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File: thehorror.jpg (1.87 MB, 4792x3648)
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19mtf 5'10" 130lbs, been on hrt for half a year, and i'm considering roping. i'm aware i haven't been on hormones for long, but my face is incredibly fucked (forehead, browridge, midface, nose etc. etc.) which hrt can't fix. i need ffs (and even then) but i won't afford that til the far future since i live in a third world shithole.

tbhon i'm just tired of it all, except for a few negligible changes hrt has made me even more depressed, my skin is SHIT despite having a skincare routine and good levels. i've started to regress mentally recently, dissociating more often and rotting in bed all day. i hate myself for not saying anything when i was 14 despite knowing id just get my ass kicked. i hate myself for being such a useless piece of shit, i don't bring anything good to this world, nor can i improve myself. i do wish i could rep but i tried that in the past and it went wonderfully.
Youll be fine. Hrt takes a few years to do anything substantial. Get off this website its full of people who hate themselves, youll just want to join in but theres no reason. It doesnt make things better, only worse. Focus on getting ffs instead.
Don't rope.
Get physically castrated as soon as possible if you haven't already. Monotherapy and AA are both insufficient.
Use injectable estrogen if you're not already. Anything else is insufficient.
Drink lots of water, get 8 hours of sleep, dont consume sugar, eat a low inflammation diet i.e. low FODMAP.
Focus on getting a boyfriend or girlfriend if you haven't already. Having a fulfilling sex life is critical for mental health.
Focus on developing some kind of skill that can make money.
Hormones and diet is the cause of bad skin, mental illness, executive dysfunction etc.
Don't post face on imageboards and actually don't use imageboards at all.
Be blessed, good luck, bye.
youre in a good position, honestly. i would kill to look like you. im taller, older, on hrt for longer, uglier, worse hair, on and on and on. i should probably just kms, but youre fine for sure
Don't you have a lot of potential. Your face honestly looks fine your ribcage is pretty wide tho
Injections, weight cycle, get a BA maybe. But remember that you look like a twink and that's leagues ahead of most hons out there
anonette this is going to take more than six months
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you already pass in the face, just chill out and let the hormones work their magic

first year is the slowest for growth. things start picking up in year 2 and 3.
Nah you look good. Stop watching anime it gives you unrealistic expectations
every single person in this thread is lying to you, unfortunately. that's something you should learn about this board, newfag. everyone here is a faceblind, hugboxxing autist. you can't trust any positive feedback they give. you will never pass. sorry. your bone structure is too masculine. your height isn't that bad, at least in the grand scheme of things, but you're still too tall. your shoulders are wide, but they're also very squarish and boxy. your ribcage is large and flared. your arms are long. your hips are narrow and low. your q-angle is masculine. your hands are large. your adam's apple is pronounced. as you said, your face is horrifically bad. your cranium is very, very large. your skin is terrible. hrt will fix none of these things. it won't do anything except give you disgusting cone gynecomastia. you have no chance of passing. don't even try desu. your best course of action, apart from repping, is to manmode forever and larp as a regular man with gyno. it'll be very easy with a build like yours.
too obvious

Omg stfu you're doing just fine.
You have a nice hip to waist ratio and your legs look nice.

In fact, you already have a beta boy face so you won't even need ffs.

Disconnect from social media and get a hobbie. You'll be just fine.
gona shoot my hot cum in ur spread anus babes
it's the ugly ducking phase oh insecure one. Anyone going through a major change goes through it, fat people getting skinny, people bulking, its just body composition in a different from. Give it some time.
"too obvious?" is that your oh-so-subtle way of saying that you think i'm just some troll, or a /pol/tard trying to demoralize trannies? are you just too stupid to even comprehend the possibility that maybe, just maybe, not everyone believes the exact same thing that you do? that some people can actually mean what they're saying, unlike you? i actually know that what i'm saying is true, unlike you lying niggers who just want to give this poor man false hope and lie to him until he doesn't know what's real and what's not. let's be honest, if everyone else was saying what i said and i was lying that he has any chance of passing, you'd be saying that i'm just a hugboxxing troll or something. that's because you're a reddithon woke hive mind groupthinklet negroid.
if you didn't make the successful transition, it doesn't mean that no one else will. please spread your schizophrenia in /pol/
You genuinely look like a girl and you're putting yourself to unrealistic beauty standards like most women do. This is a pretty average build for females
>hrt for half a year
>Should I rope
News flash for you. This shit takes time.
Took me like 4-5 years of HRT to be ok with myself
>9year HRT
Male nipples don't need to be censored on this board
nigga go to a dermatologist you look like a burn victim
holy malebrained
all your problems are obviously from lack of proper self care. most likely an unhealthy diet

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