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Did u know homophobia in Middle East was caused by European colonizers
Lowkey true since the Ottomans controlled most of the Middle East and they were gay
white 'people' have been ruining the world for everyone, including for themselves since the dawn of humanity tbqh
pedo =/= gay
There's a theory that reason white people get sun burn from the sun is cause they are unholy beings that are sent from somewhere to enslave humanity

Jews are the ones trying to save humanity while white people wish to enslave world
historically accurate
This is true but it doesn't matter in practical terms.
Pretty much every religion is based on dogma only conceived within the past century, their claims to ancient origins are deceptive. Religions should be judged based on the current behavior of their followers, not how they were originally "supposed" to be.
Just take the initiative to uncuck yourselves
>thinking people are unholy because they have lighter skin than you
genuine schizo
This is true and everyone familiar with basic history knows this. Same applies to anti-semitism and the persecution of jews historically by Christianity.
i mean, the sun is the ultimate giver of life. if it's light burns you you're like a vampire
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>"Whoever you find doing as the people of Lot did (i.e. homosexuality), kill the one who does it and the one to whom it is done, and if you find anyone having sexual intercourse with animal, kill him and kill the animal."
Direct quote from the pedophile-in-chief himself. Islam is an ugly religion of hate and nothing more.
Im culturally Muslim but don't really follow it

I see religion as a unifier beyond ethnic and race

Im Bosnian and when Serbs were ethnic cleansing us the west put an arms embargo as Serbs were shilling and killing my people

My mom had her whole dad side of her family wiped out

You know who helped us ? Saudis , Iranians , Iraq , Sudan and Turkey

Im not that practicing but I see it as an alliance And unifier . Most westerners could give any fuck about Muslims in general so until you guys spare your empathy beyond Christian Europeans I'd care less

Did you know during siege of sarajevo westerner would go on tours where they'd snipe people in city and pay for it .
>Direct quote from the pedophile-in-chief himself
how did he say it in english in the 8th century?
Egypt isnt off the hook, one day this will be a reality
>You know who helped us ? Saudis , Iranians , Iraq , Sudan and Turkey
truth nuke
Do you think albino people are like vampires?
Light skin is just a natural variation that evolved several times and just happened to stick around in Europe and west Asia
>You know who helped us ? Saudis , Iranians , Iraq , Sudan and Turkey

None of those countries helped you, lul. 90% of foreign aid comes from Germany/EU/Western countries. You were indoctrinated by wahhabist propaganda, congrats.
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What the fuck are you talking about? It's still a quote when it's been translated.
>Do you think albino people are like vampires?
in that they are burned by the sun, yes
>Light skin is just a natural variation that evolved several times and just happened to stick around in Europe and west Asia
irrelevant, they burn in the sun and comparing them to vampires is entirely fair
Yes let the UN act as peace keepers while letting Serbs arm themselves and not letting my people arm themselves

Most of time the UN is useless and in reality can't do much

I think I'd know better since I have family who were decimated by the war . Plus UN only came in years later
>It's still a quote when it's been translated.
no it isn't, especially when you insert a little explanation in parentheses
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Fuck off

I know my history more than you

Tell that to my mom who saw her cousins get blown right up in front of her
It's in the Sharia to be homophobic

a kike made this thread
yeah it's the fault of the white devils, brown people are too stupid to know whats right
Unironically the only race capable of being truly evil are white people
Most white people tan anon, if modern lifestyles didnt restrict people most white people would be tanned from spending all day in the sun.

>in that they are burned by the sun, yes
So you think they are also unholy because they are burned by the sun?
And when did the Iranians arrive to help you?
If most life giving divine thing burns you then yes
Yes it is, dummy. Do you just not speak English as a first language?
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>doesnt know about the khmer Rouge
>Most white people tan anon, if modern lifestyles didnt restrict people most white people would be tanned from spending all day in the sun
doesn't change the fact that they burn in the sun. you die if you eat poison but can build up a resistance, that doesn't make it not poison.
>So you think they are also unholy because they are burned by the sun?
anon, all i said was that it is correct white people burn in the sun and that has obvious relation to certain fictional monsters
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Are you Balkan ?

This is easily read up on but I guess being disingenuous is more of your thing
>A few Muslim countries gave like 5% percent of all foreign aid to Bosnia, enough to make it into the Wikipedia article. Modern Bosnians now believe some mythmaking crap about the Ummah which they have learned in Saudi-funded schools despite the fact that the entire Bosnian budget and state is utterly depedent on foreign aid payments from Germany/EU/West.

Actual schizophrenia lol
>If most life giving divine thing burns you then yes
so light skinned people who tan instead of burn are excluded from this?
Supported by the west

Khmer Rouge was a puppet nation created to push back against Vietnamese influence in the region
i do speak english as a first language, and a translation of a quote is not a quote anymore than a paraphrase of a quote is
you're relying on a translator to tell you something similar in meaning in english to what was said in another language entirely

Plz give a source for that

But I guess moving goal post each time when I provide evidence otherwise
if white people are so evil then why are the most progressive countries all white?
Jews forced you to change
why cant the jews do that for every country?
Yes, a translation of a quote is still a quote. That's why it's bracketed by quotation marks. You're being absolutely silly.
>you're relying on a translator to tell you something
Lol, what? Go ahead and give me a better translation of that hadith. I'm waiting.
That doesn't change the skin colour of the people who actively carried out the genocide, the west didnt force them to do anything
This is wrong it actually is a kike issue. Islam is just added Judaism. So if kikes didn't change the middle east pagans this wouldn't have happened.
You corrupted them
>Go ahead and give me a better translation of that hadith
anon, neither of us speak arabic. how can we judge the accuracy of a translation if we only speak one of the languages?
Look into western interference throughout history
If jews caused the west to change then why cant they change their own religion which forbids homosexuality? Haredium only accept you if you're celibate as a gay man
so you're lying got it
R u Muslim ? Don't most of you speak Arabic
No amount of money can force someone's hand into killing, you have to actively make the choice to kill
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>a couple of guys and some weapons
You're so fucking delusional. You think some token assistance counts more that an air campaign, ground intervention, and billions in support to rebuild after?
lefties think brown people cant make choices because they are too retarded, horseshoe theory is proven right again
no, if i spoke arabic and objected to the translation i would just tell you the actual translation. obviously.
why do you think a translation of a text into a european language would be proof that europeans didn't influence the culture?
I love how retards living in the west have whitewashed islam as if islam didn't come from arabia to morocco to pakistan by colonizing their lands, kidnapping their mothers, sisters, wives, as war brides, and forcing them to convert under threat of death. Islam is an arab supremacist imperialist death cult started by a pedo prophet warlord who went around killing the everyone who didn't convert
These people unironically think that, yes.
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>direct quote from from their sacred pedophile saying kills gays
>every cleric from then until to day says it means to kill the gays
>every single translation says it means to kill the gays
>retarded anon insists that it's impossible to know the meaning of the words
How many extra chromosomes do you have?
that part of history isn't convenient for the narrative anon
>>All of this to protect kikes
Islam came from kikes just like Christianity. Get rid of them and everything will fix itself!
>direct quote
a translated quote with your interpretation
>every cleric from then until to day
retarded and obviously not true
>every single translation
also literally not true
>retarded anon insists that it's impossible to know the meaning of the words
no, i just doubt that translation you posted
My imperialism (west) is good but there's is bad

Fuck off
brownoid cultures and religions should be destroyed and paved over with western progressivism
anyone who disagrees is an enemy of LGBT people
Im sure queers in Gaza sure do love the progressive bombs being dropped on their families and friends

Surely drives people towards your values
>no argument
idc about that but there's precedent in islam for accepting trannies which is based.
not that gay
>israeli jews
>pro lgbt
Their "friends" are the ones who kill them when they find out about them being gay
you're right israelis should just let hamas kill and rape them
I'm tired of naive children thinking israel had any other choice than war
>posts nonsensical idiocy
>demands someone argues against it
Anon, you don't even understand what a quote is.
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Meanwhile Palestinians actively seek out and behead gays and get cheered on or it by their neighbors.

You're acting like it's a total mystery what the hadiths say in English and it's impossible to know. You're not a serious person.
They were communist. You know who invented communism?
Hint: Wasn't a white guy.
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>muslim world
>colonized by europeans
>The severed head and decapitated torso of a 25-year-old Palestinian were discovered on the side of a road in the occupied West Bank, police said Friday, confirming gruesome details of a killing that shocked Palestinian society.

>But accounts that the victim, Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh, was a gay man who feared persecution for his sexuality and had sought asylum in Israel two years ago turned the terrible crime into a socially and politically explosive case.

>It was unclear how Abu Murkhiyeh wound up in Hebron, the conservative West Bank city that he had reportedly fled. Palestinian police officials told The Associated Press on Friday that Abu Murkhiyeh’s head and torso were found near his family’s house.

RIP to all victims of a islamic violence
to be fair the muslim conquests and enslavement of europeans isn't taught much in western schools
Fled and some how ended up dead right next to his house

Doesn't it seem to convenient anon
>enslavement of europeans

east europeans*
That's literally where the word slave comes from lol.
>You're acting like it's a total mystery what the hadiths say in English
no, i'm saying i don't believe the translation you provided is accurate and that there are other translations that disagree with it
Im a gay Palestinian and I support the resistance movement

My sexuality doesn't come before the lives and persecution of my
People . Plus do you think Palestinians will become an lgbt welcome zone by bombing us into submission?

Plus British also turned on their queer friends like Alan turning and that was less than a century ago . Why do you guys act as if Hamas isn't totally perfect then they shouldn't resist at all .
muslims kidnap people and take them back and do honor killings. They do that to apostates and lgbt people. Yes it is a shame what this religion of hate does to people
They dumped the body right next to their house lol
>Why do you guys act as if Hamas isn't totally perfect then they shouldn't resist at all
because they don't want them to resist at all, they want palestinians to all die and they will believe anything they have to to justify it
they're conflating a religion with something called "the muslim world" as if that was a homogeneous entity all the way leading up to the 18th century which is what retards claim. No one's interested in real history, only propaganda on both sides of the discussion.
Any good books on this
>Plus do you think Palestinians will become an lgbt welcome zone by bombing us into submission?
Israel should do direct occupation of Gaza and administer it themselves
Same principle as the occupation of Germany and Japan, Gaza under Hamas is fundamentally a society that worships killing and raping of Jews in the name of martyrdom and until they can be pacified they will never let go of their hatred. The longer this problem goes unaddressed the more bloodshed will be spilled in the name of martyrdom by this death cult
You understand that Arabs living under Israel are no different to blacks that lived under apartheid

Your a second class citizen plus you ignore the outright hate Jews have for us and want us gone .
hamas has given the israelis no choice now
they cant let palestine be controlled by terrorists again
hamas has to be destroyed and palestine must be pacified
it's not a good outcome for anyone but it's politically impossible to do anything else
Yes and no.
Islam (as well as christianity and judaism) are pretty clear on what to do with homosexuals (death penalty).
But how strict those laws were enforced was very dependent on when, where, and who was in charge (same as everywhere else desu).
It's just that the British, as aways, are notorious party poopers who had to ruin everyone else's fun by brutally enforcing their anti-lgbt legislature.
>there are other translations that disagree with it
There aren't. If there were any other credible interpretations, then you would have posted it by now. You're either a muslim trying to pretend his religion isn't what it is, or you're an idiot simping for a religion that hates you.

>I'm a palestinian
Why do you write exactly like that guy who claimed to be bosnian?
>resistance movement
That's not how you spell "wanton murder and barbaric crimes"
>isn't totally perfect
You're a morally bad person for trying to equivocate away their actions.
Yes, when you have shown an interest in killing all jews - as shown in 1948 to today... and majority of arabs still hold that opinion of destroying israel and drowning them all into the mediterranean... that is necessitated by the political realities. You can't let a people who are dedicated to genocide take over a country. Israel could very easily kill/expel all Arabs within its border and in Gaza but they do not because genocide and senseless killing was never the end goal for israel. BTW when germans living in poland and czechia showed their desire to genocide all slavs you know what they did? They expelled them ALL from their lands, millions of people left silesia and sudeten. This is the exact same situation in Israel and they are merciful not to do what the Arabs did to Jews and other minorities in THEIR countries
If you want to normalize relations between jews and arabs stop wanting to kill them all
Judaism is brownoid and anti-lgbt.
>There aren't. If there were any other credible interpretations, then you would have posted it by now
or i could just ask you how you're so certain that translation is accurate and point out that your entire reason for it is that it confirms what you already believed
forced relocation of entire ethnic or cultural groups is genocide, it always includes mass death
Because every single source I can find translates it the same way. If an alternate one existed, you would provide it, but you won't, because you can't.
god made most of earth water, and then damned darkies to never know how to navigate it. literally gatekept the worst people.
The balkans and iberia too
>I see religion as a unifier beyond ethnic and race
gays are killed in literally every muslim country.
Damned Yakubian Apes ruining things for the rest of us.
Arabs expelled millions of jews (and not just jews, other minorities as well) from their countries, so thank you for acknowledging that Most Arab nations have committed genocide. I am sure you have much to say about these genocides that have killed millions of people and not a small scale war to root out an organization that has committed mass rapes, kidnappings, and killings, that is unfortunately happening in a dense urban environment and has resulted in the deaths of 10,000 civilians, which while sad is fairly low for the expected casualties of a war such as this.
Not the anon, but I think it’s accurate to call attacks on Israel resistance if it’s orchestrated separately from hamas (the instigators of the conflict)
If your country led by a regime you oppose is invaded, do you immediately join the invaders? Do you fight both your country and the invaders? Do you join your ruling regime in the hope of obtaining structural changes after the conflict? All of these things are happening and being done by different people.
It’s complex, especially with nationalism and questions of self determination thrown into the mix. After all Palestinians know what it’s like to flee and not be given a right to return, because your caved in home was bulldozed and a fancy settlement was built right on top of it. Many would prefer to fight even if those they fight along side are the devil itself, because the alternative is losing everything.
>thank you for acknowledging that Most Arab nations have committed genocide
you're welcome. idk why you care. most nations have committed genocide
>I am sure you have much to say about these genocides that have killed millions of people
no, i have little to say on that beyond "it happened"
>and not a small scale war to root out an organization
also correct there, i have little to say on that beyond "you are lying and misrepresenting the events"
Way to out yourself Jannie lol
These people actually think Hamas can be defeated when they have already returned and engaged in fighting again in Northern Gaza which used to be declared Hamas-freed months ago, lmao.
>Islam (as well as christianity and judaism) are pretty clear on what to do with homosexuals (death penalty).
islam yes
judaism yes, though they don't really follow it
christianity not really. It's in the old testament of course, the new testament only says homosexuality is a sin without prescribing penalty. And jesus I don't think ever discusses the topic.
There were concepts of third genders and tolerance of effiminity such in native american cultures and south asian / south east asian culture so it is true

The concept of the conservative, nuclear family and homophobia being the sign of indecency stems from european nationalism and right wing values during the 1900s.

Those values happen to spread into their former colonies and right wing european fanaticism exploded and everyone in europe was jaded after the atrocities of WW2

This is where everyone decides to abandon all of those bullshit and began to secularize especially after multiple counter revolutionary movements killing what's left of 1900s ideologies. They're now seeing all of the global south as their problem but they forgot that those former colonies are still stuck in the 1900s and are still heavily religious and homophobic

I don't see a problem if Europe decides to go back to colonialism and imperialism, if they feel like the global south is their responsibility then might as well go all in and reeducate these people
>There were concepts of third genders and tolerance of effiminity such in native american cultures and south asian / south east asian culture so it is true
none of those places have anything to do with islam and the middle east
although the middle east of course also had third gender concepts before islam destroyed all the pagan ideologies.
nothing in the new testimate indicates those rules no longer apply, it's just the interpretation early popes had. and the only reason they had it was because the diet restrictions would massively hurt conversion
>After all Palestinians know what it’s like to flee and not be given a right to return, because your caved in home was bulldozed and a fancy settlement was built right on top of it.
Even former nazis gave trying to commit terror after being kicked out of "their land" in Prussia. Why can't Arabs do the same, too? Saying "this time we really will kill all jews!" hasn't worked for the 20th time. You'd think they will give up and build where they left off but hatred is taught in their hearts from birth by Hamas, truly evil
>south and south east asia has nothing to do with islam
The PIJ is so much better, right? The "best" group in there is the DFLP, who made their name by killing children in a school. Secular, non-extremest groups don't exist in Gaza in anyway that's meaningful.
honestly, if you look at the Ottoman Empire, those dudes were pretty fruity.
as an ex janny from another website, shhhh let him argue. even if he is a janny hes not allowed to directly reveal it
>And jesus I don't think ever discusses the topic.
He says he comes to fulfill the mosaic laws, not overturn them. Leviticus was endorsed in that statement. It's Matthew 5:17.
christians generally don't follow leviticus rules thanks to the new covenant, which has been the popular christian position for like 1700 years
meanwhile the jews started disregarding leviticus after the destruction of the second temple
the important thing about judaism and christianity is that the books are open to revision, and even believers often see old testament rules as a product of their time.
>Matthew 5:17
fulfilling the laws means you're no longer bound to them, which is why christians stopped doing animal sacrifice and circumcision.
It's just framed as fulfilling the laws, not overturning them as a cope to make people think they weren't just throwing out the outdated rules.
>i see religion as a unifier beyond ethnicity and race
>while talking abt an ethnoreligious conflict caused by braindead nationalists christcucks croatian fascists and muzzies

ur dumb as shit bro
correct, muhammad never went further east than arabia. The third gender concepts you're talking about existed long before islam, and if they existed under islamic conquest then they did so in spite of oppression, not thanks to it.
That is entirely incorrect.
>“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.
>stopped doing animal sacrifice and circumcision
Also wrong. That never stopped being a requirement for jewish christians. The mosaic law, which covers circumcision and such, is specifically a pact between the jews and their god. Non-jews weren't bound by that pact.
?? they were pedos and still are pedos, nothing changed
Correct, Abrahamic religions are the ones responsible to coin the term sodomy and that it's a sin
The Ottoman and Mughal gay scene was only possibly because turans don't really care about the whole islam thing but mid to late ottoman empire was definitely becoming more arabicized until Ataturk saved it (his successor Inonu isn't that keen into secularism though), however just because the elites are into homosex doesn;t mean the entire common populace was tolerant of it (The same mistake happens in ancient greece where there's a misconception that pederasty is tolerable by the common people and not limited to the elites of greek society)

South Asia and especially South East Asia doesn't have this problem of homophobia mainly because their family structure is completely very flexible, akin to that of the peoples of the amazon rainforest

It depends, believe it or not despite the wahhabist movement there's still (inhumane and repressed) homosexuality in pakistan and different views of islam in the malay archipelago that allows transgenders to be accepted as muslims (Iran does this too I think? But I have a feeling it's a myth)
>(Iran does this too I think? But I have a feeling it's a myth)
fun fact this only happened because khomeini befriended a transgender woman after her pleading acceptance, so a fatwa was issued allowing transgender women (as long as they are gender conforming in every other manner) exist

still, it is silly that the only reason shia islam "accepts" trans women is because the supreme leader had sympathy one time for a passing trans woman, seems a bit silly
Of course Israel, or at least the people in power there, don't want to completely exterminate the Arabs. They're a revenue stream for the military industrial complex. The average Israeli citizen may see them as vermin but to the wealthy they're livestock.
>this thread
Since when are there so many brownoid we wuzzers on here? Are they just insecure they look like poo?
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>is literally only alive because Bill Clinton bailed him out
>the west doesn't care about me
I know ottoman history very well. Homosexuality was trendy until so called tulip period.
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I see mossad has taken over the board.
Anybody who posts on the dedicated fag board of 4chan while also supporting Islam is a fucking retard who should be bled upside down like a hog
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I keep getting bans from boards for anti Israel posts but this never happens with anti palestine posts I wonder where the mods are from.
That is the origin of “Slav” but the Barbary pirates regularly depopulated entire Western European coastal cities for slaves and concubines and regularly went as far as Iceland for bussy. It took until the 19th century for the US to lay the groundwork for putting a stop to it
Narrated Usayd ibn Hudayr,:

AbdurRahman ibn AbuLayla, quoting Usayd ibn Hudayr, a man of the Ansar, said that while he was given to jesting and was talking to the people and making them laugh, the Prophet (ﷺ) poked him under the ribs with a stick. He said: Let me take retaliation. He said: Take retaliation. He said: You are wearing a shirt but I am not. The Prophet (ﷺ) then raised his shirt and the man embraced him and began to kiss his side. Then he said: This is what I wanted, Messenger of Allah!
This is brotherly love something tiu westerners can't comprehend

We hold hands in public and kiss each others cheeks and still feel comfortable with our sexualities

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