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Since Trump looks like he will be president again how do you think this will affect you as a tranny?
who gaf + im voting for him as a tranny
As a chaser i am worried for the future of the lgbt community
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As a non-American, I look forward to our domestic politics taking a lurch leftward because of how awful he makes the right wing look by association.
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I'm worried about my wife's son
i'm a tranny and i'm voting for trump. we'll be fine. only retarded twitter and/or reddit users think he's actually going to do anything bad to us. it is the most blatant propaganda i have seen but hey u gotta do what u gotta do to somehow convince people to vote for a dementia patient, must be a tough job for them
theyre gonna make a big show out of putting me on a train to a concentration camp but then once im out of sight of the cameras they unbind me and bring me to my assigned masc cis republican-but-socially-progressive chaser boyfriend to live the rest of my days with

Honestly not that bad desu
Go back to /pol/ everyone knows youre trolling lol
> >>36349082
because i am not a schizo who believes trump is going to put trannies in camps? LMAO tell me ur brainwashed without telling me ur brainwashed
Putting words into my mouth to push ur point, tell me ur from /pol/ without telling me ur from /pol/ lil chuddie
lmfao ur assuming quite a lot of things about me because i reached the (rather obvious conclusion) that a dementia patient should be in a nursing home or with his family not leading our country
again tell me ur brainwashed without telling me ur brainwashed
As someone whos cucked and been cucked all i gotta say is im really into threesomes and orgies

Voyeurism is cringe

Swingers are seen as more tolerable than cuckoldd
Do you think under Trump life is going to be better for trannies?
Trump is going to put them in concentration camps.

source: Chink Wigger from the Young Turds
life for trannies will be the same no matter who wins. i see absolutely no difference between trump and biden in this regard. only retards on reddit think that we are going to be sent to camps if trump wins, despite the fact that they lived through 4 years of trump with no issues at all. i don't think sleepy joe is going to send me to any camps either. that isn't a reason for me to vote for him that's just the bare minimum that virtually every candidate meets. so quite frankly idgaf when it comes to this matter
however in every other regard life will absolutely be better under trump. you see how expensive shits getting? gas prices alone are too fucking high. i'm sure you've noticed it too. i can go on and on about the countless other benefits, another obvious one being that we won't be led by a dementia patient and look like a bunch of retards, but yeah it will be better for both trannies and cissoids. you cannot watch the latest debate and think that biden is qualified to lead this country at all. be honest with yourself. trump is clearly the better option. no gaslighting attempts and retarded theories by retarded redditors will change this obvious fact
>Force trannies all into one place under an oppressive regime
>All trannies become t4t and huddle together for warmth at night
>Nightly "punishments" by volunteer Chud security guards
>Chud security guard and tranny fall in love and run away together
>Literally brain dead
>Metaphorically brain dead
I mean the only advantage of Trump is the memes at this point and the slim possibility that he won't send a gorillion dollars to Ukraine and Israel, just Israel.
I don't think Trump actually cares about tranners, but if he can get support by going after trannies then he'll do it. So I think it's gonna be bad but there's going to probably be a collage of bad things to worry about.
But then again I'm not in America so for me maybe it will just embolden some local chuds in my country to be more openly radical.
wasn't trumps solution to the inflation problem to just print money and distribute it? (which I didn't even get because the irs refuses to update my name)
It's hard to believe that there are still undecided voters out there that need to be convinced who to vote for. What is going on in these people's heads?
i don't know if this will be what causes it but ive been prepared for massive societal backlash against trannies. im just hoping i can get srs or at least orchi before any possible transition ban
now that's dedication! won't even get dead named for neet bucks
I've been in an argument with them for years they insist it's the ssa and the ssa insists it's the irs and I guess it'll never be fixed
It won't
Nothing happens
Nothing. It's just static
a surgery and hrt ban at most.
which is a good thing because my orchi and ffs can not be undone.
Will be waiting for the politics to catch up to Canada a few years later.
cool but what about when they fuck with medicaid funding to tranny shit
What an empty void of a half-formed non-opinion, do you have a brain?
It won't be really different at all for NEET trannies like me. Just don't use normie social media and stp[ going outside, simple
>and look like a bunch of retards
I keep seeing this shit. Do Americans really think they didn't look like retards under Trump? The guy was the laughingstock of the whole world. Every half-shit comedian had a Trump impression.
As a chaser this means more trans women, especially young ones, will be driven into desperation and end up as prostitutes and sex workers. Sounds like a win to me. I am voting Trump and yes I am living in a Swing State.
Wasn't he convicted recently for like 30 crimes? Did that fail or you can be president in USA as a criminal? You guys are confusing
He won the debate so hard they are replacing Biden right now. He is leading in the polls. He can just pardon himself once he wins.
So he's a convict, but because of
>usa is retarded
He can just become president and pardon himself?
Joke country
yeah he was the laughingstock of the world which is why european countries and following suit and electing far right wing politicians as well. because trump and populists are laughingstocks
Except for those faggots in Hungary which EU country has a ruling right wing party?
I mean Trump was and still is a laughing stock. I don't understand how that has anything to do with it
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It won't, everything will be as normal. I'll still get my HRT, I'll still seek a bf, I'll still buy and shoot guns. Its all good.
>He can just become president and pardon himself?
Not an American, but I'm pretty sure he can only pardon federal crimes. Any state-level felonies will still count.
And I think the felonies he was most recently convicted of are state-level. Some of the pending ones may be federal crimes though.
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Believing that scump never used the ‘n’ word...now THAT’S news! I used to think i hated scump cuz he had no core, he was only a brander, a marketer who’s only strategy was wealth. But no, this guy is Nazi thru & thru. Yo, scump, how does it feel to have this being the defining moment of your bullshit, 2 hours of bullshit!

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