic time waster, why bother when i could play literally anything else
basically the same as >>36344575

based cat player, played her so much she has like 8x the eternal milestones of my second most played soraka
I play dota
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used to but stopped after the anticheat got added. used to main neeko support and only played for fun. almost always played with my friends and for most of the 10 years or so i played i mostly played norms
I peaked Diamond 3 in season 8. Can someone give me a cookie? I wasted 4 years of my life for that.
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I hard quit league after starting my transition. It's a really toxic game that has nothing going on for it anymore, they managed to butcher all the lore and turn the entire game into a shitfest.

I played for basically 10 years at the behest of highschool friends who treated social hierarchy based off of league of legends rank.

Very unpleasant time. I had nightmares about it often. I urge everyone that can, to quit. The game is not good. I wish i had something to play and sometimes i still get urges to, but i'll never touch league of legends so long as i live.
>I played for basically 10 years at the behest of highschool friends who treated social hierarchy based off of league of legends rank.
I hope some of them were silver shitting on bronzes. That'd be so funny.
also: There is no way im installing league of legends when it's anticheat is basically a rootkit
the main guy ended up playing professionally in OCE, was chall for two seasons, my highest rank was D1. Before i started transitioning, he said to my face
>you're not even human worthy of empathy or respect
>>you're not even human worthy of empathy or respect
Sounds like high elo league of legends indeed. Pretty normal. They're all super autistic psychopaths.
wait, OCE lol, even I could be challenger there lmao
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Trust me, that's not even the half of it. He was borderline abusive to me
then do it, it's no real feat, I think that it's a Sisyphean exercise that rewards people who are happy letting themselves undergo the mental torture of hours and hours of grinding

Truly a detestable videogame.
>then do it, it's no real feat
I quit playing 6 years ago.
I also started having daily mental breakdowns because of the game and was becoming the toxic player I detested. I'm glad I quit. Competetive team games make people bad people.
Good, good. I sincerely urge everyone on this earth to quit playing this game. You are lucky to have quit much longer ago than I.
damn im addicted to it but i dont think the game is all that bad. i enjoy it most of the time. i do /mute all most of my games tho
I'll never forget my love for my OTP though. It's not a bad game in itself and I've had tons of fun just goofing around with friends playing funny comps, it's all humans who suck and take everything too seriously or have high egos and let it affect others.

After becoming free I have nostalgia for it, but just the thought of playing the game fills me with dread and anxiety.
chances are they changed your OTP anyway, basically no character has really stayed the same as they were when the game was fun, it's tragic, items suffered the most from this too
yorick OTP and degenerate splitpusher here. peaked silver 4 and have been clawing out of iron since, started playing near the tail end of last year.
>chances are they changed your OTP anyway
Doubt it, they haven't touched Nidalee much since season 4-5. I do remember losing mechanic after mechanic every season because she was busted. though. First they messed with the auto attack resets, then they messed with another auto attack reset, then they messed with the jump timer resets, then they messed with the trap jump timer reset... She was always busted though. Every single time they nerfed her they accidentally buffed her with jungle changes and item changes.
My favorite secret OP build that didn't catch on for quite some time was sheen+revolver rush when ahead. So much easy damage in early levels with just a simple short range spear and auto. Convert into lichbane+gunblade (usually with sorcerer boots for base dmg boost) for even more ridiculous burst when ahead early and self healing sustain from selfE and single target cat Q execute on jungle mobs. Always full hp and huge heals mid fight from executing players too.

God I fucking loved Nidalee so much...

>yorick otp splitpusher silver 4
I feel like this is every mid silver player. Just some weird champion top or mid only and never roaming. Just expecting jungle to do all the plays.
I like to play arams
op.gg /summoners/na/Ruminateking-NA1
you seem good at it
My roommate got me into League recently. I mostly play Jungle where I main Lilia and flex Vi because she's hot. Otherwise I play Seraphine in Support because I'm a fag
it's my favorite toy
used to play but all my accs got banned and i got bored anyway long ago
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I was master tier when I was repping lol

I still play but only like 1-10 games a month no where near how much I played when I was pretty good
i play aram :)
i can relate to that except for neeko, i genuinely don’t think i could have gotten into the game if she wasn’t in it, she’s so funny and adorable and pure. she could heal the enemies and i would still play her
I played a lot with my friend. I was ADC and he was suppport. We played for a few years, played some rankeds for like 3 years, got to gold and resigned because it was all too toxic and not fun so we started only playing normals and arams for a few years. It was actually fun then.
We had a break for some time and now that this chinese spyware is in game we are not going back to it.
Skarner main since season 2 and i didn't like the rework so i don't have a reason to play anymore, dota is better anyway
I quit most games when I started to transition and wanted to get my life in check, I used to play it quite a lot with friends and sometimes I miss it, my favorite champion is Shaco kinda played him everywhere mid, top, jng and sup
Other champions I played were GP and Nautilus
i only play TFT
dota 2 is the better moba
i spam a lot of the casual modes. but i recently started playing ranked flex and i got up to silver 2 with a high wr so far, i play naafiri because she is pretty braindead and just gets me fed a lot.
you can just say "i dont like multiplayer games because im dogshit"
I played league for 10 years but quit after learning dota2 if you dont care about le cute girls then dota2 is a way better game desu
best fucking game this world has fucking seen
hard disagree while mobas are shit league was better than dota
stopped playing when they added v*nguard

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