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Cis virgin here. Probably gonna get intimate with a polyamorous theyfab (AFAB, not on T) in the coming weeks.

I don't think they're a slut, afaik they have a 'lesbian partner' who I presume is an MtF tranny.

I'd like to eat them out, but due to the polyamory thing I'm a bit hesitant due to STI risk. Picrel exists, but seems like it would really get in the way of the whole experience. I'm eating a clingfilm sandwich, and they're getting clammy head. Also I've never heard of dental dams being used.
What's common procedure here?

Also, should I be on antiretrovirals even if I use a condom? I trust them not to be pozzed, but if their lgbt partner's taking risks then I am transitively, y'know?
my doctor told me my neopussy was immune to stds somehow so that's the level of medical care we get
also why is the mtf more suspect than the literal slut-identifying girl you're going to have sex with. also if you have sex with a poly slut you are a poly slut btw
there is a reason eating pussy is heavily looked down upon. she could have herpes or hpv among other things. its high risk with almost no reward, eating pussy should only be reserved for loyal women/femcels, otherwise you are always putting yourself at risk.
Rather be a poly slut than a virgin and I vibe with the slut-identifying girl idk
I suspected this might be the case, alas.
>herpes or hpv among other things
yup, oblig. PSA: consider the HPV vax since some of the strains cause cancer (google michael douglas throat cancer), and the 9-valent one can be gotten even if you're amab or older
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About half of trannies have aids so be on prep and give it enough time to be effective before you touch one
Will prob do this. Doc asked me point-blank if I was gay once and when I went "uhhhh no" they crossed me off the free HPV register. Considering my predilections, though, I think I might go to a drop-in sex health clinic to get a vaxx.
if you're ok with telling, I'd go back to the doc and tell him about the tranners since they are a risk population for HIV at least, so might count for HPV too
>posting that misleading statistic again
OP here: OK, I'll go to get the HPV vaxx, but do I really need to take prep? I'm not going to be receiving, and I won't be fucking without a condom.
Also, sidebar because I'm unlikely to do it now, but does cunnilingus on a pozzed vagina have high transmission rates?
when I asked as a tranny they acted like I delusionally thought I had a cervix and didn't want to give it. I sent him papers on hpv cases in neovaginas (let along throat anus etc) after the fact but he never answered
eating pussy is great and all men should do it
yeah a lot of doctors really are children when it comes to refusing to say "oh yeah, good point"
I forget how I got the health clinic on board, but I did have to get mine fully out of pocket (cis man, after all)
I hope you can get yours somehow
prep is nice to have since dick in butt is also a vector (second only to ur butt getting dicked, for the sex activities at least) - you never know if the theyfab does an extra good job seducing you and things happen in the moment of passion
also bonus 5g vaxxen: hep a+b, tho idk when that was most recommended
I argued and he gave it to me then which I think means he knew I was right and just saw an opportunity to make fun of a troon.
insurance did pay although they had me down as male at the time. I am post op now and have a gynecologist and it really screws with my mind that they have a stack of pamphlets in the exam rooms like it's super important after they gave me so much trouble about it.
Fun fact about prep women have to take it daily but men can do the before sex thing due to some metabolic thing. This applies to trans women of course but doctors will say it goes by birth sex because affirming that is more important than providing real medical care.
as for hep I had b at birth but apparently not a
>Fun fact about prep women have to take it daily but men can do the before sex thing due to some metabolic thing
huh til, I wonder if it's to do with vag vs butt clearance rates (latest UK guidelines had a quicker pre-sex prep regimen since it turns out to build up sufficient concentrations in the rectal compartment faster)
>but doctors will say it goes by birth sex because affirming that is more important than providing real medical care.
we need more people like powers that care more about the patients than sticking to the safe-for-doc standard of care
>b at birth, not a
yeah I have no idea if I had b at birth too (second world country medical records and bad bookkeeping on my side), but I'm glad the combined a+b vax was cheap af (3x22 something)
I think they're possibly working on a hep c one, or maybe it was another HIV candidate after the covid tech boost
glad to hear you got the hpv one though, one more risk factor reduced (not to mention that warts are no bueno, cisf I know had a horrible case)
Jesus christ, promiscuity is foul. Kill yourself.
>vag vs butt clearance rates
maybe but given the trans woman thing I assume some quirk of female metabolism makes it eliminate from the blood faster?
Would our vaginas be worse or better? Possibly harder to absorb from (although it's not exactly normal outer skin in there but idk about absorption) but at the same time possibly easier to tear (not that cis women don't get vaginal tears too). it may be a wash. Of course if it's really butt vs pussy they should probably say THAT rather than pretend women would never have anal, but who expects the truth from doctors?
powers is too autistic for my taste and I've seen him parroting known-invalid assigned sex essentialism let alone all the stuff I have good personal-experience reasons but no research to invalidate (e.g. why do my lab reports say "normal vaginal flora" if this is so impossible?)
I'm less promiscuous than you, you jaded uggo
oh I thought it was identical for cissies and tranners, no idea tb h
>also why is the mtf more suspect
bc he's a transphobe, not complicated
I mean nobody has numbers just that the male schedule doesn't seem to work on trans women. Maybe some in between schedule would work. (We could also be worse than most cis women-if it is due to estrogen we do usually have a higher than average hormone level... of course they'll include no-hrt people in the study and screw it up) I assume when they do study many of the trans women do not have vaginas. I saw one study that EXCLUDED post-op girls because we really are cryptids to the medical industry... many exclude trans people entirely then assume a priori that we would be like the birth sex groups despite a major difference.
it's just a total mess any time doctors try to learn about us so it's best for us to take our health into our own hands
Yeah, let's pretend transwomen in open relationships aren't having sex with gay men, who are an extremely high-risk group for HIV.
I know the theyfab, due to various factors I sincerely doubt they're seeing anyone but me and their partner rn.
much higher risk of trauma, bad support system, and other factors increasing the likelihood of casual sex, or sex work; also higher proportion that do receptive butt stuff
bump for more opinions
The main reason is the hpv induced throat cancer increase, but you risk cancer breathing the air walking downtown lol
How much of a premium does the pimp charge the hiv dudes? Lmfao aids bukake got you dependent for life then niche clientele premium? Fuckkk, troons had it hard back in the day lol

Bitch, people lie. People suck. People are selfish. They WILL lie just to bust a nut. Op take prep and hpv vax.

One of the reasons old troons HATE chasers is they know a lot of them view you as subhuman garbage they can use like that snd think you are a sexual degenerate who gets off on it lol to some elder troons, “chaser” meant man with hiv who wants a tranny to get off.
some risks are bigger than others
>HPV is thought to cause 60% to 70% of oropharyngeal cancers in the United States.
while this is the reverse, I'd still prefer to more than halve/third my risk of that sort of cancer
Eating pussy is that dangerous? Never eould have thought

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