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Trannies will always call mild conservatives "fascists" but wont call traditional Islamic believers fascists because that's "islamophobic", why?
Yes, all theocratic fascism is fascism. Islamic theocratic fascism does not come up as often in conversation in the UK and USA so far simply because we are not at any kind of realistic threat from it at the moment, whereas one of the two candidates for president (and both major parties of the UK) is currently running on a platform of "FUCKMURDER TRANS HEALTHCARE AND CALL EVERY QUEER A NONCE".
Theocracies are not fascist. They are right wing authoritarian, but not fascist. The reason for this is that fascism is about protecting the in group from the out group, but religion tried to convert the out group into the in group.
I leave it as an excercise for the reader what happens with a religious government where the religion is not based on a religion that does not try to convert others, such as Judaism.
because you don't understand what fascism is you think fascism is when bad things happen . Islam and fascism are both bad but not the same
You should consider investing in a dictionary
Not as big a threat in the US. Europe has a different issue they have to deal with

Traditional Islam is brown, Fascism is white. This isn't race baiting hyperbole. This is literally the only reason.
Only post ITT that doesn't make me despair over the education system
Fascism isnt as much an insult as you think it is. It was always generally a valid political theory and the left beat the dead horse with everything being fascism that the stigma has all but evaporated. We should try it out. I want brown shirt friends
>mild conservatives
This is a bait post but it's about the people spouting those ideas are doing to the government and how they're controlling people with it, not the ideas themselves.

Being religious/biggoted/stupid isn't fascist.
Sending stupid people into a frenzy over an outside group (trannies, minorities etc) and using the law to strip away rights and consolidate power while using all of that hatred as a tool is.

You fags are so god damn stupid
I live in America and encounter maybe one Muslim a month. He works in a food truck and sells me chicken.
A few years ago, the state of Oklahoma, which had approximately 3 muslims in the whole state, spent multiple legislative sessions crafting a ban on "sharia law" (this was later blocked by a federal court)

Last week, Oklahoma made it mandatory to teach the bible in public schools

It's pretty obvious what the real threat is
I'm not comparing it to fascism, I am well aware of what fascism is, I'm asking about why trans people randomly throw the "fascism" insult at conservatives but not traditional muslims who share a common opinion with conservatives when it comes to trans people.
>I will not be buying a dictionary because I've decided words mean whatever I want them to mean
Yeah I can see that
>who share a common opinion
because muslims in the west aren't directly complicit and voting for people setting their country up for fascism you fucking retard.
It's about SUPPORTING fascists, not being transphobic
But...dont they do that in their own countries though?
Saudi Arabia isn't fascist because you don't like it. It's not fascist because it's not fascist. There are other words for the kind of bad Saudi Arabia is. Why are you so stupid.
First two posts explained the difference already.

What the fuck is your angle even supposed to be with this race baiting bullshit? Go be stupid somewhere else
This desu.
Fascism and religious fundamentalism are not the same thing. Fascists in my country often utilize elements of Christian fundamentalism though.

Some, not all, Muslims are also conservative religious fundamentalists, and I also do not want them determing what I can and can't do. But because I live in a Christian country where politicians pander to white Christian fundamentalists, I am much more preoccupied with those ones because they have actual power.

It's not necessarily Islamophobic to call a Muslim religious extremist a fascist, but to be preoccupied with them in a Christian country is bizarre and usually is a sign of Islamophobia, yes.
because 'fascism' isn't a synonym for 'authoritarian' or 'theocracy' or 'dictatorship'

it's a distinct and specific political ideology and system
One is brown one isn't. This isn't hard, white skin itself is oppressive toward leftists!
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because theyre brown and leftists worship anything brown because the tv says so
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I can't believe fascism is back, and it's thanks to you guys saying it every sentence for 8 fucking years.

Thank you.
>Trannies will always call mild conservatives "fascists" but wont call traditional Islamic believers fascists because that's "islamophobic", why?
Trannies are not a monolith
don't be retarded
This sadly is a white thing. Its why pol is right now under bbc leadership. Its sad but what can you do?
This is...surprisingly cogent.
Judaism is the real blight. Despite being .02% of the population they control 100% of the governments.
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fascism is good and islam is bad
if you equate it to fascism people will jump on board even more than they did after andrew taint
Multiple European states criminalized blasphemy last year after that Muslim in Belgium fired into a crowd of Swedes because someone in another country burned a Quran. Just because Christianity is temporarily stronger in some places now doesn't mean Islam can't be a threat if you ignore it, they're not even 15% of most European countries yet and they account for over 66% of terror attacks. In fact they're 2% of the US but 33% of terror there
Why does Iran encourage gay men to transition?
Leftists literally think mild social democracy is fascist but when brown people are conservative reactionaries they split hairs lmao
yeah it's this
it's not "real fascism" but that's not the point at all, because people constantly call things fascist that aren't
as far as popular use goes, fascism just means european far right

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