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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Serious question: why do so many trans women identify with communism and other far left ideologies? I just think it's confusing considering the track record of communist countries and LGBT. Like a Jew supporting Hitler or a chicken supporting KFC.

It always confuses me when there's a rally for a country that hates gays like Palestine and there's a bunch of trans people literally ready to block highways off with their bodies. I guess the suicidal tendencies stereotype is true after all
read Marx to understand
OP here, I have read Marx, Lenin, Mao, Angela Davis, George Jackson, and J. Sakai. It's all schizo nonsense from retards who think killing rich people will make a utopia (it's been tried before and always ends in authoritarian impoverished shitholes). But yeah go off about how Stalin wouldn't have executed you for being a faggot..

Everything to do with LGBT is historically bound up with American liberalism and/or "the (real) Left", meaning the commies, socialists etc. It's just the history of "ideas" playing out. Also if you grow up feeling like existing society hates you then you'll naturally be more receptive to worldviews which reject that society. Harry Hay, an old school gay rights activist, was himself a commie piece of shit life unworthy of life.

Now that society is more accepting (a tenuous state of affairs), white gays with money and anyone else with money and a brain don't have to stay on the plantation as one of the democrats' pets if they don't want to. It's just an especially difficult sell right now becuase Trump and the anti-tranny scapegoating that you're all so worried about.

"I get ten times more crap for being a republican than I ever got for being trans" -Caitlyn Jenner
Trans woman here. I used to be a commie because I grew up in an abusive Christian household, and everyone in my life told me capitalism, right wing ideology, Christianity etc was the reason I was oppressed. I drank the kool-aid, read all the commie books, went to the protests, and tried to jump as high as they would want me to. All I got was a bunch of condescending fake friends who constantly tried to make me feel like shit for being white.

A few years ago I abandoned Marxism after I read Thomas Sowell, Friedrich Hayek, Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and Jordan Peterson (yes, the infamous "transphobe"). I realize now that I was in a cult and everything I knew was a lie.

Btw, all of the people I knew as a commie fucking hated me and threatened my life and safety after I left the communist cult. I'm sure one of them might even recognize me from this brief description of myself and will try to dox me and/or post unflattering years-old pictures of me from before my plastic surgery. To all of you, just know that I'm armed and if you attempt to follow through on any of your threats on my life, you won't live to regret it.
then you haven't and you're a lying poltard with a negative IQ communism is stateless cashless society you don't understand anything you watch ben shapiro video destroying lefties with facts and logic complations
read this, it's very short

Once you accept that a woman has a dick youre very easily manipulated into other idiocy. Its called the “foot in the door” con.
Fucking seethe, commie retard.

I've read Marx. I know what "true communism" is blah blah blah. The question is, has that ever actually happened? Has instituting a single party authoritarian socialist government once, just ONCE, translated into a society that is cashless or stateless? And no, your society collapsing and the currency and government becoming worthless doesn't count. "It's heckin capitalism's fault because of muh sanctions and heckin oppression" oh I'm sorry, why do communist nations need to trade with non-communist ones in order to not starve?

Read Thomas Sowell or Solzhenitsyn instead of talking out your ass you lying little bitch. By the way China's agriculture, average wage, and GDP is still behind the US's. Oh but they have free healthcare, as long as you're in the city and can deal with substandard doctors. And their cities are literally crumbling because of communist party oversight on construction.
I really pity you Americans non of got a standard education to actually have the ability for critical thinking you just choose a team whether it's politics or sport and regurgitate the talking points you've heard, you just make caricatures of your enemies and attack without engaging with substance, that shows in your political "debates" that's just the kind of people you are

I’m not American and youre not a woman.

Read Mises next.
Yeah I've already read the Manifesto and Socialism Utopian and Scientific, I've seen enough. It doesn't mean shit, it could be the most moving piece of literature ever produced, but the fact is we have a century of communist revolutions to look and every single one failed to do what it set out to accomplish. Every. Single. One. Fucking read Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell and I'll read whatever shitty fucking communist literature you want.
no you haven't read Marx and you don't know what communism is. no it has not happened yet for that to happen you need transitory state which is called socialism (again you conflated the two because you don't understand anything) it happen once in 1917 and ended in 1924 then it went back to capitalism. because you don't understand anything you are resorting to regurgitating I never said it was capitalism fault. I don't care about china or cuba or US or any other capitalist state. you don't understand anything and I'm not gonna waste my time on you go to hell
literally npc talking tree choices
Fuck you commie nigger you literally didn't read what I wrote. If you have your "transitory state of socialism" you are conceding to give up your rights to an authoritarian central government that regulates wages, culture, and religion. Governments do not randomly decide to disband themselves because everyone is doing their jobs. They take more, and more, and more, until there's either anti communist revolution, a government collapse, or a transition away from communism because it fucking sucks like in Uganda. You have to continue to apply pressure on the populace in order for socialism to be stable for any length of time because human nature is individualist which makes the transition to le heckin utopian twue communism literally impossible. You are literally retarded. The Soviet Union had the better part of a century to get this right and it failed miserably.

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