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Why are men so amazing and perfect in every way?
we're just built better, some of us are even better at being women than women are.
finnish troon
You'll never know
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I don't know but they are.
They actually walk around apologizing for how awesome they are in every way, because they feel bad that their awesomeness makes others feel inadequate, because they're the most empathetic, kind, and noble creatures in the entire universe.
We're trained to feel bad about being AMAB, like trannies, so shared ground is effective
Define a man.
Naw, ciswomen are just trained to be stupid bitches who don't realize how good they have it and don't know how to express their feelings.

I want a boyfriend so bad. I wish I was a girl.
need a man who mogs me personality-wise
Saw every marvel movie from Ironman to Endgame in theatres, and chooses furniture based on it's rated weight capacity.
You are a girl, sweetheart
6ft tall minimum, 6/10 face minimum, big dick, confident/assertive, millionaire
A transgirl
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>mtf gf tells me this everyday

Now sweetheart, we've been over this. It's because you're my daughter, and daddies and their daughters love each other very much. *pat*
Said by a man, only men say this. I wonder why?
EW NO men are gross except the small cutesy :3 ones, and tall strong ones but only when they’re dominating me sexually.

Girls are way more amazingggg :33

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>Buys clothes based on how many pockets they have and price, when asked what brand clothing he wears the answer is a shrug
>When asked what car he drives his answer is not a color
>Has a toolbox, never has enough tools
>Sees absolutely no issue with living in a room that looks like picrel
>Upon seeing men digging a hole in a beach he will immediately join them, no questions asked
>Upon seeing men digging a hole in a beach he will immediately join them, no questions asked

If two men reach an obstacle neither can move by themselves, they will join forces to see if they can move it together. If this is still not enough, they will seek the aid of other men. If this goes on for long enough it will become a great event, and the man who moves the obstacle will become a hero and be showered with praise and glory.
Is this bait?
Men are people, so are women, women aren't perfect, neither are men.
pre-e: i hate men, why tf did i get born a man, kill all men
onn-e:fuck i hate men but theres just something about how tall they are and how big their arms are and their deep voices and their attitudes and fuck i just want a man to hold me and etc etc

god i hate how e is like a fucking corrosive to my beliefs and mind fml
I'd kiss you and put my chaser dong on your forehead as an act of domination over you
>god i hate how e is like a fucking corrosive to my beliefs and mind fml

Oh, in that case I will take my big hugging arms, my affectionate teasing and bullying, protective instincts, easygoing nature to help others feel at ease, deep voice and hands that want to hold and protect elsewhere so that they will not lead you astray and possibly straight into an embrace where I lift you off your feet and try to crush your spine in a big bear hug followed by maybe ruffling your hair a bit. We most definitely can't have that
shush stop trying to make thee thoughts stronger, i refuse to actually give in to them
okay you really need to shush cause your words are horrifyingly effective. 10/10 go give a cute trans girl love but keep your rhetorical honey away from me
I was just trying to be repulsive and disgusting, illicit a reaction out of you, albeit a negative one. I guess you got some things you got to sort through and get to the root cause of.
Godspeed on ur journey
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>men aren't perfect
Kiss men kiss women for fucks sake go get laid maybe have a threesome
yeah estrogen is a fucking bitch, even when someone says something degrading and repulsive like that to me there is some unnatural part of me which loves the idea
getting a new psyche soon so hopefully i can overcome this soon, thx for the best wishes <3
estrogen killed my sex drive, im literally not horny enough to really want sex anymore
It sounds like you do have a sex drive, but like in a womanly fashion it is repressed and under layers of confusion. Bet money if you met the right guy, right energy, right personality, you'd be his bitch instantly but would have to play it cool and see if he fucks it up.
>repressed and under layers of confusion
tf does this even mean? i know what it feels like to have a sexdrive i went through most of male puberty and rn i can tell i dont have one
>you'd be his bitch instantly
im not some hussy thank you very much
Differences in how men and women express their sex drive, generally.
Men are more open, women are more closed and indirect.
>okay you really need to shush cause your words are horrifyingly effective. 10/10 go give a cute trans girl love but keep your rhetorical honey away from me

Alright fine, I'll stop teasing you...
do hormones effect that tho? i feel like hrt shouldnt change the way being horny feels
thank you but please use your teasing talent to make another, more cringe, trans girl's day
>thank you but please use your teasing talent to make another, more cringe, trans girl's day

That's pretty much what I've been doing since I've found this board lmao. Large part of my attraction to 'em is that they're just so much fun to tease/bully
I'm not a doctor, i'm not even remotely intelligent, i'm a highschool dropout on 4chan of all places, but it is my humble opinion that it probably does.
It affects the way you look, right? hormones have an effect on most people, like teens, right? Your body goes through changes, sometimes it might affect the way you think, might make it hard to think, might make you hornier or less horny, why do you think older men are prescribed or given testosterone? Because they start getting lethargic or losing boners, more apathetic when they have low t.
This is just bro science but i think that if you take e, the hormone that is most aligned with femininity and womanhood, in order to transition and be more like a woman, you'll probably also be like a woman when it comes to your sex drive, or idk. Maybe it doesn't and i'm just spouting nonsense. I don't know. You give any normal guy a one time dosage of e or a normal woman a one time dosage of t just to see how it affects people, i'm pretty sure it is going to have some effects on people, and if you have a large enough sample size then you'll be able to spot patterns.
desu genuinely think e fucks with the mind in a way that weakens transgirls anfd makes them docile teasable messes. idk maybe im alex jones rn but istg it feels like im actively having to fight to keep my desire to be strong and independant now im on e

ignoring that tangent keep doing gods work teasing transgirls, i do love watching other girls' reactions
nah what your saying makes sense, i kinda hadnt considered that the experience of being horny could be different depending on the dominant hormone. desu i wish there was more info on the effects of e and t on thought processes, as it stands i feel like im kinda walking blind and only noticing behavioural changes weeks after they occur
Aren't we all walking blind? I don't think it is an exclusively hormonal thing or something exclusive to trans, cis, gay, straight, male, female, this or that, but generally speaking, aren't we all to some extent sort of blind?
I think that you may just need to give it time, time for everything to balance out, since it is a gradual process as opposed to just a solid black and white matter of making a choice and the desired outcome immediately being your reality. If your goal is to be more like a woman, and although women aren't all one and the same but are all women because of commonalities and some of them being so broad that there are generalities, would it really be that much of a surprise if your experience is sort of similar to the overall general experience of women?
Are some women horny in different ways? Sure, some women not horny at all? sure.
Some women nymphos and super horny all the time? Sure.
Everyone is different, but there are general patterns of behavior found in both men and women. I'm just rambling but i guess you just got to give it time and if there are ever any problems your dealing with, maybe see a doctor but other than that, it will take time.
cheers, ramblings are nice cause they give a multitude of things to think about. desu i just feel so detached from the 'female experience' so its hard to really recognise whether my behaviour is changing in line with hrt or something else or at all. either way cheers for the kind word and advice
If you go from male your entire life, your entire line of thought and experience from the way you're perceived to the way you're spoken to or the way people assume certain things about you, to female and all of that, I don't think it happens in one day or is in small doses but an all encompassing reality that is day in and day out, that does incorporate the small things too, but fundamentally shapes your worldview and the way you relate with others.
I think that your experience as a transwoman will also offer some unique perspective on things, but it won't exactly be without its own nonsense, the same way it takes time for a boy to become a man, a girl to become a woman, it will take time for the hormones to accurately reflect your womanhood or transition, until one day people won't even be able to tell.
I live in a very deep blue city, i got no problem with trans women or trans men, although i'm bi and trans men really aren't my thing, they mess with my head, but i've probably walked past plenty a transwoman and not even noticed unless they had a bass in their voice or they were kind of thin and in the early stages of transitioning.
I think that your experience and uncertainty, unsureness, right now, isn't necessarily how your experience will be say 2 or 5 years from now. ymmv though but hey, best of luck to u.

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