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What the title says. When I was pre-op, I had hoards of men willing to have sex with me but I was too dysphoric about my penis and I would become violent whenever a man touched it. Like I would go apeshit. Plus, these men who wanted dick were the same men who would still want to date a cis woman but not me. I became post op and tried to market myself as a post op and nobody was interested anymore. Chasers disappeared and regular straight guys weren’t interested either.

So, I became a sex worker and I market myself as a woman and I am making very good money. Nobody has asked any question and if they did, I would go apeshit.

Live and learn. Getting the surgery and being openly trans is for the mentally ill. You have to be truly stupid to think you can be post op and have a decent pool of men interested in you. You do what you can do to be passable, you become post op, and you never ever utter the word “trans” anymore.

Whoever says, “there are good men out there who will love you and accept you for who you are” is lying and is sabotaging you. Don’t fall for that stupidity
hon if you transition early enough your body is just cis female passing
we stealth and actually mean it so this advice is meaningless bc post-op we arent as clocky as you so we can just date straight boys lol
There's pretty much no point in wanting a trans woman if she doesn't have the "extra" down there. They'd just go for woman if they wanted pussy
If you've no penis you're just a woman. You're marketing yourself towards repressed faggots who want cock if you identity as trans.
I don't get your post in relation to picrel please don't call me retarded but what are you talking about
>If you've no penis you're just a woman.
Unhinged. Not how the human body works. Everything in your body is male, even if you get srs or whatever you do

I dont fucking know, cope you people. Youre a dude
Yes, the people attracted to you are probably going to be bi
You call me unhinged but you genuinely sound schizo
imagine thinking there arent any men who wouldnt date an infertile cis woman (thats what post ops are) and then becoming a sex worker
fucking retard
I've had sex with PCOS infertile cis women and srsussy and the puss is different
which type of srsussy tho
i (a transbian) actually get more dates post-op than pre-op
trans women generally dont care, but there is a notable contingent of cis lesbians who are fine with trans women but just hate dick due to association with past sexual assault
i could go stealth (well, assuming they never noticed i had no period) but i prefer to not date people who hate me, so im open about it
im sure there exists irl versions of halimede who would avoid me because im post-op but i havent talked with any yet
i dont do one night stands, but if i did, i would probably just be stealth
You think lesbians hate dick due to trauma and not, you know, because they're lesbians?!
You didn’t understand shit, faggot. That’s why I am able to do sex work AND be stealth. Doesn’t matter how much certain trans women pass, they put themselves
i have met cis lesbians who have said as much
they also didnt want to use strap ons, either
ive also met cis lesbians who dont date trans women at all
men don't date you because you're a prostitute and they don't want to take whore as a wife
I didn't ask but it was tackier (as in texturally tack-y not aesthetically tacky) and tasted different. It just had a different overall feel. I didn't study how it looked
If it was the sigmoid colon procedure you were licking anal juice lmao
well yeah I think I made it pretty clear I prefer infertile cis women. it's not the same product was my whole point
Bullshit. It’s just a tube. The dick feels the same
No; you are confused. Men didn’t date me when I was NOT a prostitute. So I might as well charge them
NTA but
>tasted different
does your dick got tastebuds?
Whoever gets SRS and still has sex with men saying they are trans is mentally ill. The whole point of SRS is to create an immersive fiction and make them believe you are a woman
lol the cope is too sad. they didn't even say 'bad' or insult it, just 'different' and you're crowing
so men started dating you after you became a SW and you figured...you might as well start charging your dates as if they were johns as well?
Now I am no longer interested in dating. I want cash
every cis woman feels different
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>There is no market for post-op trans women
>makes money as a sex worker
when I find a cis woman that uses her colon in her puss I will let you know immediately how right you are and btw, I think your cope is completely acceptable given the life you have to lead
not a fan of colonussy. ppt master race. it felt the same
Because I market myself as a woman and not as a post-op tranny. Are you stupid or what? How can you be so dense?
Are you really that stupid?
>does your dick got tastebuds?
Of course. Wait, yours doesn't? You should get that checked out.
You sound like you have an ugly soul and I'm honestly not that sure about your looks either
very true OP sounds like a very ugly person inside and out
>fuck men give me MONEY
Well at least you can say the transition was successful. Probably the most female thought you've ever had.
Exactly. Fuck that shit. I love money more than sex
it's only a matter of time until an extremely homophobic john sees your surgery scars and beats you to death with a shovel
ROFLMFAO this cannot be real
>> homophobic john sees your surgery scars and beats you to death with a shovel

Funny that all tranny that died like this are all pre-op or non-op they all had dicks. Guys are nicer to pussy having trans girls!
oris doesn't this make you a woman?
That’s fearmongering used to force us to out ourselves. I’ll never go there anymore. This is a hill I’m willing to die on. I will deny deny deny. I will never admit it. I will even kill if necessary
once a guy asked about a scar on my belly and I told him it was a gynecological operation and I think he got grossed out by the mention of girl stuff and never brought it up again... I didn't even lie lol
Citation needed
That’s not what bothers me, it’s the guys who want to be on the low key and still date Cis women while trying to have you on the side.

Idc if your interested in me because I’m trans, I get that most guys who would be arnt going to be 100% straight. Just date me!!
I'd date anyone regardless of the gender but there's no one close to me to date :(

Also there's so many fucking trans women who date chasers and then are shocked that chasers see them as a fetish object? Just date bis idk what's wrong with y'all
> there are good men out there who will love you and accept you for who you are
Don’t need lot’s. Only need one ):
I feel you so bad anon... Hope you find your one :)
Hey, I’m not sure about a lot of other transgirls. Also yea the whole long distance thing is kinda a screw up especially as things have gotten more modern. I know I like masculinity and no I try to get to know a guy before doing anything serious
Don’t fall for this lie. You all have been seduced by a lie. Even if you find the “one” who accepts you, he’ll always see you as a downgrade and will always be looking for someone better. Plus, he needs to be attracted to you AND you need to be attracted to him. Impossible
That's on you, prove to me that post-op trannies get killed. I only see dick having trannies killed. Not one had srs!
I wasn't accusing you specifically of trying your luck with chasers.
To me it just seems like a lot of younger transwomen try their luck with chasers/faux bi (bis who are only attracted to fem people aren't bi, sorry) and are shocked that those same people then move on from them.

As a bisexual man I've been used bi chasers, can't imagine how fucking annoying it must be for transwomen. You get pretty good at spotting them with experience though LMAO
Sorry, I was reply more so as back to you, it was more to the argument or statement.

I’ve not had any bad experiences because, idk I tend to have a filtering process, now don’t get me wrong I’ve came close with some very good looking men that were just wanting you know what from me.
Why is it that straight guys always tell me ‘I’d date you long term if you had the surgery’, then?? It’s like the one obstacle I’ve found to finding a bf - most guys don’t want their gf to have a dick
because guys don't want girls who have penises-that part makes a lot of sense
unfortunately many will simply move the goalposts if you have had the surgery
They are so fucking full of shit. Then you get the surgery and they say you don’t have a real vagina. A trans woman on Instagram was saying she had had a uterus transplant and everyone was telling her, “you’ll never be a woman, even with a uterus.” Don’t fucking believe what these fucking pieces of shit say. They are lying: they are moving the goalpost
>> A trans woman on Instagram was saying she had had a uterus transplant

Are you dumb this is impossible!
the group that did them says they think it is... but if one has been done it's not public knowledge.
not that the instagram idiots know any of that which means they're just basing this on not thinking a uterus is good enough because they wouldn't think anything is good enough
That’s people online, though. Irl my post-op friends have an easier time with dating, even though I pass better than them.
dating or finding stable long term relationships?
The latter. I’ve found that whilst I have access to a greater quantity of men, they have access to much greater quality men.
So we're acknowledging the difference now?
It is impossible if it was done it would be the biggest thing in the news. Once again only hons think this. Stop being more of a retard then reddit rapehons
the point is the tranny haters on instagram don't follow that news
Are you fucking stupid? I fucking know it’s impossible you dumb fuck. I was proving a point that EVEN IF IT WERE possible, they would still move the goalpost and say we are men. How can people be so fucking sense? I know that this woman was trolling but people took the bait and err saying that even if we were able to have a uterus, shit out kids and change our chromosomes, we would still be men. Jesus fucking Christ. Learn how to read
You guys are stupid? You guys are retarded and autistic.

I fucking know it’s impossible to do a uterus transplant. you dumb fucks. I was proving a point that EVEN IF IT WERE possible, they would still move the goalpost and say we are men. How can people be so fucking sense? I know that this woman was trolling but people took the bait and err saying that even if we were able to have a uterus, shit out kids and change our chromosomes, we would still be men. Jesus fucking Christ. Learn how to read

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