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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Are you part of the "gender taliban", anon?
>transphobia is primarily rooted in social conservatism
>transgenderism is rooted in social progressivism
>transgenderism is legal and encouraged for homosexuals in the ultra-conservative countries of Iran and Pakistan and likely other countries in the area which simply are poorly understood to the Western World.
maybe someone is lying?
>u-ur a t-ter-rorist
bruh she's literally a boomer
The Taliban are also strongly in favour of sex segregated spaces so at least they'll back her up on this
Inshallah we are all going to make it
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gang what do I have to do to get 10 to date me?
his daughterwife is a gigapassoid so I assume I have to get her out of the picture
god willing some insane jihadist will put down this deranged hag so we no longer have to hear about her insane ramblings. put this bitch in a mental institution, hop her up on pills, cut off her internet access, anything! just make her shut up!
gender jihad when?
>transgenderism is legal and encouraged for homosexuals in the ultra-conservative countries of Iran and Pakistan
no evidence that it's encouraged for homosexuals
>we're not going to encourage you, we'll just kill you if you don't
Iran has terrible laws in regards to gay people, but their laws on transgender people have absolutely nothing to do with that
The complete and utter destruction of transgender ideology is all that matters.
>largrly conservative religion that's state-sponsored in dozens of countries has one (1) weird exception in social policy
This is not the win you think it is
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sheeeeit fug dis harry potter bitch. she need to go back on food stamps n sheeeeit.
The complete destruction of incels like you is more important
pakistan has basically the same policy and probably other countries do as well, this simply isn't talked about publicly because basically everyone is ashamed of what's going on
David should disappear into that portal or whatever nonsense he did on that lousy syfy show. What a fucking dipshit retard. Rofl. Dork.
I'm sorry, you meant to say the complete and utter destruction of every last trannies is what's the most important.
>1 country actually enforces it
>1 country socially kind of accepts it
>millions on millions of other Muslims don't
You have blinders on
the taliban won
maek u think?
Gincel nobody likes you and you will never see your goals achieved
Your schizo delusions about who I am fit nicely with your schizo delusions about what gender you are. Nobody likes a troon and your ideology's crumbling apart.
>transgenderism is legal and encouraged for homosexuals
It's not encouraged. It's enforced. Fags are forcibly sex-changed or, if they refuse, executed. And transbians can still be executed if they pursue lesbian relationships. Husstussies stay winning, Inshallah
Have you spoken to anyone from those countries, or did you get this opinion from a Western journalist or someone on Twitter?
>and your ideology's crumbling apart.
Much like your mental state
Why is J.K Rowling taken seriously when Slytherin is a thing?
Ironic that you said this about the taliban too, and put trillions of dollars of money towards this effort
And still lost.

When the trannies win, they will not show you a shred of mercy
Trannies are not warriros though. They're weak little babies who need 100% validation in order to not kill themselves and who throw public tantrums when you don't use their super special tumblr words they invented for themselves.
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yes! im awaiting funding from the cia!
keeping amabs from female spaces and privilege is what matters to them

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