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>Look like this
>Call themselves a man
Why are FtMs like this?
there's not an ounce of testosterone in this natal male who I will respectfully he/him and affirm with my whole heart
lil pooners are so cute
because being a tomboy is too boring for them
those size 12 sneakers just affirm him as a man
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Manlets will Never be real men
I love that when hons exist it's because god cursed them but when non-passing pooners exist it's because they're faking faker liars. Why aren't hons fakers then?
he just looks like a femboy i dont see the issue
ok but he's super cute
I want to rub whip cream on that male tummy
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i dont see the issue for guys like this, hes clocky but not tiktok theyfab energy
because hons at least try
He has huge man hands lmao
I want to curl him then put him down when I smell that disgusting vag
highly debatable kek. even if that were true (which I don't believe, not washing your hair and not shaving stubble isn't 'trying) then they have just as much blame for failing as pooners
hons ARE fakers what the hell are you new
and theyre shit on more than anything else theyre literally the face of transgenderism
people who make these threads are the 'cursed' bitter hons, anon, I thought that was clear in their point
femboys mog me, its so over
Calm down, he hasn’t been on T that long, god forbid a non-passing ftm would rather girlmode than look like a butch lesbian.
afab privilege ,being cute ,treated better and way more expressiveness
hons at least wear women's clothes, makeup, usually have long hair, etc. The fact that hons are hons means they're identifiable as being trans.
The person in the op is presenting as a woman, with women's clothes, hair, accessories, cosmetics, etc. It would be a different case if they dressed as a man and had a men's haircut, they still wouldn't pass but at least would be trying.
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omg hot.........
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This is true
It's even trendy for girls to be NB because it... well, it costs fucking nothing to get indoctrinated by a TikTok scam and build up some auto-misogyny due to missing basic adult milestones

It's a whole ass girl, you cretinous sexblind buzzard

A delicate girl can't really "butch", you have to be an obese mentally ill woman to go "butch"
>women's clothes
spinny skirt and programmer socks
whore-ish caricatures
> long hair
fetishy pigtails or frizzy unkempt rats nests
ahh yeah they try sooo hard
Nearly every transwoman is a hon because T just permanently fucks you into the "male" category, visually
It takes face surgeries to even get a glimmer of femaleness but even then, the Y chromosome has made your cranium and facial planes enormous, collar bone structure, height, everything.

A poon can take some T and turn into a weirdly pretty little dood.
>god forbid a non-passing ftm would rather girlmode than look like a butch lesbian.
Except there's an easy alternative - twink mode. Just dress like a regular boy even if you look girly. They also won't ever look butch if they stay slim.
based and bonepilled
right, and if the person in the op was dressed as a bad caricature of a man, it would be more or less equivalent
but the person in the op is going out of their way to look feminine. They're not even trying to be neutral or androgynous.
ngl I'm fine with jews chemically castrating themselves, so I support this
looks like a lesbian to me
king, i kneel
pic unrelated I'm assuming?
Fucking love foid tummies
The little muscle on the little bones holding up that perfect bifurcated fat

R word

~wahmest regahds, a Bawstonian
WOAAAHHH !!! I’m dripping from my orifices rn
thats a boy
i wanna know what his pussy looks like
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looks like a young fem fag?
I’m just a lil guy
wtf are you on about get your old eyes checked
no you are not. you are a confused woman, i hope you get pregnant very soon and will be a loving mother
disgusting as hell. hope shell get pregnant soon
he's hot as fuck. all men should look like this. i would literally commit all sorts of horrible crimes if i got to look like this.
also i want him to hold me down and rape me with his poon like i'm nothing but a meat dildo
OoooOOOOO she juicy!
Gonna beg for babies SOON
Because everyone would fuck a failed pooner, no one wants to fuck a hon
what are your thoughts on keeping a cis boy in a cage and using him to relieve your horniness and experiment with your most extreme fantasies
Sounds like poonspeak to me for "I'm a fujo! I can't get a boy so I'm injecting T into my ass!"
I'm not ftm though, I just want to be kept as a sex slave by a cute one
kindly die
actually, I just make these threads as a pooner to mess with you all
bro, thats just a femboy
Good I dodge this then lol. I always had normally low testosterone and weak bones :(

The trade off was that I was never able to produce sperm so it worked out. “We don't need any more passing trannies”(said by God!)
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Was ready to pull my dick out till I saw ftm in the title. The little fella is doing something right here to fool me like that.
>t. cis gay
lol she even calls herself a bitch
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Built to be raped by massive sweaty FUBs
100% chance of this being a phase
Fundamentally? This.
They're just spooked at getting inseminated so they're playing hard-to-get.
We must get them. Pin them. SEED them.
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For me like, the ideal transman is like, someone who's not taking T, or hasn't taken much, and would just be happy being the man of the relationship but eventually he'd be like, happy being NB or just "male in spirit" , i do like the hairyness and sex drive transmascs get, and it'd be cool to be overpowered by one but like, not if they're just like, ugly like a cis guy is.
Because they’re hot
he should be my twink bf
Holy shit it’s nettspend
If your stipulation to dating a trans man is that they eventually are content being a theyfab, it sounds like you’re not actually attracted to trans men, but are attracted to theyfabs! Hope you can find someone you’re into, anon.
well yea but i don't think like, anyone is particularly attracted to conventional "t guys" at least, the ones that look "cis" they end up just being like, bald gnomes
Everyone says that about ftfemboys but they're the least likely to detrans of all ftm subtypes second to the HSTS chadpoons like Laith Ashley, while "just a normal guy" truscums have the highest detrans rate despite swearing up and down they have severe dysphoria. Ftfemboys are the afab equivalent of AGP mtfs. They might be trenders but they take the fetish to their graves.
if i got to look like that i would have no problem calling myself a man
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What flag is that?
men have everything to lose by trooning out, women don't
u mean the opposite
>being attracted to a foid
You’re not gay you’re just another bipedo
fish tank tour?
> bear flag ppl arguing
We need a sumo fight to settle this
no mf i refuse
you act all sad on mmg and pretend to be a manmoder, any one of those actual manmoders wouldn't be dysphoric anymore if they looked like this "man".
i genuinely don't understand are you trying to be nice here or playing the "old eyes can't see" card? you really think this man is comparable to any manmoder on mmg you're either fucking delusional or actually blind get your eyes checked.
I’m okay with a bf who goes bald (it is but the nature of growing old together with a bf), but all the bald gnome stuff is actually just another anti-transition psyops meant to hurt the pooners, anonette!!! They even know about finasteride now, they’ll totally be okay.
But... alll the examples of passing pooners i see posted in the threads, there are like these SUPER gross fat guys with chest scars, and then like, even the turbo passoid ones... i just imagine pulling his pants down and being dissapointed by no dick.. and then there's like, that huge swathe of twinky ones, idk, i dont think i could grow old with one
>disappointed by no dick
Unless you’d be okay if he had phalloplasty, that just means you’re just not into ftms. That’s totally okay, but it’s silly to think nobody else could be - that’s like thinking everyone doesn’t like a certain food just because you don’t!
i guess there are weirdos who like durians
It's "the" flag, FUBposter
the only one we ever need
Durian slaps, it’s just stinky
Men are taken seriously.
Women aren't.
you have to be brown to enjoy durian sorry
Aw :(
straight men would fuck a ftfemboy
straight men would not fuck a hon
ftfemboys aren't even trying to look masculine
hons are trying to look feminine
why the fuck are we talking about straight men??
because anons are obsessed with dating and making themselves hot for chasers for some reason beyond comprehension
because that's how we can gauge how much you look like either gender
if you look like a woman a straight man would fuck you (like OP picrel)
if you look like a man a straight man would not fuck you
the person in the picture is just a woman, she looks and dresses like a woman, sure a top can close his eyes and pretend he's fucking a man when having sex with her but when he opens her he sees a woman
why do you care? it makes you look like a loser
Ngl the only ‘straight guys’ that would in theory fuck around with me gotta be coping with something.
There’s tons of cis pussy yet they want the he/him tranny variety.
That's because it's easier
not all straight men are getting pussy out there a lot of guys are desperate and if calling you sir will get them laid they'll do it all day
Fuck I wish G~ would menstruate into my mouth so bad
let me guess, you're straight?
Imo that makes them prison gays
MtFs look like that and say they will never be a woman sooo
ftfemboys aren't even a valid caste, lmfao

demented women with an ounce of supplemental T going feral for sex are just straight easier, and you can capitalize on their insanity for some quick action before you have to leave and they start looking horrible
>bear screams bipedo as soon as someone indicates an attraction to anything effeminate or cute
We get it, you're insecure about yourself and panic at the idea of men being more into cute effeminate twinks than your fat hairy no-effort body.
>b b b but IM A REAL BOY DADDY!
Said the 5'3 dickless poonchudder cuckold. Even if a woman BEGGED this woman to fuck her, xhe literally can't lol. How pathetic
g belongs to mean trans girls who will get him pregnant and let him live without a job or any responsibilities
We need to expose ALL FTMs to the relentless and horrible PTSD/pressure of AMAB socialization.
Traumatize them in ways they never thought possible.
Socialize them properly.

Because nearly every (real) man wants to jump ship and be a transwoman. And these genderniggers are basically trying to straddle the fence because they know the "M" side only has fucking wolves in it. They know they wouldn't make it. They know they're better as softserve bois and babies than men.
a lot of guys view us as women
but its no different than them viewing trans women as men
im not sure why people in this thread are acting like it's proof were women
they literally just see all of us as what were born as regardless lol
passing as male is as easy as trying but they don't pass as male. ergo they're not trying. ergo they're not dysphoric trutrans
finally someone else sees this
...well, that makes sense
Because the barely-transitioning ones wouldn't experience dysphoria. They'd just be cute girls with a hormone-powered fashion choice.
The full-poon moders would crumple under their hideous new form.

And then the 3% of them that hate sex and love being a roach would survive.
ye g is the tboy version of a fetishist hon and its hot as fuck
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This man knows his shit. The closer trans people tend to a closed end of binary gender, the worse it makes their dysphoria because they realize their transition is only a bad imitation.

It's been said on /lgbt/ for damn near a decade. Trans people are best off trying to become some alternative third gender like ftfemboy or AGP tomboy slut Create a niche to calm dysphoria
alt woman is a third gender?
Cis women have ridiculous standards 90% of men have no hopes of achieving. FtM twinks or Theyfabs represent a chance to get pussy that is barely gay since trans peeople generally aren't afflicted by hypergamy.

Most straight men aren't having sex. They aren't getting affection. They aren't getting basic compliments. Desperate will lead men to seek out alternatives, and a twink is better than a fat chick.
G you have nice tits and good overal body proportions. It's a shame you can't eat a burger and go do a stair workout to gain an actual ass. You have the potential to be a 10/10
Well, that's what nonbinary tried to do
I would fuck the absolute life out of that man and it would be gay as shit, I don’t give a fuck I like it when they look like that.
as someone with an ed, he makes ed porn
How do you plan on doing that?
as in just because they have one or like actual ED content, i cant see anything from a quick scroll
Schizos think a skinny bitch getting fucked on video is “ED porn”
he just looks like a 14 year old twink to me
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>14 year old twink

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