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30+ is a general for all queer people 30 or over

qott: what things from your 10's or 20's are you still finding joy in during/after your 30's

last thread: >>36333382
I'm feeling really good today, and I don't know why. Gonna eat trash food drink energy drinks and listen to 90s and 00s punk until my depression is back...
Lets goooooo!!!!
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Why are you boomers still here? Didn't we tell you to leave last time?
I'm mid 20's and will be posting here anyway, sadly if you're not between 18-20 you're ancient for this board
my depression is already here and i'm supposed to go to the pride parade but i only have 1 friend who's going and we're not close friends either
>things from your 10's
I always liked storms and rainy weather. The sky is rumbling right now.
This track, never gets old:
Yeah, worst idea about comming out to my coworkers is that one of my gay cowoerks and one who has a very gay family, are now trying to drag me on every lgbt event in and around town
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goldeneye is better than perfect dark
None of them compete with beyblade for the PS1
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vidya games. specifically the switch, as it's got a shitload of retro collections on it. lets me go back through favorites of my 10s and 20s while on the go.

plus i've finally reached that mythical point that I dreamed of as a teen where I have enough disposable income to afford a respectable collection of games. if teenage me saw my bedroom, she'd be pretty stoked.
neither of them compare to the FPS bits of banjo tooie
begone zoomer
Not into FPS. Shmups however...
Do zoomers even let it rip? Let alone on a PS1 (granted I only ever had a PS2, but backwards compatibility ftw)
those are just reskinned goldeneye maps
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>ps1 literally came out 2 years before the n64
beyblade is zoomer shit
Btw, I recently found my old beyblades and an arena in my parents basement. Do you think I should bring it into my office to duel against the colleague I share that office with when we have to figure out who has to do a shit job?
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Shmups are fun, as long as they don't get too bullet hell. Can't deal with too much shit on the screen

All about beat em ups, tho. Bring Simpsons Arcade Game to modern consoles already!
I'm mid 30's and I'll be pounding your BUSSY anyway
I'm afraid not, I don't have a bussy just an anus which only purpose is defecation
Wow I've been wanting to do the same thing, that settles it, we're both bringing them in, nona
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When will you make the innevitable discord server that will descend into drama and infighting causing this new general to die slowly over time?

You're a bit late, really.
gens don't usually migrate to discord servers until the jannies start fucking with them
Zoomers being upset about peter pan millennials is so weird to me. You're the ones on a social media platform that hasn't changed since 2004. It's like going to rehab and being angry there's drug addicts there
You're too old to use this site, tho.
4chan belongs to 30 year old boomers

you zoom zooms can go back to tiktok
Not this board. Don't know why you old farts are raiding so suddenly, but you need to back from where you came. This general will sink anyway, so go have fun with back pain or something.
this is one of the only boards where you fidget spinner retards can even gain a foothold

we'll always win in the end
this board and this site was created by us and belongs to us
you're free to visit tiktok or wherever you people hang out
Majority of people here are younger than 23. I know it hurts to age (literally) but you have to let things go sometimes. You can't have everything you want. Shouldn't you have learned that when you were young?
Average age on this board is 27 actually
But the average age ITT is at least 30, so why are you here?
>Average age on this board is 27 actually
>so why are you here?
To remind you that this is stupid so any other old farts don't continue to overrun this board with boomer shit that no one wants here.
it's late zoomer, time to go to bed
it's over, life as an adult sucks
Well it's a bunch of old ass chasers and very young trannies
that's how the trannies like it
And that's another reason you old fucks need to get out. Disgusting...
1 euro on this being some 19 year old rep-pooner who mistakenly thinks they'll rope by 25
I guess, I figured I have some charme towards younger trannies with daddy issues, but whenever I get hit up by a like 20yo tranny, it doesn't really feel right.

The worst I've gotten was I was added by a 19yo tranny, and she was like really nice and sweet and I really did enjoy talking to her very much. But it felt like I was playing the role of "big bro" and not in the "oh stepbro I think I got stuck in the dishwasher" kind of way. So yeah, I usually try to stick to the 7 year rule of thumb, but even then I'd rather date someone closer to my age, if not even older than me (the last cis girl I was into was 6 years older than me)
i'd tell you to give it to me, but i don't want your stinky "money"
so you're not a repper then, but you are a euro. cool. you're giving off massive edgy pooner or lesbian vibes.
Maybe you're right. Maybe all this time I spent helping people with trauma and BPD and helping baby trannies with transition and finding surgeons is all a mistake. I'll leave and let you enjoy your terfs spamming tranny hate, the schizophrenics spamming tranny hate, and the 14 year olds spamming tranny hate 24/7. If the millennials leave the lgbt board all you have left is transphobes and fascists.
I'm as far away from whatever your decrepit imagination can conjure up. Consider checking your prostate soon, btw boomer.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, hon.
so I'm right then. you're so cute and not in the sexy way
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Wow this thread got mean fast.

So anyway what do y'all like to do with your weekends? I've been going out to anime raves and trash rock shows and festivals lately and had to intentionally set aside this weekend to do nothing and recover. Instead I was up until 6AM drinking in VRChat and am more tired than after a normal, active weekend.
Why do you want to see the oldfags of the board driven out and fail to have any space of our own?
i'm prepping to go to anime expo next weekend.
any other boomers going?
>you old farts are raiding
Kid this board alone is nearly ten years old. In another ten years your 18yo ass will be exactly where we are now, just hopefully with less brainworms.
Don't forget, you're here forever.
Got sick last week, and felt terrible, not just physically but pushed me also mentally into doomerism again. Especially when I was able to get out of my bed, I ended up doing way to many posts on this board...

Over the weekend it gotten a bit better. Friday and Saturday was still horrible today I'm feeling much better, almost happy. Hope getting back to work and in contact with my colleagues tomorrow gets me fully back on track
>no one wants here.
By definition this thread is wanted if it is being used. You are the one who doesn't want it here and you're only one person.
I don't do anything with my weekends because I have no close friends and never go out to meet any. I've been thinking about vtubing as a hag just so I have people to talk to on a regular basis again.
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Maybe Fire Emblem. Technically played some of path of radiance before my teens but only got my own game in 2008. The queer subtext in some of the games meant a lot to me back when I was 14 and sad. I used to re-read certain parts underneath my blanket in the dead of night just to make sure it was real.
>Didn't we tell you to leave last time?
you're on the boomer site

if you want to hang out with youngshits go to tiktok or reddit unironically
>but you need to back from where you came.
this is where we came from lmfao. this shit is for terminally online millennial losers. it's not our fault your retarded ass can't hang out with people your age

your writing style reeks of autistic election tourist who's trying way too hard
nobody talks like that anymore get with the times
What about online friends? Back when I was still playing classic WoW, we had raid night every sunday, and it's always nice getting together and doing some shittalking while playing together.

Recently I started adding some people on frengen that are at least in the same timezone, so I have people to talk to, call and play stuff together with.
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I'm approaching 30 and I have never met another queer person except an ex girlfriend despite living in the most queer area in the fucking world. I must be doing something wrong. I feel so isolated despite being active socially
Because you will bring other boomers with you and the catalog will be filled will dumb old people shit nobody cares about and the site will be ruined.
>I have never met another queer person
I listen to music and read. Mealprep for the week. Clean. Check my calendars to make sure I'm not forgetting something. Play some video games or do something creative then sleep.
guys i actually got to marry him and im like 40 now but i only transitioned at 30 and it still kills me i cant go back to the early 2000s when i first met him and be his egirl gf instead of his dumb repper friend secretly in love with him
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I miss AX and wish I could go again every year like I used to, but at the same time, fuck AX and Los Angeles generally, and fuck LA AirBnB owners in particular.
If I do another West Coast con it'll probably be Sakura-con.
I'm sorry I'll leave more room for social media e-drama threads and larping horny posts made by underageb&
>banjo tooie
high school kids have been conditioned by 12 years of school to only interact with people in their "grade level", stopping them from learning anything from older people with more experience, or younger people and their energy
just imagine the type of person who would comment these things and move along or ignore lol, literally they have no value whatsoever
Why are you mentioning high school kids? This site is 18+.
this is so cute anon. When you really love someone it feels like every second and every alternate reality version of your life could have been better with them by your side. The best we can do is chose to spend the reality and time we have.
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can i have a 30 year old tranner gf, thank you
Ah yes, this single gen will put out the boomer signal to the rest of the internet and we'll all flock here like heroes in the night. What a horror, this board must be 100% garden variety haters and tiktok fueled brainworms at all times.
One state up but I'm going to kumoricon in November. Thinking of a kiruko cosplay but finding a jacket for it is proving almost impossible. I'm fine with doing the modifications myself, but finding one in white and blue, or even just white so i could dye the blue, hasn't happened yet.
No, but if you don't stop it now it will spread over time. Better to stop it before it gets worse.
Your idea of worse is my idea of better, so no. Filter it and cope.
>Your idea of worse is my idea of better
ditto grandpa
>zoomer isn't messaging me back
it's over
I hate seeing my parents getting older. my dad was 30 when he had me and now I'm 30. my mom looks so worn from all the family deaths and health issues. I hate it.
Realistically I'm about as well off as an 18 year old career wise, so maybe. There's no power imbalance if I'm as destitute and immature as you probably are.
Convince them to get a dog. My father is now in his 60s but since he got a dog, with the regular exercise he gotten much fitter and basically now looks 10 years younger than before
I just went to Chicago Pridefest this week.
Other than that usually shows I'm looking forward to Mass of Fermenting Dregs.
So far I've seen Beach Bunny, Sunday Cruise, the Beths, PUP, Vial, Pinkshift, Grendel, Combichrist, Priest, Weakened Friends and a few other bands since Covid

When I'm not doing shows I hang out with friends around town. When I'm not doing that I'm a working mom with a stay at home wife
-32 bi mtf
yes, yes!! are you hot?
fair enough desu

it's true

i was an agoraphobic shut-in for like 8 years, so i have the experiences of a 19 y.o at this point

if i'm alone (99% of the time), nothing
If i'm with friends, I'm down for anything. unfortunately there's no nightlife to speak of in Sydney, but there's nothing stopping you from gettin drunk and going swimming at the beach or someone's pool at midnight

hope it gets better fren

weird, where you live? i see plenty of theyfabs and twinkhons
I'm a manmoder in my 40s and I'm miserable
>are you hot?
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nvm :/
my dad hates dogs so that won't work, sadly. He could really use it. my mom works out and eats healthy but she has multiple genetic conditions like psoriatic arthritis, malabsorption, hormone issues, metabolism issues, and potentially crohns.
I've gotten back into fanfiction after not reading/writing since high school. It's fun, although the climate has changed a lot.
you've had decades to figure things out transition or not. it's completely your own fault
Alternatively, a friend of the family, after he retired is now working in the harbor as person who is binding the boats to the docks. It's a job that's exclusive done by retirees, and it's amazing seeing these old farts jump in the water, swim to the pole, climb it up and bind the rope to it as if they were 20 again.

These are the things that keep people fit and young. I don't think your father should do exactly that, after all this require living in a port city, but you should maybe help your father finding a hobby or handyman project or something to keep him fit.
I remember with my grandma, as soon as she lost the ability to walk and live on her own, she completely degenerated. Help your parents find an activity, it's really important to keep them healthy
Music, but not in an /mu/ kinda way where I just decorate my identity in a performance of my consumption. But just really engaging with it whether that's actively listening to stuff, transcribing stuff, writing stuff, performing, sitting down with manuscript, being around other musicians, just improvising. I feel like I could live forever, even as the hon that I am, even with a completely broken body and broken heart and broken mind. I could be happy living even a modest musical life on my own. I knew an old man who played beautifully and studied with some of the greats who told me that's how he remains happy in his old age, even though his body is withering away, and he's lonely and he's lost so many of the people he loved in his life. He's just entirely content in his retirement exploring different combinations of notes and sounds and emotions. It's a beautiful way to live. He said as his years went on, and he gave more and more to music. The richer and richer an experience he has sitting down with it every day. If I'm so lucky to live a long life (past the ripe old age of the average trans life-span, 35) maybe I'll dedicate my retirement to gently exploring harmony and sound like he does!
So based anon. I remember one of the first times me and my best friend hunt out we played beyblades. Mind you, we were already in our 20s. I love them so much.
I've had a complicated life that fucked me, but sure blame me
i will and you should too it's your only way out, crybaby
>don't be sad about bad things that happen
Ok brother
Im you in 10 years probably :(
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my entire body aches every day, my knees crack and pop,
i'm not even doing physical labor. ahh, peaceful, painless release ;3 how i long for thee
0h help me, pete. deliver me from this world
Almost nothing. The depression has gotten a lot worse over the years.
I still do some of the stuff, only to pass the time though.
works on my boomer machine

do walks, stretch every morning and evening, do some light exercise
qué paso
Need...boomer bf...
Fix your diet and your sleep schedule before you give up or try anything drastic.
So Kubrick himself a regular at the playboy mansion for Heff’s private parties, heff himself was very much into allowing underage girls there for these events as well as rumored (mention by Hefner himself) as his desire to see women and dogs together and enact zoophilia. Kubrick also was very good friends with Polanski even after he raped Samantha Jane Gailey at jack nicholsons home, Kubrick was said to be in attendance to the event. There’s also an underlying theme of sexual abuse in a lot of Kubricks films, while most people would site eyes wide shut, I think films like the shinning, were more so him talking about what he witnessed and saw. Also sorry anon I had to work an extra shift yesterday, then I slept and when I woke up I got called in again, now I’m up for work lol
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My sleep schedule is terrible haha >>36350635
>joy in my 10’s or 20’s
Mostly reading or creating art, I fell in love with esoteric books in my early 20s starting with theological works and then it was a complete head first dive into the occult. I also find a ton of joy in sculpting and making art, like it’s fun, I’m making a 3 dimensional landscape using only red monochromatic paper for photography

>heres one of the recent sculptures which was made into resin castings and sold
Hi everyone, I'm at work
How was 2010-2014 for you guys? They were really good years for me and I miss them. That whole era had such positive vibes.
Nice sculpture madchan
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i was an anorexic agoraphobic neet that sat inside all day on the computer, lived completely nocturnally and got drunk every second day. so mostly bad, but it had its charm and I hate working and daylight still, so

What do you do for work?
graduated in 2011
dropped out & got my ged b4 all my friends graduated
started community college in 2012 and went raving and did molly on a weekly basis w my friends, barely got by and just played wow all day outside of class and partying
i miss the memories of hanging out with my friends and being young and meeting ppl but was too dysfunctional from crippling dysphoria & general mental illness to actually fully enjoy myself and do anything past what i did
I'm sorry anon. Did the anorexia and agoraphobia get better and did you end up getting employment? I work in law
My 2010-2014 was dirty, like a thick layer of filth and sleaze, I had a lot of nights of drugs and alcohol, like I would say I had a complete dependency on trying to stay numb and leave my body from age 19 (2010) till about 25 (2015/2016) like I failed out of school, I destroyed every personal relationship, I would have crushing meltdowns where I would trash my apartment, destroying every dish, just crying my eyes out on how much I hated being alive, then I’d wake up sober and clean it up just to do it again and again. I painted a lot then, larger paintings of decrepit ambiguous creatures, ones that writhe in pain, a lot of ink work as well. I’m looking at my arms and hands where I let people burn me with forks and cigarettes because I felt like I deserved it, like from prior abuse and how I felt inside, it’s weird looking at the prongs of a fork on the top of my hand, I dunno. I’m glad I went through that awful period to be where I’m at now, I’m not solid but I think I have a steady enough footing
>I think I still have some of the soot covered paintings from back then that survived the house fire
surprisingly it did get better, i went to university and now work in a project management role in a large company in my country.

I've heard law is kind of hard to find jobs in, at least the people I know in law ended up working in government regulatory stuff or corporate. Sounds like it would be a lot of work?
Joy can always be
The sex stuff in the shining was in the book, the most it diverges is the ending
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Lived alone for the first time, came to the realization that I'm bi and probably trans. Tried to make friends but slowly hated the people I was around. I was also fairly active making some crappy dnb around that time which is a distinctly happy memory for me

absolute black hole, spiraled really hard into depression and shut myself off from everything. I barely remember anything from these years other than playing vidya, watching films and reading some books to keep the really dark thoughts away
yoooo! I love him! :D That's so cool!

How do you feel like it has changed? I picked it up a few years ago to challenge myself and my prejudices towards it. It's been a lot of fun

I'm sorry to hear that anon. I hope you find a way to live happily.

Funnily enough he does live somewhere like that. He just doesn't really like doing anything that takes more than five minutes or requires commitment so it's an uphill battle. Plus he gets kind of mean and angry about it... I've tried suggesting daytrips and such to things I know he likes, but. Yeah. To no avail.
2011-2014: high school. messy. undiagnosed adhd and I was working through some stuff. fell deeply in love with my straight best friend which made me even more suicidal and sick.

2010-2011: went to boarding school.
got some amazing friends. began unlearning some awful things.
went on a school trip to a foreign country where a shopowner cornered me and sort of. forced himself on me right in front of my friend I guess.
A teacher tried to tell us to shut up about it but another teacher told her off. That was the first time I had someone do something like that for me.
When I got back home to the school the rumour had spread but to my surprise everybody was so kind to me.
I wouldn't be who I am today if they hadn't taught me I didnt deserve treatment like that.
where and how does a 30+ post op mtf find a cisgf?
anon, why would you transition if you prefer cis f? that's like shooting yourself in the foot to virtue signal

Just looking for something a bit different
Is it just me or did video games use to be so much better?
those konami beat em ups are just mindless button mashing

The capcom beat em ups are much better
can we get some more madchan nudes soon?
Maybe I dunno wait for another manic episode and we’ll talk
You didn’t respond
>kill me, pete
I'd be pretty pathetic if I let people 10 years younger than me boss me around
need that madchan ass
Lost my first love, found a friend group that lasted most of my twenties. Played a lot of games I still regard highly. That's about it.
Got insanely ill, played a tonne of guitar. Met my best friend who I fell in love with who broke my heart. 10 years on still doing the same shit, still ill as hell, and still heartbroken. Pathetic.
>How do you feel like it has changed?
It used to be that you'd go look for communities that were about your favorite character/ship but now that everybody has been dumped into the same website for fandom engagement (Twitter) there's a lot of content policing from weirdly online and conservative zoomers.
Ah, yes I've seen those people. I guess it's roughly the same as the original comics and art scene then.
I feel like a lot of them have poor reading comprehension or underdeveloped literary analysis skills sometimes. It feels like some of them barely even understand metaphors...
Wrong, cis f bishists and chasers do prefer non-op trannies. Being post op and still dating women is a bit of a headscratcher though.
really fucking bad years ngl
not that i had many good years in my life but...
>qott: what things from your 10's or 20's are you still finding joy in

i played the shit out of halo as a kid/teen and it's literally all i did for a while back then lmao
recently downloaded MCC and reliving it while ignoring life :D
The campaigns still hold up amazingly well. Their pacing is so steady it hardly felt like 40 hours and 4 games playing through the bungie series again.
>weird, where you live? i see plenty of theyfabs and twinkhons
near san francisco. I don't go to many places besides raves and even when I go I'm the only tranny there
Same nona, I don't get it. This is supposed to be the gay capitol but I've met all of one tranny and maybe 2 gays.
I've maybe seen a pooner at the mall
Real lesbians wouldn’t date you pre-op
>Real lesbians
ie man hating terfshits you shouldn't aspire to be liked by anyway?
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Just to follow up on this post now that I'm home from work.

Where were you guys the day TES: Skyrim dropped?
who gives a fuck about skyrim

where were you when mario 64 dropped?
I want to date a lesbian while non-op and get her addicted to girldick.
same bestie
first year of high school. so school.
I would have been 2-3 years old so uhh... the floor? A sandbox? Maybe taking a nap?
i like anime where the mc is 30+, makes it more relatable
>first year of high school. so school.
95 bro/sis?
94! just turned 30 a month ago. not liking it so far tbr
29 but

Still play 200% emulated nuzlockes when I'm sad. Writing and practicing music is still main escape
I have a playlist for all the music I listened to in 2014 ;.; Things just didn't seem as bad then, I felt excited for my future
What are some things you dislike about it?
Hey could you post that? Or at least describe some of the stuff you were listening to
Sure. A lot of it is a mix between musician nerdy stuff and things I listened to with friends and associate with them and the times

Thanks! This is really cool. It's very different from my taste in music and what I listened to back then but still.

I still remember the songs that were doing well on the radio back then because they would always play at the gym I used to go to

Hmm. Mostly death and disease and isolation I suppose. I've been getting progressively sicker since I was 14 so my life by now is just staying inside, involuntarily barfing up my meals, watching my friends move on and change, and my family members grow older and die.
You don't really get to be an adult when you can't work.
And you don't really get to enjoy the small things either when you're too sick to do most of them.
You just get to look on from inside your cage.
Ah this reminds me of the shit I listened to back then. My tastes are way less cool these days I pretty much just listen to Bach and whatever I've got to learn for work and not much else these days.
not everyone's here to be groomed. some of us are here to do the grooming
We had a leak at work through the ceiling, the tiles exploded
Bump for t4c hag4zoomer lesbianism
t hag here
>what things from your 10's or 20's are you still finding joy in during/after your 30's
everything, i do the same shit and it's still fun
i'm the same person i was 20 years ago
i've never noticed any particular stages of life, nor has their supposed existence affected me in any way
the only thing that sucks is i have to work now so i have money for food, but thankfully i don't have to do that all the time
I wish something exciting would happen at my work for once. An explosion sounds like it could at least kill off some of my colleagues.
What are you guys' favorite vidya?
Recently someone at our office accidentally brought styrofoam into the laser lab, which caught fire, which was like very tiny, but because the lab is very sensitive, it immediately tripped the fire alarm, so the whole building was evacuated fire fighters and police came, to "clear" the situation. All in all took 2 hours, from 8-10am.

Afterwards we got an eMail from HR that those that were already in the office before the fire could book the time they waited outside as work time, while those (like me) that arrived while it was closed and had to wait outside, couldn't, because it wasn't an interruption to our work time

So I fucking wasted 1.5 hours of my life for this and didn't get it counted as work time...
I play a lot of quake-like boomer shooters lately. Sprawl has been my favorite so far after burning out on ultrakill.
How to get hag gf
Hag gfs are for millennial men and millennial women. Go back to tiktok and leave our hags alone.
I deserve all the hags. Nobody can resist my looks autism and cooking skills.
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You talk to me and be cool with my weirdness.

Looks autism how? Also I'm the one that cooks sweetheart. How else am I going to force you to be vegan with me?
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>Looks autism how?
Looks , autism. I am illiterate.
>How else am I going to force you to be vegan with me?
Ew. I literally put meat on everything I can. And used to eat only steaks and burger patties etc w a bit of cheese for a year.
>canned slop, dried pasta, a slab of dead animal on it, served with store bought bread
>cooking skills
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Canned slop?? What part is that?? The pasta is NOT dry and the bread is from a local bakery.
Looks good anon.
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Thank you. I also tried to make a cheesecake once but it came out very sad and flat.
It's pretty cute at least
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It doesn't look that bad with good presentation at least
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The next one will be way better for sure.
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as a proud brain damage sufferer, the only game i can still play is europa universalis iv
>World of Warcraft (classic)
>Need for Speed Most Wanted (05)
>Harry Potter 1&2
>Pokemon Gen1-3
>Kingdom Hearts

Basically the average age of my game collection is higher than the average age of the trannies I've fucked
>Pokemon Gen1-3
I like gen 4. Why don't you, anon?
No DS :(
>none of the people I've dicked were even alive when Red Alert 2 came out
All my childhood games were on Commodore 64 I feel so fucking old.
gen 4 began the slow downhill slide for pokemon
>tfw never been dicked but have played red alert
I was born in the wrong generation and body fml
Laser lab? That’s pretty crazy sounding already
Well it wasn’t an explosion just ceiling tiles falling everywhere that were soggy :/ I know the hairspray and some stuff could expode but genuinely working at ulta I guess is pretty safe (can’t believe I’m already past my 2 year mark, I don’t keep jobs for very long)
I don’t play vidya often really, I like walking sims, been playing for the past few months “uninvited “ it’s hard and kinda spooks me but it’s fun
Yeah, ngl. a few month ago I was hit on by a trans girl, and the moment I realized how fucked it would be to go on with someone this young was when we talked about our hobbies and favorite games and I realized that I picked up all of my hobbies before she was even born.

I can dick you while you play red alert 2 :)
>Laser lab? That’s pretty crazy sounding already
Yeah, but I don't work in that area. The colleagues from the other division are doing some work with holographic projections using lasers. Tbh I don't even really know why they are doing it, but it's pretty cool.

But I am lame, my main work equipment is Word and Excel
>tfw never been dicked
it's never too late to start, being able to sperg about 90s CRPGs and RTS's is pure sex material to me

it's even more fucked when you realize they never watched anything on VHS or listened to casettes
>watched anything on VHS or listened to casettes
Or going to the video library to rent a VHS just to copy it lol

The easiest criterion that I probably shouldn't have sex with a person is, if they don't know what a floppy disk is and call it the "save icon"
this thread is gonna make me cry nostalgia is too much. i feel like i missed out on so much and at the same time i just wanna return to how things used to be and maybe do things differently. i put my life on hold to transition and now im 31, broke, no real job, no real social life, no education, no prospects, no passions, only pipedreams and fantasies to keep me killing myself while i waste time hoping to die in my sleep.
>be me
>typical career path: finish school, get masters degree
>start working white collar job
>work my ass of, work overtime
>project is my baby, want to make it perfect
>absolutely no private life
>mfw. now 30, still no private life
>mfw. I haven't been on a date for 8 years
>mfw. everyone around me marries and has children

Anyone relates? People on this board are always complaining about being touch starved at like 20, while I had no dating life for almost a decade now... I can't blame being a neet, or being ugly or anything other that incels like to claim. I literally just missed out on life
>it's never too late to start
At 30 being a virgin really starts to eat into your chances for romance or intimacy. Speaking from experience.
was fortunate enough to play on CD-ROM instead so I never actually had to use a floppy. I did bang around on my dad's commodore a time or two tho
I got contact with PCs really early in my life. My father was one of these early pc enthusiasts and programmers. And while I rarely used them myself, I grew up in a household where these things where scattered around everywhere.

Fun times lol, I remember when I got my own first Win98 pc I found a burned cd from my dad with a cracked version of the original tomb raider and a nude patch which took laras top off.
Also learned programming at 8 and first thing I did was writing programs that would fuck around with the pc like drawing penises on the screen, or playing funny sounds and stuff like that, and then burned these exe files on cds to give it to my friends xD

Wild fucking times lol
But they are right tho, it never is to late to start. Just be open about your inexperience and find a partner who makes you feel comfortable and approaches things slowly.

I only had one "relationship" at 15, and then nothing till my late 20s, which means basically no experience, as relationships in your teens are nothing like real ones. Still found someone to experiment with and to figure these things out :)
>what things from your 10's or 20's are you still finding joy in during/after your 30's
Video games and programming have taken center stage again. Drinking has become far too taxing and unenjoyable. When I was 20 I thought it was a cope when 30 year olds said they didn't want to party. It wasn't a cope. I actually vastly prefer staying in now.

I'm even considering developing sleep discipline.
no, gen 5 did!
gen 5 was better than 4 though
Let's all agree that "Let's go Pikachu/Evee" was the only good game in a loooong time
no! sinnoh rocks and HGSS are great
I like zelda, first played the original when I was 5 or 6 at my grandma's house and was hooked but my favorite is easily twilight princess (just barely above majora's mask)

these days I mostly just play the latest big single player FotM or sink a lot of time into grindy online stuff like warframe

gen 1 GOAT, gen 2 was just coasting off its success with some refinements and it was all down hill from that point on without the charm of the first games, but gen 6 felt like a really nice return to form and like a more or less "complete" pokemon adventure (plus or minus all the little dead ends and mysteries at the end where it feels like they were setting up for their generation's Yellow but it never came out)
that shit was way too dumbed down
I was khhv until I was 28 and now I'm married

gen wunners STILL sulking over the utter perfection that was Gold and Silver
it was a derivation
it wasn't completely busted like red and blue were
yellow was peak SOVL tho
I mean it was different, instead of finding the perfect team, you'd instead would always have a bunch of pokemon available, cause you literally catch everything that moves, and can swap around, try out new things, etc.

It's a very refreshing take, as in the other mainline games, they basically resell the same game every few years, just worse
but the bugs ARE the charm!
>yellow was peak SOVL tho
I mean I like it the same way I like g&s as an iterative release with some fixes and additions, like the rudimentary color hybrid-compatibility in both GB and GBC consoles, but I'm also as salty and grumpy about it as I am about g&s for the same reasons

I'll just never get over that little plastic baggie of loose game cartridges my grandma sent me in the mail one year that included final fantasy legend, pokemon red, and heiankyo alien...
>I was khhv until I was 28 and now I'm married
But how do you find them? I'm >>36374923 and my only social life are my colleagues

Like I tried tinder and grindr and anything in between, and I absolutely hate these dating apps. I want to date the normal way, as I used to back in university, meeting people through shared interests etc.
This whole match, chat a few lines and then meet up at a cafe or restaurant without knowing anything about each other is just absolutely weird. Last date I tried, I knew like 20 minutes into the date that they aren't right, and we don't have much in common. But then had to sit there another 1.5 hours doing smalltalk and pretending to enjoy it.
Honestly? I met him through 4chan, so I already knew we shared similar autistic interests. Was a hassle getting him to the US from the UK but I could just as easily have found an American here. Autists don't really do social things so you have to meet them online, might as well look in the place known for having a userbase of khhvs

>sat there for 1.5 hours pretending to enjoy smalltalk
why? just thank them for the date after you have a coffee
asl? :))))
where is my cis lesbian zoomer chaser gf ):<
nta but I watched a video yesterday about the Pokéwalker and now I kind of want one. I'd wish it worked for other gens, I'm not into Pokemon Go
>twilight princess
I always wanted an older partner, but gen x and millennial guys really aren't as open minded about being with a trans woman. I've only ever had luck with younger guys. Even now, pushing 40, the guys are way younger. Cursed to be a mommy gf for all time.
I was chatting with a very cute MtF from here living not to far from me for a few month, but she randomly ghosted me so yeah... thats about that

Like idk. I'm not really picky looks wise, but very much with regards to personality. I can hold conversations just fine, people usually confuse me with being an outgoing extrovert lol. But if I don't feel interest in the topics I will get absolutely no enjoyment out of it

When I did a soc post back then most the people adding me, while mostly very nice people, I just was not vibing with to keep the conversations for more than a few weeks (aside from aforementioned MtF)

cis m bi/EU so probably not what you are looking for :/
>Like idk. I'm not really picky looks wise, but very much with regards to personality. I can hold conversations just fine, people usually confuse me with being an outgoing extrovert lol. But if I don't feel interest in the topics I will get absolutely no enjoyment out of it
that's genuinely just autism. generally autists and neurotypicals don't mix well, but autists can sperg at each other and be fine and neurotypicals can talk about normie drivel all they want and be fine. Just keep looking for people on autistic shitholes like here and you're bound to find someone you get along with who's near(ish) to you.

below is why autists dating normies typically doesn't turn out well.

>cis m bi/EU
you're pretty much exactly my type if I were dating still
Never was diagnosed with autism, but a few autists I know irl were suprised I wasn't. But I have ADHD, so with the 50% comorbidity rate between the two, it's not unlikely. That said if I'm on the spectrum, I'm definitely not a very bad case.
I would have to replay both of them but I liked Perfect Dark because it had bot matches and I had no friends to play with :')
>I'm definitely not a very bad case
a lot of that is overblown, though there are definitely low-functioning mentally deficient people with autism. it's more that normies enjoy talking about people and autists enjoy talking about things or ideas and those two generally don't mesh. I do NOT care about what's going on in some boring person's life, but I'm more than willing to listen to some MtF explain professional photography to me despite having zero personal interest in the subject

Normies are also generally unwilling to listen to you explain something if it takes more than 5 sentences to do so. I've seen unbridled fear in the eyes of normies when they realized I was dangerously close to going on a 20 minute rant about why the 17th amendment is directly responsible for the impending destruction of humanity
I mean realistically better than working retail, which sucks when you have a speech impediment so many people are really mean if you stutter
Do you have a speech impediment madchan? I did not know that
If I get upset or over stressed I stutter bad :/ it’s why I stopped working at the registers at ulta getting called a retard at work is awful
That sucks. What do you do now?
I mostly prepare and set up displays or events for ulta, take care of pick up orders, and sometimes on rare occasions help customers. It’s decently chill and I don’t have to follow dresscodes unless I’m working when we’re open
That's nice. For a minute there I thought you'd gone unemployed or something so that's good to hear.
I sometimes feel like this thread is the only thread with actually functioning people in it lol
I don't want to generalize too much but millennials are generally less insane than zoomers which probably explains it

t. 27 year old
Zoomies have literally no future for them to look forward to so I can't really blame them. Their entire generation is basically tasked with speedrunning life before global economic depression and climate collapse hit in one giant wave.
32 here. I'm turning 33 in a few (2 months). Hold me sisters/bros..
I bet you're cute af
I really need a cuddle buddy so if you wanna post location holding could be on the table.
Kiss me, Pete
>are you still finding joy in
>finding joy in
I dont think i can feel joy anymore. Im 34 btw.
It can't be THAT bad c'mon
It is that bad for me. Anhedonia due to untreated depression. And my depression is not physiological (chemical imbalance), so good luck treating that.
Add to it the bullshit world we live in, and so its even worse.
Maybe i can feel joy, but its so fleeting and short-lived, much like a warm breath vapour in the cold winter air.
Maybe things would be not as bleak if i had a partner/SO/gf/bf/ect, but dating is a nightmare as far as i am concerned.
I feel like adult life is so overwhelming. why is there so much paper work when all I do is shit sleep and eat.
would and i don't care how you look like... just want you to shower?

you forgot shit
so much of adult life is shit ngl
Yeah sometimes you wake up and the first thought you have is just "why".
>why is there so much paper work
I really don't know. I dread all the stupid loicenses, registrations, fees, taxes, insurance, formal letters, resumes, 401ks... I just hate it all.

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