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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Do you believe troons who say that they are bisexual? It seems like they are all lesbians not wanting to be grouped with pic related.
why do they always collect toys.
Idk I’m a self-described bisexual but it’s mostly because my concept of bodies really being significant broke down after mine changed post-transition. It just seems easier to take people for who they are rather than what they have in their pants.
by bisexual they mean so ugly and desperate that they'll gladly settle for anything they can get

You are comphet.
Either its autism or they've reached a point in their lives where they don't feel fulfilled so indulgence is the only option
im pretty sure I had a comphet phase. I have never loved a man like I have loved a woman. Thing is Im not sure i can love anyone anymore
What does that even mean
its for lesbians who were forced to be het because of societal norms or something like that
I’m not a lesbian I’m bisexual
i'm bi and into both men and trannies. i've been with both attractive guys and attractive tranners and it was different but more or less equally enjoyable. i feel like i could genuinely end up with either and be happy. i've never been with a cis foid but i'm not against it in theory, from what i hear a lot of them expect you to top them but my pp is small and useless.
>It seems like they are all lesbians
I have only dated women because they are actually open to dating a tranny, unlike men that just want to fuck and rush me out the door, women want to go on real dates and hangout without the expectation of sex. It seems like men have no interest in dating trannies unless they're unsuccessful with cis women or closeted fags ime
i mean at first I was deffo calling myself bi as a cope to dissociate myself from transbians. but then I started hormones and started being attracted to men. funny how that works.
more evidence towards my theory. I am very smart.

picrel is me btw
what theory exactly?
most trannys are just fem4fem. they are just women mentally who like feminine men sometimes exclusively and this is then channeled towards other trans women. this is why there is an over abundance of transbians and the fact most of them are t4t

Again I am very smart and that is me so don't try to argue this
no kidding....
damn welcome back bro i didn't think i'd see you here again
yeah you're not totally wrong when it comes to me actually, the cis men i like are usually twinkish guys with a feminine side lol my longest relationship was with a twink top. idk if i could make myself be attracted to a very virile guy.
We're you mostly straight pre-transition or always bi?
>most trannys are just fem4fem. they are just women mentally who like feminine men sometimes exclusively and this is then channeled towards other trans women

point proven.

Again, I am very smart.

picrel is me on the way to the grocery story
They aren't toys they are figurines and they are works of art. One of my Astolfo ones cost $380.
i have had sex with men and women so what am i if not bisexual? though right now im in a t4t relationship and i think im less interested in men than before
Autistic beta male hobby that doesn't require any mental or physical effort other than consooming
Because they're not a basic bitch like you.
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calling me a bitch was uncalled for, i only asked a question
In my case it's more not being able to tell if I don't want to sleep with guys because I'm just not into them, or if it's a trauma responce.
> Collecting mass produced consumables is not basic bitch
There's nothing wrong with having something you collect, but there's a point where you should start some introspective judgment
its just what misogynists do babez
this pic actually makes me want to puke
is that what this is?
yep "bisexual" for most trannies means they like cis women/other trannies, but they're willing to tolerate sex with the most feminine possible twink/femboy "man"
why do autists have so little self awareness. you do realize basic bitches are 1000x times more interesting than any of you, right? liking video games isnt a personality
I consider myself bi but Ive only been with men. Guess I'm secretly straight?
i was mostly straight, like I had some crushed on guys before but they were always kinda theoretical, like oh it would maybe be nice to kiss that guy. but nowadays I actively fantasize about them romantically and sexually.
I'm bi and it's technically true but I like 90% like girls 10% like guys. But most of my crushes for both genders are fictional
I just call myself ace because it simplifies things.

Why not? I'm a young shit tranner and now as an adult I still have a bunch of toys videogames and trading card type stuff recently got a gunpla to try building.
>star wars fan
>collects toys
>"don't like taking photos"
>Again...lesbian. Probably has a bunch of female dating apps they "don't like adding photos" to either.
>Balding. You have money to buy toys but you refuse to get a wig or a gym membership
Every fucking time. Every single fucking time. I get hons exist. I get that not everyone is lucky with genes but jesus christ it isn't like there aren't options to take up for fuck sakes.
It’s just a toy that you overpaid for. You think kids don’t buy toys for their aesthetics alone?
>malebrained hobby
well shit
i'm about to troon out but I'm deathly horrified by the thought of being attracted to men instead of women
then again, I was never attracted to men to begin with, not even theoretical crushes or anything, so maybe I'm safe
I hope the estrogen fries your brain and turns you straight
in my experience, bi trans women tend to be primarily into guys but also willing to settle for other trans women.
They don't want anything to do with cis women
This is me and the latter is mostly because cis women are a massive emotional hazard I know to avoid. If I'm single and a cis women expresses interest it's all over, I'm going in headfirst regardless of how bad an idea it is. And every single time it's been an obviously bad idea from the start. So the must be avoided
It's probably a meta attraction thing. What could make you more real than the acceptance of a woman?
Huh, same with my girlfriend. She likes females, but she says they are annoying to talk to and they didnt take her seriously when she wanted to be dominant in bed.
nah, it won't
posts and flags like yours give me hope :^)
Why is it a bad idea? I am curious. Thiugh mine is more of a guy mentally who also loves being pretty, or boyish.
you're just one fetishist in a sea of transbians

doesn't really mean much in the long run
the irony is almost palpable lmao
I have had crushes on my guy friend since I was a kid, pretty sure im bi. It’s also interesting how now that im transitioning guys encourage my femininity while women who seem to want to beat it out of me.
Cis women in my experience tend to force you to be the dominant one in the relationship. I hate being the dominant one and also hate PIV sex.
And I just don't see any reason I'd settle for a strap on even if they passed those two other criteria.

I'm physically attracted to people bigger and stronger than me. I prefer how men look too
ngl she's kinda cute
i was never attracted to men until i started hrt, now all i want is a chad with a hard cock.
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literally everything that isn't for survival is a toy
living like picrel is malebrained
It sucks because I like being dominant some of the time, the problem is when I have to be basically the adult and do everything
the word i think you're looking for is "decoration", not "toy".
same shit since they serve the same purpose

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