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Last thread: >>36343871

QOTT: Do you shitpost on here? What do you shitpost about?
QOTT 2: Do you larp as others (trannies/chasers/etc)?
Qott: No, No.
Most of my shitposting is confined to /tv/ where I make threads about really horrible remakes of movies or shows and pretend they're good which is a great way to get (You)s
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boymoding today
Any examples of shows or films so I know what to look out for?
ya shitposting on this board can be pretty fun
I'm curious how well does the boymoding work? Theres no way anyone would see this and think "Truely a manly man whose maning his manbuisness"
Haven't done it in a while but the Amazon LOTR remake was probably the best (You) generator ever created
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I like posting pictures of headcrabs while saying that pussies are disgusting
What your actual opinion of pussy?
I like to go on /b/ into socials or 10/10 threads and comment that they are nice but missing the dick, just to have then people malding about how trannies aren't women. The last thing thats still fun on /b/
Cool I never go on that board
I never malefail, everybody calls me sir. Two young black males approached me yesterday, and kicked the absolutely living shit out of me, because they said I looked like a 'gayassnigga'. I was kind of excited at first because I thought they wanted to ask me out, but instead they kicked my ass and stole my wallet. They say my ID, which has my deadname on it, and they kept making fun of me
I really like eating pussy, but fucking ass feels better. But I also like sucking dick, so my perfect threesome would be one afab or (or maybe post-op tranny haven't tried it) and another amab.
I really like eating pussy too. Never fucked an ass, never will fuck an ass, I find the concept too gross. I'd also never suck a dick, I don't want anything to do with it. I don't think I'd enjoy a threesome, I've been offered by gf's to include their female friends and declined. Feels lusty, I'm more into the romance of making love. One person is adequate, I don't crave more.
Threesomes seem really awkward or maybe I'm just a prude
I don't believe you for a second. If you look like this, you malefail as soon as you're head pokes out the shirt
what even are those
She's telling the truth. I was one of the urban youths who assaulted her.
>Zoomer detected
Headcrabs from half life. Alien creatures that try to jump on peoples faces to turn them into quasi zombies. If you have access to a VR headset I highly recommend trying out HL Alyx, when these fuckers try to jump into your face in VR its absulutely unreal... Have found myself jumping down to the floor to avoid one going at me, and rolling around to shoot that fucker down
why will you never fuck an ass?
I don't like asses, I don't want to fuck them. Nothing about that interests me.
Yeah, ass is dirty, which is why I only ever use a condom, but theres just something immensly satisfying because it's so tight, when you stick it in and at first it doesn't want to go in, until it just does plop and ou are in and your partner is just moaning like crazy.

I also usually enjoy romantic sex more, one reason I like giving oral that much is because it naturally goes in the "flow" as you can just start kissing them and slowly go down, first their neck, then their chest, belly, then the waist and hips, before finnaly getting to the treasure.

That said, theres something about a threesome that intrigues me and that I want to try it out. It's like sex with trannies and pooners. It's not that I'm a chaser, but I really really wanted to try it out at least once
did you end up on the wrong board?
No, I like talking to the girls here. What I'll fuck doesn't really matter.
my pet chaser escaped from the basement again
Facehuggers are good too
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fat tranny asses on my face
it doesn't matter, I can't malefail, I'm an ogrehon with expanded facial planes, and I heightmog everyone. I'm a big dick gorilla moder and people call smell it a mile away. I can hear everyone making fun of me as soon as I leave the room
But she's really tall. Don't you get it?
yay cute OC
So I'm still assuming that this pic is really you, what the hell are you talking about with facial planes? To me you look just like a really cute girl. Your cuteness scale is off the roof.

How tall are you?
yes that's me in the pic
I am a 6 foot tall gorilla beast. My expanded facial planes from my male puberty make sure I will never pass, also my adam's apple immediately clocks me as a disgusting male
sadly there is more to passing than looking cute, I am just a boy at the end of the day......
Yeah, you can't tell me that this design isn't intentional. The person who made this was 100% a gay disturbed after seeing his first vagina up close
What’s the latest gossip/rumours/drama ?
Granted 6ft is big, and height is a main way to be clocked. But at least from that picture (maybe it's different from a different angle) there is nothing about your face thats even slightly boyish
I have no boobs, ultrawide shoulders, adams apple, big forehead, big man hands, old iphone that immediately clocks me as a turbohon, giant ribcage. I am a male, forever and ever
Hello sir
>no boobs
granted that makes a lot of difference in perception
>ultrawide shoulders, big man hands, giant ribcage
my last cis gf had shoulders nearly as wide as mine (and I'm a pretty bulky dude) and a torso that looked like she could fight a bear off. There are cis girls with a statue like lumberjacks and they're hot
>adams apple
Is reducable also as I can't see it on that image it can't be too big
>big man hands, old iphone
And now you're stretching

All I see looking at your picture is a very cute girl
It's either I go out, attempt to fuck on the last day of June, or stay in and take an edible
>stay in and take an edible
do this. you're not getting anything nowadays without paying for it unless you're a tranny yourself.
I rolled a die, go fuck.
>literally just a woman
nat 20s let's gooooooooooo
From the little I saw you probably do look like that, aside from the nose
bony tranny asses on my lap
I'm glad someone finally agrees that I look like a very jewish man
That nose is not jewish, they have hook noses, you have a potatoe nose. You look at most Bulgarian. Like a cute bulgarian girl
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whos getting put in here?
Lack of perspective makes my brain think it's for midgets so probably me
Twinkflag tranny does look very Jewish but it's in a really good way
You when you act naughty again and post your nudes online. I'll strap you in, load you in my val, and get you home to teach you how to be a good girl
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I'm gonna put one of you trannies in this
why bony??
Skill issue
ur making me want to post nudes
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do anyone fw retards
I'm going to put a very Jewish curse on everyone's credit score
gocky wocky
No no no need for that, just marry me
well it was a good attempt
I have weird muscle spasms in my left quad
where is where is autumn??
What happened to LB?
It's past my bedtime but I'm not tired, I want weed. Reeeeeee
I'm an ice cold truecel rarechud who spends most of his time in sigma wolf mogoffs
something bad hopefully :3
Why do you wish ill upon people?
because shes prettier than i am
thanks queen
probably playing with her legos or something
ok but you have to convert to joodaism
But you have something she doesn't have... a loving husband
i dont have that
she got a boyfriend

trips only hang out here inbetween realtionships
... yet
We can change that at any point :)
They go anon.
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Trannies would you date convicted financial criminal Martin Shkreli, most known for raising the price on HIV/AIDS medicine?
NTA but there is someone out there for everyone, even if some people dont deserve anyone. having money increases your visibility and therefore the likelihood you find that someone
will he pay for surgeries?
God he's so fucking cute. Not a tranner but 100% would fuck him while hes doing the on the phone doing an interview about how he could justify his actions of hiking the price of life saving medicine so much, and he has to restrain himself to not moan loudly to the reporter while I cum in his cute little ass
No, he likes his bitches a little on the robust side

Interesting, pretty based even
its on wheels so you can move your slave when they are in the way and for easy storage when you are all done
Can't wait for that little fucker to ruin his $10k suite when I turn that prostate into mashed potatoes
Video editing is such a pain in the ass to learn goddamn I hate this shit
not true, im not in between relationships
that's why we can't get rid of you
You may not know it, but your next relationship is waiting up for you very soon
ill never leave bc ill be alone forever B)
i hope so
you're just saying that.
I would only do it so i can prove he kept a copy of the wutang album so he gets sued
being used like that is really hot wtf
just being treated like a piece of furniture
im busy crying
Want to put it to the test?
okay where do you live?
Its Joever
different continents :(
Visas aren't complicated nowadays, and a permanent residency is granted as soon as we get married. You can even keep your US passport, being able to freely travel between EU and US
literal objectification
okay enjoy your hon wife i guess?
objectification but based
hold up. insurance pays for Viagra? you mean our tax money actually goes to give old men boners? that's fucking retarded. they've lived a fool life and had kids, they don't need no more sex.
the tax money also goes to give hot young trannies like me erections too so it’s ok <3
see but that's fine
didn’t you catch covid?
the government should be funding transitions. lots of lonely men now that need girl friends.
never once had that fake disease. never wore the stupid masks either
glad you agree
It pays for my hrt at least
Ok, now that the deal is sealed, tell me something about you, whom did I agree to marry?
Lots of lonely men that need to be girlfriends.
Fake? No, Covids definitely real, everyone in my polycule caught it last winter
didnt know there was anyone with an internet connection in current year who still didnt know this
On the other hand there have also been calls for state-mandated boyfriends

Which side should the government supply to the other?
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>throws it back out of no where
i'm ugly and i collect pokémon cards
Thank you, alien tranner. You are my green light across the bay.
biden could really turn this train wreck around with a B4A platform ( boyfriend for all )
Well you did the proper accent on that so what else is going on here?
I want to protect Autumn so she never cries
I want to punch Autumn in the stomach
Definitely a good time to get into the market. Business is booming.
>Be me, cisguy
>Receive phone call, government official informs me that all men all called to upon to do their duty
>Get told that it's all to end the struggle of our nation and that I have three hours to pack my stuff
>Bus picks me up, loaded with other guys just as confused as I am
>Arrive at some sort of barracks, see other men doing exercises in army uniform, drill sergeants everywhere
>"Do you think we're going to war?" "Have we been drafted?"
>Get told that we will be part of a special unit called the Bravo Foxtrots
>What followed was a full month of grueling tests to whip us into shape, physical exercises, long marches, push ups, it never seemed to stop
>Despite all the conditioning we never received any weapons training, tensions grew about this mysterious outfit
>One night Stevens came back, he overheard the commander during a meeting
>My body went cold and shivers ran across my spine when I heard what we were being trained for
>Bravo Foxtrots
>Some of us rebelled, demanding to be let out and decide our own fate
>I can still hear Pike's yelling in my ears from when they took him away, followed by the screaming when they gave him to a turbohon
>Long nights followed, our most grueling training started, things that no man alive should be forced to go through
>Combined arms Cooking
>The tactics of cuddling
>The art of Hand holding
>Higgins passed out during the boyremoval instructional video, the commander had him dragged off to the other failures, their eyes hollow and void as they were taken away to the hons
>"Only the best of the best of the best of the best will be given to those needy, deserving boymoders!" the Sergeant yelled
>Then, after three months of blood, sweat and tears we were lead to the bus, to be delivered to our matches
>Some had to be kicked out, pleading to be let back inside
>When my turn came I did not hesitate nor weep
>I knew my fate was sealed, that there was no going back
>i'm ugly
All trannies say that. I bet you are beautiful
>i collect pokémon cards
So you are wife material after all :)
So whats your favorite card. I had a few as a child, but never something too special
this is a good post. the training was so you could be strong and princess carry your hon
inside of you are two wolves
i think most trannies like both desu
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it is true anon. i look a lot better these days than i did in march/april
Holy fuck Jennie, is your skin actually human colored for once?
LMAO i told y’all to wait till tanning season
How is your recovery going

If you're gonna whore yourself out you should at least buy a good game
doesnt this get u banned?
i am 6 months and 5 days clean from meth. i use coke maybe 3 times a month. unfortunately i have had major setbacks on cutting down my alcohol usage and i am drinking every day
What's up cg?
why is your camera quality still so shit
It's great that you are still clean from meth, but you should definitely get the alcoholism under control. That stuff is nasty
I'd rather play it with you. It's a really fun game but I never get around to playing it alone
Are you cute?
Sounds like you replaced one addiction with another
Yes it does.
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I wish it were snowing right now so I could do this
alcoholism seems a lot less harmful
because i still have a fucked up camera from throwing my phone at the wall many times
What color are y'all's buttholes?
i have not been apart of society for 6 months now :D
looked at it for the first the other day and its pretty dark ngl
Stus is #794B55
usually the girls who are pretty complain about being ugly. I like that you can call your self hot
kind of tanned brownish
I mean... don't tell me you wouldn't... She's not as hot as >>36351311 but still would
chipotle red
I've never seen it
this is true. today has really sucked
what happend?
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don't fucking lie, I'm such a hatecrimehon, even when I get hatecrimed I look like such a gorillahon
i’m just not brainwormed. which is why i have such little patience for the people who are. it’s just stupid to think that way
just more autumn L’s to add to the pile
some of us have generational trauma, I didn't ask to be born black, yet I always get called a nappy headed hon, you don't know what it's like sis
Im fucking hungry woman, go buy me some fastfood right now before i beat you up
did you fart on somebody?
who do you think you are, buckaroo
chicken butt
Im your daddy, now do you want me to get the belt or are you gonna be a good girl and do as i say?
How do I be a better tranny?
had a nice date with a girl today, still maxxing one or two dates a week rn
you need to stop asking questions
a good girl believes the official story regarding the weakened structure with the burning jet fuel
How to have fast sex in Albania with men
never heard of it. but very based question
Better than what?
i don’t know nor do i care
Jennie come Albania
there is no such thing as a crisis actor, you're all crazy
um, that's a girl
chemicals in the water are turning the chasers gay
its because you flush your estrogen down the toilet
i am the most powerful man alive and can beat up anyone in this thread . do not disrespect me, mortal
>turning the chasers gay
Uhh, haha, yeahh...
shut up and go play with your legos bottom
no i’m only interested in visiting the netherlands. dutch guys are my favorite
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I go Netherlands to commit crime we meet there
ya I’m a bottom, bottom of the list of “worlds lamest people” because I am in fact the worlds most badass person
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anon just played gta 4 for the first time
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there are like 2 chasers who post in this thread, everyone else is a troon pretending to be a chaser because it's fun to act manly for them.
Opzouten we zitten al vol
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there are actually no girls here and the chasers take turns pretending to be the girl
okay I give in *cries*
Even if you are bruised up you look like a women. There is absolutely no way I'd ever gender you male if I'd saw you looking like this. Accept this you are just a girly girl. And a hot one none the less
Now that pride month is ending, has it been a good month for you all?
that's the autumn that I know
dude that's Zooey Deschanel
it's fun to say whatever you feel and not have to play a role. try it. feels manly.
Here in Germany it really is only starting in july, climaxing in the CSD on the 21. Of July.
Up here are two posters, one of them always tells the truth and the other always lies. How do we figure out who is who?
tomorrow is my turn but im thinking of calling in sick sorry folks
im not thinking of this other person 24/7 like they are with a certain someone.
Assuming I'm an autist with no pop culturally knowledge what so ever... Whose that?
Got my balls licked
By a Zooey Deschanel look-alike cocaine addict
Razor blade to your head
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and I’ve definitely gotta ask em a question then? I can’t just sorta have a feel of the door, see if there’s any heat or anything?
an american actress and musician
do what
someone will get it
chaserflag knows what it meant
its lighter than that i already told you
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>QOTT: Do you shitpost on here? What do you shitpost about?
little, mostly memes and bs on >>>/fit/
>QOTT 2: Do you larp as others (trannies/chasers/etc)?

how is she singing both parts at the same time
I kinda forgot Poppy existed.
don't do that
can someone cast a stop crying spell on me
I like her, her style is unique
Do what?
Yeah I was a fan when she first got started actually. Back when she wasn't just doing music but also just putting out those odd videos on youtube. Was weird stuff, very fun. Did like her music too, but just stopped paying attention for a while for whatever reason. I honestly don't know how people consistently follow artists. I always just end up with eclectic crap from the radio, random media, and friend recommendations.
we need a tranny butthole color chart
if I dab some bleach on a rag and wipe my butt and then shower right after. can I slowly lighten the color of my bum to a nice pink? would getting sun on it help?
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dark butthole trannies running for the bleach as we speak
as a child i liked to watch linkara on the youtube
do you like pewdiepie?
not really i miss my mazda and my girlfriend
Pink tranner buttholes
i hate myself so much
What happened to the N
whoops, I’m stupid
as i child i did yeah
on my tongue
i like him a lot
its #A28899 actually
I want to push you around and I will and I will
I want to take you for granted
its been deleted for over 5 years (:
radio doesn't work, I think the connection for the antenna came loose, spotify keeps me interested in artists I like

Am I crazy to think repairing a radio sounds like an incredibly fun time? I have no idea how to and that's the best part.
Song is very cool, super reminiscent of something that my noggin is just not joggin on, and I don't mean no Limp Bizkit lol. Beautiful vocals though.
I'm one of those freaks who refuses to subscribe to spotify, and the ads are so fucked so I just use youtube for music where my adblock actually works.
found an small old plug in radio at work. 20 year old coworker thought it was some scientific equipment. surprised when I got it working
>I just use youtube for music where my adblock actually works
im a phone user
>I have no idea how to and that's the best part.
this one is just two cords that plug in to the deck, should be simple I'm just lazy, or it might be having to re solder stuff in which case I'll have to get a whole new deck because I don't want to deal with that, maybe I can just take a heat gun to the whole thing lol
I'm just here to jork it.
>im a phone user
My condolences. I am too, often anyway, but I actually just buy music like a freak.
>re solder stuff
There's honestly some meditative joy to it, not dissimilar to painting in my experience. But yeah, it is a whole thing and I get not wanting to futz with this shit. Specially if you don't already have all the soldering shit together.
>maybe I can just take a heat gun to the whole thing lol
Hey if you're gonna throw it out anyway might as well! At worst you get some fucked up bubbling plastic and a little bit of dubious fume inhalation. But that's showbiz baby! Probably a good time honestly, maybe more of a good time if it doesn't work actually.
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pls don't doxx me bro wtf
i like this image a lot, may i save it for future use?
This is a photo of Erica Nagai

Why does this make me sad.
Save it, its all yours my friend :)
Me beating my meat right now or the photo?
you have to do 20 pushups first
REAL pushups
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can she do knees on the ground girl push ups?
Pinching chubby tranny tummies
It really is a great photograph
>But yeah, it is a whole thing and I get not wanting to futz with this shit
finding time, I should do it while I'm at work but afraid I might get in trouble
>My condolences. I am too, often anyway, but I actually just buy music like a freak.
I want a computer but they're expensive af
prison style push ups, a chaser has to stand behind her inspecting they are done properly
I can hold her feet
Same : (
The latter, beat away, brother.
You've seen it twice, now see it again
>while I'm at work but afraid I might get in trouble
Whattya do and who would get you in trouble? Worst of it you do it in the early AM or late PM or at lunch.
>I want a computer but they're expensive af
I'm laptops for life. Yes weaker, yes hot as fuck if you're playing games. Honestly think my balls have been fried into infertility from laptops lmao. But I travel too much not to engage with the portability and the prices are largely lower than a PC unless you got buckwild.
Need to plap Autumn
I would demolish autumns ass
I need to be a school teacher and start out every semester by showing the class a picture of autumn and telling them my wife is beautiful
Autumn's butthole
Is it always gay to fuck a nonbinary person or always straight or always bisexual or what?
Depends on if they're a man or a woman
how many gray hairs can a twink legally have?
Are they just a woman who wants to feel special?

Twink death starts at one gray
Twinks can just dye their hair since they're women
hi chasergen
i am back from my fugue (this is a lie)
im not an expert but i dont think so. once ytou start dying the hair then you are a just a femme
It's over.
We're so back.
actually nvm dyeing curly hair means hair death
i am a master of deception
my death was real but in actuality i just got lost on the way to buy lemonade
went afk for a second and everyones talking about plapping me?? :0
this is so sweet, made me smile ;-;
Wanna go afk again with me and get absolutely pounded?
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hi autumn fancy seeing you here
Imagine autumn's hole hugging on your chaserpenis and sliding around on it
>this is so sweet, made me smile ;-;
thanks :).
dinner first and we'll see what happens.. :>
what the tuna, hi naoto :)
I want to brutally and viciously murder you
what the spruce is going on

i shitpost here i guess? idk i mostly blogpost and have not been active in some time on here bc i am not doing well
you have to avoid all threads and only post here
i kinda do? i have not really been using 4chan lately bc this place makes me more miserable than i am already
but 12 years on here and youre here forever so
i would win
wear your flair with pride COWARD
all I can say is ignore the negative posting and respond to nice posts. become mentally numb and blind to the angry posters here
You would win this dick up your butt
so the flags are gone tomorrow right?
autism general begins
more than likely. its really been helpful here letting us know who the guys and dolls are
Yeah it's sad.
yeah it just kinda compounds the static in my head. oh well
yeah. we will miss you girltwinkanon
every general is autism general
we're reaching dangerous autism levels with autumn and naoto here at the same time
>tfw no boymoder gf to shower with love and affection and support until she's confident enough to girlmode
I guess! And so it begins anew
"Singing all the while, in the minor mode,
Of all-conquering love and life so kind to them
They do not seem to believe in their good fortune,
And their song mingles with the moonlight,"
haven't been to /pol/ in a while, gonna go check it out
im thinkin bout these here posts
Girls who cry during sex
I'm back it was garbage
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critical mass incoming. i will start talking about krautrock and building facades if not careful
love me even if i like kinda sorta boymode kinda sorta not
i dont belong here bc im not autistic
i might
you're posting on 4chan so you are autistic. normal people look at this like a zoo and leave after one visit
I'm going to take a nice bath tonight. Get some reading done.
when i say im autistic ppl tell me im not, and when i say im not ppl tell me i am
i think ur all just a bunch of assholes
>i think ur all just a bunch of assholes
You are what you eat
>i think ur all just a bunch of assholes
You have ADHD not autism. Similar but different. That's it.
i have never not cried during sex. i have also mid sex sent an image of arcueid to friends of mine. i am a wildcard
Sewer infrastructure is so cool, this photo is going to make me go down an autistic rabbithole
well there's levels to it. some have it more than others.
>Whattya do
construction, im here alone but there's cameras
>I'm laptops for life.
I have a old Mac book pro but the charger port needs to be replaced so it's a paper weight rn
I do find it interesting all the pipes and underground systems below us we are not aware of working for us every day
>You have ADHD not autism
im not gonna diagnose myself with anything but theres a high chance i could have both right?
its possible to have multiple things
i like conduits. i especially love seeing train conduits, they look so cool .
>i dont belong here bc im not autistic
yes you are
>love me even if i like kinda sorta boymode kinda sorta not
Ew, be better
new >>36356553
new >>36356553
new >>36356553
>but there's cameras
But is there someone who actually checks cameras on a daily basis?
>I have a old Mac book pro but the charger port needs to be replaced so it's a paper weight rn
Life is hell, eh? But down in construction I hope you're makin your money's worth. You should be able to replace that soonish no? Little scraping for a month maybe? Or are we still waiting on Christmasses and Birthdays?
>high chance i could have both right?
No. You have ADHD. That's it. I'm an armchair professional. Trust me. (Don't. Please.)
Anyway though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjL7D33xpS4
can someone make a different new thread
Son of bitch basterd
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What if someone else made a thread and we didn't do this. We could get away with it.
Act fast dorks.
actual new
I clicked on that before reading it. lol
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Not like this bros they can't keep getting away with it
shit I fucked that link up
actual new
>But is there someone who actually checks cameras on a daily basis?
>You should be able to replace that soonish no?
pretty broke atm, visa is rly high so got pay that off before anything, I'm pretty good with just my phone desu, I don't do much online that I need a computer, I just wanna play games with friends on a pc

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