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Theres a strict hierachy of what trannies are datable. You should know how to position yourself in that:
>Trannies with more than 5 sexual partners, or who are poly are sluts and are not worth your time
>Trannies under the age of 25 are only good for quick fucks. Theire cute, attractive, naive and easy to get
>Trannies 25+ are long term and even marriage material, but only if they had at most one relationship post transition. They found their position in life, are emotionally more mature, and know what they want
I have a low body count but c’mon man some people like to spice things up.
Look at it like this. Most trannies don't have much sex before they transition, because dysphoria and stuff. Also trannies lose a lot of their social life when transitioning. So a tranny with a high body count at a relatively young age, must have had a lot of hookups with random people that don't care about her and she doesn't care about them.

Why would I want to date someone who clearly seems to have no interest in finding a genuine connection?
25+ but i haven't been on hrt long and im going insane with loneliness and yearning all night just to belong to one person.
unfortunately i have no job and not independent so nobody in their right mind would consider me as potential partner.
Hey :)
Where are you from?

>all night just to belong to one person.
do you mean to belong to one specific person, or do you mean any person and are just touch starved?
middle east
as in a soulmate, usually i just think of this one trans guy for some reason. i don't feel this in a touch starved or sexual not that im against it but this is way more emotional if anything. if it were i could just text a "friend" and spend time with him.
>Most trannies don't have much sex before they transition
moot point anyways since body count resets with transition
Not if you've been a bottom before
wrong flag lol, I know that this doesn't help my case, but I promise, this was only to shitpost xD
all of this shit plus only the straight ones are actually datable
its so over, androphilic trannies are dying alone at this rate.
While polycule trannies keep havinf partners in abundance, not sure if they share emotional bond between themselves tho which is also sad
if you're a straight tranny then you have a chance to find a bf
How to find a bf as a straight tranny:
thats it
>Trannies 25+ are long term and even marriage material, but only if they had at most one relationship post transition
imagine turning down a cute loyal tranner because she was in two relationships before you. you're not worthy of calling yourself a chaser, you're pathetic and you will die alone.
>loyal tranner
If a tranny transitioned at 20, she probably didn't start dating before 22. If she had multiple failed relationships by 25, she's either not loyal, or has other issues
>what is emotional maturity
you need to be 18 or older to post on 4chan
good luck to her if she transitioned after 25 and her testosterone poisoning will only let her present as a faggot at best
If you are into that, go ahead and date trannies that hop from one 1 year relationship into the next, but don't be suprised when your relationship doesn't last any longer
good luck finding a tranny that doesn't do that shit
>They found their position in life, are emotionally more mature, and know what they want
impossible demands
you sound like a larping trad retard. life's going to be difficult for you if you don't stop acting like a 15 year old who just discovered kiwifarms.
for a tranny maybe
ofc for a trannie, it's over
How is that impossible? I mean sure they are still emotionally unstable compared to most cis people, but they at least have learned how to deal with their emotional outbreaks to some degree and are not overwelmed anymore when the estrogen is acting up.

And the other two points, they usually by that time know what kinds of people they get along with, they know what they are looking for in a partner, and they roughly know what they want to do with their life.
>emotionally unstable
maybe that's why
So what, she randomly cries when she sees a hot cis women, or can't leave the bed until you cover all the mirrors in your home. Thats things you can deal with if you really love her
Transitioned at 19, fulltime at 21, 29 now. Body count 3 all LTR. This is a pretty true post. First two relationships were sub 25 and they were rocky, involved a lot of crying, probably wasn't a good gf.
Now I'm sorted and stable and a far better partner, this last sentence is true
>They found their position in life, are emotionally more mature, and know what they want
The brainworms never die but they do get smaller
what if im 25+ and only had one relationship post transition, but im a hon?
you forgot to factor in attractiveness, anon
Aren't you a transbian? You fall on a completely different set of circumstances, this was about trannies dating men.

But to answer your question anyway, assuming we are talking about not giga lateshits i.e. you transitioned in your 20s, you may be a hon, but probably still a cute twinkhon. And thats enough. We don't need passoids, we need soulmates
>Aren't you a transbian?
How'd you know that? i am, tho, but i do pretend not to be all the time for attention. anyway, i know this thread isnt about me, but i read it and couldn't help playing devil's advocate anyway.
>you transitioned in your 20s
late 20's yes
>probably still a cute twinkhon.
unfortunately not. id kill to be a twinkhon
>And thats enough. We don't need passoids, we need soulmates
awww <3 thats so sweet. i hope you find her, anon.
>she randomly cries when she sees a hot cis women, or can't leave the bed until you cover all the mirrors in your home.
that's a pretty good reason to not to love someone, i guess
Well you can't decide to love someone can you? When I fall for someone, you bet I'm going to do everything to make this last
>you have two (2) chances to find a partner or you're used goods
Yeah, I firmly believe in second chances. It would be unfair to expect someone to find love on the first try
>i am, tho, but i do pretend not to be all the time for attention
yeah every transbian does that shit
hey what can i say? its fun
One day you'll experience the joy of a real man dick and you'll be cured from your transbianism like jesus cured the blind
any guy who has dealt with trannies for a while would see right through it
>When I fall for someone, you bet I'm going to do everything to make this last
hopefuel, thank you chaseranon
It's the curse of modern online dating that everyone thinks it's just about looks and stats. It's not, love is irrational and chaotic. If you meet the right person, you'll fall for them, no matter if they are "a bad choice" on paper.
i can only hope. nobody's ever tried
that easy, huh? :P
>i can only hope. nobody's ever tried
That doesn't sound to transbian to me... You will feel the touch of a loving man one day, and once you saw that light, you'll never return back into the darkness
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>been with bf for 3 years
>was a virgin before meeting him
>he's slept with like 20 women (nearly all cis women and like one other transwoman)
>he's 12 years older than me
>yes I do plan on marrying him
>That doesn't sound to transbian to me...
youd be surprised. a lot of us are ashamed of it. makes us feel predatory. im not TOO in my head about it, but... yeah sometimes i get a little guilty
But are you only attracted to women, or do you also feel some attraction to men, but chose to only date women (e.g. because of strong preference)?
Youre a walking red flag
so if i’m a under 25 tranny and am only good for a pump and dump, but having more than 5 partners makes me undateable, then i’m just supposed to wait by myself until i turn 25?
i know my place is below cis people
>you need a low bodycount
imagine being such an insecure loser lmao
You can have 4 partners and one long term relationship before you settle at 25. Thats plenty of things to do I'd say
No your place is on the side of a cis man who loves you more than anything else in the world
Like I said here >>36349767 a tranny will most likely not date pre and early transition. So effectively she'll probably start at age 22 or so. And if she feels the need to fuck 6 different people by the time she reaches 25, I don't think she's good material for any long term relationship.

I don't want someone who just fucks someone else every weekend. I want someone whose looking for a long term partner, someone they can relate to, someone for life.

Sure these numbers are quite arbitrary. Why not bodycount of 6, or 8, or why at most one relationship and not 2. Idk. In the end it depends on the individual case, age of transition, etc. but overall this is a guideline to find someone stable enough to marry
anon learns about marriage. you're just spouting trad nonsense for women except onto trannies
i have a cis bf but ive been scared of him lately bc im worried he will notice how much of a hon i am and leave
Don't think that you are beautiful and he loves you the way you are. I lost a tranny due to these thoughts, where she felt she had to leave me to protect herself from the inevitable pain of me leaving her. Don't do that.
You are wonderful and your bf loves every centimeter of you. You will be happy together
this is a gigantic cope, jfc. believe what you need to sleep at night.
Anon the "insecurity" shaming doesn't even work when ciswomen (the most pedestalized group in society) try to do it on straight men.
What the fuck makes you think it would work coming from a tranny, against someone shameless enough to chase on 4chan?
thank you...
I mean... yeah... but you see the problem right? Lonelieness is on the rise, not just for men but across the board. People are less likely to start families, anxiety is increasing people, etc.
We have 2 generations fucked, and recent polling has shown that one of the biggest wishes amongst gen z is to build a family. Not being able to do so has taken over climate change as top concern in the younger generation.

Also before someone says that this is sexist, I believe that also men shouldn't have a body count higher than 5 by age 25. Because they aren't trannies, with their transition I'd say up to 2 or 3 relationships, but also not more.
Who put you in charge of our lives?
I transitioned at 29, pass and am now 32 and still a virgin :)
oh, i guess when you put it that way it gives me plenty of time to figure out myself doesn’t it? and you’re absolutely right about not wanting to date early in transition. what would you say counts as a long term relationship?
Depends on the relationship and how you count it, but I'd say like somewhere between 6 month and a year. Like if you started really slow, a year, if you got right to it, more on the 6 month end.

So like dating someone for 4 month and figuring you don't fit together doesn't really count. After all you need some time to figure out if you are compatible
I'm really glad you made it :)

I hope you'll find someone that truely loves you and cares about you soon. Lifes to short to be alone
no, I'm gonna die alone :)

finding someone is too hard, i don't like going outside and everyone i meet is too dumb for me unironically :)
til I am marriage material
You don't need to find someone locally outside, the internet allows you to find people online if you are not able to socialize normally

And if you don't want a long term relationship, at least fuck around, it's fun
>i pass
x to doubt
Trannies are never datable, that's why they all settle for each other.
>correct rape rhetoric
if only i could press a button to kill all men
The fact that I made references to jesus and described it as some divine miracle did not indicate to you that it wasn't meant seriously? If I ever needed prove that trannies are women, the fact that they don't get a joke truely does prove it conclusively
I think you should kill yourself still
what should i do if i am 25+ but want the quick fucks
I mean there are more than enough chasers who are solely interested in one night stands. Like meeting them up in a hotel room for a quick fuck and then leaving seperately so no one ever sees you together

But I guess most guys willing to date trannies at that age are probably going to look for something long term

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