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What was the point of this dumbass advertisement? Everyone is roasting the trans woman and saying cis women have a right to feel safe. Like do these people just make things without thinking and not caring how this makes us look? I’m aware cis women are uncomfortable in my presence because I’m AMAB and cis women face real life hardships with AMAB’s all the time. This ad is tone deaf as fuck and I hate that all these things do is make us look bad to the public. I swear the people saying they care about us just pretend to in order to make us look bad on purpose. There’s no fucking way this isn’t some psyop level shit
they do it on purpose dummy
It's a neutral scene. If you're not transphobic you see it and think "that woman is being transphobic af." If you are transphobic you see it and think "well that woman has a good reason to do that because (xyz excuse)"

The only people this ad makes us look bad to are transphobic people who already think we're bad..
it's just super fucking clear the trans woman is incredibly safe at all times throughout the ad. how do you fuck up that badly
i never understood the need for gendered bathrooms unisex stalls are cheaper and safer and i don't understand what kind of magical bonding experience you would get from there that you wouldn't be able to get literally anywhere else
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>cis women have a right to feel safe
Now let’s see how it goes done by race
The trans woman looks normal she's just standing there minding her own business.
The reason why you see a bunch of transphobic reactions to this is because transphobes are caught with something they can't really argue against. They are literally triggered by this ad.
lol I think it's hysterical her hair is like that I've NEVER seen a transwoman with hair like that. She'd completely pass as a middle-age hispanic if they didn't give her that hair, it's like they butchered her on purpose.

She actually reads way more as a drag queen, in which case I'd get off too, I don't need drag antics in an elevator
no idiot, the text of the ad is "trans women deserve to feel safe" in an ad where she is standing there completely fucking safe. Choose an UNSAFE SITUATION to get that message across
It makes no sense!!! Trans women are allowed to feel safe but not cis women? This is some crazy shit
the other person in an elevator being a man who sneers and says "so are you a guy or what" would have demonstrated a lack of safety and gotten their point across 10x more. A woman left an elevator.... Booooohooohoo. It's a stupid ad.
It is an unsafe situation for her. For all she knows that woman could have called the police who would come to harass her. She could have been going to tell her husband about the creepy tranny in her building and the husband comes to beat the shit out of her.
It's very similar to the way black men have been treated (and continue to be treated). Women express their hatred by performing fear in the hope that others will take violent retribution on their behalf. Just like To Kill a Mockingbird.
Context required you myopic yankoid
this so dumb. harm against trans people isn't hypothetical, it's real. show the REAL harm that's actually happening, REAL assaults in bathrooms, REAL harassment. A woman leaving an elevator is none of those things
Can someone please just tell me how to find the fucking video
People already know about that. It's in the news, it's all over the place. This ad is about a more subtler kind of transphobia. The transphobes that are called out by it are seething. It's a successful ad.
if you feel unsafe because someone left an elevator before they even see what floor you take then you need to not engage with the general public and are mentally unwell
sure it's subtle, it's just not about safety, I don't know how to make that any fucking clearer. this woman in the ad probably feels like shit. it probably ruined her confidence. It's rude. But it's not dangerous and anyone with eyeballs can see that
It was pretty stupid. I think they thought they had something there but the lady just leaving causes harm to absolutely no one. If she said some transphobic thing before hand okay maybe I’d understand but she looked genuinely terrified so how can you not sympathize with the little cis woman just trying to be safe?
Australians try not to be belligerent jerks, impossible edition
I'm cis and in japan I had an old lady leave an elevator because I had dyed red hair and at no point did I feel "unsafe." the look she gave me was pretty identical too haha
Lmao I thought people were joking but no she literally just gets off the elevator
people don't get attacked and killed for having red hair anon, so a person expressing disgust won't make you feel less safe
trans people do get attacked and killed for being trans, so when a person expresses disgust at our transness it makes us feel unsafe
The reaction to this ad alone is what proves its truth. Who did it make angry? Transphobic cis women who perform fear in the hope that their performance will result in the "transgender question" being violently "dealt with" for them.
but she's NOT unsafe, she's alone in a working elevator on her way to her destination, unharassed! what more do you possibly want for this women's safety, she couldn't be any fucking safer
This is a fantastic example of how 'feeling unsafe' isn't 'being unsafe' and we shouldn't expect people with mental illnesses to decide the difference between the two.
>What do you mean "systemic racism" was the civil rights act not good enough for you??"
That's what you sound like
If you are genuinely worried about this woman's safety then you are unhinged, she is alone and completely un-harassed. Nothing bad happened to her at all. Getting a weird look is not dangerous. She is fine. I'm black so comparing it to civil rights act is just more white tranny bullshit and absurdly rude
>Nothing bad happened to her at all
Something bad did happen, albeit not physical violence, but other types of violence exist.
When are trannies going to learn that saying "if you sub in a darkie would you agree?" is racist as fuck and never ever bolsters their point? Also I read this comment chain and this rebuttal seems way out of left field, you were just dying to compare it to 'the blacks' kek
In real life, people get weird looks. Weird looks are not violence. You need to pick and choose actual battles when actual violence against trans people is actually occurring. Calling weird looks 'violence' is so insulting to the violence trans women actually receive in public.
Whatever you "got" out of my reply exists inside your own head. Why don't you take a look in the mirror? Ask yourself who you really are, and what you're really saying.
I want ads that combat ACTUAL VIOLENCE that's what I want you weirdo
It was on purpose
>Weird looks are not violence
which is why no one is calling them violence
but they are often a precursor to violence
I'm actually pleased that the australian government made an ad showing a completely safe trans woman.
>In real life, people get weird looks.
Yeah, and in real life, gender non-conforming people get that at much higher rates than the rest of the population.
Is this a psyop to make trannies look crazy and paranoid?
As a woman is there anything more arousing than a male killing another male in order to protect you? I think not. Just wait until WW3 breaks out the collective flowing pussy juice will cause sea levels to rise.
the person I responded to in that comment directly called this violence. I did not bring up violence. They said this was a type of non-physical violence. Read the thread.
>Weird looks are not violence
She clearly refused to share the elevator with a gnc person. If someone refused to share a space with a black person, what would you call it?
It's not a physical violence.
yes so make an ad about that instead of claiming this woman in an elevator on her merry way is UNSAFE. turns out "hey cis people, control your visceral disgust upon seeing us" is just a harder ad than lying and saying this woman is in danger
many people call threats of violence threats
>so make an ad about that
You make an add about it, you're the one who's dissatisfied with the nuance of the original ad.
She is in danger of ostracism. She isn't safe from discrimination.
>hon reaches destination safely and unhindered
>this thread: SHE'S DEAD
lol worse than that, they're comparing it to lynching
Lol I thought green shirt was supposed to be the cis woman
After being harassed by a phobe
was she badgered? was she persistently pressed by this woman? was she verbally abused? no, she was quietly left alone. What happened to her was rude but it's not harassment. You will encounter rude people in public. The cis woman didn't harass her, that's crazy. It sounds like you've never actually been harassed which... good. But this isn't harassment, not even a little.
ARREST THE CIS HARRASSER AND ABUSER FOR... leaving a transwoman completely alone and saying nothing to her?
ok walk me through this. harrassment is illegal. what did the cis person do here that is illegal. if you don't answer and walk away, you're harassing me.
She was morally abused, discriminated against, and her dignity was violated
this happens to me daily
she is literally being genocided
you are legit crazy and not sane enough to be in public without accusing people of crimes. this cis woman said nothing and left. if they wanted to showcase moral abuse, then have two women gossiping and pointing to security. not a rude cis woman who decided to mind her own fucking business
Every accusation is a confession
They literally are Black though.
That woman could be racist.
Sorry, anon... I think you've been harassed...
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Woman chuds


Men chads


so, this ad was literally part of a campaign that included more direct and obvious examples and you're mad they also included a fairly minor one?
genuinely would have loved these if they said "trans people deserve to feel included" and called it a fucking day. All of this talk is because of the language of safety. There's not a single safety issue in all three ads.
A man killing another man to rape you.
>There's not a single safety issue in all three ads
which is why they're about the feeling of safety rather than safety itself. the ad doesn't end with "trans people deserve to be safe"
when you are reminded that many people in your society hate you and think you should die, it makes you feel less safe
>transwomen are getting genocided
>lets make a government sponsored ad about how safety is just all in their heads
brilliant, 10/10
They should make a series of ads where every one ends with a cliffhanger reveal like
>she's phobic
>she's actually flustered because that's her boss
>actually she's racist
>except she's not, she's talking to racsits to convince them of the error of their ways
and so on
that's how japs would've done it
saying trans people should feel safe is not saying they shouldn't be safe, and you're retarded if you think the people involved in this talk about genocide
>that's how japs would've done it
the famously non-racist country of japan
This is my sticking point and why I'm so passionate about this. Sure it would be great if my neighbor helped me with a box, but I want a public service announcement about the actual targeted physical harassment I've received. It feels so pointless and small and like a big smoke screen. Pointing to an old cis lady and saying "BAD" doesn't make me safer at all.
>I’m aware cis women are uncomfortable in my presence because I’m AMAB and cis women face real life hardships with AMAB’s all the time.
Women are uncomfortable around you because you're an ugly creep not because ur AMAB lol. Sorry hon
idgaf about the racism nigga I'm talking captivating plot structure
The point was that progressive types in the Victorian government wanting bum pats on Twitter
>Pointing to an old cis lady and saying "BAD" doesn't make me safer at all.
no, but if people stopped being transphobic without violence you'd feel less like violence was likely. because random people being transphobic and psychos attacking trans people are connected and related
and i'm saying that how japan would have done an ad about racism is not a good place to get good ads about racism, because japan is famously racist
I would feel safer if people weren't making these ads that get people thinking about it. I use the bathroom in public near every day with near zero trouble and the more people think about me having to pee the worse the experience will be
what is this, trickle-down economy for bigotry? are you absurd? shaming old ladies from looking shocked in elevators won't lower my chances of getting hate crimed you fool, that's ridiculous and completely untrue. the social overlap between this old lady and the guys who ACTUALLY jumped me would be 0%
>the social overlap between this old lady and the guys who ACTUALLY jumped me would be 0%
they both get their views and news from the same sources, they're both subjected to the same propaganda. they both hate trannies for the same reasons, they just feel differently about how to deal with it
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Tfw I get an entire elevator to myself I can move around in because of my tranny powers.
>no, but if people stopped being transphobic without violence you'd feel less like violence was likely.
maybe someone would 'feel' that way but it wouldn't be true at all so how is that helpful? your rate of actual violence is the same no matter what you do to this old indian chick who calmly left the trans person alone
this ad about a cis lady quietly leaving an elevator sure does make me, a harrassing bigot with a gun, weep tears for the trannies
you understand that the things in the ad didn't happen right? it was a story made to highlight certain ideas and principles
and yes retard, the average person treating trannies like we're diseased does influence violence rates
people don't start out radicalized you know?
"don't treat trans people like they're unsafe to be around because it makes them feel like they'll be attacked" is a very straightforward thought and only a retard would struggle with it
Discrimination is illegal. She did it in an unfalsifiable way, but it's illegal just the same.
>the ad didn't happen
YEAH NO SHIT that's why we're all pointing out that if you have a universe of hypotheticals to showcase about 'feeling safe' you'd pick one this fucking stupid where an old lady left and nothing bad happened!
>She did it in an unfalsifiable way
is she employing this woman? or rather, not employing her? is she denying her services? is she refusing to sell her something? No, you weirdo, she calmly left. If you want sneers to be illegal you'd be in jail too
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It’s a psyop. This is all I keep seeing. They didn’t have like a focus group or actual trans people to talk to about what they face?
anon, why do you think
>no matter what you do to this old indian chick
is relevant then? no one said anything should happen to her. the ad is literally just criticizing her behavior not suggesting it be criminalized
read this thread and tell me trannies aren't completely for this ad exactly as it is. unless they're all psyops too.

btw I'm trans I just genuinely don't get how ppl in this thread have legitimately word-for-word called this violence
there's literally people in that reply chain that called it illegal you mong that's what everyone is responding to
If a white person refused to share an elevator ride with a black person, what would you call that?
Your self esteem is so low it's like you believe you deserve that treatment, or maybe that you don't deserve any better.
are you just going to ignore the "if you have a universe of hypotheticals to showcase why show a lady leaving silently in an ad about safety" or....
black people aren't your gotcha
t. black tranny
actually only one person called it violence
learn to read retard. the ad isn't suggesting it be criminalized. stupid channers saying stupid shit is irrelevant
if you want to criticize the ad for being about a minor form of bigotry when it could focus on more, idc. but if you want to criticize the ad for being about a non-issue, i disagree
ah yeah, there it is
i'm blacker and trannier and actually they're right and you're wrong
>Refused to elaborate
So you see how you have two standards
It's like you see tranny's plight as lesser. The moment we make it about race, soon her behavior seems way more unreasonable.
But because she's only discriminating a tranny, suddenly it's okay because "she's just being rude".
you learn to read, you jumped into a reply chain where people called it illegal and then claim that's not relevant and off-topic, well then tell the trannies crowing it's illegal that then

as far as 'non-issue' it's only a 'non-issue' when they frame it as SAFETY which they did not have to do.
It's one person. I think you're taking this overboard. The ad is not about making it a crime to be mean to trannies. It's about bringing a reflection
thanks hope my tax dollars go to actual violence and not weird looks next time
no you idiot, I am saying I'm black and people have given me looks and at no point is that illegal. They said it was legal discrimination and I said no it was not because this woman is not refusing employment, service, etc. I KNOW WHAT LEGAL DISCRIMINATION IS and if rude looks were it, I'd be rich
>you jumped into a reply chain where people called it illegal
no, i didn't. there is one comment here alleging it was illegal and it was after i started commenting
>people have given me looks
If someone refused to share a space next to you in some sort of public ride like an elevator or a bus because of who you are, that was discrimination and I'm sorry you have come to believe that you don't deserve to be treated better
>ITT: trannies comparing social awkwardness to jim crowe lynchings
I'd say I'm surprised but I'm really just tired
sure, let me laugh my way to a lawyer for it and we'll see if that makes people overall less bigoted, racist, and transphobic. Some old lady leaving an elevator is literally the least of my problems, you could not convince me to care about it until I am physically safe from real violence
>where people
I'm pretty sure that was just one guy.
It wasn't the point of the add
> Some old lady leaving an elevator is literally the least of my problems
The problem is the people who are replying to... This IS the biggest issue in their life. This IS violence. This IS a huge, life-threatening deal. They're just privileged brats, ignore them.
>you could not convince me to care about it until I am physically safe from real violence
and yet here you are, caring about an ad showing it while you're not safe from real violence
>if that makes people overall less bigoted, racist, and transphobic
That was never the point. The point was that lady's actions were discriminatory. I'm sorry if you think that they weren't, because that would mean you're used to being treated like trash, which is the whole point of the ad
because it convinces nobody, changes no behavior, and relies on a 'safety' message that isn't real? OK. I'll just laugh it off as incredibly stupid and ineffective and not worry about the wasted money or the dead transwomen
Something tells me they could make an add showing a t girl being beaten to death and you would still find something to complain about it
let's talk about the shit they actually did instead of hypotheticals. I gave concrete examples of what they could have done earlier: have two women whispering and pointing to security. Problem solved.
You don't have to ignore mundane issues just because there are bigger problems going on.
>I'll just laugh it off as incredibly stupid and ineffective
that would be nice, but you're not doing that
>and not worry about the wasted money or the dead transwomen
what does posting on 4chan about this ad do about the wasted money or the dead trans women anon?
I thought it was about racism when I saw it without any context until the bit at the end.
I thought it was about drag queens
Let's be real none of this would be an issue if women weren't allowed to leave the home without a male escort (her husband or father).
>waahh it's on 4chan so you're automatically wrong
quick question why do you even bother with the captcha then, just stop being wrong and go away if none of this matters
i didn't say you were wrong, i asked what it does to help the things you claim to care about
eyebrows and ring are super draggy
>god this ad is laughable and doesn't matched with my lived reality of safety kek
that's... super weird of you
okay, but

>Michelle Obama gets on an elevator with a woman
>woman hurriedly gets off
>"gender non-conforming people deserve respect too"

ok so now we've agreed this does nothing
why do you care? like i said here >>36352872
hi fellow amabs
>Like do these people just make things without thinking and not caring how this makes us look?
Media representation of trans women is INTENTIONALLY BAD. It is to direct and inspire transphobia, each and every time. They never show petite passable trans women because the intent is to scare you that big, scary man in dress is going to attack you.

Also the (feminist) implication is that anyone born male is automatically a bad and evil person who will hurt you given the chance. So much negative messaging in media regarding amab people, its insane.
Children have a right to be safe from white cis male pedophiles?
This isn't even a bathroom, it's an elevator. Apparently trans women can never be in an elevator with cis people either. Wtf is this world turning into? Why are people this unhinged by other people minding their business? I dont think humanity was ready for social media desu. it just brings out the worst in people
idk, isn't it true? Men have a natural drive to impregnate, if you're standing around with a uterus then you're in danger of men raping you. That's all perfectly reasonable. The feminist implication is that women can go walk around outside freely just like men can, which is not true, and that's what needs to change.
the amab flag is so pretty
it's intentional. Media does this shit all the time. They will never show a trans woman who looks like Ruethaipreeya Nuanglee or Fuschia Anne Ravena because the intent is to make the public think all trans women dont pass and look like hons. I dont understand why people dont g get this. If they put a woman like Fuschia Anne Ravena in this commercial, people then start to humanize trans women and even find them attractive. It goes against the status quo and drives support for trans causes. They dont want that. It's the same way western media doesn't show masculine gay men in media as well because then people tend to humanize them. same with black people who aren't struggling or in constant need of financial support. It's all intentional.
>Fuschia Anne Ravena
uhhh if they put her in the ad, people wouldn't understand the ad.... I agree the media is awful but you need some level of 'non-passing' in order to claim they were discriminated against. if they passed, the lady wouldn't have walked out
It's ironic because in any other situation they say racism doesn't exist or isn't as big a problem, but when it comes to their own issues, they ALL OF A SUDDEN, understand systemic discrimination and prejudice. so funny every time. hypocrites.
She doesn't understand the historical likelihood of this being the case.
the ways in which my life is actually negatively affected and the ways in which I am actually discriminated against are in much more serious and systematic ways than somebody walking out of an elevator (which never happens)
same logic as the gynecologist who put pronouns on the intake form, announced they were trans experts, and then refused to see me for being a post op trans woman. The activism is around the corner easy and meaningless thing to do and not the latter real thing I need
Welcome to being black!
well, yeah, fair, I agree with all that, I severely agree the premise of the ad is a stupid premise to talk about safety and discrimination. I thought we were just keeping the premise and subbing in a beauty pageant winner, which now I get is not your point
They only use being black as an example when it benefits them. any other situation they magically can't see the racism and discrimination. Its weird at this point
I was nta btw and don’t know who that pageant winner is but yeah I find 99% of activism misses the point entirely and I suspect on purpose (again the producers of such stuff are prone to systematically ignoring real issues-they don’t see them)
Please reread your post. You could as easily flip the script and say women have a natural inclination to be impregnated and could do the same. Why didn't you use that example?
That's my point! But you never see passing trans women EVER in the media, which leads people to think all trans people are and look like men in dresses. I can't tell you how many people ive come across who literally dont realize trans women like Fuschia even exist and are genuinely shocked trans women can look like that and "you dont look trans". It's all so insufferable.
whites have a right to be safe
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"idk, isn't it true? Women have a natural drive to be impregnated, if you're standing around with a penis then you're in danger of women raping you. That's all perfectly reasonable. The meninist implication is that men can go walk around outside freely just like women can, which is not true, and that's what needs to change."
can we just admit the Bæddels were right about everything?
black people have a right to be safe*
let's keep wishes within the realm of possibility
sure whoever tf that is. As long as you're ok with every other race on the planet being right about you guys, sure.
>cis women have a right to feel safe
Nope, right to *feel* safe is a very dangerous wording
You have the right to safety and nothing more, sweetie
I have, have you not? Again, you seem to have a bias against males, interesting. Im pretty sure 50% of the population isn't raping the other 50% daily. They all seem to get along, yet you focus on the 0.4-1% of male rapist. crazy, couldn't be me.
Different anon. I do not care for males or females I just want whites to feel safe generally
It would be bad if the little lady asked the trans woman to leave but she left instead not even interacting with the trans woman. This video makes no sense

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