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>Troon out youngish 16 but with late puberty
>Still fail at being a girl due to ADHD and terminal male brain
>Almost never put on makeup because hate getting ready in mornings
>Struggle to find cute outfits I like so wear jeans and anime Tshirts/hoodies most day
>To lazy to style other than brushing it so just limp shaggy layers plus bangs
>Suck at being emotionally available like other girls and just zone out and say something super matter of fact in emotional situations with people at school
>Male brained interests DnD, TCGs, Videogames, Anime, STEM. Trying out gunpla
>Can't make friends because to awkward. All my social relationships are super surface level people I talk to in class and never talk to again out of it. Only people who want to be friends are creepy incels
>Will never find love because to ashamed that I prefer girls and even then barely have crushes anyways

Like Im greatful I pass but I always feel like an inadequate loser compared to other girls.
yeesh, that’s unfortunate. socialization happens at such a young age it’s almost impossible to catch up if you don’t already have a starting point. some people like the girl failure archetype so maybe it’s not so hopeless, and definitely beats being a male incel loser (the non-passing equivalent since it’s only cute if girls do it)
fuck you nigger faggot kike tranny hon chinky you will never be a woman faggot I would piss all over your tombstone
you are describing the best case scenario life for 99% of /tttt/ posters
i'd take your place in a heartbeat lmao

>I always feel like an inadequate loser compared to other girls.
why? because they're living a life you don't have any interest in?
when i was 17-21 i wasted years of my life trying to "make up" for being a shut in and tried to party, make friends, all that. what a fucking WASTE of time that was. wasted years of my life trying to appease normies who i never got along with anyways
how'd you start socialmaxxing? whaat turned you off? what are some cool things you do inn solitary time?
Very rude
Ye better than being male incel lol

Some ones salty today

Idk I just wish I dressed cuter and was better at making friends kind of feel alone

>how'd you start socialmaxxing?
i didn't. i just kept trying to "make friends" and awkwardly go out to places and take every invitation to go anywhere out of FOMO
if you talk to like 100 people and only 10 of them are interesting that's still 10 interesting people

>what are some cool things you do inn solitary time?
i sit at home and go on 4chan and think about if i should troon out or not since i'm clearly just an agp rogd loser

>Ye better than being male incel lol
yeah that's literally what i am lol. it fucking sucks lol.
i get invited to parties and events and vacations a lot as a man but i just want to be female and left alone

>Idk I just wish I dressed cuter and was better at making friends kind of feel alone
i wasn't even good at making friends, a lot of people who have lots of social experiences are just acquaintances
I see I mean I have plenty of acquaintances I talk to from my internship at school. But like only on friend left over from highschool whose a person whose had any interest in seeing me outside of school. I guess that's how it goes.
Fucking prove you pass then, until then you're an unholy abomination from god
yeah but that's still better than trying to hang out with people you don't care about
i'd trade with you instantly since you're living a better life than any man anyways
True not like most of these people like the same things I do.

I have nothing to prove to the likes of you
just as i suspected, ywnbaw. you are a perverted straight man who has deluded himself into thinking he passes to ignore the disgust everyone around him has for him
I mean I have ha d multiple social situations where Ive gotten gendered female In my baggy boy mode hoodie I never threw away and some jeans without make up. And others where people assume I can have children or something
you can spam "ywnbaw" at anons all you want, the truth is that (You) will never be anything
>True not like most of these people like the same things I do.
basically every terminally online boy who likes the things you like either wants a gf like you or wants to be a girl like you
you're living the dream tbhon.
That's fair but I still struggle to find friends IRL. And romantically I mostly like girls.
you're literally me
yeah i can't empathize because i'm seething too much in envy but i can see the issue

i hate all of you :c
why do you hate me im like the same as you :( if we're gonna be lonely losers why do we have to hate each other
Hmm that makes sense
Learn makeup and get a Pinterest idk. It was hard for the first couple of years but I look pretty good now
i'm not op
I actually can do make up and have a basic look I like I just am 100% not a morning person and always wake up and zone out hit the snooze button and then only have time and energy for my SPF. And maybye mascara. Same with hair I get out of the shower and just want to zone out in bed or watch anime and can't motivate myself.

Fashionwise I just usually find almost everything at the store to be mid or awkward, ir exposed or something
I was the same way what I did is get into wellness, beauty, fashion and pop culture. Year and a half later I’m seen more as a cool girl. Still mentally ill and lonely but more cause now I’m jaded about how now suddenly people like me cause I’m skinny and fashionable. BUT I’m not dysphoric about existing
I don't like any of that stuff. Like the only thing that makes me care about fashion is seeing an anime charachter whose look I'm jealous of and then wanting to recreate that but I'm a toned down way that looks normal only to struggle and give up because all the clothes at the stores are mid. I'm skinny but don't work out because I find it boring unless walks count
I didn’t either! Literally try to get into it, like consume content from fashion girls etc. the more you get into it then it’s easier to replicate vibes of anime without being cringe. Like my mood boards are 30% anime for when I’m finding looks and vibes!

Ofc you may not be into it but honestly since you pass if you like dressing your characters in games you’ll more than likely enjoy fashion once you get past beginner stage. Earnistly it’s fun af if you pass especially since your skinny you’ll fit most fun trendy clothes anyway!
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Like this is my futchy vibes board on Pinterest. Just start going through finding stuff you like and not like and figure out why

Eventually it feels like min maxing
I see interesting
just femcelmaxx anon
stop schizoposting and get off 4chan, for your own mental wellbeing
It's weird I oscillate between accepting the femcelmaxx mindset because It's more or less who I truly am. And then feeling like I should be better because other girls are or a charachter in an anime had a cute outfit. But then I get overwhelmed and go back to my usual femcel ways because it's most comfortable.

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