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There, I said it. I used to be a gay guy before I transitioned now I am supposedly a straight transsexual. The problem is that I'm not passable, I'm a hon, the average transbian reddithon unironically mogs me in some way.
If I get tired of this I might detransition and just live as an effeminate guy, right now though I just wear male clothes and pretend to be a normal guy.
Some of the least passable trannies I’ve ever met have been HSTS. I am an AGPassoid. Stereotypes don’t apply to every single one of us.
Can't you wear your clothes of choice and brush it off as being a flamer till you pass?
That's the case from my experience as well.
I wish the best for you. I have a thousand times more sympathy for hsts hons than for transbians
>casual passoid activity rubbing salt over wound
That's what I do, I dress slightly though not extremely effeminately.
>till you pass
I won't ever pass. I am too tall (6'2) and with too wide shoulders.
im on the same boat where i repressed my homosexuality till age 24, coped as nb since and transitioned at 26.
i think killing myself is the only way out, if it was possible to detrans and live as a man i would have done it. its not like i don't present as an effeminate faggot already
its posts like these that make me glad my repping streak broke at 16
If you won't ever pass then be the hrt flamer to the full. Dont masculinise yourself because of misandrists and their expectations.
growing up conservative religious fundamentalist hellholes will do that to you where society itself works as an active conversion camp
I think youre a fag/manmoder, you're not a hon if you don't womanmode.
That being said it is over, i hope you can get ffs <3
I'm practically a honmoder then.
all passoids are exactly the same
If you're into women you don't pass sorry. There's no such thing as AGPassoid lol. You're a disgusting man and the stereotypes do exist for a reason, because they are true. Nasty man brained dykes will make false flag threads like this to try to convince themselves that they pass as women but your desperation is obvious and palpable. Now lie and tell us you have a boyfriend or some other fabricated cope.
It's not a false flag, I genuinely do not pass.
this is because boymode and manmode do not exist for hussies
a real huss jumps into the world of girlmoding

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