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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Your gender dysphoria is going to kill you.
It's a well build person who has its hands around your neck and is looking into your eyes as it strangles you
You have to fight back against it or else its going to take your life.
Don't let it stop you from breathing
I get your point, but I also know that the way you worded your post means that 99% of the replies will be tranners with a choking kink
you underestimate human resilience, gd cannot kill you. you might end up as 41% but its just that an attempt, youll live through it.
damn, this image is hot. she's completely naked under that off-shoulder top. the tail placement is wack, though. why does it just go at a 90 degree angle from her body
That image is disturbing. Imagine having no hands. Aaaaaa
anime, minecraft, cute... full on furry?
now that's a crossover episode I can get behind
>just like I can get behind dem juicy thighs
you know he is male right?
it's screw-on
these fake catgrills stealing actual catgrill valor, s m h my head
not with a body like that
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i dont think it's cause of the dysphoria, i think it's just cause of AGP.
how do I fight back?
punch it and kick it till it leaves you alone
this is not your sleep paralysis demon it doesn't work like that
god that's hot I hope gd rapes my corpse after snuffing me
This whole thread I was reading gd like it was those weird people who type god without the o before I had to go back and realize it was gender dysphoria.
fight back as in repress or troon out?
Be honest with me, what were you actually thinking when writing that?
thinking about a big strong muscular lad choking me to death then raping my corpse of course
What about being choked and killed by someone is pleasing to you? Why do you want to die for a sexual high?
dad used to choke me when I was a kid and I'm suicidal so I cope with it sexually
Anon, I am not a therapist, but this is very worrying and I am worried about you, you don't have to listen to anything I say, but it would make me very happy if you got help from a therapist so you don't end up dead or killed.
Sorry, I had to type more, I should have combined it into one post. You were very happy to tell me about your issues, and your use of it sexually.
I have a friend who cuts his wrists for attention from older men on session / discord and you remind me of him.
He has borderline personality disorder, and usually ends up having "BPD" episodes and crying on my chest.
Are you borderline by any chance anon? I am sorry for asking but i care deeply about my friend and you seem similar to him.
mmm... talk more about the well built person looking into my eyes and strangling me... pls...
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I got diagnosed with severe depression recently cuz I tried to kill myself, idk if it could be bpd I don't have pronounced mania episodes
I'm trying to fix it but idk if it's worth it I feel like I'll never pass its been a year and I never malefailed I feel so ugly and undesirable idc if I got raped cuz at least I would feel desired I think
probably enjoys you going weak in your hand and feeling your heartbeat through your neck as you go weak.

You're not undesirable some random 4chaner took time out of his day to ask if you're okay. Please drop the notion that you need to be raped to feel desirable, is there none of your friends you would like to date I am sure you have there is a cute boy ho would sweep you off your feet and you wouldn't need to be choked to death
nta, but...
>is there none of your friends
ya'll have friends?
I just sit alone in my apartment after work and drink and either watch anime or play vidya
Well I will be your friend! I am 26 and from Finland, I am very good at Psychology too, so if you want to talk I am happy to!
well I'm not going to offload on you lol I'm about the same age but from the US
If you want, if you have a discord I will be your friend!
I feel really undesirable.. you don't know what I look like I'm rly ugly
also I don't have irl friends.... only online and they don't know about my gender / sexuality
Well. i'll be honest I'm not trans or anything I'm just gay, but I can be your friend! My other friends show me their cuts and alcohol addictions so you can just be yourself with me.
My bf encouraged me to make more friends so I am happy to be yours,
not that anon but you're really sweet
Likewise. Thats my favourite english word btw
Not if I kill it first
Everything is going to kill me. We can't avoid death. It is coming quicker than you can imagine. May as well be happy with myself while I wait for it.
sorry ur really nice but idk if I want to make more friends rn I think I need to get better first I don't want to die and make more people traumatized and stuff..
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I have a friend called Felix, who earlier this morning sent me his suicide note after taking 20 painkillers and "pruzac" I think prozac. We met on 4chinz one month back. This was today
I have met your type before who believe they're too mentally ill for anything and I'll say this, its not your fault your head is fucked, bu simply questioning it you have shown you're mature and either getting or ready to get help.
I won't force you to hand over your details, if you want to you will, however I would like to quote my bf (who is quoting star trek) live long and proper anon. Godspeed

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