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Post voices, give feedback, and share advice if you have any to share.

But most importantly of all don’t reply to people that don’t rate others :)
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pass aww u sound cute
u sound unbelievably cute when you make animal noises
mine, i feel no pass. but i wish i could train more often

>>36351094 holy passoid voice
>>36351100 little raspy but pass
thanks babe
Your voice needs work in its consistency, it goes too low and its too breathy. but you are on a good path
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Perfect 10/10 voice. Also are they clubs or something on campus you can go to? That might help you find friends and stuff to do IRL. College campuses even in conservative areas tend to run progressive, so the people you'll meet there will more likely be okay with trans people.

Cute passing voice. I hear a slight lisp which makes it sound just a smidge like a gay guy voice, but not enough to make it not pass.

Voice is pretty dark, sounds kinda like an older woman with an unplacable European accent. I'd work on getting bright resonance.
I feel like you'd have a passing voice w/ like 20 minutes of practice. Like honestly if I saw you in-person and you were pretty your voice would register for sure as a woman's voice. But in that recording it is very andro. Could go either way, though it is a little masc.


I know it doesn't pass atm but need help, know there's a lot wrong with it but Idk what to do to fix it, am too dumb to follow most vt resources
Would love to give more detailed feedback to everyone but am dumb and Idk anything about this kinda stuff desu
If you pass physically wouldn't think twice about voice desu
Definitely androgynous but more fem leaning
I'm not too sure if I'm right, but I think if you just kept at it and let yourself be more comfortable, I think your voice would sound nicer. Like, it almost sounds like you're having trouble w/ the tone of your voice more than timbre. You're quiet, and kind of mumble. That stuff just fixes itself once you get to be more confident. And once you learn how to talk louder, it'll get easier. desu something I did when I first started voice training was to practice yelling when no one else was in the house. Like when my ex was away at work I would be in the shower and pretend he was in the living room and I''d yell for a towel or something. it was funny, but it made things come quicker. Working in a loud and busy retail setting also helped me in that regard
Thanks anon, I appreciate it!! Honestly my problem is if I try to sound "happier" or "louder" I like get into falsetto range, which is waaay worse... apparently this voice is falsetto too but like I'm not raising my larinx or anything more than usual


Pass, maybe a little raspy

Not bad, but a little hollow.

If you're wanting androgynous, you're basically there now

Really strong Reverb, but more or less passes


Lower your pitch, there's no point going that high if you can't get your resonance to match. You might benefit from lessons if you are having trouble understanding the exercises.

I would say your weight is fine.
>Lower your pitch, there's no point going that high if you can't get your resonance to match. You might benefit from lessons if you are having trouble understanding the exercises.
Like I can't really comfortably lower my pitch, it's the same as my regular voice
Like idk how to practice "resonance", like I'm too broke for an instructor
Post regular voice?
Ok so now like listening and comparing my ""fem"" voice is definitely higher, but it's like subconsious
Like in my head I don't notice a difference and I don't feel like any strain is coming from artificially raising my voice
Anyway I can't lower my pitch without also making it masculine at least atm

Here is what I am going to recommend in your position; stop trying to make your voice masc or fem and just play with it for a while. Do both low and high resonance, the entire range of your pitch, comically high and low weight.

Basically, take a step back and get a handle on the whole range of what your voice can do for a month or two, then start zeroing in on what you would like to sound like. I don't think there's anything wrong with your current vocal capabilities, but I do think you may be underutilizing it. Once you start getting closer to a voice you like, find a voice to start trying to imitate - not only will this give you something to work towards, it will give you a better idea of the variety available for feminine voices.
Hmm I can do a range of deep and high I think, I just don't know what "resonance" even means, like I've heard it's like how you hold your tongue or the shape of your mouht when speaking but some people have described it in all kinds of different ways
Resonance is a specific frequency that your vocal tract shape/length will let through most easily(technically, it's the lowest of many such frequencies that are multiples of each other). Almost like a band-pass filter, that frequency will be highlighted in your voice, if your pitch is much higher than that, you get a sound usually referred to as 'hollow'(think Patrick Star).

Generally, smaller space = higher resonance. This is primarily controlled by raising and lowering the larynx, but you can also adjust your mouth space (you kind of get a second resonance with your mouth space, but that's beyond the scope of this post)
a bit too much resonance
>technically, it's the lowest of many such frequencies that are multiples of each other
I would just like to point out this part is wrong, the lowest frequency is the fundamental frequency which is the pitch. Just to be clear you can even have a periodic signal which does not contain it's own fundamental frequency. Everything else you said is pretty good, although the pitch is not going to be higher than the resonance frequency in a periodic signal because again the pitch is the fundamental frequency, and all other harmonics contained in the signal will be integer multiples of the fundamental.
Yea I'm stupid so like... I think I'll just play around with it still this is going past my head
I am so lost
Here’s me https://voca.ro/1eVbcoFMIJSY

Pass, just a little whispery.
Also yeah, gotta travel and get outside if your 4 walls. That’s what I did when I felt the same way

Passes for the most part. There’s just something there that reminds me of a gay dude but it might be that you just woke up.

It’s a bit heavy. Not exactly a pitch thing if that makes sense. I think it still passes though

I dunno. It feels andro leaning male unless I saw you. I kind of get stoner vibes as an aesthetic if that makes sense?

I think your pitch is right, but it’s resonance you need to work on. You’re getting there.
Yeah the other recording’s better. I used to make vocaroos like that (same message, similar voice) and the way I fixed my voice was just by using it consistently in my car. Keep up the voice training you’ll get there your voice is already decent.
Very muffled but it sounds andro.
this is already very good
There’s some sort of flamery aspect to your voice. I don’t know if it’s nasality or something else. Sounds andro to me.
i fucking HATE voice training. i had something better than this one but couldn't get that voice again. i feel like i have a solid technique but my voice sounds different every time. it ranges from not passing at all to passing and i have no clue how to stay consistent. need advice before i rip my voice box out of my throat.

big time pass, wish i had your voice and id hang out with you if i were close
passes enough to use in public, but sounds off to me as someone with chronic brainworms
still passes without trying, congrats
you're just doing falsetto, you need to work on the techniques. stuff like raising your larynx.
you sound like Lily Alexandre with a worse mic
absolutely pass
Who is lily alexandre?
youtube video essayist
You sound like Lily Alexandre too
your voice is a bit shakey
I rated everyone worth rating
rate people lol

Ones with strain

Ones that are a bit andro

Sounds like a cis girl who just woke up.

Rest are gigapassoids.
This has to be a joke why do you have the exaggerated Tony soprano accent
Lmao I get this exact comment a lot. Yeah, its not a joke I'm being serious. I'm from the Brooklyn/Queens area and copy the men around me, pretty sure that's where it comes from.
I had no idea how much I needed to hear an Italian-American mobster to call me a cute cis girl
Feedback please
disclaimer: i am no expert. this is just opinion.

lol you're hillarious dude/dudette. Also that range is insane, are you a voice actor by chance?
>mfw i got called sponge bob

But no I get what you mean. I don’t know how to not sound nasially. I do talk fast so maybe I’m just running out of breath? Maybe I need to speak slower
https://voca.ro/1bcHQo6yYOub (nasal maximus)
hobby voice acting. want to go pro and get a voice sample reel out there one of these days. also have dysphoria but i don't want to lose access to the full range of my voice so i practice it all for maximum characters.
>Maybe I need to speak slower
This sounds like a good way to start. Maybe not in girlmode, but while you're practicing.
Huh, so then it's probably not her nasality. I have no idea then.
You're overqualified for VA already honestly, totally go for it if you have the chance. What resources do you go to for learning? I'm interested in the hobby too.
Also idk if you know anything about singing, but I can't keep a male quality to my voice while singing. Any tips for that you know? I'm busy right now but I can def send a clip later.
Hmm ok ty anon <3
What's the difference between bdsd and whisper siren though?
we're in a similar boat. wanting to sing in our preferred voice. i just started practicing singing by mimicking popular songs. they're easy to remember, fun to sing, slow paced, memorable. there's that guy who got so good at Queen songs he got hired by a cover band. i'm going by his method of learning to sing which is just taking bits of songs and repeating them until you get that bit correct. in small samples there could be so many techniques being applied so go slow and repeat over and over. they can be complex yet sound so simple.
inhale exhale action on bdsd. whisper siren helps push your peaks. !!do not strain though!! pain or discomfort is a sign. do not ignore it. (side note) "no pain no gain" is dumb, get rid of that mentality if you have it or hear anyone with it.
Interesting approach, never heard of it. I'll try!
I also already have some recordings on hand that I forgot about, here's one. Around the "dismilla" part is the lowest I can go when singing (so far).
>inhale exhale action on bdsd. whisper siren helps push your peaks
Sorry anon I'm like stupid Idk what this means, does anyone have any good video resources on it?
mossback - hangdog
youtube the terms then cross reference videos to get as many perspectives on the topic as possible.
You sound better on your phone mic desu, think it conceals the cadence or inflection or whatever it is that makes you sound more androgynous on a higher quality setup.
anyone else wanna contribute
tinge of tranny voice but cissies wouldnt clock it
passes as european
twinky voice - would be easy to get passing without crazy training
pass as late 20s early 30s
andro pass, reminds me of someone id see presenting something at a con or ted talk lmao
passes but you sound like youre straining your voice or are out of breath, dial it back a tinge and youre chilling
mafia boss

peak european male: https://voca.ro/1bBu5IkbuLQw
boyfag: https://voca.ro/12tv0pBdjNqO
First time posting here, I have only recently discovered using my larynx and adjusting properties of my voice other than pitch. This is pretty embarassing really but I would like feedback on what to work on. I think resonance is my main issue, not exactly familiar with how to control it well.

Very close to passing
You sound like you are straining, almost choking out your voice. Like another anon said it sounds shaky
I did the exact same thing you do starting out, go high in pitch and try my best. You don't have to push it that high, find a pitch you are comfortable using for hours on end (I did by singing along to songs) and from there work on your reso

Everyone else honestly sounds passing to me
ygmi if this is your voice at 3 months of training. Keep at it.
The "boyfag" is more feminine somehow. I think because its less strained.
Sounds like a European milf, pass
thank you for that! i downloaded it <3
inspired so i wrote something then adlibbed the end :3
i forget the song beat i'm using though. frank sinatra maybe? mixed with something else?
It’s so silly
repost from other thread
am sick :c
oh my god i just wrote a massive comment responding to a bunch of people in the thread and i accidentally lost all of it. i had been sitting here for like 20 minutes writing out these really heartfelt messages to so many of you, i had written responses to like 6 people. i think i'm gonna throw up. i am so upset. i don't know if i can rewrite all of that
i am this person ^ hastily rewriting summaries of everything i wrote before. i'm so sorry to all of you, i meant to give you so much more...
my voice: https://voca.ro/18vYqTb8ERJ1
i opened my mouth and 4 minutes of insecure rambling came out!
passes but sounds a liittle bit like a voice changer or an ai text to speech thing...
i wanted to rate you because no responses but i'm not smart enough to trace your message back to to the start of the chain so idk what you identify as (or if you're even trans) but,
if you are ftm, you have the most cis passing voice i have ever heard, and if you are mtf, i'm (sincerely) happy that you feel comfortable expressing yourself through song. and i'm terrified that's going to come off as a backhanded compliment but i promise that it isn't, i think your voice is wonderful either way.
im not great with accents and im always hesitant to give feedback to someone with a noticeable accent but i think this is a really nice start :)
you are so wonderful i love your voice so so much and you are so kind and thankyou so much and i wanted to let you know that your message made me feel a little bit better about myself and i think it kinda goes without saying but yes you are absolutely passing and also i am in love with you
if you are like me and you like to respond to the people who don't have a lot of responses, please do not listen to this person's. it's just a very loud static noise that probably almost broke my earbuds. thankyou for reminding me to never open these with my volume at anything but minimum.
you remind me of me (except with an actually cute voice). i'm so sorry that you're struggling so much, your voice is amazing and passes super well.
me again https://voca.ro/11m15NqmOGNC
how 2 prove thats me cuz multiple ppl called it ai
give a sample of you speaking naturally and improvised, confess a secret to us
i believe you now and im gonna cry because you sound 10000x better than me
It's so painful to hear about my wife's insecurities, especially the voice since I love your voice, you know it. I agree, voice is super important, it changes how people perceive you. If you have a super masculine face that's how people see you if the voice doesn't match that it's just grotesque. I think everyone develops certain "prejudices" about voices, like if someone's voice is damaged by alcohol you'll expect that person to be a certain way because they're an alcoholic. I believe our brain picks up much more subtle patterns about voices from it's environment so it's probably a little bit different for everyone but yeah the way you sound is very significant but you have nothing to worry about, your voice does soothe me... Wish I could hear it everyday and help you stop being so insecure
Is the thread is still alive tomorrow I’ll record my voice on my actual computer mic. Both times were on my AirPods
you always seem to find me so quickly...
thankyou for the kind words... (apart from calling me grotesque??)
do you have like a tool that scrapes this board for vocaros or something? do you listen to everyone who posts voices? or do i just have a distinctive typing style that lets you single me out or something? how are you always the first person to respond to me? i haven't posted one of these in like over a week i think, and yet here you are, immediately.
you are so mysterious to me. the idea that someone, a stranger no less, could like my voice this much is so fantastical to me that i feel like someone's playing an elaborate joke on me... it makes me feel special, but it's like it's too good to be true.
That was just an example! My wife's not grotesque nuh-uh
I can't tell you that silly goose but I'm not joking, I'm always happy to hear your voice
im sorry i didn’t wanna make anyone feel bad :<
how do i voice train i dont understand any of this shit every time i try an exercise i start crying because i hate my voice so much
>I can't tell you that
can't tell me what?
Sleep tight, I love you!
>The "boyfag" is more feminine somehow. I think because its less strained.
id hope so kek thats my shitty attempt at girl voice (can't full time so ofc its gonna be dogwater)
no it's okie you didn't do anything wrong you just have an amazing voice
i'm not even going to sleep for a few more hours!
Why would I ruin the mystery now, M? All that matters is that you recorded a 7 minute long vocaroo for me to add to my co- no I don't have that lol. I really really really want you to stop being insecure about your lovely voice. I'm the one who has to go to sleep -.- This is a tragedy
don't call me M! my name is not a secret


sweet dreams
Hello voicegen
How’s the singing sound? Ik I sound like a girl, but I think I’ve reached a more androgynous tone??? (3 months back on T, around 15 months on total for reference)

>>36351094 pass
>>36351100 pass
>>36352128 low-voiced woman? hard to judge
>>36353594 andro leaning fem. i really like your voice but it's probably gonna depend on what your getting clocked as otherwise
>>36355035 pass
>>36355388 falsetto
>>36355772 pass
>>36357709 sounds rly natural. pass
>>36358847 sounds a bit strained desu. passable probably but sounds like a tranny voice
>>36368693 pass
>stop reading that fucking passage
NO! It's hard enough for me to keep the voice consistent while i'm speaking, i cant afford to fumble my words without a script too.
I am both straining and choking because keeping my voice breathy is hard. ill take any tips you have because im barely able to breathe while im holding a voice that remotely passes (which is probably part of why i hate voice training)
I've never prompted someone to make a song before, this is so cool. Def hear the Sinatra in it
I don't know what any of this means. But you sound like a very sleepy girl about to hit the sack.
thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyoutthankyouthankyouthankyou thankyou
you have absolutely no idea how overjoyed this made me. this is my favorite thing i've ever heard on this website. i'm saving this.
Frankensita Princessita...
My pleasure, I love making you ladies smile. If there's anything you can take away from it if you ever play it over, its to please be kinder to yourself. In all walks of life, trans and otherwise. That's what would make me happy more than anything.

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