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>Pornography, manifested today in the omnipresent propagation of transgender
>ideology and sexualization of children, for instance, is not a political Gordian knot
>inextricably binding up disparate claims about free speech, property rights, sexual
>liberation, and child welfare. It has no claim to First Amendment protection. Its
>purveyors are child predators and misogynistic exploiters of women. Their product
>is as addictive as any illicit drug and as psychologically destructive as any crime.
>Pornography should be outlawed. The people who produce and distribute it should
>be imprisoned. Educators and public librarians who purvey it should be classed
>as registered sex offenders. And telecommunications and technology firms that
>facilitate its spread should be shuttered.

anyone who says trannies will be okay if Trump becomes president, any tranny who thinks "oh, the first 4 years didn't kill me, why would another 4 years kill me?", anyone who thinks Trump is incompetent and would never actually do anything this damaging, you are lying to yourself.
it is different this time, and it lies in Project 2025. Project 2025 is the plan to turn America into an authoritarian, fascist state. the manifesto plainly states that all transgender people are pedophiles and sexual predators, and that they should be imprisoned. this is IT. this is where you go to camps.
don't fool yourself into thinking it won't affect you and that you'll diy or whatever, they will get you if they get in power. they'll empower fascists to murder you, they'll imprison people legally transitioning, they'll make it legal to exclude trans people from businesses, for businesses to fire trans people, they'll make it legal to make hrt illegal.
it will start with shit like 10 years in prison for possesion of hrt, like it's illegal drugs, as well as deeming transgender people "crossdressers" and deeming crossdressing sexual exposure to children, and it will end in extermination camps.
>Project 2025 is the plan to turn America into an authoritarian, fascist state.
That sounds good though.
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>Heritage Foundation calling people misogynistic
It's the same crowd that says that people who object to laws that were specifically designed to disenfranchise black voters are the REAL racists, this is completely normal rightoid rhetoric, pretty sure there's a goebbels quote on the topic
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yeah yeah you said this last time...
It won't get to the point of literal genocide, but it will make life substantially harder. You can kiss and say goodbye to the girls'bathroom
i dont even live in america im safe eitherway
yeah i think getting registered as a sex offender for presenting as gender nonconforming in public is going to make life substantially harder
pickmes against the wall :3
You know the worst part? If pickmes actually went to the wall, they wouldn't change their hearts. They would die blaming us for everything
death is so depersonalizing i think some of them would take a second to think "what if i was wrong" before they get shot especially if they had other trannies arguing about it with them before but i think that'd be the case a good amount of the time yea
>death is so depersonalizing
You say this like you’ve experienced it
have you
i don't get why this is LE BAD, porn should be illegal
you would've gobbled up every word that came out of anita bryant's mouth in the 70s
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zomg YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!1!!!! they make it sound like just being a HECCIN VALID TRANS is itself pornography! are you dumb ;____________;
>has no legal definition beyond “I know it when I see it”
Yeah there’s no way this gets out of hand amirite
Buy a rifle and be ready to use it for when the republicans send the secret police.
i guess i don't necessarily disagree with the authoritarian nature of the far-right, i just think they are cracking down on the wrong people
porn should absolutely be outlawed, but it has nothing to do with being trans
but of course rightoids don't see it that way because of the golem programming that's been installed into their minds
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:D :D if they come for my titties I'm redecorating my front door with this season's latest MAGA Chud Blood Spray pattern!!!!!!! ^___^
It's that time where we're gonna be pandered to by both sides in the fakest most obvious way.
Here's a thought, let's vote for someone who's talking about actual issues and not hot topic identity issues to deflect the country's massive economic failures and power dynamic
Pornography is bad THOUGH
>t.goons once a day for the past 5 years
every time porn is banned on any social media website expressions of queerness always either become a gray area or get banned with it
maybe queer expression shouldn't be so sexualised then?
hell, society needs to stop sexualising everything if we're going there
I don’t get why people are saying another 4 years won’t be bad
He didn’t expect to win in 2016 so he wasn’t prepared to enact any actual changes
This time he has a 700 page handbook details exactly what he will do as president, and yes, it does include trans genocide
>"why don't you just flee terf island already anonette, literally just move to portland/seattle and you'll be safe forever"
>biden dies on stage in front of the whole world but refuses to step down
>just a corpse standing between tranners and a total federal crackdown on their very existence planned years in advance by some of the most powerful thinktanks in washington
Trying to be cute in the anglosphere is literally about to become a life(death) sentence.

I know you're baiting but let me give you a taste of what Project 2025 is designed to enable.

They're redefining the legal concept of pornographic as broadly as possible, meaning that "looking gay" or "dressing as the opposite gender" in public is pornography and can be punished as a sexual offense. This is paired with a complete purge of non-party loyal federal employees, creating a semi-permanent legal structure that will allow red states to put any LGBT individual onto the sex offender register just for existing. Obviously this destroys your employability and will put you on the fast track to poverty and homelessness, and if you continue being "pornographic in public" by stepping outside your front door you'll end up in jail.
i just have to hope i can be a martyr and the future will be kinder to people like me
well yeah, the writing that the US government is coming to its end has been on the wall for a while now
the problem is that normalfags are still pretending that everything is fine, when what needs to happen is a coup to seize power before the project 2025 losers do it
They view your own existence as something "sexualized" because your diverse sexuality will always be weaponized against you. And you're gobbling it up like cum.
They will say that you holding your bf's hand is a forbidden sexual display right next to a straight couple having a ritualistic ceremony to praise heterosexuality

Why do you think that black people are so dumb and have such low conscientiousness that they can't be trusted to have a driver's licence or a photo ID when they go to vote? I process black people at work all the time and they always have a photo ID.
i obviously disagree with their interpretation of sexualisation and pornography, but i still think a trad ethnostate that's accepting of lgbt people is a great idea
sure because they're magically going to make an exception for you as the only good minority dumbass
Photo ID costs money, so this discriminates against poor voters, disproportionately black. Make the government give every citizen free photo ID and then we can have voter ID.
>a trad ethnostate that's accepting of lgbt people
There's no such a thing and you sound so stupid for even saying that out loud.
I hope you don't let your stupidity get in the way of your self preservation game
I'll see you in Israel, anon!
Banning porn is based
Yeah I find this shit worrying, I don't really get how this isn't more existential for more Americans.
If you're a woman, LGBTQ, non white, rely on public school, care about the environment this should be top priority to think about in November. They're pretty open about getting rid of all of us or stripping our rights while creating a Christian theocracy
>traditional ethnostate accepting lgbt people
Lol see you in the gas chambers

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