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i do, and i want to have penetrative sex with mtfs who don't
No, i love my dick and men love it
I did before SRS, I tried to chop it off myself
i do at least. and after years of srs delays i am actually considering getting plastered and just cutting it off
Why are they delaying your pussy? :((( I am so sorry this is such a disgrace. Why can they operate on intersex infants quickly yet people who definitely NEED the surgery get delays?
ong i need a pussy constructed by min jun
they delayed it for years due to covid, my original plan was to get it in 2020 or 2021. and then i find out my surgeon only does penile inversion so now im trying to go out of pocket but cant afford it. and yeah :( it's fucked up that surgeries like this are forced onto babies who don't need and cant consent to them and yet are also not available for people who want them
Can't you do penile and down the line have it replaced with the technique you want? AFAIK they're not exclusive. It would help you short term with dysphoria too.
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Only for my balls. They're big and pendulous and get in the way when I'm trying to do literally anything.
i dont think thats a thing. i think id just be stuck with what i got. which would still be better than now but i dont know i want good results
I recommend you message a surgeon you'd like the surgery with and ask if they can replace penile inversion with their technique.
If you don't want your penis gone you do not have gender dysphoria and are cisgender
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kill yourself faggot

sex =/= gender is literally the entire crux of transgenderism
You are a straight man and no matter how much you call yourself a lesbian you will always be a straight man jerking his cock thinking about straight sex with women. Unlike you I have gender dysphoria and want to be a woman and not a man fucking a woman.
Anon there's plenty of transsexual anons like the anon you responded to. They dont care about self ID and transgenderism. FYI
i don't have dysphoria in that i actively hate and think about cutting it off. but i always wanted to know what it'd be like to have a vagina and i just have this feeling that i'll feel better once i do get srs. i'm just putting all my effort into getting every other surgery done before i start investing time into researching srs surgeons and different techniques and all the potential complications.
my surgeon up and moved right after I got srs and hasn’t started doing them again years later and I feel so fucking lucky
i dunno. of all the trans girls i banged, i'd say maybe 60% had it, whereas all the other were very enthusiastic dick users. this is anecdotal, to be fair. my current gf is an avid cock enthusiast, and tops me 80% of the time. also, to everyone, trans girls and people into them, please be upfront with what you want. i keep reading about people really hitting it off, then finding out the girl won't top/bottom, and it falls apart.
well i don't care about them, so we're square
I have bottom dysphoria but I dont wanna have sex using my dick or cut it off, I just want my balls cut off.
>not me as a kid avoiding scissors because I was worried I would instinctively reach down and chop my penis off without thinking
yes, but not intense enough to justify getting srs
post blanchardist and post early 2010s transgenderism only. don't try to rewrite history faggot, cissoids do that enough to trannies
>post blanchardist and post early 2010s transgenderism only
so, now.
>don't try to rewrite history faggot
they didn't say anything about history
most don't and it seems to be getting rarer
average 4channer reading comprehension. retard
the post >>36353948 directly implied that there wasnt any other option what are you illiterate

>so, now.
irrelevant/non sequiter?? did you assume that post was made by a bot or what??? lol
they literally weren't talking about history
>directly implied that there wasnt any other option
no, it didn't. it implied they don't consider people who disagree with them on that front to believe in the ideology of transgenderism
>irrelevant/non sequiter??
no, currently we are post blanchard and post early 2010s transgenderism. by acknowledging that is the crux of "transgenderism" is now that gender and sex are not the same he admits he's wrong because we're talking about shit in general, not in the past.
yup i have hardly any thing there and i still have dysphoria and want srs but im doing ffs first
I'd say most do to some degree, and even the ones that don't still dont wanna top usually
so if there's a mainstream form of feminism that means all other interpretations or subcategories of feminism are invalid by default?
no, but calling them invalid and not feminist in a discussion of feminism is pretty fucking normal regardless of whether or not you personally agree, and saying "well my form used to be mainstream, don't try to rewrite history" is a retarded response to that
by that logic >>36353948 makes no sense and shouldnt exist as a reply tho cause it has no bearing with the post its replying to
oh my god it is literally just expressing that their views are not the standard ones put forward
it is literally the same level as saying terfs aren't feminists, an entirely normal part of political discussion and a really weird thing to sperg out about
Based, I just had my orchiectomy and scrotectomy for that reason.
Pics of before and after? Do they remove the skin?
Yeah, they removed the ballsack so it's just the penis I have now.
I wish I could see. Sorry. I'm happy for you. I wonder if you now look alike to me.
>it is literally the same level as saying terfs aren't feminists
the goal of that claim is usually to express that (one believes) the ideology of terfs dont fit the bill to be included as feminism as a whole topic. they dont call it OLD OUTDATED EBIL FEMINIZM, they call it first or second wave feminism and so on. usually it's a branch of one original idea, there isnt one 'true' branch, and it very much looks like >>36353948
wants to express 'your statement is retarded because it goes against the very basis of transgenderism as a whole' and the tone/formatting doesnt at all match 'erm! quite the outdated/unpopular opinion you have there!'

especially when what theyre referring to encompasses subcultures generally dominated/pioneered/controlled by nondysphoric people as opposed to what >>36353922 appears to be claiming which either refers to ones generally dominated/pioneered/controlled by dysphoric people or doctors, though that take may be a wedge one/divisive take depending on which one theyre specifically referring to, since theres more than 1 tranny ideology that isnt self id or anything
Oh, I'm still two weeks in of recovery I don't really feel comfortable taking pics right now.
>'your statement is retarded because it goes against the very basis of transgenderism as a whole
retarded in this context* correction srry lol
I respect that. I won't share my pics because I had a surgery on urethra gone so wrong they will relocate mine to between my legs and I am autistic about my pics being up to date; when I know my body will change I refuse to take/share pics of the area which will soon look else.
>oh my god it is literally just expressing that their views are not the standard ones put forward
das a really weird poorly written post to make then, really unfittingly mean one too :(
>it very much looks like
i disagree and i think you're reading too heavily into things
are you new here?

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