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i will go to hell for being a tranny
No, you don't
why wouldnt i
You're going to hell for the 6 people you murdered on a camping trip in 2006, not for being trans.
because you are a golem
But at least your birth lets someone dodge being a tranny. They could have ended up like you. Thank yourself for your sacrifice!
god forgives murderers
me too :3
not me, i cause my bfs to be trannies
if i had a nickle for every time it's happened i'd have 2 nickles, but it's weird that it's happened twice
Because there is nothing wrong with you
They were meant to be trannies you save a lot of cis girls from being born as trannies. Every tranny born or made makes a cis girl dodge the pain. Thank you for your service!
You know, if you're AGP, you'll probably be happy down there with the company of every other trans girl who's ever lived down there. Maybe the bowels of hell are the perfect transbian dating ground. Good luck with the religious trauma anon, you'll get over it. Maybe you'll even become a Christian when you realise the lord can save your soul regardless of your sins because that's literally the point of the gospel. We're all sinners in the eye of the lord. Every adulterer, every drunk and everyone burdened with original sin. We are at odds with the lord from the moment of conception. Just live as well as you can, accept Christ as your saviour and pray for his mercy. Anyway whichever cope you choose, I hope it serves you well and you can find peace and you can enjoy the beauty of this world, and stop fearing judgement in the next world.
Why would you?
the difference to every adulterer and drunk is that they can stop sinning
i have to detransition if i want to stop my sinning which i cant do
no matter what i do i cant live righteously
Anon, I don't think a single person who lives a full life dies without sin. Do you think every drunk who lived and died a drunk is rotting in hell? Even if they were otherwise good and pious and accepted Jesus as their saviour? Read the bible a few more times and you'll find that the lord loves you. Or don't, and find a different cope. Atheism is a great cope, edgy satanism or quirky paganism are great copes. Buddhism is a great cope and Catholicism is the greatest cope of all! Just go confess every week and keep doing your hail Maries
so can i accept jesus even if i like men and am a tranny
yes. you are called as you are. you shouldn't begin by worrying about anything about yourself, whether sinful or not sinful, just by confessing that you have sinned, asking for the love of Christ, and then trying to bring that love into your life. when God wants something from you (and to be clear, i doubt he wants you to detrans), he will guide you to it—but he'll do that after you have Christ to help you, not before. you begin just by seeking him, and by being comforted
there is no hell or heaven
just stop caring about christcuckrty, its a low iq cult based on fear mongering appeal to authority and emotional knee jerk reaction like islam
is being a tranny and liking guys a sin
God is a God of understanding, grace, forgiveness and recognition.
So for us, striving counts for a great deal. To genuinely strive is to advance is to realize is to unfold as a spiritual, God-oriented creature.
i don't think so, but that's something you have to discern for yourself. but in the end it's not the thing that matters most. whether it's a sin or not, everyone is a sinner, and everyone can benefit from the healing which Christ offers
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then you better get hotter before you come down here so you can be primo real estate instead of just a meat slab
You're already in hell by being a tranny on this cursed earth
Where did all these religious christ faggots come from
Also anon. When you get hate preachers and bigoted Christians coming after you for your identity. Just remember Matthew 7:21-23
There are a lot of people who will say and do hateful things in the name of god. That work is not the work of the lord. The lord loves you anon. The more you read the bible, the more you'll realise the path to the kingdom of heaven is imperfect and paved with love.
Technically you only go to hell for sodomy as it's an act of lust in violation of the sanctity of the body.
If you remain a virgin, and don't disrupt the Church or lead anyone else astray, you should be fine.

Technically transbians are fine as long as they only have sex with cis chicks in the missionary position for the purposes of having babies.

That said, like 99.9999% of people in the west today aren't going to make it through the pearly gates. Seriously, the number of people who don't realize camel miniaturization technology is a long way from fitting a camel through the eye of a needle is jawdropping. I am yet to meet a single person who works for a secular non-profit who I could find any redeeming qualities about. My entire civilization is marching lock-step through the gates of hell while complaining about the heat.
Im going to hell for being a chaser and bothering transgirls
Its not actually referring to a Camel the original statement is in reference to a shipknot or a thick rope on a ship

Incorrect translation

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

What he actually meant

"it is easier for a ship rope to go through the eye of a sewing needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.”

In both greek and Aramaic the words rope and camel are almost the exact same so its easy to mix up the two if you lack context
So many Christians lack the ability to love thy neighbor and use god to commit atrocities

I guess we just see the worst in eachothers groups

Sad :(
Being gay isn't a sin being trans isn't a sin

The hebrews were queerphobic because they were a misogynistic society who wanted to pump out babies to protect their homeland, they were being reactionary because they hated their enemies and their enemies tolerated queers not to mention that these laws only existed in the most conservative shitholes of old Judea

The jews who left were sick of that shit

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