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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>be me
>have amazing bf for last 5mo
>literally my dream guy, could not ask for better
>sex is great, he's fit,good job, etc
>can't stop thinking about cuddling cis girls
>cis girls flirting with him makes me mauld not only because hes mine but, giwtwm
>tried to 42% at the beginning of this year over feeling incapable of having a cis gf before getting with bf

My bf is the best thing that has ever happened to me but I still find myself desiring a cis gf so much it makes me wanna throw up. I trooned out at 15 and gym 3 times per week so it's not like I'm fat nor do i get no/misgendered but cis women would never love a tranny r-right? Men take care of me and their interests align much closer to mine..it's not like I'm not attracted to men..less attractive physically than women yea, but I love my bf and want to be with him.

How do i make make the gay thoughts stop?
Trans women are such demons to their men. They always betray them
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Bait, but regardless if you're a chaser you shouldn't even look at bi trannies. A man with good enough facial genes for women to approach him would never date a tranny long-term.
I do think he's lying sometimes due to how often he says women proposition him irl, mans is genuinely head over heels..I took his virginity

Theyre not gay thoughts, youre a man and your attraction to women is straight.
>gay thoughts stop?
there is nothing gay about a man (admittedly a rather faggy severely mentally ill man in a dress but a man nonetheless) being attracted to women
Women are obsessed with trannies, wtf are you talking about. I’m mtf and I can’t move for em.
If OP passes and then kissed a girl in public, people would assume they are both lesbians. Sorry that the world doesn’t work like your autistic biological rationalism.
if i got a convincing enough costume i could probably go to a forest and pretend to be a bear. people that see me there would assume that i am a bear too.
but despite that i will never be a bear just like ywnbaw
>everyone believes you’re a woman, everyone treats you like a woman, you are practically indecipherable from a woman but, because of these little bits of DNA that nobody will ever see, you are a man
Wow, fantastic philosophy anon. I suppose you also eat your dinner off a puddle of crude oil, because it’s categorically the same as a plastic plate. Perhaps you also keep a number of trees in the house to use as chairs, seeing as they’re both wood.
LMFAO the vast majority of autogynophiles absolutely are not accepted as women (or accepted as men if we are talking about autoandrophiles) but alright if you want to be consistent you must also accept this:
i can make a very realistic bear costume study up on how bears behave and train myself to make sounds that bears make i get so good at all of this that i fool other humans and even the animals in the forest. i am essentially a bear to everyone that knows me, no matter what my biology says.
ergo i am now a bear, i identify as a bear.
You realise women are not another species, right? In the same way one can make pasta from wheat, but not from steel.
>you are practically indecipherable from a woman
This is so idiotic and delusional I will not even honor this with my own response. Instead I've got something to do that for me:
Certainly! Here's a concise list of biological differences between men and women:

1. **Chromosomes:** Men typically have XY chromosomes, while women have XX chromosomes.

2. **Primary Sex Characteristics:** Men have genitalia such as a penis and testes, while women have genitalia such as a clitoris, vulva, and vagina.

3. **Secondary Sex Characteristics:** Men tend to have broader shoulders, more facial hair, and deeper voices due to testosterone. Women generally have wider hips, breast development, and higher levels of estrogen.

4. **Reproductive Organs:** Men have testes that produce sperm and testosterone. Women have ovaries that produce eggs, estrogen, and progesterone.

5. **Hormonal Profiles:** Testosterone is predominant in men, influencing muscle mass and facial hair. Estrogen and progesterone are higher in women, influencing breast development and menstrual cycles.

6. **Physiological Differences:** Men typically have higher muscle mass and bone density, while women tend to have a higher percentage of body fat.

7. **Neurological Variances:** Differences in brain structure and function have been observed, though their implications are still being studied.

8. **Health Risks:** Men and women may differ in susceptibility to certain diseases or conditions due to biological variations.

These differences exist across a spectrum, and individual variation within each sex is substantial. It's essential to approach discussions about biological sex with sensitivity and understanding of this diversity.

Not hard at all
i can become another gender so why can't i become a bear? in the end it all boils down to if i can trick people to see me as one and it is more than possible to trick people into thinking i'm a bear. so why not?
>umm well ackshually you can’t become a woman socially because of these minute and highly differentiated biological differences
Even your ChatGPT list constantly falls back on vagaries and tendency, and it even acknowledges that sex is a broad spectrum, not a hard binary. It is genuinely the less logical, less scientific approach to demand that there are only two sexes and it is impossible to straddle both in one way or another. Your argument is reductive and seeks to reduce the complexity of the human existence out of a childish insistence on simple answers to hard questions.
Does wheat trick you by taking the shape of spaghetti? Or is it more likely that biological categories are as fluid as the substances from which they are defined - that the world is built on change and adaption, and that fighting that is a fool’s game?
I would say, by the way, that if science was sufficiently advanced that you take on all the attributes of a bear and become physically one-and-the-same as a bear, then yes: you can become a bear.
>is it more likely that biological categories are as fluid as the substances from which they are defined - that the world is built on change and adaption
you can say literally all of that about my hypothetical transition into a bear too lmao there is literally no difference. you clearly know this sir otherwise you wouldn't dodge the question 3 times in a row

>acknowledges that sex is a broad spectrum
wow it's almost like they don't want mentally ill men in dresses raging about their AI on twitter all day lmfao
oh WOW nvm you really are that retarded
>I would say, by the way, that if science was sufficiently advanced that you take on all the attributes of a bear and become physically one-and-the-same as a bear, then yes: you can become a bear.
this is the funniest shit i have read in a long time
so either you genuinely believe this retarded shit or you are intentionally saying retarded shit just to pretend to be consistent.
no matter which of the two you fall under it shows that your troon ideology is obviously bullshit. thanks for playing but you lose. try again next time
posts like these are what scares me the most about being a chaser. i hate transbians so much. i do not want to participate in being a rapehon's comphet cope
Vagina x vagina = gay
Regardless on your feelings on what OP was when she was younger
>when you know so little about a topic, you have to outsource your attempted hate to a tool which almost exclusive exists to crank out C papers for undergrads
I hate GPTards so much
Yeah I didn't know that women have vaginas until I asked ChatGPT
If you’re just going to be rude then fine, let’s drop it. I would like to leave you with this, though. If I told you that one of these two spheres used to be a cube, but had its edges and its points filed down by a machine, until it became a sphere, would you still insist on calling it a cube? Using that same logic, why can a man not become a bear, or a tree become a chair, or a man become a woman, if the technology and the means is there to make it so? All that limits us is our tools - there is no ephemeral code of reality, no God, that demands entities must always be what they were. Birth does not define us - just as we became children from embryos from sperm from protein from atom from nothing, so to can we continue that cycle of growth and evolution. All that holds us back is our imagination and our tools.
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lol oops, forgot pic related.

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