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trans women, here's the test for how transphobic you'd be if you were a cis woman. your views towards:
- black men
- fat women
- disabled people
dont ask about my methodology, just know that this is true
>black men
Walk to the other side of the road.
>fat women
If they're happy with themselves, there's nothing wrong with it.
>disabled people
The ought to get welfare and/or have social aides, so their problems don't become other people's problems.
>black men
terrified of them. I lock my car doors if I see one passing by. all because of a traumatic middle school experience
>fat women
I don't mind them..? I don't particularly like it when they try to psyop everyone into thinking its ok to let yourself go like them
>disabled people
I feel bad for them, upmost sympathy. I might even adopt one so I can go on tiktok live and beg for hearts and galaxies.

>t. mtf edgy 18 y/o
>black men
Cool gym bros
>Fat women
Me love fat titties and ass
>Disables people
Bro, we are on 4chan it's us.
>black men
im not racist i just get rlly scared around them but i used to have black friends and if i get to know them theyre cool and i dont care
>fat women
>disabled people
pity and nothing more ^^
OP here, im a trans woman myself you should use this to learn how to empathize!
I empathize just fine, but selectively.
I don't know what that means
it means you dont have an internal monologue
>black men
>fat women
unhealthy, they can live their lives the way they want tho, don't care enough to try helping them
>disabled people
poor souls, be kind to them and help when possible
my views are unbiased
>black men
People like any other
>fat women
People like any other
>disabled people
Unfortunate victims of fate who ought to be supported however we can and we should make our society a better place for them.
no ty !!
You are a liar. What's the point in virtue signalling on an anonymous forum?
>you are part of x group so you are not allowed to have moral standards since some retards dislike you!!!
I don't think you know what this means
Damn, I am so great that being myself is considered virtue signaling? Good to know
actually what im saying is if you've experienced the kind of twisted labyrinth of misrepresentations about yourself from normies and media and not extrapolated that that could possibly be happening to other groups then you didnt rub your brain cells together!
idk i need to ask a disabled black fat ftm how he feels about trans women first
he prolly wants you to kiss and smooch and love him
>black men
it's a bit different because most black people in my home country are west african immigrants and they tend to be polite and pretty well-educated on average. i don't fear or dislike them, just i'm aware they tend to be conservative so i might not always bring up LGBT stuff around them. i'm a bit uncomfortable around arab males though.
>fat women
i'm very fatphobic tbqh, i obviously don't say what i think though unless it's with someone i confide in. like i'm sympathetic towards people whose obesity is genuinely the result of health issues like say PCOS, i just feel like the fat people i know are fat because of the sum of their own bad choices. i'm friends with some fat foids who never exercise and whose diets consist pretty much entirely of goyslop, one of them will literally go to the shop and buy two 100g chocolate bars "as a snack" and i'm physically cringing while she wolfs them down in one go.
>disabled people
sympathy, kindness. my brother has an intellectual disability so i've always been pretty sensitive to their cause.
>t. 27 y/o stealthy oldfag
>fat because of the sum of their own bad choices
eating tasty food is a good choice and i spoke to a fat woman who liked talking about her favorite food and i wanted to hug her
>black men
unlike most people here i dont think im scared of them, but i also dont see black people in general irl because i live in a rural town
>fat women
women but fat, what else am i supposed to say
>disabled people
depending on what condition they have i can get uncomfortable (ie. down syndrome, behavioural issues) but thats probably how i make people feel because im tistic as fuck
most black people in my country (uk) are either jamaican or west african aswell
>black men
Two kinds exist in my sphere. Black guys in my actual tech company social circle, usually first/second generation immigrants or mixed race upper middle class ADOS. All bright, brilliant boys. Then there's scary poor or homeless guys on the street. Usually scruffy, dresses in rags, walking a mean dog on a chain. Scary do not make eye contact. I'm scared based on class not race tbqh. As a member of the middle class I'm not in that much physical danger, but I expect someone from the lower class to be the one who does it as they have nothing to lose
>fat women
Hot, hot, hot, chase
>disabled people
Neutral, no real opinion
I hate us, I wish we didn't exist

Based on this it seems I would be an abusive cisf chaser
as a cis woman i wouldn't give a fuck about trans people unless ive had a bad experience with one which would be impossible where im from.
yeah i'm irish so same. most of the black people i knew growing up were nigerians with relatively well off parents. the actual ghettos in my city are populated by pikeys mainly.
>black men
they scare me
>fat women
i hate them i hate them i hate them why would you waste the opportunity to be a beautiful woman by being a fatty i want to kill them
>disabled people
theyre nice but inconvenient i think
fine with all those people but i know i would be transphobic as a cis woman
if you don't want to fuck black men ywnbaw
FtM female or male view
>Black men
They exist
>Fat women
Gross but funny
>Disabled people
Funny, sad, or neutral, depends, usually neutral
>black men
Based if hot, scary if Thug
>fat women
Nobody likes fat people
>disabled people
Feel bad for them
>black men
Deserve reparations, no question. Modern society was built upon their exploited labor.
>fat women
we should encourage them to be healthy, many of them learned their bad habits young. Often goes hand in hand with depression, losing weight will make them feel better as well.
>disabled people
A general rule for how righteous a society is is by how they treat their most vulnerable. I do think there needs to be a normalization of intervention for disabled people, expecting them to seek care is lazy and many of them suffer from problems that could have been resolved had someone more capable been involved. It hurts me to know people suffer unnecessarily because of the apathy of people like ITT. Misery sure loves company.
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>black men
Im wary of them, they're scary. Also I just never have been very attracted to their facial structures. Its unlikely I'd date one, unless he was good looking, was college educated and not living in the hood (weeds out the ones that might hate crime me when their community finds out im trans)
>fat women
literally just try harder, lose weight fatty. If you are in the overweight category or higher bmi you should reassess your eating. Also I am not attracted to women.
>disabled people
I feel bad for them, they deserve more help in society. I would not date one, because I don't wanna have a full time carer job in addition to my own career
We need more people like you around
I wish i could spread my view of compassion to more people here, but the self hatred is so strong its hard to get through. They dont even realize its whats making them so miserable in the first place.
OP answer us! what are your findings about us? whom of us would hate trans women?
>black men
most of them are fine the better looking ones are sometimes a bit creepy
>fat women
felt superior to them back when i was ana now idc. a lot of people are far too judgy about other people's life choices but also most gals who post body acceptance stuff strike me as insecure
>disabled people
very sympathetic, but i did find dwarfs hilarious as a kid not sure why
WRONG, if i were a cis woman i would be a submissive whore to a big gock gf and let her breed me
>black men
hate them
>fat women
eww, look down on them
>disabled people
don't like them, eugenics needs to come back :)
>eugenics needs to come back
this except selecting for more autism traits.

Autists are literally the next step in human evolution. They:
>stick to their morals despite personal benefits from ditching them more often than neurotypicals (proven by study)
>are much clearer in communication
>direct with intentions
>like doing things correctly
that kinda goes without saying tho because the gf would probably have autism anyway
autists are literally inferior in every way to neurotypicals. eliminating autism from the gene pool is necessary

t. autist
Ok Varg
>black men
There's like, 10 black people in my country. I don't mind them, one was a surgeon in a hospital in my city. And I gave a cigarette to some young black guy not long ago.
>fat women
I was obese some years ago and now I'm in perfect shape. If I could do it then other fat people can do so too (man as well as women)
>disabled people
They make me sad and fill me with determination when trying to live their lives the best they can
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varg was so based for that opinion though.
He's right!
>black men
rip their skin off
> fat women
hacked into a million pieces
> disabled people
stabbed 200 times
a whole lot of you would be hateful but pretend not to be is my finding
>Black men
Fine. Theirs black guys in my college classes and they are chill. Was a bit weird at first because their are basically no black people in my hometown but got used to it quickly. And now It just isnt even a thing I think about.

>Fat women
Not my problem. But I don't believe the excuses about it being impossible to lose weight and 90% of the time it's lack of self control. But no point in being mean or judgemental about it.

>Disabled people
Sucks to be them. If they are my friend I'm willing to be supportive and help them. But I'm also not really going to go out of my way for a random because they are disabled or give up my seat that I need to play my DS or something
What if I am reasonably tolerant towards those people but it's only because I've been treated so poorly as a tranny?
>Black men
Color blind racist, they're just dudes
>Fat women
Hot, I'm a chubby chaser. It's terminal.
>Disabled people
I am one. Not a huge fan of proponents of the social model of disability. Just means means testing for neetbux can be vague enough to allow random high functioning autists who don't wanna work the dole, but deny a physically disabled person that support on the whims of the assessor. I work a job and don't get neetbux any more, but yeah idk, just feels like having such a vague definition of disability isn't a useful idea.
Anyway guess your right anon. I'd be a transphobic chaser.
Black men and disabled people I have no problem with but I hate fat women because I hate all fat people
>black men
i have absolutely nothing against black men at all, but, i'd be lying if i said i didn't have a little bit of subconscious racism. if i'm outside especially at night i do get a little extra uneasy if i see a black man, buy i feel horrible about it and i try to fight that instinct.
>fat women
i'm more judgemental about this group than the other two just because it's (usually) something you can control, and it also is sort of objectively a bad thing. id never be mean to someone for being fat though, and i wouldnt say bad things about them behind their back either.
>disabled people
this is such a broad group i feel like iy's hard to answer this in a meaningful way, but generally i just feel bad for them. i do not hate disabled people.
>black people
completely indifferent
>fat people
completely repulsed because i went from obese to twink and i see my old self in them
>disabled people
utmost sympathy
too loud and obnoxious
possibly okay but lack self control and that leaks into other area of their life
okay as long as they're not talking about it
im transphobic.

i am a black man
i like fat women
disabled people are cool

your methodology is bullshit. we're transphobic cause gender ideology is bullshit, not because of a lack of empathy. most of us used to tolerate you just fine
>theyre cool
>theyre cool
>theyre cool
>black men
i hate all men
>everyone else
totally cool with and supportive of :) <3
>black men
ehh, even in mundane exchanges with them i casually sense that i’m far more important than any of them will ever be. only rarely are they cute and it’s mostly when they act like white ppl
>fat people
most emblematic of how disgusting being in a body feels, would just kill myself if i was one. cannot fathom how people like that slosh around as an eyesore to everyone. i cannot really muster up any empathy for them
>disabled people
agree with above anons, should probably be cleaned up with eugenics, unsure why they should breed and pass down their impurity. in all other situations i support whatever enhances their ability to live in a normal sense
>t. olive skinned boymoder
trannies have always been annoying tho? maybe one of them latched onto your insecurities in a reaaaally annoying way. i get it, i’m pretty transphobic for a troon myself
Progressive/Jim Crow southerner
You misunderstood the post. Basically, it is directed at trans people. In summation, nobody asked.
I wouldnt wanna live near blacks, or really poors in general, its not their fault they just have pretty low intelligence and are quite violent
fat women are fine i guess but they really ought to lose weight for their own good
I think disabled people are fine, i dont like the ones that talk funny but the rest should probably get welfare and stuff
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>gender ideology
I don't have an issue with fat or disabled people
I like black people, but Europe is for Europeans
>black men
If they are dress nice, smell good or have a decent personality, wouldn’t care
Any other type, I’m staying as far away as possible
>fat women
Fat people shouldn’t exist. Please stop this body positivity bullshit when it is clearly unhealthy
>disabled people
Nothing wrong with disabled people, it’s mostly the people who keep non-functioning people alive cause they can’t cope to lose their person. If I became braindead, I would want my family to pull the plug

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