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zoomers are going to kill us
I also browse /int/
>muslims hate gays
I'm so shocked
lol the andrew tate psyop worked males are fucking retarded
Yes, zoomers are horrible. Look at the results of the EU election. In germany the far right AfD was the most popular party amongst gen z.
Being able to go outside as a fag or with a tranny, without the fear of getting your head bashed in was nice, but thats gonna change
It's not muslims, look at violence against lgbt in germany. Violence agaist gays, which has increased by 50% since last year, or violence against trans people, which has increased by 100% over the last year, it is mostly commited by young people associating themselves with right wing groups and parties.

The right is coming back and they do it with violence.

I guess back to the closet for me... Fun times :^)
90% of violence against fags here is done by mussies lol. Young white europeans might not like trannies or fags but they're too tame to actually hit them in the face or anything worse
>affiliated with the LGBT collective
is it just me or does that sound like a gang?
Nice number where did you get that from? Because at least if I look at the official crime statistics in Germany guess what the largest share are right wing nationalists.

They want us dead and they are winning
We're the old stats, here the new one. Look at this juicy 50% increase
Used to be pro-LGBT until I found out that this umbrella didn't include trans-attracted cis men and that's perfectly acceptable within the movement to discriminate against them, call them slurs and out them against their will.
And hate crimes against trannies went up by 100%
it's literally just men
I want a hetero pride day just to see the seethe it would cause
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you cant really blame euro men for becoming rightwing after the disaster that was the mass refugee immigration experiments
why is this happening to young men? why Andrew tate and other menosphere influencers become so prominent?
it's the same shit in Italy young men are becoming more hateful and violent
why can't there be a hetero pride day. there's a peanut butter day. there's a talk like a pirate day. it's not like there can be too many pride days and they lock up the days of the year and say "nope, we're at capacity." If they want a hetero pride day, let em have it
Yet another proof that zoomer moids are fragile af.
like isn't the entire line we're teaching conservatives "respect it even if you don't understand it?" I don't get why you'd need straight pride but I respect it even if I don't understand it
I mean not really, like the management of the migrants was an absolute shit show, but it's not like it permanently damaged society. Crime went up in 2016 to around the level after the 08 financial crisis, but was already down to pre crisis levels after 3 years.
The increase in crimes mostly driven by far right people today is already outpacing the increase in crime due to immigration.

So yes I do blame these men. If your reaction to an absolute nothing burger is to do much worse than that what you complain about, you are just scum. Don't burn the house down because you got bit by a mosquito
Here is how to solve this:

First we pretend that there is no problem and that men aren't failing at every metric that makes for a healthy society. You see when women have a problem then there is a social issue that needs to be addressed and analyzed but when men have a problem it's obviously the fault of every single man's individualized personal responsibility. There is no such thing as a society or social issues for men.

Next we pretend to be tolerant and sex positive but then in turn completely villify the sexuality of young boys/men and classify as deeply problematic, kind of like sexuality was treated in Christian Europe before the sexual revolution. Sex positivism is only something that should be reserved for women. Men talking about sex in public or talking about their own experiences, as well as preferences have to be labled creeps and predators. Liking thin women is problematic, liking fat women is problematic, liking tall women is problematic and liking small women is problematic. Male sexuality has to become a taboo which will obviously lead to men having a healthy relationship towards their sexuality.

Next we pretend that we oppose gender roles and beauty standards but in fact we only do so for women. You see women are allowed to do anything, any job, you go girl! But who the fuck wants to date a dude who doesn't apply himself? Guy earning less than his spouse? ICKY. Men should still provide, pay the bills and only be vulnerable in the sense that they talk about completely benign issues. No one cares about your trauma or struggles or that your dad died this week, not even your girlfriend. We support abolishing patriachy! (though not those things ;)
holy seethe
I almost agreed with your second point but then this part is pure schizophrenia
>Liking thin women is problematic, liking fat women is problematic, liking tall women is problematic and liking small women is problematic.
It's legitimately insane how dumb men are.
go riot in the streets for straight rights then and maybe other straight people will start hosting yearly parades to remember them and celebrate their rights
>Belittling a man who is being vulnerable talking their issues of a non-benign nature, albeit be it with some sarcasm and irony.

this is retarded, the only reason pride exists is to show homophobes and transphobes that we exist and to celebrate how we overcame oppression.

cishet people never had to do that lol, it's like saying "why isn't there a WHITE pride day" when white people have never been oppressed like black people have.
People used to march for sexual liberation at large you know, which included heterosexuality. Do you think pride emerged in a vacuum or something? Fuck no, pride became a thing in the context of the wider sexual emancipation movements.
his analysis is way off the problem is that men arent being socialised properly and are functionally retarded mongoloids
>are functionally retarded mongoloids
>when men have a problem it's obviously the fault of every single man's individualized personal responsibility

the lack of proper male socialisation is a systemic issue that exists as a relic of pre-21st century social organisation yes
its not a hard issue to grasp
i have sympathy for some of u guys bc i kinda relate but i also dont want to interact with most of ur ilk bc ur moslty unbearable and typically complain abt how women dont want to fuck u lmao
>ur ilk bc ur moslty unbearable and typically complain abt how women dont want to fuck u
>Male sexuality has to become a taboo
>only be vulnerable in the sense that they talk about completely benign issues

lmao, you are literally confirming every point of an analysis you called bad.
Yeah it's really frustrating
I brought up to my bi wife that the bear question was sexist and then the trans discord groups I was in. Got yelled at for sounding like I'm both sidesing, all lives matter ect.

It's so fucking dumb like bitches you hate when people say transwomen are a threat and then you're really gonna turn around and say the same shit about Cis men after subtracting yourself out of the equation.

You wouldn't stand for me saying the same exact things about Black Men and only black men but then it becomes OK when I say ALL men.
>the management of the migrants was an absolute shit show, but it's not like it permanently damaged society
yes, it did and it will continue to do so
the rise in european far right is purely the result of mainstream centrist and leftist parties refusing to address the mass immigration issue.
If the left actually went back to caring about labor issues instead of competing to see who can have the openest borders possible then this problem would solve itself in a couple years as the far right would implode. But they won't, so we'll be having more nazis soon instead.
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Ach Schwesti, warum musst du so einen Unsinn erzählen..
yeah?? and they think your pride is retarded that's the whole point. I don't care if the reason is 'bad' you don't need a good reason when there's a national flipflop day
What's the pik mean in English?
desu everyones missing that a lot of zoomer moids are a bit shut in and not quite comfortable with PDA in general. that + just being a bit immature. i'm not convinced its specifically homophobic
i dont think u understand how fucking PATHETIC some men are like look at the losers in this thread on plebbit
entitled losers treating women like theyre fucking combination locks they need to open in order to fuck rather than actual human beings

u can be vulnerable plenty bud ive had several male friends open up to me abt how theyre feeling suicidal and shit and i actively welcome that behaviour
'men cant be vulnerable' nooo retard its just that every time u 'open up' u come across as an entitled dick rather than someone who needs help lmfao
look at the way those guys talk abt women there is not a SINGLE HINT of them desiring romance. they just want to satiate their small pathetic egos via having sex bc they fundamentally dont see women as human but rather as an 'other' whereas theyre the default

if these guys were going >tfwnogf.jpg i wouldnt be saying shit but theyre NOT theyre just being retarded
like most of u are
and again ur complaining in an entitled tone rather than an anguished one which makes it abundantly clear that ur emotionally handicapped
this is why no one likes moids rn

but its w/e give it a few decades and most of u will be normal

u also have no grasp on whats causing these issues. u just think its wahmen not being willing to hear abt ur issues. u do not see that capitalism is ruining social relations. u dont understand that u were brought up like a semi-functional ape rather than a human being. and worse yet u do not work to improve upon urself and turn into a normal human being (which ive sort of managed to do in spite of my trannydom). instead u just complain.

total male death NOW
>people have natural negative reaction to homosexual behavior
>we must make a "how much do people hate us" index every year
Is this really necessary? We're just natural enemies to normies. It's not a big deal.
it seems to be very specific to gen z males, which indicates that it's not in fact a natural negative reaction
who are also by far the most retarded group of people all time. even worse than gypsies and kf users
based on your posts here the most retarded group of people of all time are in fact a group of just you
literally negative self awareness
kys moid
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>reddit thread
>It's all your fault and it'll all be fine somehow

Genuine retardation.
>PMK: Politically motivated Krimes
>Rechts: right wing motivated
>Links: left wing motivated
>Ausländische Ideologie: motivated by foreign ideology (culture)
>Religiöse Ideologie: motivated by religion
>Sonstige Zuordnung: others
>Gesamt: total

The table shows the number of recorded hatecrimed in Germany in the year 2022 vs 2023 and the increase, split up by motivation
Zoomri juvenes feminendi sunt
>it seems to be very specific to gen z males
ok and?
Interessant, das wir über die Zunahme der Kriminalität nach 2015 ging, und ich gezeigt hab das es nur temporär war und nach 3 Jahren sich wieder normalisiert hat. Du dann jetzt eine ganz andere Statistik die absolut keinen Bezug zu der Asylpolitik von 2015 hat gezeigt hast. Denn guess what auch vor 2015 waren Ausländer überproportional für Gewalttaten verantwortlich... Nicht nur das, wir reden von Hasskriminalität, was in deiner Grafik auch nicht aufgeführt ist. Deine Grafik ist also absolut unrelated.

Sag mal was bezeichnet man eigentlich mit "moving the goalposts"? Ich weiß nicht warum aber irgendwie ist mir das Grad in den Sinn gekommen.
this is cope
there's a shit ton of white christian boys who hate lgbt+
Just to add to this, not just general hatecrimed, but >>36354802 is hatecrimed against trannies and >>36354783 is hatecrimed against gays
Link to stats? Is this spain?
Übrigens nur um hier klar zu sein, Kriminalität durch Ausländer ist ein massives Problem was vor allem durch die schlechte Integration der Türkischen Gastarbeiter nach dem Wirtschaftswunder zurückzuführen ist. Ich bin in einer der kriminellsten Städte Deutschlands groß geworden was vor allem an der sehr großen schlecht integrierten türkischen Bevölkerung lag. Ich kenn die Messerstechereien und Schlägereien nur zu gut. Wir reden hier aber von einem Jahrzehntelangen systematischen versagen aller Regierungsparteien, und nicht das eine Mal in 2015. Was auch ne shitshow war, aber im großen und ganzen nichts im Vergleich zu den bereits existierenden Problemen
Twinks wouldn't know single life until they hit the wall and become the old hons they are destined to be
Germany had a right wing Christian government for 16 years prior to the recent election. The problems in Germany are not caused by "left wing" parties, the left wing and centrist parties are only in government since 3 years.

And no border security is not going to solve the issue because this would mean leaving the EU, and if you look a thte UK, leaving the EU is a horrible idea. The UK is now under the EU average with regard to household income (ppp), and is leading the west in food insecurity and poverty.

Especially for a country like Germany which relies on cheap labor from Eastern Europe and expensive exports, closing borders would basically mean the death of the German economy.
The far right doesn't have the solution, their policies would reduce our country into a third world shothole


Zoomers are by far the most socially aware, compassionate, and kind generation yet. We are also the most willing to express our identities, and as much as 60% of us identify with a non-cishet gender identity or sexuality.

So how do things like OP's picture fit into this? I present two possibilities:

1. It's straight up lies and propaganda; studies have been known to have been faked before. The fact that this shows boomers as the most accepting of queer folks is very suspicious, chances are the data is manipulated to eäforce a political view aligning with older, conservative types.
2. It's a study conducted entirely for example in Europe, where nazi and right wing ideologies are strong. European countries may also differ wildly from one another in terms of language and culture, meaning statistics lose much of their purpose when the test population is from different parts of Europe. To accurately conduct a survey like this, it would be much safer to use the US as the baseline as more people are familiar with the culture globally.
I don’t think it’s crazy to hold that there are simultaneously mostly great people in the generation while that generation also having a consequentially large subgroup that is genuinely vile
yea all men go to the milking chamber or are kept as pets
>be "compassionate"
>need signed waivers to penetrate a vagina
>Zoomer girls are "compassionately" trying out every chad on dating apps or selling pictures of their feet in lieu of romantic pursuits

More like, fucking spooked by girls because they leverage so much social power now.
Well zoomers are getting increasingly conservative because they wish for the life the generations before them could have that they can't. Millennials were already fucked, but we invented the gig economy under which the zoomers now suffer harder than anyone else.

The most important goal for zoomers in a recent survey was to be able to afford a home and to raise a family. Their greatest concern is the cost of living crisis. Compare that to millennials whose greatest concern is climate change

So unlike millennials who wanted to have a better future, zoomers just want a future. And they are looking at what the gen x and boomers had and say: we want that. They are much more traditional than millennials and where we millenials just got cynical, because we saw it all go to shit, they are angry for being born into this shit.

And this is what we see. The far right on the rise, politically motivated right wing violence, etc.
there absolutely could be
there isn't one because the overwhelming majority of straights wouldn't show up and the ones who did would be deranged. it would be an absurd joke of an event, even more so than current pride events are. i wish more people would try to do it, it'd be funny
>not muslim
Ehhhhhhhhhh I woudn't be too sure of that one, im only scared of getting hatecrimed bc of da brownies here
Only zoomer moids. The women are still based.
>it is mostly commited by young people associating themselves with right wing groups and parties.
Yeah, muslims.
Leftists refuse to look themselves in the mirror. They're the reason why. As a young man what else am I supposed to think when the dominant ideology is blaming me and masculinity for every single problem in society and calling me a privileged piece of shit that's getting all I deserve when I suffer for the original sin of being born with a dick? I might aswell vote the other retards in, if just to spite you.
Well, I mean we have the crime statistics, and they are clear, the biggest group behind hatecrimes against LGBTs are right wing nationalists. Your Leopolds and Thomas, after they had a few too many beers on their Junge Alternative meetup and decided it's time to rid the streets from degenerates like you.

If you aren't afraid of them just because they aren't brown, doesn't matter, they'll bash your had in anyway
Out of curiosity, which leftists are you talking about? Like what leftist representative and political figurehead does blame masculinity? Which leftist party manifesto? I don't remember Jojo Biden to ever talk about that, nor did Democrats in the US ever put out the anti masculinity act or something.

Could it be that your perception of the political left is not coined by any you know, politicians, but rather by Twitter lefties with 0 power and influence, that get served to you on social media?

Just curious because I'm following politics, in the actual laws passed by governments quite closely, and I never seen talk about toxic masculinity everywhere by anyone with just a shiver of actual political power
>Who is Hillary "women have always been the primary victims of war" Clinton
>Entire left laughs and chuckles at jokes that demean men for physical factors out of their control (see: Greta Thurnberg, Andrew Tate little dick joke) but push HAES and body positivity for women
>Every government backed "womens program" to elevate women above men financially (OWBO in the states, for example)
Do I need to go on? But yeah, your loudmouthed xtards definitely don't help your cause either. I'm not voting with them.
You mean Hillary not having a public office in over a decade Clinton? And when did Thunberg ever got a cabinet position? And for all these government programs that should alleviate women above men financially, where do they state that their goal is to alleviate women above men? Because last time I checked women were much more likely to be in poverty or extreme poverty than men...

>Do I need to go on?
Yes, for the question which elected official talked about toxic masculinity you gave only one example, which wasnt an official for over a decade, so has absolutely nothing to do with the current rise in right wingers, and the statement wasn't even about masculinity. Not to mention that the statement was from 25 years ago.

You completely missed the assignment, please try again
don't forget fill all male jobs with black and other non-white women who take twice the amount of time to do the same thing worse
Why are you so dramatic?
I don't think men need to be socialized by 23 year old dead-eyed whore psychologists, but that's just me
He's not wrong though

You are wrong but it's ok because you're a silly little girl and your opinions don't matter
dude I can't wait till niggers have their day of the rape its gonna be so funny
I was siding with you dumbass, every white dude at the place I work at is now a young mouthy Muslim slut that does nothing all day and complains about it

productivity has halved
broken sluts can't brainwash bucks fast enough like they did whitey them niggas take pussy, they don't axe fo' it
No? What? Who do you think I am?
Das rite.
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>straight pride
zoomers are the most homo of any generation that's preceded them
we'll be fine
The right wing spend more money on social media marketing & as they are already in power are better equipped to set up and use social infrastructure to their advantage
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The rise of the far right can be directly traced back to electing a black president. Everything else was ancillary.
>Well, I mean we have the crime statistics, and they are clear, the biggest group behind hatecrimes against LGBTs are right wing nationalists
This says nothing except that ethnic Germans are a majority of the population
What makes you assume Muslims aren't right wing? And that's a huge over representation considering Muslims are 6% of the population

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