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This started because she was speaking about female reproductive rights and people were flipping out on her dm's because men have wombs too!

This kept going everytime she associated anything biologically female to women until she liked the Maya tweet (sex IS real) and got dogpiled. While trans men started it, trans women were the ones with the misogynistic insults, and this wasn't called out because she's a white cis woman. They gaslit her and gaslit her from mild disagreement to her current state because only TERFs defended her in very plain truthful statements only the small thousands of trans and mainly nb twitter harass people over.

She's the most gaslit celebrity of recent times even before the trans shit.
She said Dumbledore was gay in 2007 because she was asked in a QnA, she disclosed this to Warner in 2001 because they had a scene with Dumbledore calling a woman beautiful in a romantic way.
she's probably a closeted lesbian
would transition have saved him
She was right all along and now she's won. Honestly something like this needed to happen to show that twitter TRAs can't just be insufferable, malicious and say whatever "feels" right at any given second and not expect consequences
right about what?
I agree. People talk as if this came from nowhere. She interacted with the most unhinged people of trans twitter for a long time before having enough.

These were the same accounts cancelling Contrapoints for similar shit.

It's weird how nobody goes through her twitter to see this very long and insistent conflict between her and the nb/trans bubble on very mild shit, even contra did zero research on her twitter account because it's extremely clear how she got this way.
The thing is, it was mainly AFABs that cancelled her. It took a long time before trans women got in the fight and then the misogynistic shit started and that's when she flipped.

She's extremely gaslighted by everyone all the time.

She said harry potter is not fantasy, it's drama, and she's right. She said Dumbledore was gay in 2007, people pretend she did in like 2016.
People say she claims Hermione is black, she didn't, she said Hermione CAN BE played by a black actress on theater because being white is not that relevant to her.

There's not one accusation on that woman that isn't filled with gaslighting I'm surprised she isn't more unhinged.

She gets it worse than Britney in the 200's.
I am homosexual therefore I support LGBT people so I support trans women. Not supporting her felt like supporting trans people.

You overthink.
If you didn't act that way she would likely support trans people now, but you meme celebs into it.

Contrapoints had a 2h long breakdown os she could breathe on the left again.

I can easily imagine she leaving YouTube after she got cancelled for exactly the same shit that got JK Rowling dragged on twitter for while getting love bomber by TERFs.
That's actually not how this started out at all
The Maya tweet was not the beginning, it was when she had enough. Look at the tweets she was getting before that.
You haven't proven this. I never heard about it. Sorry but the onus is on you I don't remember this at all. And like, why is it "gaslighting" her to respond to her? I mean, if she was already getting shit from trans men and enbies originally and she didn't freak out back then, it stands to reason she's treating trans people preferentially based on birth sex.
They were extremely pedantic, much like people were to contra, but she did not get misogyny, just absurd accusations that nothing defined women apart from self id because there's always some smol bean trans "man" that also fit that definition. The "shut the fuck up bitch" misogynistic tone is what made her flip and that came from the anime pfp trans women.
You did not demonstrate the first part ever happened. I also tried finding proof she discussed Dumbledore's sexuality in 2001 and found nothing. I'm inclined to think you're making shit up
This was a very long sequence of digs at her, the vast majority of which she ignored, until that like on "sex IS real".

Look at the Maya date and look back, would ONE dragging tweet of her before Maya convince you? Because it would take a long time to catalog this shit.

On the surface Contrapoints also weren't getting cancelled but there were 100 nobodies dragging her mentions and that was enough for he to lose her mind.
Literally first result from Google:

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Ok thanks. I didn't have that come up, as a matter of fact this literal exact thread came up as a result
so you're saying we have ftms to blame for creating the most powerful and prominent terf of all time. much to think about
I'm not saying she isn't transphobic now, she really lost her marbles, but this didn't begin from nowhere, it was years of the same twitter bubble that made Contrapoints lose her marbles dragging her every time she mentioned anything that remotely defined women.

TERFs were love bombing her while everyone else (on twitter) was acting as if saying women have more estrogen than men makes you a fascist.

Contra got her extremely wrong. She's not Anita Bryant, she's an extremely sensitive leftist who got repeatedly cancelled on twitter by some 1000 accounts for inane shit and got love bombed by radical feminists.

She tweeted today she doesn't think trans women are a threat, she's arguing definitions, because that's why this shit started. Read her manifesto.

NO TERF would ever say trans women are not a threat.
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She’s not wrong. Trans women are not the same as her and any other cis woman (real women or biological women take your pic) JKR has been consistent with her beliefs unlike the grifters who advocate for the trans community but don’t even understand it.
>she's an (...) leftist
you're a retard that knows nothing
No, it's human nature.

Out of 100 people dragged on twitter 98 would come out hating the people that did this to them. It's a monkey reaction.

Unlike most people who have to take the L she's a billionaire.

It's the same story with Elon. He was happy to be progressive until being a cis white straight male turned into a bad thing.

People don't fundamentally change their minds out of nowhere.
Nobody was a Maoist in 2016, she's a leftist in the real world and identified as such.
The people here unironically think that can can have wombs too. And the culture has shifted here so much that it's more or less aligned with the people who call for JKs head on twittumblr. It's not a bit.
Not sure what’s controversial about this tweet. When did we decide to throw out thousands of years of observable fact for autistic retards headcannon?
lmao yeah
leftism is when you support the labour party giving up on socialist policies and embracing capitalism
you can if you have undifferentiated mullerian tissue AND they can build a uterussy out of that, you pay for an egg donation, the egg successfully implants and then BOOM ur golden
No, it started because she's evil. That's all it is and all it ever was, and she doesn't give a shit about "female reproductive rights" or else she'd have taken a break from hating trans people to shift he focus to Roe v Wade being overturned.

Also she LITERALLY denied part of holocaust history. I think you're just retarded or a nazi.
The lady was right. I’m saying anyone who screams “Trans women are women” is an idiot. Trans women are trans women
Yeah but what about your chromosomes?
and black women are black women right?
Here we go with mental gymnastics. Black women are still biologically female. Next
you need to get a life i see rowling threads every single day just gtet a life if you ever made one
no cuz they aren't human
why are trans women called trans women if they're not women?
if they are XY you can't make eggs, but if you have Swyer's you can have an egg implanted into you in rare cases.
Because they’re mentally ill and kill themselves when not catered to.
I agree with you, except ContraPoints didn't lose her marbles, she responded in a very different way from JKR.
You're clueless and in a bubble.

Unlike Anita Bryant she was very happy to be a goody goody progressive until twitter decided to cancel her for shit she was right about.

The reason she doesn't care about that shit deeply is because SHE'S NOT A RADICAL FEMINIST. She's a normie who got filled with hate by being harassed for too long by losers online.

Contrapoints talked about literal 100 accounts dragging her felt worse than rape and transphobia she experienced all her life.

Progressive people melt under wokescolds.
She endorsed a literal Stalinist party one week ago
joining the retard ranks then?
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Why does she frequently use the phrase "sex class" which is borrowed from radical feminist theory that the patriarchy is an oppressive class system then?
if you meet an asshole, they're an asshole. if everyone you meet is an asshole, you're an asshole
>Rowling "Trans women should be put in situations where they will be raped and abused because I feel uncomfy about the idea of being near people with XY chromosomes"
>Trans people: "What the fuck? Fuck you."
>You: "This poor, downtrodden billionaire! You all have hurt her so! Quit oppressing her!"

I was a chud a year and a half ago, I'm absolutely not in a bubble. You're probably in a bubble with people that reject the validity of trans identity, which makes you a piece of shit frankly.
Well she did lost her marbles for like months until she very rationally understood that these were 100 losers on the loser website and she shouldn't become a right winger or a transphobe because of it. But contra is not like most people. And she did say she seriously considered leaving the left out of spite.
Most people hate whoever stepped on their toes like monkey brained apes.

Also JK is a billionaire with fuck you money.
If you see her and the TERFs she hangs with, TERFs are legitimately evil, they never say shit like trans women are not a threat to cis women or I have trans friends who I love. I know this isn't an excuse of her transphobia but it's the difference between a genuine bigot and someone who got twitter poisoning.

Elon is another example.
men can't be raped
But knowing this doesn't tell us how to move forward. I know more or less what happened. It doesn't change the fact she's been pigeonholed and post-fact rationalized it to get where she is now.
That fight did not begin where you think it did. It's more like

>JK Rowling: Happy women's day! Today we have to remember that reproductive rights are important and we gotta be better
>AFAB trans twitter: this is very transphobic, not all people who have wombs are women, what the fuck JK Rowling
>JK Rowling: women need access to education!
>Twitter: how do you know they're women? Sorry Jk you're not winning the transphobia accusations. You're being disgusting and should delete this rn.

Months later JK Rowling likes the "sex is real" tweet, gets dogpiled, and while being a billionaire with fuck you money, says fuck you.
not true at all and if it were you could easily post a screenshot of that original tweet and it's angry replies
but you won't, because you're a liar
If someone that's trans knew JK Rowling personally they could reason her into emotionally realizing that twitter activism or activism in general does not represent a significant portion of trans people.

I actually think she will get to this point one day.

Contrapoints misrepresented her pain on the podcast. She's not mad at trans people, the podcast is not about trans people, the podcast is about the pain JK Rowling felt for being dragged on twitter and that's why it's called the Witch Hunt of JK Rowling not Why trans people are bad.
Good thing they're women, retard.
You're so fucking biased it's funny. People were murmuring about possible transphobia, but what blew it up was her coming to the defense of Maya Forstater for LITERALLY no good reason. Maya wasn't fired, her contract just wasn't getting renewed, because she's a crazed bigot who says a lot more than "sex is real". And when you defend a crazed bigot, people tend to think you endorse their crazed bigotry. Rowling's treatment is too nice, frankly. I miss the days when denying nazi crimes got you deplatformed.
what is a woman?
29 Jul 2017
J.K. Rowling Had the Perfect Response to Tomi Lahren's Anti-Trans Tweets

What changed? Did she suddenly stop opposing transphobia?

Normal transphobes don't support trans people and change their minds.

She got cancelled by nobodies and spiraled.
Woman is a gender-based term of self-identification, typically but not always as a way to associate oneself with certain socially-constructed roles.
>They gaslit her and gaslit her from mild disagreement to her current state because only TERFs defended her in very plain truthful statements only the small thousands of trans and mainly nb twitter harass people over.
this is true, i genuinely do not think she would've gotten this bad or obsessed if trannies hadn't flipped out so fucking much and she hadn't been surrounded by insane TERFs, it happens every time.
so, you couldn't find the tweets you claimed exist and you've moved the goalpost to saying she used to support trans rights
you understand that by not linking the thing you claimed existed in direct response to me calling you a liar if you don't post it is admitting you are a liar right?


"fuck your transphobia, fuck you for tainting my childhood lifeline. I hope you get the shits for the rest of your life. Fuck you"

More than a year before the Maya shit.

As I've said, people don't know how far back this twitter fight goes. It didn't came from nowhere.
sorry i don't have a twitter account to check this shit so you'll have to post screenshots like i originally requested
also this doesn't include the actual tweet jk rowling you claimed made about reproductive rights

TRANS >>>>>MEN<<<< calling her transphobic in 2017.
What is not a woman?
>"wtf this jewish person just called me a nazi? im so mad and hurt, now im gonna go become friends with a bunch of nazis and advocate that we finish the job hitler started!"

again, i asked about the tweet you claimed she made and the responses, just linking people criticizing her doesn't prove shit
i never claimed the maya tweet was the start, everyone knows the start was when she "accidentally" liked some terf tweets and initially claimed it was an accidental like and she didn't agree with it, was just reading it as part of research for a future book
where is this supposed tweet about reproductive rights and it's responses?
It was not actually reproductive rights, I was just giving an example. The actual first event between JK and trans people is a since deleted tweet but you can still see the responses of trans men claiming she's transphobic, likely for making a connection between a biological aspect of womanhood and womanhood.

But as you can see, the fight started with trans MEN, as I've said.
>It was not actually reproductive rights, I was just giving an example
that's called lying anon
>The actual first event between JK and trans people is a since deleted tweet
good thing i asked you for a screenshot, which doesn't need the tweet to still exist
>likely for
so you admit you don't even know what criticism they're making and you're just assuming it's unreasonable?
>But as you can see, the fight started with trans MEN
nah, it was with trans people in general. trans men just happen to be over-represented on twitter
If you actually made an equivalent scenario it would be believable.
It's more like she says she doesn't believe in god, Jewish people flip out and call her a Nazi, she denies, the abuse piles on twitter, she likes a tweet saying "Jews are obsessed with Nazis", gets dogpiled, etc.
That's not the definition in the dictionary or reality
All first accusations of transphobia to her were about excluding trans men in her language, it's not just because trans men happened to call it out.

This shit is ancient and she deleted the tweet these people are responding to but I do remember it being some mild feminist post. I'll have to look in way back machine. But I already proved this didn't begin with trans women or Maya and it actually goes back a lot longer.

People weren't there when this fight began so they don't understand why she's now how she is.

I followed her and saw this first hand.
what the fuck do you mean believable, it happened?? idc what your bias in this is, my point is that no response justifies you becoming a bigot, remaining a bigot, etc.

>"i don't mind negroes using our water fountains, but i draw the line at them having relations with white folk"
>*blacktivists burn your house down*
>"wtf? send em all back to africa! i hate niggers now!"

it doesn't matter if the response is understandable, it is NEVER justifiable. EVER.
>This shit is ancient and she deleted the tweet these people are responding to but I do remember it being some mild feminist post.
the one about periods and the whole "wombyn" shit? that's the earliest one i remember
Alright, what's your definition?
you're fucking pathetic and you know it
>All first accusations of transphobia to her were about excluding trans men in her language
why did you say "likely" then?
>This shit is ancient and she deleted the tweet these people are responding to
good thing i asked you to post a screenshot, which continues to exist long after a tweet is deleted. or you could use some archive or undelete thing idk
>I already proved this didn't begin with trans women or Maya and it actually goes back a lot longer
i never claimed it started with maya or that trans men weren't the ones mostly criticizing her. in fact i agreed with both of those. my criticism is that you're wrong about what she was initially being criticized for. you're lying and misrepresenting to make it seem more reasonable
it is not hard to find a screenshot of a deleted controversial tweet by a famous author and pretending it is makes it obvious you're a liar
The first post she did was not at all that radical and if you think twitter activists are that benevolent you're in a bubble.
i know she didn't get her house burned down LMAO

ur actually retarded, just cede the point already.
>The first post she did was not at all that radical
post a screenshot of it then, or quote it's text
Adult human female. You're just playing games here right now because I know you knew what I was gonna say
>it is not hard to find a screenshot of a deleted controversial tweet by a famous author and pretending it is makes it obvious you're a liar

It actually is when the tweet is milquetoast feminism and the only controversial thing about it were the 100 trans men dragging her mentions for excluding trans men.

I'm sure you know the kind of stuff prompts trans men to say this: period packaging, womb cancer posters, reproductive rights discourse that equates it with women or womanhood.

Nobody picked this up, the media didn't, she just deleted it. But I do remember it being milquetoast feminism.

I do not have a print, I have my memory and the responses that match what I remember.
Yes, I did know, but best not to preempt it in case you say something thought provoking instead. What's your definition of "adult"?
>It actually is when the tweet is milquetoast feminism and the only controversial thing about it were the 100 trans men dragging her mentions for excluding trans men
none of those trans men took a screenshot and reposted it elsewhere? come on
>I'm sure you know the kind of stuff prompts trans men to say this
i wouldn't have to guess if you had any proof
>Nobody picked this up
weird cause they picked up the much less notable thing of her liking a terf tweet. kinda strange you've just ignored this event entirely.
Nobody has it because it was not radical, otherwise the media or people would still have it.

It was Contrapoints cancelling level of shit. Nobody has the screenshots from contra because it was inane shit.
>It was Contrapoints cancelling level of shit
yeah and it's really fucking easy to find screenshots of those tweets
you're not posting the tweet you claim existed because it never did, you're a liar trying to misrepresent criticism against her
Increasingly I'm not sure. For most facets of life I would say 21. But the way transgenderism seems to infect I would say 25 in that case since that's when the brain fully develops
so a 20 year old can't call themself an adult???
This is what you would say. So then why is this age not universal, despite knowledge of cognitive development now being universal? Why do different societies in different times all have quite different conceptions of when and how one becomes an adult?
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>25 in that case since that's when the brain fully develops
that's not real
you got memed by popsci headlines
this reminds me of the tranny who got a NASA internship and then lost it because she told the director "suck my dick" on twitter
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oh the poor billionaire how dare people say rude things to her online, surely she herself said nothing to provoke this violent and dangerous reaction
nothing at all.
well I agree I don't give a shit about a billionaire but let's not pretend she's writing tweets about raping and killing people
well no she just advocates and supports groups who want to take away people's rights and make society regress into some sort of authoritarian christian hellscape and uses her immense wealth to get influence in politics and the media to promote her hateful ideology but yeah she didn't say she wanted people to die on twitter so I guess it's even
these are all online problems. if i were a billionaire i would simply log off.
yeah but none of those are...direct threats to rape and kill... I don't think you're making the point you want to make. On the top of the ladder of bad posts is 'direct threats to rape and kill'
this is why we dont like you people.
TIL that death threats aren't real if the person donates to groups I don't like
so JK rowling compares everything to the dangers of a handmaids tale but WANTS a christian theocracy? uhhhh ok
I know and while she does many real life bad things that make people's lives worse, and financially supports far right reactionary groups and influences politics for their causes, she doesn't make posts like that on twitter which would be the real crime.
>She tweeted today she doesn't think trans women are a threat
link? i'm on her twitter right now and can't find it.
makes sense, because she didn't get fired you just assumed she did. you're as retarded and misinformed on that as you are on everything else lol
no I agree. As soon as people send you death threats online you basically have the licence to do whatever you want. Go be a neo nazi or something, you'll never be as evil as the person on twitter who thinks you should be dead
well she did get fired... she just later got unfired.
no, she didn't. she just got told off
what are you talking about kek, she lost the internship and then social media cried her way back in, it was embarrassing for everyone
literally not true
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using feminist phrases != being a feminist
Homer Hickram himself confirmed she lost the internship and got it back
>"Later, I learned she had lost her offer for an internship with NASA," Hickam said Tuesday in a post on his blog
wow even the guy she sexually harassed is uninformed and spreading fake news!!!1!
anon... is this what you really consider proof of something? the headline of an article?
that's not the same as the claim you made. nothing indicates she social media cried back in
telling someone online to suck your dick isn't sexual harassment you retard
you're the one who claimed she never lost it!!! hahaha
actually i claimed she wasn't fired. learn to read
trannies when a woman silently leaves an elevator
trannies when they shout suck my dick to their literal employer
>this is fine
no, her internship was just revoked due to her own actions... if you don't want to call that 'firing' that's REALLLY splitting hairs
that other thread was WILD this is so funny to me
one tranny in an anonymous thread. you really can't let that one go? gotta keep bringing it up? go bother her about it
suck my dick and die, that's a rape threat and a death threat right?
don't say the wrong thing if you don't want people to correct pedantically
anon, you're really not so stupid to not see what's happening here? obviously i'm gonna be pedantic and annoying to you, you're here to be pedantic and annoying to me. we're passing the time annoying each other with pedantry because you think it owns le troons and i like annoying you. yes, these are the same motivations on both sides.
you started this by calling someone uninformed and retarded, did you forget that? is this the hill you want to die on? It's literally the same thing as getting fired, I think you were misinformed and are now backtracking. Maybe you heard somewhere she never lost it. That's really what's reading like.
>that's REALLLY splitting hairs
so is hearing someone use the word "harass" and then launching into a discussion about the crime of harassment
>you started this by calling someone uninformed and retarded
yeah because they used the wrong word
>It's literally the same thing as getting fired, I think you were misinformed and are now backtracking
cause you're retarded and misinformed
girl let it go you were wrong, the story has a happy ending and she was fired, both are true
i literally am not wrong, she wasn't fired and you already admitted it
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She's just a generic Facebook boomer
idk I'm not that anon but she was fired? she just got her internship back. I don't get your point
she hadn't been hired yet, and you don't fire interns you dismiss them
yes, this is a silly distinction to make. i'm making it as a point, because the entire thread has been full of them pulling similar retarded pedantry
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even if this is true what the fuck do you want me to do about it? i don't even use twitter and even if she did get cyberbullied that doesn't excuse what she did
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picrelated, all the things that happened to this bitch before she tranny whined her way back. she was ahhh 'shown the door' let's say instead
>you don't fire interns you dismiss them
I think you need a break honestly, you've been sperging up a lot of threads
so sorry, I'm a misinformed retard. I should have said "ousted"
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yes, exactly
>>you don't fire interns you dismiss them
i thought pedantry was stupid anon? why are you stooping to my level and becoming a pedant yourself?
you should have, really. if you use a word that has multiple meanings and one is specifically defined by protocol it's only natural that someone would come in and say you must mean specifically the meaning defined by protocol
hey remember that time the sexually aggressive tranny shouted obscenities at a NASA employee and was axed
woah anon that's nonsense, these sorts of miscommunications just happen because words don't mean anything and we're just guessing, these are just random meaningless symbols i'm typing out
you fucking retards all think words and symbols don't mean anything, so many people have said it this thread kill yourself
no you misinformed retard, tell me all about it!
adding on to this, leaving the elevator is literal violence
trannies are the last people on earth I want splitting hairs about language and the nature of words
wow you really think words and symbols have no meanings anon. that's so retarded and everyone can see how stupid you and everyone like you is

That's not how people work. TERFs rarely have a past of supporting trans people.
no one has ever said that. this isn't even a strawman argument it's a ghost argument. you haven't even claimed this was your point
she was always transphobic, she just didn't know much about queer stuff for a long time so when she actually started talking about it instead of making vague performative statements she was outed as a transphobe
if she had changed her opinions there would be a point where she had said referred to trans women, or a trans woman, as a woman. but there's not, because she never considered us women. it just wasn't hard to say performative shit about trans women without directly calling us women before the last decade or so
I love observing the tranny cope in this thread
she is misandrist and her misandry is fueled by her repression
Nah its all ftms, kill all ftms

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